St. Anthony Catholic Church Frankfort, IL

St. Anthony Catholic Church Frankfort, IL

St. Anthony Catholic Church Frankfort, IL

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><strong>Frankfort</strong>, <strong>IL</strong>Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary TimeSunday, September 16, 2012

Page Two — September 16, 2012. ANTHONYC HURCH C ALENDAR OF E VENTSDATE DAY UPCOMING EVENTS LOCATION TIMES T. . A<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>FLU SHOT CLINIC COMING TO ST. ANTHONY CHURCH — SEPT. 30THA FLU-SHOT CLINIC will take place on Sunday, Sept. 30th in the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Hall from 7:30-11:30am. Clinic offered by Walgreens Pharmacy for ages 10-over, courtesy of Marilyn Grahamand Don Heffelmire. The flu shot is $25.99; if you have Medicare Part B or Ilmed, there is nocharge (must have Medicare Part B card or Ilmed card). We can now bill major medical BlueCross-Blue Shield, Cigna, and United Healthcare for no co-pays. For more info call 815-485-2735.16 Sept SUN Baptism Ceremony <strong>Church</strong> 1:15 PM16 Sept SUN REP Classes Padua Center 7:45-11:25 AM16 Sept SUN REP Classes Padua Center 5:00-6:15 PM16 Sept SUN B.O.L.D. Youth Mass/Social Padua Center/<strong>St</strong>. Clare Chapel 7:00 PM17 Sept MON Patriotic Rosary <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Prayer Garden 6:30 PM17 Sept MON REP — <strong>Catholic</strong>ism Series Facilitators Class Padua Center/SAM 7:00 PM18 Sept TUES Tuesday Morning Prayer and Reflection Group Padua Center/ESA 9:30 AM18 Sept TUES REP — Confirmation Parent/<strong>St</strong>udent Night <strong>Church</strong>/<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Hall 6:30 PM18 Sept TUES RCIA Padua Center/ESA 7:00 PM18 Sept TUES Holy Spirit Prayer Group Padua Center/SAM 7:00 PM19 Sept WED Sew N Sews <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Hall 9:00 AM19 Sept WED REP Family Sacrament Class Padua Center/Room 205 4:30 PM19 Sept WED Traditional Choir <strong>Church</strong> 7:30 PM20 Sept THUR Children's Choir <strong>Church</strong> 5:00 PM20 Sept THUR Teen Choir <strong>Church</strong> 6:15 PM20 Sept THUR Praise Choir <strong>Church</strong> 7:30 PM21 Sept FRI <strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Meeting Padua Center/ESA 6:30 PM22 Sept SAT REP — Foundations of Faith #1 Padua Center/SAM 8:30 AM22 Sept SAT Reconciliation <strong>Church</strong> 4:00-4:50 PMSAT., SEPT. 22/SUN., SEPT. 23 • LIFETOUCH PHOTO DIRECTORY SIGN UPS• AFTER MASSES • ATRIUMSAT., SEPT. 22/SUN., SEPT. 23 • WOMEN AT THE WELL TICKET SALES • AFTER MASSES • ATRIUM23 Sept SUN Baptism Ceremony <strong>Church</strong> 1:15 PM23 Sept SUN REP Classes Padua Center 7:45-11:25 AM23 Sept SUN REP Classes Padua Center 5:00-6:15 PMREGULAROFFICEHOURS• PARISH OFFICE: Mon-Fri — 8:30 am-4:30 pm• RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Mon-Fri — 9:00 am-4:00 pm• PRESCHOOL: Mon-Thu — 8:30 am-12:30 pm — PRESCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY

Twenty Fourth Sunday In Ordinary TimeJoin us as weconnect ourfamilies…Please be apart of our newfamily directory program—we need YOU tomake our new family album complete!Lifetouch will be here to take your photo forour parish directory on the following datesin the Padua Center—Room ESA:OCTOBER3:00 pm-9:00 pmTue 9, 16Wed 10, 17Thu 11, 18, 25Fri 12, 19, 2610:00 am-4:00 pmSat 13, 20, 27NOVEMBER3:00 pm-9:00 pmMon 19Tue 20Fri 2310:00 am-4:00 pmSat 24We will have a sign-up table after Masses,Sept. 22/23, Sept. 29/30 and Oct. 6/7.We look forward to seeing you!Visit our website at www.stanthonyfrankfort.comto schedule your own appointment or call theParish Office at 815-469-3750 so that we canassist you in scheduling your appointment.Each family will receive aComplimentary 8x10 Portraitand Directory for participatingA Call to Political Responsibilityfrom the U.S. <strong>Catholic</strong> BishopsIn the coming election and beyond,we urge leaders and all <strong>Catholic</strong>s to sharethe message of faithful citizenship and informing their own consciences, so we canact together to promote human life and dignity, marriageand family, justice and peace in service to the commongood. This kind of political responsibility is a requirementof our faith, and our duty as citizens.September 16, 2012 — Page ThreeOUR PARISH STEWARDSHIPThank You For Your GenerositySeptember 9, 2012Saturday 5:00 PMSunday 7:30 AM9:00 AM10:30 AM12:00 PM6:30 PMOtherTotal$ 6,074.00$ 3,889.50$ 5,119.00$ 5,113.00$ 1,830.00$ 2,501.14$ 975.00$ 25,501.64Thank you to all who chose to use electronic givingfor Sunday contributions. E-giving posts once a month.If interested, call the Parish Office at 815-469-3750 orcomplete and return the authorization form on page 12.PLEASE REMEMBER ST. ANTHONY CHURCH IN YOUR W<strong>IL</strong>L.<strong>St</strong>. Vincent De Paul SocietyST. ANTHONY CONFERENCEIN TODAY'S GOSPEL, Jesus says,"If a man wishes to come after Me,he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and followin my steps." The cross of Jesus and the crosses of Hismembers can evangelize us: the sick, who bear illnesswith courage; the grieving, who hope against hope; thedying, who clearly trust in the resurrection; the sufferingof our poor brothers and sisters who are hungry andhomeless, but who still trust in God's love. Is there aneighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary needbecause of a loss of job or an illness? Please have themleave a message for the Society of <strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul...we want to help! Call 815-469-3750, x114.<strong>St</strong>. Lawrence O'Toole SVDP Sends ThanksThe King will reply...“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one ofthe least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”Dear <strong>St</strong>aff and Parishioners of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>,Thank you so much for sharing the bounty ofyour food drives. Thank you to the staff and your<strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul chapter for your time in gettingthe food ready to be picked up. We know that thistakes planning and hard work. THANK YOU, THANKYOU to the parishioners for your most generousdonations. Surely, you have answered our Lord’s callto “feed the hungry”! Your gifts have enabled us tohelp those many families who are in need duringthese uncertain economic times.Please know that a Mass will be celebrated foryour intentions on Saturday, Nov. 10th at <strong>St</strong>.Lawrence O’Toole <strong>Church</strong>. Your kindness is greatlyand most sincerely appreciated.God bless you,<strong>St</strong>. Lawrence O’Toole <strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Society

Page Four — September 16, 2012Saint <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Scripture Reflections for theTWENTY FOURTH SUNDAYIN ORDINARY TIMELIVINGtheWORDSunday,September 16, 2012TODAY'S FOCUS:NOT YOUR FATHER'S MESSIAHWe hear Jesus questioning His disciples about whatothers think of Him, then asking what they think ofHim. Peter rushes to answer: "You are the Christ.”Peter is both right and wrong. Jesus does prove tobe the Messiah, but not exactly the one Peter thoughtwas coming.• FIRST READINGI gave my back to those who beat me (Isaiah 50:4c-9a).This hymn speaks of a mysterious figure who would bringsalvation to His people through His suffering. He wouldbe gentle and humble and extend the promise of salvationto all the nations of the earth. Jesus considered Himself tobe the fulfillment of this prophecy. This is obvious from anumber of terms that He applied to Himself and Hisfuture suffering. His idea of being the Messiah was notone of power but rather one of service and even sufferingfor the sake of His people.• SECOND READINGFaith, if it does not have works, is dead (James 2:14-18).James says a theoretical faith without action does no goodand uses the absurd example of telling people who arestarving and cold that they should keep warm and wellfed while not doing anything to help them. Our goodworks must be performed to give expression to our faith.Words are cheap; it is actions that count. This is not reallyopposed to the writings of Paul. He opposed works of thelaw, by which he meant doing things that would makeGod love us more. He felt that God’s love was gratuitous,and we could never earn it. Yet even Paul spoke of the factthat once we experienced God’s love, we must respond toit through works of faith filled love.• GOSPELYou are the Christ… the Son of Man must suffer greatly(Mark 8:27-35).Peter makes a profession of faith, proclaiming that Jesusis the Messiah — but he wanted Jesus to be a powerfulconquering hero so that he might share the glory. ButJesus came to liberate us from sin and alienation. Jesustherefore, would not accept the title Messiah, because Herealized that His followers did not really understand Hismission. He speaks rather of his role being the Son of Manwho would suffer and die, and rise in three days (applyingthe Songs of the Suffering Servant to himself). Peterrejects that message and rebukes Jesus. Jesus tells Peterhe is not acting in a godly manner, but like Satan(tempting Jesus). Jesus states the necessity for Hisfollowers to take up their cross and follow Him. To be aChristian is to be willing to die on the cross with Him.• REFLECTION“Who am I for you?” is a question we might ask anotherwhen a relationship becomes more serious. We wantthose we love to know and value who we are, just as wewant to know and value them. A relationship deepens andgrows from such exchanges. At this mid‐point in Mark’sGospel, Jesus asks those who have been with Him sincethe beginning of His ministry what they think of Him.They have heard Him preaching and teaching; they haveseen Him casting out demons and curing those withvarious ailments of body and spirit. They have even seenHim raise a young girl who had died. So they have beenwith Him long enough to have formed an impression.Peter’s answer is not given the warm welcome in Mark’sGospel that it gets in Matthew’s, where Jesus responds byaffirming that His heavenly Father has revealed this toPeter. Here Jesus gives a warning “not to tell anyoneabout Him,” and then begins to teach him His own selfunderstanding.The notion of a Messiah was so caught upwith military might and kingly authority that Jesuscounters it with a different understanding, rooted in theServant Songs of Isaiah. Jesus sees Himself so destined tobe a suffering Messiah, something incomprehensible toHis followers, as we shall see. But if they want to be Hisfollowers, they must take up the cross in their own lifeand lose their life for Jesus’ sake.Monday, Sept. 17th1 Cor 11:17-26, 33Lk 7:1-10Tuesday, Sept. 18th1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31aLk 7:11-17READINGS FOR THE WEEKWednesday, Sept. 19th1 Cor 12:31—13:13Lk 7:31-35Thursday, Sept. 20th1 Cor 15:1-11Luke 7:36-50Friday, Sept. 21stEph 4:1-7, 11-13Mt 9:9-13

Twenty Fourth Sunday In Ordinary TimeMASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK• MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH 8:00 AM Don Sues/Lou• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH8:00 AM Chester Barnas/Arthur Gerald Luff/Rita and Wayne Luff• WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH 8:00 AM JoAnn Vilutis/Friends at Gossner Foods• THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH ST. ANDREW KIM TAEGON, PRIEST AND MARTYR ST. CHONG HASANG, MARTYRAND THEIR COMPANIONS/MARTYRS 8:00 AM Greg Pettenon/Armand and Joyce Pettenon Logan McDonough/Jarvie Family JoAnn Flannery/John and Leigh Lazzarotto Intention of George and Barbara Sabis — 37th Wedding Anniversary Blessing• FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST ST. MATTHEW, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST8:00 AM Carol Burnam/Wysocki Family Anita Kammholz/Liz and Mike Fagan• SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND 5:00 PM John Binetti/Rose Bob Graziani/Mary Ann and Jack Horchler Ron Fox/Family• SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 AM For the Parish Family of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Jo Ann Vilutis/Bud Chester Barnas/Arthur Allely ‐ Miller Family/Jim Miller Julius and Jane Barnas/Family 9:00 AM Joseph Wasilauskas/Vilutis Family Jack Clifford/Jim Vilutis 10:30 AM Albert Kremer/Edna Anne D. Sorrentino/Jane Brossard Intention of Christina Lindsay Finley/Mom and Dad 12:00 PM Bill Griffith/Barbara6:30 PM Betty Pehler/Sisters and BrothersSeptember 16, 2012 — Page FivePRAYERS FOR OUR FAM<strong>IL</strong>YFor the SickPlease pray for all the sick and their families...Donato GiuseffiDavid ArambulaShirley BerkeyDeacon Don BerkeyChloe SvehlaFor the DeceasedAnn S. NardoniGrandmother of Elizabeth Newlingand FamilyDaniel JohnsonFather of DanielDiane KocsisWife of John, Mother of John"Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, andmay perpetual light shine upon them.”PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS[Sept. 16-22]16 Fr. Daniel Hessling; Fr. Robert Hoffenkampp17 Vincent Kania (Seminarian)18 Fr. Patrick Mulcahy; Fr. Thomas Corbino19 Bishop Joseph L. Imesch20 Sr. Cabrini Ganz; Sr. Mary Lou Henderson5 Sr. Bernita Hessling; Sr. Mary Juarez SSND21 Fr. Edward Mumper; Fr. James Murphy22 Dcn. Robert Kaminski; Dcn. Lawrence Kearney5 Dcn. Paul Kim; Dcn. James Kinsella; Dcn. Frank Kozar5 Dcn. Ronald Knecht, Dcn. Paul Kolodziej5 Dcn. Michael Kowalchik, Dcn. Kenneth Kubica“I baptize youin the nameof the Father,and of the Sonand of theHoly Spirit.Amen.”Welcome To OurNewly Baptized ChildThe Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated onSunday, September 9, 2012ISABELLE SAINTINA MARKIONNIDaughter of Nickolas and Jeananne (Rega)

Page Six — September 16, 2012<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCHFINANCIAL STATEMENTJuly 1, 2011 — June 30, 2012

Twenty Fourth Sunday In Ordinary TimeSeptember 16, 2012 — Page SevenWe say a birthday prayer for Fr. Gregand ask the Lord to bless thiswonderful occasion of his birthdaywith love and happiness.We ask that the Lord bestow upon youspecial heavenly graces, simple pleasures, sweet delights,and favorite friendly faces.We pray for you to have a yearof great dreams that come true.A year of growth and wisdomand deep fulfillment, too.Finally, we say a prayer to thank Godfor the way you enrich the lives of othersthrough all you do each day.May God bless you on your birthday!

Page Eight — September 16, 2012<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>

Twenty Fourth Sunday In Ordinary TimeSeptember 16, 2012 — Page NineSaint <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Religious EducationProgramVOLUNTEERS ST<strong>IL</strong>L NEEDED FOR 2012-2013 REP YEARMany parents and parishioners have stepped forward to help with the REPprogram and we could not do this without you! Please consider volunteeringin one of the below positions in our program. This is a wonderful way to meetnew people, share your faith and enrich a child’s life! Contact the REP officefor more information. We thank you!Substitute Catechists/Aides/Other Volunteers Needed:• Sunday Session #1:• 7:45-8:50 a.m.• Substitute Catechists• Sunday Session #2:• 9:00-10:10 a.m.• Substitute CatechistsHall Monitor• Adult Child Care Supervisor• Youth Aides — Various Grades• Sunday Session #3:• 10:15-11:25 a.m.• Substitute Catechists• Adult Child Care SupervisorREP OFFICE HOURS:MON-FRI: 9 am-4pm• Sunday Session #4:• 5:00-6:15 p.m.• Youth Aides — Various Grades• Substitute Catechists• Adult Child Care Supervisor• Youth Child Care Aide• TrafficPlease volunteer today!Contact 815-469-6072REP@stanthonyfrankfort.comIMPORTANTREP DATESCONFIRMATION PARENT/STUDENT NIGHT FOR REPAND NOONAN FAM<strong>IL</strong>IESw/Fr. Belmonte, Superintendentof Joliet Diocese <strong>Catholic</strong> SchoolsTuesday, September 18th6:30‐8:30pm in the <strong>Church</strong>/HallFOUNDATIONS OF FAITH #1NEW EVANGELIZATIONSaturday, Sept. 22nd8:30am‐1:00pmin the Padua Center/SAMSIGN UP SUNDAYCATHOLICISM SERIESCOURSESSaturday, Sept. 22ndSunday, Sept. 23rdAfter MassesPROTECTING GOD'S CH<strong>IL</strong>DRENSaturday, Sept. 29th9:00am‐12 Noonin the Padua Center2012-2013 SUNDAY SESSION TIMESSunday Session #1: 7:45am-8:50am Convenient Mass Time:9:00amSunday Session #2: 9:00am-10:10am Convenient Mass Time: 10:30amSunday Session #3: 10:15am-11:25am Convenient Mass Time: 9:00amSunday Session #4*: 5:00pm-6:15pm Convenient Mass Time: 6:30pm*Youth Ministry begins after the 6:30 Mass For Gr. 5-8 th & High SchoolersThere is ST<strong>IL</strong>L TIMEto REGISTER for RCIA!Interested in becoming<strong>Catholic</strong> or do you need to complete yourSacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation? Comejoin this year’s RCIA Class on Tuesdays at 7pm. Toregister or for more information contact Deacon BillBoucek, RCIA Director, at 815-469-4088 or TonySchlott, Director of Adult Faith Formation, at 815-469-6198 or tony@stanthonyfrankfort.com. Please leaveyour name, phone number and a short message andwe will get back to you.PRO-LIFE REFLECTION"Thus democracy... becomes totalitarianism. No longer isthe <strong>St</strong>ate the home where all are considered equal; ratherit is a tyrant <strong>St</strong>ate, which thinks it can kill its weakest andmost defenseless members." — THE GOSPEL OF LIFE, 20REFLECTIONSome see laws permitting abortion as a minor flaw;the Pope is saying here that they change the verynature of the state.PRAYERLord, free us from the tyranny of governments thatthink they can dispose of human life.LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR CONTINUES...Tuesday, September 18th7pm in the Padua Center

Page Ten — September 16, 2012Saint <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Luncheon will be served afterwards for$14.00 per person. Reservations required.Please reserve your tickets after all Masseson the weekends of September 29th & 30thand October 6th & 7th.No reservations will be accepted after October 7th.

Twenty Fourth Sunday In Ordinary TimeSeptember 16, 2012 — Page Eleven<strong>St</strong>. Vincent DePaul Societyof <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> ParishFundraiser DaysSept. 24/25/26~ Aurelio’s Pizza ~9901 W. Lincoln Highway, <strong>Frankfort</strong>Thank you for your support!Please note, in an effort to be sensitive to our other guests, we cannot allow signs or soliciting at the restaurant.Bring in this flyer to the <strong>Frankfort</strong> Aurelio’s and 15% of your dining roomor carry-out purchase will be donated to the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> SVDP Society8th Annual Bishop Imesch Lecture SeriesDolores R. Leckey, former USCCB Executive Director of theSecretariat for Family, Laity, Women and Youth presentsAt the Threshold: Women, Tradition, Modernity which willexplore ways to bring the voices of women into the decisionmaking processes of the <strong>Church</strong> and how best to use thegifts of women in church (and secular) leadership onTuesday, Sept. 18th, 7pm in the San Damiano Hall at theUniversity of <strong>St</strong>. Francis in Joliet. RSVP to 815 740-2272.Breakfast with a Cup of SpiritualityJoin Sr. Marilyn Renninger, OSF and Fr. Idelphonse, OFMfor a breakfast and discussion of The <strong>Church</strong>: Reformationand Counter-Reformation on Saturday, Sept. 22nd from9-11am in the Chapel at 9201 W. <strong>St</strong>. Francis Rd., <strong>Frankfort</strong>.$15 donation. Call 815-464-3886 or email smhrosf@live.com.PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR M<strong>IL</strong>ITARYA1C Antonio Cap • Sr. Airman Lawrence ClarkCpl. Ryan L. Gower • Petty Officer William HartleyCpl Michael Horbaczewski • Capt. Timothy HornikMajor Thomas John-T.J. Hornick • LTC Alejandro LopezLCDR John P. Ladowicz • LCDR Timothy LadowiczAirman First Class Matthew G. LussonSeaman Brianne Dillman • ITSN Donald HammondLt. Cmdr. Daniel Papp • LTJG John PierczynskiFirst Lt. Thomas Pierczynski • Seaman Bridget ReynoldsSpec E4 Michael Santoyo • Tech. Sgt. Michelle ShalloupPO Thomas F. Shereck • Lt. Kyle R. Smolek USAFLt. Joseph P. <strong>St</strong>anek • Sgt. James TalleyCorpsman Jonathan Waters • Lt. Thomas M. Zager<strong>St</strong>. Mary <strong>Church</strong> Hosts FREE EVENT!If you have an “I will believe it when I see it” attitude,then don’t miss DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? —SEEING IS BELIEVING on Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 6:30-8:30pm at <strong>St</strong>. Mary <strong>Church</strong>, 227 Monee Rd., Park Forest.PARISH REGISTRATION FORMWELCOME TO ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCHOur warmest wishes to all who celebrate with us. Ifyou are not registered at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> or are and needto make changes, please fill out this form and place itin the collection basket or mail to the parish office.Forms also at www.stanthonyfrankfort.com.__________________________________________Name__________________________________________Address___________________________ _______________City______________ ________________________<strong>St</strong>ateZip Code(____)_____________________________________Phone__________________________________________Email Address( ) New Parishioner, please contact me.( ) New Address or New Phone Number.( ) Moving—Please remove from membership list.( ) Email –Please add email address to your records.

Page Twelve — September 16, 2012<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>’s <strong>Church</strong><strong>St</strong>. 7659 <strong>Anthony</strong> West <strong>Catholic</strong> Sauk <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong>7659<strong>Frankfort</strong>,West Sauk<strong>IL</strong> 60423Trail<strong>Frankfort</strong>, <strong>IL</strong> 60423Parishioner Authorization FormEffective date of authorization: ____________________________Type of Authorization:Last NameAddress New Authorization Change donation amount Change donation date Change Banking information Change Credit Card information Discontinue Electronic DonationFirst NameCity <strong>St</strong>ate ZipHome Phone:Email:Account InformationPlease choose either Banking information or Credit Card information. Provide information for one account only.Banking Information for Checking Account or Savings Account DebitsPlease debit my contribution from my (check one): Checking Account (attach a voided check) Savings Account (attach a savings deposit slip)Routing Number: _______________________________Valid Routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3Account Number: _______________________________ Monthly on the 1 st Monthly on the 15 thDate of first contribution _____/_____/_____Amount Per Contribution $________________Credit Card Type Mastercard Visa Discover American ExpressCredit Card InformationCredit Card #:_______________________________Credit Card Exp. Date:________________________Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____Amount Per Contribution $__________________AGREEMENTI authorize <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>’s and The Cunneen Company to process debit entries to my account. I understand that thisauthority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization.Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:________________Reminder:For Checking Account Debit: Please attach your voided checkFor Savings Account Debit: Please attach deposit slip

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong>LITURGICALMINISTRYScheduleSeptember 22/September 23Celebrant(subject to change)LectorsEOM5:00 p.m.Reconciliation 4-4:50pmC. BodnarL. Luster-BartzL. ParchemM. CrowleyS. JarvieM. JarvieT. ColclasureT. LaggerP. LaggerC. MurnighanT. MorrowR. GovertR. Bodnar7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.Fr. Miro <strong>St</strong>epien Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Miro <strong>St</strong>epien Fr. Godwin Olugbami Fr. Tri Van TranV. <strong>St</strong>asulasR. AguilarM. CanoyV. DoubrawaJ. Grady IIIB. MurphyJ. MoyleK. RiceB. RiceJ. <strong>St</strong>epenskiM. JohnsonJ. SuesJ. KeaneT. Bloomfield J. <strong>St</strong>ankerB. KennyD. CylnyS. RombergS. CarlsonJ. McCarthyD. DucettM. RafaczL. PierzchalskiM. CliffordA. WatorL. JohnsonJ. SavageK. KileyJ. MistinaA. HelwigL. Al-MuddarisR. PoraK. PoraS. ShereckJ. BuckN. ObergD. AllemandE. AllemandMC M. McGuire C. McCully E. Bloomfield M. AmendolaAltarServersRec-Fr. Miro /Fr. GodwinMass-Fr. Godwin OlugbamiG. DirienzoJ. McGuireA. AttarT. HugueletK. ThomasK. ReaD. VanderpoolB. EbenrothS. BloomfieldM. McCauleyJ. HelwigA. HelwigT. WysockiS. BerkeyMusic Praise Choir Cantor Children's Choir Traditional Choir CantorD. CafaroJ. Manns

7661 West Sauk Trail • <strong>Frankfort</strong>, <strong>IL</strong> • 60423 • www.stanthonyfrankfort.comDaily Mass: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. (Morning Prayer: 7:45 a.m.)Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 Noon, 6:30 p.m.Mission <strong>St</strong>atementWe, the members of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, gather together to worship and celebrate the sacraments, especiallythe Eucharist, as we strive to live the Gospel in our daily lives. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to invite,inform, inspire and ignite the community in our faith journey by fostering stewardship through sharing of our gifts oftime, talent and treasure. We are further called to share our faith through active evangelization and charitable outreach.Parish Office Contact InformationOffice 815-469-3750 Fax 815-469-6514• Rev. Greg Skowron, Pastor, x 115frgreg@stanthonyfrankfort.com (emergency 815-791-6073)• Rev. Miroslaw <strong>St</strong>epien, Parochial Vicar• Rev. Godwin Olugbami, In Residence• Deacon Joe Johnson, Pastoral Associate, x 111(cell) 815-922-9796, joe@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Deacon Tony Schlott, Business-Facilities Manager, x149• Deacon Don Berkey, don@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Deacon Richard Rosko, rich@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Deacon Dan Danahey• Deacon Bill Boucek• Paula Bucciferro, Accountant, x 126paula@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Jeanne Gayton, Parish-Pastor’s Administrative Assistant., x 110jeanne@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Beverly Regalado, Secretary, x 112bregalado@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Lynette Rea, Music Ministry Director, x 122lynette@stanthonyfrankfort.comAdult Faith Formation Contact Information (815-469-6198)• Deacon Tony Schlott, Director, x 149tony@stanthonyfrankfort.comHighlights... at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Most Reverend R. Daniel ConlonBishop, Diocese of JolietRev. Vytas Memenas, Pastor EmeritusPARISH OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M.RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY- FRIDAY, 9:00 A.M.– 4:00 P.M.PRESCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY, 8:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M. PRESCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAYJoin us as we connectour families...Lifetouch Family3 Photography Portraitsand Parish DirectoryLifetouch will be at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong><strong>Church</strong> in October/November aswe create a new family directory.Participants will receive a freeportrait and family directory...FREE Parish Lay Formationcourse returns this month...Foundations of Faith8 This Saturday!The first in a series of fivemini‐courses begins on Saturday,Sept. 22nd from 8:30‐1pm. Sponsoredby the Diocese of Joliet CardinalNewman Institute for LayFormation. See page seven...• more inside this issue...Religious Education (Grades 1-8) Contact InformationOffice 815-469-6072 Fax 815-806-9421REP@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Kathleen Littleton, Director, x 143kathleen@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Sophie Follenweider, Director, x 144sophie@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Maureen Hughes, Secretary, x 142maureen@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Lisa Huguelet, Secretary, x 146lisahuguelet@stanthonyfrankfort.comPreschool Contact Information (815-469-5417)• Karen Kiley, Principal, x 148karen@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Principal’s Asst., x 147lindsay@stanthonyfrankfort.comB.O.L.D. (Becoming our Lord's Disciples)Youth Ministry Contact Information• Jade and Art FojasYM.ROCK@stanthonyfrankfort.com• <strong>St</strong>. Vincent DePaul Society Contact Information815-469-3750, x114SAVE THE DATE!Sunday, Oct. 14th<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong>10 POLKA MASSand LUNCHEONJoin us for a festive PolkaMass on Sunday, Oct. 14th at 12Noon and stay for lunch! Reservationsare required. For moredetails please see page 10...guidance for <strong>Catholic</strong>s in the exer-

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