The Conference Program - WSEAS

The Conference Program - WSEAS The Conference Program - WSEAS


Sunday June 2 nd 2013Conference Room: CTime: 18:00-20:00ICAT Session: Automotive and Transportation SystemsChair: Constantin-Florin Ocoleanu, Corneliu CofaruIterative Experimental Procedure for Determining ofHeat Transfer Coefficient of Catenary’s Contact LineWireConsiderations about the Road Traffic Noise in aRoundabout versus a Signalized IntersectionSome Problems Regarding Side Impact with a FixedCylindrical Vertical ObstacleConstantin Florin Ocoleanu, Ioan Popa,Gheorghe Manolea 70112-155Dinu Covaciu, Janos Timar, Daniela Florea,Corneliu Cofaru 70112-115M. Clinciu, A. Chiru, S. Zamfira, Tr. Bolfa, St.Ciunel 70112-140Road Junction Geometry Influence over the Vehicles AirPollution Stelian Tarulescu, Corneliu Cofaru 70112-110A Possible Way to Suppress the Induced Steering Due tothe Rolling MotionW. W. Thierheimer, S. Zamfira, Tr. Bolfa, N.Tane, D. C. Thierheimer 70112-135Conference Room: DTime: 18:00-20:00MMES Session: Numerical Analysis IIChair: Milan Hokr, Nor Azni ShahariModeling of Bentonite Hydration Using NonlinearDiffusion Model Ilona Skarydova, Milan Hokr 70111-130Meshing Issues in the Numerical Solution of the TunnelInflow ProblemMilan Hokr, Aleš Balvín, Dalibor Frydrych,Ilona Škarydová 70111-160Analysis of Single Phase Moisture and Heat Model ofFood Drying Nor Azni Shahari, Stephen Hibberd 70111-136Reduction of the Discrete Fracture Network and itsEffect on the Solution of the Flow Problem Petr Ralek, Milan Hokr, Jiri Havlicek 70111-133The Analysis of the State of Stress and Strain of a LoadedPortal Crane, Using FEM, with Respect to the Strength,Stiffness and Stability Radu N. Gheorghe, Comanescu Ioana 70111-139Experimental Research on the Field of Stresses andStrains of a Loaded Gantry Crane, with Respect to theStrength, Stiffness and Stability Radu N. Gheorghe, Comanescu Ioana 70111-142Conference Banquet: 20:30Hotel Aro Palace*****12, Muresenilor Street, 500030, Brasov, RomaniaTel: 40- 0268-477664, 477874, Fax: 40- 0268-475250

Monday June 3 rd 2013Conference Room: ATime: 08:30-11:00MEQAPS Session: Production Systems IIChair: Ghoerghe Amza, Liviu-Constantin StanCorrective Action Documented Procedure Applied in aMedium Sized Company Lazăr Livia-Veronica, Băilă Diana-Irinel 70102-172Internal Audit Documented Procedure Applied in aMedium Sized Company Lazăr Livia-Veronica, Băilă Diana-Irinel 70102-176Propeller Excitations Inducted to the Shafts of the NavalEngine Liviu Constantin Stan 70102-116Cryogenics Applications in the Maritime Field Liviu Constantin Stan, Daniela Elena Mitu 70102-120When is Grinding Chaotic? Nicolae–Doru Stănescu, Dinel Popa 70102-324Mathematical Simulation of the Results of TemperatureMeasurements at the Machining of the PolymericComposites MaterialsPaulina Spânu, Tom Savu, Bogdan Abaza,Daniel Cazacu 70102-164MQL Slot Milling Operation in 1.0503 Material Radu Ivan, Milena Folea 70102-308Recognition of Rotational Primitives in Cloud of PointsUsing Commercial Software Systems Roxana Pescaru, Gheorghe Oancea 70102-312Interlinking Central Production Planning withAutonomous Production ControlSebastian Grundstein, Susanne Schukraft,Michael Görges, Bernd Scholz-Reiter 70102-356A New Hybrid Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm OptimizationMethod For Dynamic Economic Dispatch With Valve-Point Loading Effects Simona Dinu, Catalin-Constantin Pomazan 70102-264

Sunday June 2 nd 2013<strong>Conference</strong> Room: CTime: 18:00-20:00ICAT Session: Automotive and Transportation SystemsChair: Constantin-Florin Ocoleanu, Corneliu CofaruIterative Experimental Procedure for Determining ofHeat Transfer Coefficient of Catenary’s Contact LineWireConsiderations about the Road Traffic Noise in aRoundabout versus a Signalized IntersectionSome Problems Regarding Side Impact with a FixedCylindrical Vertical ObstacleConstantin Florin Ocoleanu, Ioan Popa,Gheorghe Manolea 70112-155Dinu Covaciu, Janos Timar, Daniela Florea,Corneliu Cofaru 70112-115M. Clinciu, A. Chiru, S. Zamfira, Tr. Bolfa, St.Ciunel 70112-140Road Junction Geometry Influence over the Vehicles AirPollution Stelian Tarulescu, Corneliu Cofaru 70112-110A Possible Way to Suppress the Induced Steering Due tothe Rolling MotionW. W. Thierheimer, S. Zamfira, Tr. Bolfa, N.Tane, D. C. Thierheimer 70112-135<strong>Conference</strong> Room: DTime: 18:00-20:00MMES Session: Numerical Analysis IIChair: Milan Hokr, Nor Azni ShahariModeling of Bentonite Hydration Using NonlinearDiffusion Model Ilona Skarydova, Milan Hokr 70111-130Meshing Issues in the Numerical Solution of the TunnelInflow ProblemMilan Hokr, Aleš Balvín, Dalibor Frydrych,Ilona Škarydová 70111-160Analysis of Single Phase Moisture and Heat Model ofFood Drying Nor Azni Shahari, Stephen Hibberd 70111-136Reduction of the Discrete Fracture Network and itsEffect on the Solution of the Flow Problem Petr Ralek, Milan Hokr, Jiri Havlicek 70111-133<strong>The</strong> Analysis of the State of Stress and Strain of a LoadedPortal Crane, Using FEM, with Respect to the Strength,Stiffness and Stability Radu N. Gheorghe, Comanescu Ioana 70111-139Experimental Research on the Field of Stresses andStrains of a Loaded Gantry Crane, with Respect to theStrength, Stiffness and Stability Radu N. Gheorghe, Comanescu Ioana 70111-142<strong>Conference</strong> Banquet: 20:30Hotel Aro Palace*****12, Muresenilor Street, 500030, Brasov, RomaniaTel: 40- 0268-477664, 477874, Fax: 40- 0268-475250

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