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224 Children’s NeedsParenting CapacityFalkov, A. (1997) ‘Adult psychiatry – Missing link in the child protection network:A response to Reder and Duncan.’ Child Abuse Review 6, 41–45.Falkov, A. (1998) Crossing Bridges: Training Resources for Working with Mentally IllParents and their Children. London: Department of Health.Falkov, A. (2002) ‘Addressing family needs when a parent is mentally ill’, in Ward,H. and Rose, W. (eds) Approaches to Needs Assessment in Children’s Services. London:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Family Law Act 1996. London: HMSO.Famularo, R., Kinscherff, R. and Fenton, T. (1992) ‘Parental substance abuse andthe nature of child maltreatment.’ Child Abuse and Neglect 16, 475–483.Fantuzzo, J. and Fusco, R. (2007) ‘Children’s direct sensory exposure to substantiateddomestic violence crimes.’ Violence and Victims 22, 2, 158–171.Fantuzzo, J.W. and Lindquist, C.U. (1989) ‘The effects of observing conjugalviolence on children: A review and analysis of research methodology.’ Journal ofFamily Violence 4, 1, 77–94.Farmer, E. (2006) ‘Using research to develop practice’, in Humphreys, C. andStanley, N. (eds) Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Directions for Good Practice.London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Farmer, E. and Owen, M. (1995) Child Protection Practice: Private Risks and PublicRemedies. London: HMSO.Farmer, E. and Pollock, S. (1998) Substitute Care for Sexually Abused and AbusingChildren. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.Fenson, L., Dale, P.S., Reznick, J.S., Bates, E., Thal, D.J. and Pethick, S.J. (1994)‘Variability in early communication development.’ Monographs of the Society forResearch in Child Development 59 (5, Serial No. 242).Fergusson, D.M., Horwood, I.J. and Lynskey, M.T. (1995) ‘Maternal depressivesymptoms and depressive symptoms in adolescents.’ Journal of Child Psychology andPsychiatry 36, 7, 1161–1178.Fergusson, D.M., Horwood, L.J. and Ridder, E.M. (2005) ‘Partner violence andmental health outcomes in a New Zealand Cohort.’ Journal of Marriage and theFamily 67, 1103–19.Field, T., Healy, B., Goldstein, S. and Guthertz, M. (1990) ‘Behaviour-statematching and synchrony in mother-infant interactions of nondepressed versusdepressed ‘dyads’.’ Developmental Psychology 26, 7–14.Finney A (2004) Alcohol and Intimate Partner Violence: Key Findings from the Research.London: Home Office.

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224 Children’s <strong>Needs</strong> – <strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>Capacity</strong>Falkov, A. (1997) ‘Adult psychiatry – Missing link in the child protection network:A response to Reder and Duncan.’ Child Abuse Review 6, 41–45.Falkov, A. (1998) Crossing Bridges: Training <strong>Resource</strong>s for Working with Mentally IllParents and their Children. London: Department of Health.Falkov, A. (2002) ‘Addressing family needs when a parent is mentally ill’, in Ward,H. and Rose, W. (eds) Approaches to <strong>Needs</strong> Assessment in Children’s Services. London:Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Family Law Act 1996. London: HMSO.Famularo, R., Kinscherff, R. and Fenton, T. (1992) ‘Parental substance abuse andthe nature of child maltreatment.’ Child Abuse and Neglect 16, 475–483.Fantuzzo, J. and Fusco, R. (2007) ‘Children’s direct sensory exposure to substantiateddomestic violence crimes.’ Violence and Victims 22, 2, 158–171.Fantuzzo, J.W. and Lindquist, C.U. (1989) ‘The effects of observing conjugalviolence on children: A review and analysis of research methodology.’ Journal ofFamily Violence 4, 1, 77–94.Farmer, E. (2006) ‘Using research to develop practice’, in Humphreys, C. andStanley, N. (eds) Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Directions for Good Practice.London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Farmer, E. and Owen, M. (1995) Child Protection Practice: Private Risks and PublicRemedies. London: HMSO.Farmer, E. and Pollock, S. (1998) Substitute Care for Sexually Abused and AbusingChildren. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.Fenson, L., Dale, P.S., Reznick, J.S., Bates, E., Thal, D.J. and Pethick, S.J. (1994)‘Variability in early communication development.’ Monographs of the Society forResearch in Child Development 59 (5, Serial No. 242).Fergusson, D.M., Horwood, I.J. and Lynskey, M.T. (1995) ‘Maternal depressivesymptoms and depressive symptoms in adolescents.’ Journal of Child Psychology andPsychiatry 36, 7, 1161–1178.Fergusson, D.M., Horwood, L.J. and Ridder, E.M. (2005) ‘Partner violence andmental health outcomes in a New Zealand Cohort.’ Journal of Marriage and theFamily 67, 1103–19.Field, T., Healy, B., Goldstein, S. and Guthertz, M. (1990) ‘Behaviour-statematching and synchrony in mother-infant interactions of nondepressed versusdepressed ‘dyads’.’ Developmental Psychology 26, 7–14.Finney A (2004) Alcohol and Intimate Partner Violence: Key Findings from the Research.London: Home Office.

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