Drum tuning bible

Drum tuning bible

Drum tuning bible

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<strong>Drum</strong> Woodswas fine grain wood. Commercially grown trees are not asdense in grain and therefore, not as prized.In most cases, the costs of the respective sets arewarranted. An all maple set is more expensive because it isall maple and maple is expensive. Mahogany sets havedropped off in availability simply because there isn't thatmuch good true mahogany left at a price most drummers willpay and the brighter attack imparted by today’s popularmusic tends to favor Maple or Birch sounding kits. Birch andbeech grow faster and are easier to get, so they get a littlecheaper.In the end it doesn't have to be complicated. When you hearwhat you like within a budget that has the look and finish,you will then know what you are after and can begin theprocess of finding a kit that comes close to your budget. Tryto avoid marketing hype and just sit back, relax and let yourears guide you.All rights reserved - J. Scott Johnson, Indianapois - "c" 1999http://home.earthlink.net/~prof.sound/id14.html (4 of 4)1/22/2005 4:11:26 PM

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