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Bibliography 245Royal College of Physicians (1991) Alcohol and the Public Health. London: Macmillan<strong>Education</strong>.Royal College of Physicians (1995) Alcohol and the Young. London: Royal LavenhamPress.Royal College of Psychiatrists (2004a) Mental Health and Growing Up, Third Edition:Factsheet 10; The child with general learning disability: for parents and teachers. ( accessed 03.03.2011.Royal College of Psychiatrists (2004b) Mental Health and Growing Up, Factsheet17: domestic violence – its effects on children: information for parents, carers andanyone who works with young people ( accessed 03.03.2011.Royal College of Psychiatrists (2010) Postnatal Depression. ( 03.02.2011.Royal College of Psychiatrists (2008) Mental Health Information For All. ( accessed 03.03.2011.Rutter, M. (1966) Children of Sick Parents: An Environmental and Psychiatric Study.Institute of Psychiatry Maudsley Monographs No. 16, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress.Rutter, M. (1985) ‘Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistanceto psychiatric disorder.’ British Journal of Psychiatry 147, 598–611.Rutter, M. (1989) ‘Psychiatric disorder in parents as a risk factor for children’, inSchaffer, D., Prevention of Mental Disorder, Alcohol and other Drug Use in Childrenand Adolescents. Rockville, Md: Office for Substance Abuse, USDHHS.Rutter, M. (1990) ‘Commentary: some focus and process considerations regardingeffects of parental depression on children.’ Developmental Psychology 26, 60–67.Rutter, M. (1995) ‘Clinical implications of attachment concepts: Retrospect andprospect.’ Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 36, 4, 549–571.Rutter, M. ( 2007) ‘Resilience, competence, and coping.’ Child Abuse & Neglect31,2, 205-210.Rutter, M., Graham, P., Chadwick, O, and Yule, W. (1976) ‘Adolescent turmoil:Fact or fiction.’ Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 17, 35–56.Rutter, M., Moffitt, T. and Caspi, A. (2006) ‘Gene-environment interplay andpsychopathology: multiple varieties but real effects.’ Journal of Child Psychology andPsychiatry 47, 3–4, 226–261.

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