Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008

Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008

Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008


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TestbedsA showroom for practical IPv6 deployementResearch Staff : Laurent Toutain, Bruno StevantKeywords : IPv6, IPv6-IPv4 transitionApplications : Home n<strong>et</strong>works, SME n<strong>et</strong>works,Partners & Funding : funded by Conseil Régional de Br<strong>et</strong>agne and European Commission.presentation and me<strong>et</strong>ing facilities, called theIntroductionIPv6 Showroom.As IPv4 address space exhaustion becomes ashort-term reality, the transition to IPv6 is nowa major concern for Intern<strong>et</strong> Access Providers,in order to sustain the growth of demand forconnectivity. But large scale organizations arealso concerned now by this transition, becaus<strong>et</strong>he size of their infrastructure requires them asmuch anticipation. As an example, the USFederal administration is working on IPv6integration till the last 3 years [1]. In a 3 yeartime-frame, which is the current estimation forIPv4 address space exhaustion [2], SME,Home N<strong>et</strong>works, Administration N<strong>et</strong>works, allkind of organization will be concerned by IPv6integration, first to be visible by new IPv6customers and second to provide new servicesusing IPv6. But what should be the strategy toadopt inside these n<strong>et</strong>works to integrate IPv6 ?RealizationFollowing the Point6 project, funded in 2005and 2006 by the Brittany Region Council, wejoined a European funded project calledTrain2Cert. This project aims to define acommon s<strong>et</strong> of technical courses and practicalsfor students seeking certification. Ourcontribution to this project is to define coursesand practicals focused on IPv6 deployement.These courses are dedicated to n<strong>et</strong>worktechnicians and engineers, who are theindividuals directly concerned by IPv6integration. To define the practical approach toIPv6 deployement, we decided to reproduce ina laboratory the n<strong>et</strong>work infrastructure of aSME office and demonstrate how IPv6 can beintegrated in such n<strong>et</strong>work. This plateform isavailable in a dedicated room withOn this plateform, we demonstrate the abilityof the different services for an organization(front-office and back-office) to be available inIPv6 but also to be back-compatible withlegacy IPv4 client. The n<strong>et</strong>work infrastructureof the showroom allows a service to bemigrated from IPv4-only n<strong>et</strong>work to dual-stack(IPv4 and IPv6) n<strong>et</strong>work and finally to IPv6-only n<strong>et</strong>works. Clients of the plateform areavailable with the current offer of operatingsystem (Linux, XP, Vista, MacOS X) and mayalso migrate from an IPv4-only n<strong>et</strong>work to anIPv6-only n<strong>et</strong>woks. With such plateform, weare able to experience any transition scenariofor services and show the impact of thistransition on any kind of clients.Future worksWe are currently working at expanding thenumber of scenario to be demonstrated in thisshowroom. At the moment, this plateform candemonstrate the migration of a web-service toIPv6. We plan to include services such asremote authentication, file-sharing and VoIP.References[1] http://www.gcn.com/IPv6/ GovernmentComputer News – IPv6 Section[2] http://www.potaroo.n<strong>et</strong>/tools/ipv4/ IPv4address report68 Pracom’s Annual Report <strong>2008</strong>

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