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Bibliography 213Barnardo’s (2005) Keeping family in mind: a briefing on young carers whose parentshave mental health problems. Essex: Barnardo’s.Barnett, B. and Parker, G. (1998) ‘The parentified child: Early competence orchildhood deprivation.’ Child Psychology & Psychiatry, Review 3, 4, 146–155.Barnow, S., Spitzer, C., Grane, H.J., Kessler, C. and Freyberger, H. (2006)‘Individual characteristics, familial experience, and psychopathology in children ofmothers with borderline personality disorder.’ Journal of American Academy of Child& Adolescent Psychiatry 45, 8, 965–972.Barron, J. (2007) Kidspeak: Giving Children and Young People a Voice on DomesticViolence. Bristol: Women’s Aid Federation England.Barter, C., McCarry, M., Berridge, D. and Evans, K. (2009) Partner exploitation andviolence in teenage intimate relationships. Executive Summary. London: NSPCC.Beardsley, W.R., Schultz, L.H. and Selman, R.L. (1987) ‘Level of social cognitivedevelopment, adaptive functioning and DSM-111 diagnoses in adolescent offspringof parents with affective disorder: Implications of the development of capacity formutuality.’ Developmental Psychology 23, 807–815.Beckwith, L., Howard, J., Espinosa, M. and Tyler, R. (1999) ‘Psychopathology,mother-child interaction, and infant development: Substance-abusing mothers andtheir offspring.’ Development and Psychopathology 11, 4, 715–725.Bee, H. (2000) The Developing Child. London: Allyn and Bacon.Bell, M. (2001) ‘Child protection case conferences’, in James, A. and Wilson, K.(eds) The Child Protection Handbook. London: Ballerie Tindall.Belsky, J. (1980) ‘Child maltreatment: an ecological integration.’ AmericanPsychologist 35, 4, 320–335.Belsky, J., Hsief, K. and Crnic, K. (1998) ‘Mothering, fathering and infant negativityat age 3 years: Differential susceptibility to rearing experience?’ Development andPsychopathology 10, 301–319.Bentovim, A., Cox, A., Bingley-Miller, L. and Pizzey, S. (2009) Safeguarding ChildrenLiving with Trauma and Family Violence. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Bentovim, A. and Williams, B. (1998) ‘Children and adolescents: Victims whobecome perpetrators.’ Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 4, 101–107.Berger, L.M. (2005) ‘Income, family characteristics, and physical violence towardschildren.’ Child Abuse & Neglect 29, 2, 107–133.Berk, M., Dodd, S., Berk, L. and Opie, J. (2005) ‘Diagnosis and management ofpatients with bipolar disorder in primary care.’ The British Journal of General Practice55, 518, 662–664.

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