ICKFA - table official's handbook v1.pdf

ICKFA - table official's handbook v1.pdf ICKFA - table official's handbook v1.pdf

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AKA (SHIRO) IPPON(Important for scorer)Red (White) scores one pointThe Referee raises his arm up at 45 degrees on theside of the scorer.CHUKOKU(Important for scorer)WarningFor contact violations, the Refereeraises one hand in a fist with theother hand covering it at chest leveland shows it to the offender.For non-contact violations, theReferee crosses his open hands withthe edge of one wrist on the edge ofthe other hand at chest level, andturns towards the offender.HANSOKU-CHUI(Important for scorer)Warning with Ippon penaltyThe Referee indicates a contact or non-contactviolation, then points with his index finger towardsthe abdomen of the offender, and awards Ippon (onepoint) to the opponent.HANSOKU(Important for scorer)DisqualificationThe Referee indicates a contact or non-contactviolation, then points with his index finger towardsthe face of the offender, and announces a win for theopponent. The opponent's score is raised to 3.Page 4 of 7

JOGAI(Important for scorer)Exit from the match areaThe Referee points his index finger on the side of theoffender to indicate to the Judges that the contestanthas moved out of the area.JOGAI-CHUI(Important for scorer)Second exit with ippon penaltyThe Referee signals jogai immediately followed bythe same signal as hansoku-chui in the direction ofthe offender. Then ippon is awarded to the opponent.JOGAI-HANSOKU(Important for scorer)Third exit, disqualificationThe Referee signals jogai immediately followed bythe same signal as hansoku in the direction of theoffender. Then match is awarded to the opponent.The opponent's score is raised to 3.MUBOBI(Important for scorer)Self-endangermentWarning for lack of regard for ones own safety.Referee points one index finger in the air at a 60degree angle on the side of the offender.MUBOBI-CHUI(Important for scorer)Second self-endangerment warningwith ippon penaltyThe Referee signals mubobi immediately followed bythe same signal as hansoku-chui in the direction ofthe offender. Then ippon is awarded to the opponent.MUBOBI-HANSOKU(Important for scorer)Third self-endangerment warningdisqualificationThe Referee signals mubobi immediately followed bythe same signal as hansoku in the direction of theoffender. Then match is awarded to the opponent.The opponent's score is raised to 3.KIKEN(Important for scorer)RenunciationThe Referee points downwards at 45 degrees in thedirection of the contestant’s starting line.Page 5 of 7

AKA (SHIRO) IPPON(Important for scorer)Red (White) scores one pointThe Referee raises his arm up at 45 degrees on theside of the scorer.CHUKOKU(Important for scorer)WarningFor contact violations, the Refereeraises one hand in a fist with theother hand covering it at chest leveland shows it to the offender.For non-contact violations, theReferee crosses his open hands withthe edge of one wrist on the edge ofthe other hand at chest level, andturns towards the offender.HANSOKU-CHUI(Important for scorer)Warning with Ippon penaltyThe Referee indicates a contact or non-contactviolation, then points with his index finger towardsthe abdomen of the offender, and awards Ippon (onepoint) to the opponent.HANSOKU(Important for scorer)DisqualificationThe Referee indicates a contact or non-contactviolation, then points with his index finger towardsthe face of the offender, and announces a win for theopponent. The opponent's score is raised to 3.Page 4 of 7

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