The Conference Program - WSEAS

The Conference Program - WSEAS The Conference Program - WSEAS


Conference Room: BTime: 17:00-20:00MEQAPS Session: Manufacturing Engineering IIChair: Ioana Diaconescu, Serban CostinThe Role of Technical Functional Analysis in InnovativeDesign of Bespoke Rapid Manufactured Parts: MedicalIndustry ApplicationsConsiderations on the Thin Layers Deposition throughMetallization in Plasma JetMonday June 3 rd 2013M. E. Lupeanu, M. M. Roşu, A. E. W.Rennie, C. Neagu, H. L. Brooks 70102-272Mircea Viorel Dragan, Marian Bordei, IoanaDiaconescu, Aurel Ciurea 70102-232Cutting-Edge Actuating Systems of the Upper LimbRehabilitation Devices Ovidiu Filip, Tudor Deaconescu 70102-132CAD/CAM Integration for Gusset Plates Ovidiu-Dorin Alupei-Cojcariu 70102-280CAD/CAM Integration of Profile Angles used on PowerTransportation Towers Structures Ovidiu-Dorin Alupei-Cojcariu 70102-284Improving the Quality of the Manufacturing Processesby Applying the Kaizen Method in FMSProduction and Resource Planning for a RapidManufacturing System ApplicationRaluca Nicolae, Nedelcu Anisor, LazarMihail 70102-256Roşu Maria-Magdalena, Lupeanu Mihaela-Elena, Doicin Cristian-Vasile Neagu Corneliu 70102-276Selection of Methods for Determining the RotationCenter of the Hip Articulation for the Design of a Custom Serban Costin, Constantin A. Micu, CristianAcetabular ProsthesisMustata, Laura Trifan 70102-332Study on Machinability of Ti6Al-4V Titanium Alloy inTurningStefan Velicu, Diana - Andreea Coroni,Mihaiela Iliescu 70102-268Product’s Structure Representation and ActivitiesSimulation in a Manufacturing System SimulationFrameworkTom Savu, Bogdan Abaza, Paulina Spânu,Daniel Cazacu 70102-180Aspects Concerning the Automation of the MechanicalExpansion Process for Large Welded PipesTudor Macrea, Dorian Macrea, CostinCepisca, Sorin Dan Grigorescu, HoriaAndrei, Marian Morcovescu 70102-124

Monday June 3 rd 2013Conference Room: CTime: 17:00-19:00EED Session: Environment and Development IIIChair: Elena Manolache, Philippe DondonThe Developmental Potential of Cities in an ExpandingGlobal Urbanization Elena Manolache 70106-202Water Quality Assessment of Jiu River in Craiova-RomaniaMihaela Cosmina Tita, Daniela Rosca, IonelBala 70106-184Enhancing the Knowledge on Carbon Assessment (BilanCarbone ®) Method through an Application to theDesign of a Realistic Small Scale HousePh. Dondon, C. A. Bulucea, D. Rosca, P.Cassagne 70106-100Experimental Study of Thermal Losses in a Realistic SmallScale House by Infrared Thermal Imaging: A SustainableDevelopment Project Ph. Dondon, D. Marsan, C. A. Bulucea 70106-103Thermovision - A Reliable Method to Identify PotentialHazard Defects in Machines Elements Operation Roşca Daniela, Roşca Adrian 70106-118The Software Business of Semantic Web in E-GovernmentSabina-Cristiana Necula, Mircea-RaduGeorgescu 70106-178Cultivation and Automated Image Analysis ofHydrocarbon - Tolerant Marine CyanobacteriaPopulationsConference Room: DTime: 17:00-19:00EEETE Session: Energy & Power Systems IIChair: Denisa Rusinaru, Mihai CruceruRanking of the Power Quality Level at Boundarybetween Transmission and Distribution NetworksSimona Ghiţă, Iris Sarchizian, Ioan I.Ardelean 70106-124Denisa Rusinaru, Daniela Popescu, MariusMerfu, Leonardo Geo Manescu, ValeriaAnghelina 70107-211Mihai Cruceru, Ion Pisc, Luminita Popescu,Bogdan Diaconu 70107-184Biomass Co-Firing in Existing Power PlantsPromotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable EnergySources at Local Level. Case Study: Municipal Public Mihai Cruceru, Mihai-Marius Voronca,Outdoor Lighting SystemSimona-Louise Voronca 70107-187Correlation Between Entropy Generation and InternalIrreversibility Cycle under Maximum Power andMaximum Economy Omocea Ion, Ciucur Violeta 70107-139Reduction of Turceni Thermal Power Plant Impact uponEnvironmental by Superior Valorisation of Ash and SlagPopescu Luminita Georgeta, Mihai Cruceru,Cristinel Racoceanu, Georgeta Predeanu 70107-160

<strong>Conference</strong> Room: BTime: 17:00-20:00MEQAPS Session: Manufacturing Engineering IIChair: Ioana Diaconescu, Serban Costin<strong>The</strong> Role of Technical Functional Analysis in InnovativeDesign of Bespoke Rapid Manufactured Parts: MedicalIndustry ApplicationsConsiderations on the Thin Layers Deposition throughMetallization in Plasma JetMonday June 3 rd 2013M. E. Lupeanu, M. M. Roşu, A. E. W.Rennie, C. Neagu, H. L. Brooks 70102-272Mircea Viorel Dragan, Marian Bordei, IoanaDiaconescu, Aurel Ciurea 70102-232Cutting-Edge Actuating Systems of the Upper LimbRehabilitation Devices Ovidiu Filip, Tudor Deaconescu 70102-132CAD/CAM Integration for Gusset Plates Ovidiu-Dorin Alupei-Cojcariu 70102-280CAD/CAM Integration of Profile Angles used on PowerTransportation Towers Structures Ovidiu-Dorin Alupei-Cojcariu 70102-284Improving the Quality of the Manufacturing Processesby Applying the Kaizen Method in FMSProduction and Resource Planning for a RapidManufacturing System ApplicationRaluca Nicolae, Nedelcu Anisor, LazarMihail 70102-256Roşu Maria-Magdalena, Lupeanu Mihaela-Elena, Doicin Cristian-Vasile Neagu Corneliu 70102-276Selection of Methods for Determining the RotationCenter of the Hip Articulation for the Design of a Custom Serban Costin, Constantin A. Micu, CristianAcetabular ProsthesisMustata, Laura Trifan 70102-332Study on Machinability of Ti6Al-4V Titanium Alloy inTurningStefan Velicu, Diana - Andreea Coroni,Mihaiela Iliescu 70102-268Product’s Structure Representation and ActivitiesSimulation in a Manufacturing System SimulationFrameworkTom Savu, Bogdan Abaza, Paulina Spânu,Daniel Cazacu 70102-180Aspects Concerning the Automation of the MechanicalExpansion Process for Large Welded PipesTudor Macrea, Dorian Macrea, CostinCepisca, Sorin Dan Grigorescu, HoriaAndrei, Marian Morcovescu 70102-124

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