Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008

Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008 Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008

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Media and NetworksIP-based transmission of real-time services over wireless linksResearch Staff : Loutfi Nuaymi, Xavier Lagrange, Kevin Perros – Ph.D. Students : Neila El Héni,Elizabeth Martinez FernandezKeywords : UMTS, Header compressions, ROHCApplications : Real-time services, Video streaming, VoIPPartners & Funding : TELECOM Bretagne (RSM), FT R&D (project leader), Thales Communications,IRISA, Alcatel and Eurecom. Funded by French Government RNRT as COSINUS ProjectIntroductionCellular and Wireless networks provide bothnon real time and real time services (Voice,video). For the latter the quality of service isan important issue. In UMTS real time servicesare generally based on a circuit-switchedapproach. However as IP-based solutions willbe generalized in a near future it is necessaryto study real-time services over IP.COSINUS (COmmunications de Servicestemps-réel / IP dans uN réseaU Sans fil) is anRNRT (Réseau National de Recherche enTélécommunications) project. The main topicis the study of IPv6-based real time services,both audio and video, over third-generationcellular network, UMTS and over WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network) 802.11/WiFi. Inparticular, the received quality will beobserved, controlled, and improved thanks tothe use of adequate protection means, theimprovement in multimedia codec robustnessand the integration of new mechanisms suchas header compression. The specific nature ofthe radio link is taken into account. The use ofthe frequency spectrum is a major constraintin the optimization of the transmission over thewireless link. The transmission servicesconsidered in COSINUS are conversational IPservices (e. g., phone, visiophony) and differedreal-time IP services (e.g., audio and videostreaming). In a period where these servicesare often mentioned as highly promising andwhere some of them are already proposed tothe public by operators, there is a lack ofstudies and results on this subject.RealizationTransmission on the UMTS radio interface isbased on the concept of RAB: Radio AccessBearer. A RAB mainly includes the definition ofthe channel coding and a set of possible datablock sizes. The possible error correcting codesare specified in the 3GPP recommendationsbut nothing is said about the RAB format for agiven service.The first part of the work investigated theUMTS RAB configurations for VoIMS (VoIP overIP Multimedia Sub-system) used in the 3GUMTS System. This has been done with afocus on the ROHC header compressionimpacts, different RAB multiplexingmethodologies, rate matching algorithms andother UMTS radio protocols [2].The quality of service is analyzed within theproject with a real-time platform built on thebasis of the Rhodos UMTS testbed developpedby Eurecom [1]. TELECOM Bretagne is incharge of integrating the ROHC mechanism inthat testbed. This integration was completed in2007. Several hardware and system problemswere solved before a stable new ROHCincludingUMTS Platform was obtained. Thisnew platform was used for UMTS voice andvideo transmissions to evaluate theperformance of the ROHC mechanism. TheTELECOM Bretagne part of COSINUS wasconcluded in Sept 2007. COSINUS projectended completely in the beginning of 2008.Future WorkNow that COSINUS has ended, investigationsare done for new research studies about ROHCand UMTS. The platform obtained in COSINUSwill be very useful for this kind of research.References[1] M Wetterwald et al., “A UMTS TDDsoftware radio platform”, in ReconfigurableMobile Radio Systems, G. Vivier (editors),2007, ISTE, ISBN 9781905209460.[2] N. El Héni, B. Badard, V. Diascorn, L.Nuaymi, "Performance of RAB mapping andROHC for the support of VoIP over UMTS, "18th annual IEEE international symposium onpersonal, indoor and mobile radiocommunications PIMRC'07, September 3-7,Athens, Greece, 200714 Extract of Pracom’s Annual Report 2008

Video on Demand in IP Multimedia SubsystemResearch Staff : Géraldine Texier Ph.D. Student : Gilles BertrandKeywords : Video on Demand, IMS, QoSApplications : Video on Demand, Fixe-mobile convergent networksPartners & Funding : Alcatel Lucent (leader), Devoteam SRIT, France Telecom R&D, InstitutTELECOM/TELECOM Bretagne, JCP-Consult, Thomson R&D, Thomson Broadcast & Multimedia.IntroductionThe emergence of new services proposed byfixed and mobile networks implies theevolution of both the transport chain and thecommand chain. Normalization organisms forfix (TISPAN) and mobile (3GPP) networks havedefined the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)[4]as the reference architecture for nextgeneration services based on SIP (SessionInitiation Protocol) protocol.The goal of the VoD@IMS project is to addressthe issues of the conception, theimplementation and the experimentation ofnew usages generated by the combination ofthe on-demand content distribution domainand the convergence of fix and mobilenetworks. This project is funded in theframework of the competitiveness cluster“Media and networks” and constitutes anatural complement to Mobim@ges andDistrim@ges projects.VoD@IMS project’s main issues focus on:• the design and the implementation of aplatform prototype. This demonstrationplatform enables the validation of thearchitecture and the proposition made inthe project. The platform is designed inaccordance to the “IMS based”architecture currently understandardization.RealizationThe main contribution of TELECOM Bretagne isrelated to the network architecture analysisand more precisely on the quality of service(QoS) management in IMS and NGNarchitectures. The first realization is thecoordination and the contribution to the stateof the art on QoS by first presenting theexisting QoS mechanisms in the networks andthen by a precise analysis of the QoS in IMSand in the NGN architecture, according toTISPAN. This first document has beencompleted by the study of the transport layerto guarantee QoS in TISPAN NGN architectureaccording to three axes:• the definition of new services based onnew technologies and new architectures(IMS, fix-mobile convergence, …) implyingon demand audio-video contents (personalvideo hosting by the ISP network, sharingand common preview of videos ondifferent sites, interactive services, …) andexploiting interactions between thedifferent services;• the analysis of network architecturesneeded to service providing (IMSarchitecture, IPTV, …) in accordance withon going standardization efforts;• the validation of the proposed conceptsand the verification of the feasibility and ofthe acceptability of the comportment andthe performances of some functionalitiesof the system;• Within a domain. This lead to theproposition of an algorithm to allocate andshare the domain resources between theflows according to the QoS. [1]• In the inter-domain context. TELECOMBretagne proposed an architecture tooptimize inter-domain routing of the flowswith QoS and evaluated its performance.[2],[3]• The interactions between the protocols.The proposed architecture has beenapplied to the scenarios defined in theproject.In the project, TELECOM Bretagne has focusedon the relationships between the IMS core andthe transport layer and on the mechanisms toprovide in the transport layer to provide QoS inan efficient manner for multimedia sessions.Pracom’s Annual Report 2008 15

Media and N<strong>et</strong>worksIP-based transmission of real-time services over wireless linksResearch Staff : Loutfi Nuaymi, Xavier Lagrange, Kevin Perros – Ph.D. Students : Neila El Héni,Elizab<strong>et</strong>h Martinez FernandezKeywords : UMTS, Header compressions, ROHCApplications : Real-time services, Video streaming, VoIPPartners & Funding : TELECOM Br<strong>et</strong>agne (RSM), FT R&D (project leader), Thales Communications,IRISA, Alcatel and Eurecom. Funded by French Government RNRT as COSINUS ProjectIntroductionCellular and Wireless n<strong>et</strong>works provide bothnon real time and real time services (Voice,video). For the latter the quality of service isan important issue. In UMTS real time servicesare generally based on a circuit-switchedapproach. However as IP-based solutions willbe generalized in a near future it is necessaryto study real-time services over IP.COSINUS (COmmunications de Servicestemps-réel / IP dans uN réseaU Sans fil) is anRNRT (Réseau National de Recherche enTélécommunications) project. The main topicis the study of IPv6-based real time services,both audio and video, over third-generationcellular n<strong>et</strong>work, UMTS and over WLAN(Wireless Local Area N<strong>et</strong>work) 802.11/WiFi. Inparticular, the received quality will beobserved, controlled, and improved thanks tothe use of adequate protection means, theimprovement in multimedia codec robustnessand the integration of new mechanisms suchas header compression. The specific nature ofthe radio link is taken into account. The use ofthe frequency spectrum is a major constraintin the optimization of the transmission over thewireless link. The transmission servicesconsidered in COSINUS are conversational IPservices (e. g., phone, visiophony) and differedreal-time IP services (e.g., audio and videostreaming). In a period where these servicesare often mentioned as highly promising andwhere some of them are already proposed tothe public by operators, there is a lack ofstudies and results on this subject.RealizationTransmission on the UMTS radio interface isbased on the concept of RAB: Radio AccessBearer. A RAB mainly includes the definition ofthe channel coding and a s<strong>et</strong> of possible datablock sizes. The possible error correcting codesare specified in the 3GPP recommendationsbut nothing is said about the RAB format for agiven service.The first part of the work investigated theUMTS RAB configurations for VoIMS (VoIP overIP Multimedia Sub-system) used in the 3GUMTS System. This has been done with afocus on the ROHC header compressionimpacts, different RAB multiplexingm<strong>et</strong>hodologies, rate matching algorithms andother UMTS radio protocols [2].The quality of service is analyzed within theproject with a real-time platform built on thebasis of the Rhodos UMTS testbed developpedby Eurecom [1]. TELECOM Br<strong>et</strong>agne is incharge of integrating the ROHC mechanism inthat testbed. This integration was compl<strong>et</strong>ed in2007. Several hardware and system problemswere solved before a stable new ROHCincludingUMTS Platform was obtained. Thisnew platform was used for UMTS voice andvideo transmissions to evaluate theperformance of the ROHC mechanism. TheTELECOM Br<strong>et</strong>agne part of COSINUS wasconcluded in Sept 2007. COSINUS projectended compl<strong>et</strong>ely in the beginning of <strong>2008</strong>.Future WorkNow that COSINUS has ended, investigationsare done for new research studies about ROHCand UMTS. The platform obtained in COSINUSwill be very useful for this kind of research.References[1] M W<strong>et</strong>terwald <strong>et</strong> al., “A UMTS TDDsoftware radio platform”, in ReconfigurableMobile Radio Systems, G. Vivier (editors),2007, ISTE, ISBN 9781905209460.[2] N. El Héni, B. Badard, V. Diascorn, L.Nuaymi, "Performance of RAB mapping andROHC for the support of VoIP over UMTS, "18th annual IEEE international symposium onpersonal, indoor and mobile radiocommunications PIMRC'07, September 3-7,Athens, Greece, 200714 Extract of Pracom’s Annual Report <strong>2008</strong>

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