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234 Children’s NeedsParenting CapacityLevendosky, A.A., Huth-Bocks, A.C. and Semel, M.A. (2002) ‘Adolescent peerrelationships and mental health functioning in families with domestic violence.’Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 31, 2, 206–218.Lewis, C.E. and Bucholz, K.K. (1991) ‘Alcoholism, antisocial behaviour and familyhistory.’ British Journal of Addiction 86, 177–194.Li, C., Pentz, A. and Chou, C-P. (2002) ‘Parental substance use as a modifier ofadolescent substance use risk.’ Addiction 97, 1537–50.Lipinski, B. (2001) Heed The Call: Psychological Perspectives on Child Abuse. LosAngeles: Sojourner Press.Little, M., Axford, N. and Morpeth, L. (2004) ‘Research review: Risk and protectionin the context of services for children in need.’ Child and Family Social Work 9, 105-117.Littlewood, R. and Lipsedge, M. (1997) Aliens and Alienists: Ethnic Minorities andPsychiatry. London: Routledge.Loewenthal, K.M., MacLoed, A.K. and Cook, S. (2003) ‘Alcohol and Suicide-Related Ideas and Behaviour Among Jews and Protestants.’ Israel Journal of Psychiatry40, 174–181.Lou, H.C., Hansen, D., Nordentoft, M., Pyrds, O., Jensenn, F. and Nim, J. (1994)‘Prenatal Stressors of human life affect fetal brain development.’ DevelopmentalMedicine and Child Neurology 36, 9, 826–832.Macleod, J., Hickman, M., Bowen, E., Alati, R., Tilling, K. and Davey Smith, G.(2008) ‘Parental drug use, early adversities, later childhood problems and children’suse of tobacco and alcohol at age 10: Birth cohort study.’ Addiction 103, 1731–43.Maidment, S. (1976) ‘A study of child custody.’ Family Law 6, 195–22 and 236-241.Maitra, B. (1995) ‘Giving due consideration to the family’s racial and culturalbackground’, in Reder, P. and Lucey, C. (eds) Assessment of Parenting: Psychiatric andPsychological Contributions. London: Routledge.Malos, E. and Hague, G. (1997) ‘Women, housing, homelessness and domesticviolence.’ Women’s Studies International Forum 20, 3.Manning, V., Best, D.W., Falulkner, N. and Titherington, E. (2009) ‘New estimatesof the number of children living with substance misusing parents: results from UKnational household surveys’. BMC Public Health 9, 377. ( accessed 03.03.2011.Marcenko, M.O., Kemp, S. and Larson, N.C. (2000) ‘Childhood experiences ofabuse, later adolescent substance abuse and parenting outcomes among low-incomemothers.’ American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 70, 3, 316–326

Bibliography 235Margison, F. and Brockington, I. (1982) ‘Psychiatric mother and baby units’,in Brockington, I. and Kumar, R. (eds) Motherhood and Mental Illness. London:Academic Press.Marks, M. and Kumar, R. (1996) ‘Infanticide in Scotland.’ Medicine, Science andthe Law 36, 4, 299–305.Marmot Review (2010) Fair Society, Healthy Lives. ( 03.03.2011.Martins, C. and Gaffan, E.A. (2000) ‘Effects of early maternal depression onpatterns of infant-mother attachment: a meta-analytic investigation.’ Journal ofChild Psychology and Psychiatry 41, 6, 737–746.Maybery, D., Ling, L., Szakacs, E. and Reupert, A. (2005) ‘Children of a parentwith a mental illness: Perspectives on need.’ Australian e-Journal for the Advancementof Mental Health (AeJAMH) 4, 2, 1–11.Mayers, L.B., Judelson, D.A., Moriaty, B.W. and Rundell, K.W. (2002) ‘Prevalenceof body art (piercing and tattooing) in university undergraduates and incidence ofmedical complications.’ Mayo Clinic Proceeding 17,1, 29–34.McCarthy, M. (1999) Sexuality and Women with Learning Disabilities. London:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.McConnell, D. and Llewellyn, G. (2000) ‘Disability and discrimination in statutorychild protection proceedings.’ Disability and Society 15, 6, 883–895.McConnell, D. and Llewellyn, G. (2002) ‘Stereotypes, parents with intellectualdisability and child protection.’ Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 24, 3,297–317.McConnell, D., Llewellyn, G., Mayes, R. and Russo, D. (2003) ‘Developmentalprofiles of children born to mothers with intellectual disability.’ Journal of Intellectualand Developmental Disability 28, 2, 1–14.McDonald, R., Jouriles, E.N., Tart, C.D. and Minze, L.C. (2009) ‘Children’sadjustment problems in families characterized by men’s severe violence towardwomen: Does other family violence matter?’ Child Abuse & Neglect 33, 2, 94–101.McFarlane, J., Parker, B., Soeken, K. and Bullock, L. (1992) ‘Assessing for abuseduring pregnancy.’ Journal of American Medical Association 267, 23, 3176–3178.McGaw, S. and Newman, T. (2005) What Works for Parents with Learning Disabilities?Essex: Barnardo’s.McGaw, S., Scully, T. and Pritchard, C. (2010) ‘Predicting the unpredictable?Identifying high risk versus low risk parents with intellectual disabilities.’ ChildAbuse & Neglect 9, 34, 699-710.

Bibliography 235Margison, F. and Brockington, I. (1982) ‘Psychiatric mother and baby units’,in Brockington, I. and Kumar, R. (eds) Motherhood and Mental Illness. London:Academic Press.Marks, M. and Kumar, R. (1996) ‘Infanticide in Scotland.’ Medicine, Science andthe Law 36, 4, 299–305.Marmot Review (2010) Fair Society, Healthy Lives. ( 03.03.2011.Martins, C. and Gaffan, E.A. (2000) ‘Effects of early maternal depression onpatterns of infant-mother attachment: a meta-analytic investigation.’ Journal ofChild Psychology and Psychiatry 41, 6, 737–746.Maybery, D., Ling, L., Szakacs, E. and Reupert, A. (2005) ‘Children of a parentwith a mental illness: Perspectives on need.’ Australian e-Journal for the Advancementof Mental Health (AeJAMH) 4, 2, 1–11.Mayers, L.B., Judelson, D.A., Moriaty, B.W. and Rundell, K.W. (2002) ‘Prevalenceof body art (piercing and tattooing) in university undergraduates and incidence ofmedical complications.’ Mayo Clinic Proceeding 17,1, 29–34.McCarthy, M. (1999) Sexuality and Women with Learning Disabilities. London:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.McConnell, D. and Llewellyn, G. (2000) ‘Disability and discrimination in statutorychild protection proceedings.’ Disability and Society 15, 6, 883–895.McConnell, D. and Llewellyn, G. (2002) ‘Stereotypes, parents with intellectualdisability and child protection.’ Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 24, 3,297–317.McConnell, D., Llewellyn, G., Mayes, R. and Russo, D. (2003) ‘Developmentalprofiles of children born to mothers with intellectual disability.’ Journal of Intellectualand Developmental Disability 28, 2, 1–14.McDonald, R., Jouriles, E.N., Tart, C.D. and Minze, L.C. (2009) ‘Children’sadjustment problems in families characterized by men’s severe violence towardwomen: Does other family violence matter?’ Child Abuse & Neglect 33, 2, 94–101.McFarlane, J., Parker, B., Soeken, K. and Bullock, L. (1992) ‘Assessing for abuseduring pregnancy.’ Journal of American Medical Association 267, 23, 3176–3178.McGaw, S. and Newman, T. (2005) What Works for Parents with Learning Disabilities?Essex: Barnardo’s.McGaw, S., Scully, T. and Pritchard, C. (2010) ‘Predicting the unpredictable?Identifying high risk versus low risk parents with intellectual disabilities.’ ChildAbuse & Neglect 9, 34, 699-710.

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