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2BOURBONOVERVIEW OF THE GROUPtimelineBOURBON offers a broad range of offshore oil and gas marineservices. Under the “BOURBON 2015 Leadership Strategy” plan,the Company’s goal is to invest USD 2 billion to offer the mostdemanding oil and gas clients a large fl eet of innovative and highperformance vessels in order to guarantee the highest standardof quality service worldwide, under completely safe conditions.BOURBON also protects the French coastline for the French Navy.Classifi ed by ICB (Industry Classifi cation Benchmark) in the “OilServices” sector, BOURBON is listed for trading on Euronext Paris,Compartment A, participates in the Deferred Settlement Service(“SRD”) and is included in the SBF 120, CAC Mid 60 and Dow JonesStoxx 600 indices.1. BOURBON TIMELINEEstablished in 1948, BOURBON (then known as Sucreries de<strong>Bourbon</strong>) was a sugar company based in Reunion Island whenJacques d’Armand de Chateauvieux was appointed Chairmanin 1979.3 1980 to 1989:Industrial restructuring of the sugar activity. Diversifi cation of activitiesinto food-processing, then distribution and marine services.3 1992:Acquisition of the Compagnie Chambon and its subsidiary Surf,dedicated to offshore oil and gas marine services.3 1996:The takeover of Les Abeilles in port towage and Setaf-Saget in solidbulk marine transport paved the way for the BOURBON Group tofocus on marine services.3 1998:Initial Public Offering on the Paris second market.3 2001:The BOURBON Group steadily disengaged from its historic activitiesin Foods, Distribution and Sugar and began to concentrate onmarine services.3 2003:Establishment of the 2003-2007 strategic plan which stepped upthe BOURBON Group’s shift toward the sole business of marineservices.3 2004:BOURBON classifi ed by Euronext in the “Oil Services” sector.3 2005:“BOURBON Group” became “BOURBON” and the registered offi cewas transferred from La Réunion to Paris.3 2006:BOURBON’s initial public offering on the SBF 120.BOURBON completed the 2003-2007 plan a year ahead of scheduleand launched a new strategic plan: Horizon 2010.3 2007:BOURBON sold the port towage business but retained the assistanceand salvage tugs, chartered by the French Navy, for the protectionof the French coastline.3 2008:BOURBON extended its strategic plan and outlook within the newstrategic plan: Horizon 2012.BOURBON established its position on the IMR (Inspection,Maintenance and Repair) market for offshore oil and gas fi elds andenhanced its services offer by launching a new Subsea ServicesActivity.3 2010:BOURBON announced a new strategic plan: “BOURBON 2015Leadership Strategy” which builds on the previous plan: a furtherinvestment program of USD 2 billion to support expansion indeepwater offshore and continue to renew the shallow wateroffshore fl eet.BOURBON sold 16 bulk carriers (15 delivered in 2010, one deliveredat the beginning of 2011) and its bulk transport operator activity, aswell as the sugar activity in Vietnam. BOURBON thus completed itsfocus on offshore oil and gas marine services.3 2011:Change in BOURBON’s governance: the roles of Chairman of theBoard of Directors and Chief Executive Offi cer are separated.10BOURBON - 2011 Registration Document

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