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Bibliography 231Jaffe, P., Wolfe, D.A. and Wilson, S. (1990) Children of Battered Women. London:Sage.Jaffee, S.R., Caspi, A., Moffitt., T.E., Polo-Tomás, M. and Taylor, A. (2007)‘Individual, family and neighbourhood factors distinguish resilient from nonresilientmaltreated children: A cumulative stressors model.’ Child Abuse & Neglect31, 3, 231–253.James, G. (1994) Department of Health Discussion Report for ACPC Conference: Studyof Working Together ‘Part 8’ Reports. London: Department of Health.James, H. (2004) ‘Promoting effective working with parents with learningdisabilities.’ Child Abuse Review 13, 1, 31–41.Jenkins, J.M. and Smith, M.A. (1990) ‘Factors protecting children living indisharmonious homes: Maternal reports.’ Journal of the American Academy of Childand Adolescent Psychiatry 29, 1, 60–69.Jones, D.P.H. (2009) ‘Assessment of parenting’, in Horwath, J. (ed.) The Child’sWorld: The Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Children in Need. 2nd edition. London:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Jones, D., Bentovim, A., Cameron, H., Vizard, E. and Wolkind, S. (1991) ‘Signficantharm in context: The child psychiatrist’s contribution’, in Adcock, M., White, R.and Hollows, A. (eds) Significant Harm. Croydon: Significant Publications.Joseph, S., Govender, K. and Bhagwanjee, A. (2006) ‘“I can’t see him hit her again,I just want to run away ... hide and block my ears”: A phenomenological analysis ofa sample of children’s coping responses to exposure to domestic violence.’ Journal ofEmotional Abuse 16, 4, 23–45.Jotangia, D., Moody, A., Stamatakis, E. and Wardle, H. (2006) Obesity amongChildren under 11. ( accessed 03.03.2011.Juliana, P. and Goodman, C. (1997) ‘Children of substance abusing parents’, inLowinson, J.H. (ed) Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook. Baltimore: Williamsand Wilkins.Julien, R.M. (1995) A Primer of Drug Action: A Concise, Non-Technical Guide to theActions, Uses, and Side Effects of Psychoactive Drugs, 7th Edition. New York: W.H.Freeman and Co.Kandal, E.R., Schwartz, J.H. and Jessell, T.M. (2000) Principles of Neural Science,4th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.Karr, M. (1995) The Liars’ Club. Harmondsworth: Penguin.Kelly, B. (1995) ‘Children, families and nursery provision.’ Early Child Developmentand Care 108, 1, 115–136.

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