ICKFA - table official's handbook v1.pdf

ICKFA - table official's handbook v1.pdf ICKFA - table official's handbook v1.pdf

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YAME(Important for time-keeper)StopInterruption, or end of the bout. As he makes theannouncement, the Referee makes a downwardchopping motion with his hand.MOTO NO ICHI Original position Contestants and Referee return to their startingpositions.TSUZUKETE Fight on Resumption of fighting ordered when anunauthorised interruption occurs.TSUZUKETE HAJIME(Important for time-keeper)Resume fighting - BeginThe Referee stands in a forward stance. As he says“Tsuzukete” he extends his arms, palms outwardstowards the contestants. As he says “Hajime” he turnsthe palms and brings them rapidly towards oneanother, at the same time stepping back.SHUGO Judges called The Referee calls the Judges at the end of the matchor bout, or to recommend Shikkaku.HANTEI Decision Referee calls for a decision at the end of aninconclusive Echo-Sen. After a short blast of thewhistle, the Judges render their vote by flag signaland the Referee indicates his own vote at the sametime by raising his arm.Page 2 of 7

HIKIWAKE(Important for scorer)DrawIn case of a tied bout, the Referee crosses his arms,then extends them with the palms showing to thefront.TORIMASEN Unacceptable as a scoring technique The Referee crosses his arms then makes a cuttingmotion, palms downward.ENCHO-SEN(Important for time-keeper)Extension of the boutThe Referee re-opens the match with the command,“Shobu Hajime”.AIUCHI Simultaneous scoring techniques No point is awarded to either contestant. Refereebrings his fists together in front of his chest.AKA (SHIRO) NO KACHI(Important for scorer)Red (White) winsThe Referee obliquely raises his arm on the side ofthe winner.Page 3 of 7

HIKIWAKE(Important for scorer)DrawIn case of a tied bout, the Referee crosses his arms,then extends them with the palms showing to thefront.TORIMASEN Unaccep<strong>table</strong> as a scoring technique The Referee crosses his arms then makes a cuttingmotion, palms downward.ENCHO-SEN(Important for time-keeper)Extension of the boutThe Referee re-opens the match with the command,“Shobu Hajime”.AIUCHI Simultaneous scoring techniques No point is awarded to either contestant. Refereebrings his fists together in front of his chest.AKA (SHIRO) NO KACHI(Important for scorer)Red (White) winsThe Referee obliquely raises his arm on the side ofthe winner.Page 3 of 7

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