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4NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the consolidated financial statements5 Other information5.1 CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS AND OTHER OFF-BALANCE SHEET COMMITMENTS5.1.1 Off-balance sheet commitments related to the Group scope of consolidation(in € millions) 12.31.2011 12.31.2010Commitments given 0 0TOTAL COMMITMENTS GIVEN 0 0Commitments receivedSales of investments 0 1.1TOTAL COMMITMENTS RECEIVED 0 1.1As part of the sale of the Innodis stock on April 4, 2008, theGroup paid the transferee, the Altima company, for the stock inseveral installments, with the capital remaining due paid in full as ofDecember 31, 2011.The Group also sold the shares it held in the DTI Océan Indiencompany on April 25, 2008 by paying the transferee, the LeaderImport Export company, for the stock in several installments, with thecapital remaining due paid in full as of December 31, 2011.5.1.2 Off-balance sheet commitments related to financinga. Lines of creditUnused lines of credit are listed below by period:(in € millions) 12.31.2011 12.31.2010Club deal – €318 million - 54.0Bilateral loan – NOK 870 million 10.3 25.6Bilateral loan – €73.3 million - 57.3Bilateral loan – €15.3 million - 1.0Bilateral loan – €20 million 5.0 -TOTAL COMMITMENTS RECEIVED (BORROWINGS) 15.3 137.9(in € millions) 12.31.2011 12.31.2010Short-term lines of credit 43.6 16.0TOTAL COMMITMENTS RECEIVED (SHORT-TERM LINES) 43.6 16.0Concerning the €318 million “club deal” loan taken out in 2009,the line was fully drawn in 2011. The redemption phase began inJuly 2011 and will end in 2016.In parallel, bilateral borrowings (in dollars, euros and Norwegiankroner) are regularly signed. In 2011, an amount equivalent to€291 million of new loans was signed and drawn.In addition, €89 million was drawn on loans signed in previous years.As of December 31, 2011, the amount remaining to be drawn fromexisting loans totaled €15.3 million.108BOURBON - 2011 Registration Document

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