Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008

Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008

Département Réseau, Sécurité et Multimédia Rapport d'Activités 2008


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AYED Samiha, CUPPENS Nora, CUPPENS Frédéric, Managing access and flow control requirements indistributed workflows. AICCSA-08 : 6th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems andApplications (AICCSA-08), March 31 - April 4, Doha, Qatar, <strong>2008</strong>, pp. 702-710AYED Samiha, CUPPENS Nora, CUPPENS Frédéric, Deploying Access Control in Distributed Workflow.AISC <strong>2008</strong> : Australasian Information Security Conference, January 22-25, Wollongong, Australia, <strong>2008</strong>BELGHITH Aymen, NUAYMI Loutfi, Design and implementation of a QoS-included WiMAX module forNS-2 simulator. SIMUTools <strong>2008</strong>, March 3-7, Marseille, France, <strong>2008</strong>BELGHITH Aymen, NUAYMI Loutfi, WiMAX capacity estimations and simulation results. VTC <strong>2008</strong>-Spring : IEEE 67th Vehicular Technology Conference, 11-14 May, Marina Bay, Singapore, <strong>2008</strong>BELGHITH Aymen, NUAYMI Loutfi, Comparison of WiMAX scheduling algorithms and proposals for thertPS QoS class. EW <strong>2008</strong> : European Wireless, 22-25 June, Prague, Czech Republic, <strong>2008</strong>BELGHITH Aymen, NUAYMI Loutfi, MAILLÉ Patrick, Pricing of real-time applications in WiMAXsystems. VTC <strong>2008</strong> : IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, 21-24 September, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,<strong>2008</strong>BELGHITH Aymen, NUAYMI Loutfi, MAILLÉ Patrick, Pricing of differentiated-QoS services WiMAXn<strong>et</strong>works. Globecom'08 : IEEE Global Communication Conference, 30 November - 4 December, New Orleans,LA, USA, <strong>2008</strong>BEN GHORBEL Meriam, CUPPENS Frédéric, CUPPENS Nora, BOUHOULA Adel, Revocation Schemes forDelegation Licences. ICICS'08 : 10th International Conference on Information and Communications Security,20 - 22 October, Birmingham, UK, Springer, <strong>2008</strong>, pp. 190-205BEN GHORBEL Meriam, CUPPENS Frédéric, CUPPENS Nora, BOUHOULA Adel, Managing revocation inrole based access control models. SAR SSI : 3rd conference on security in n<strong>et</strong>work architecture andinformation systems, october 13-17, Loctudy, France, Publibook, <strong>2008</strong>BEN NACEF Ahmed, MONTAVONT Nicolas, A generic end-host mechanism for path selection and flowdistribution. PIMRC <strong>2008</strong> : 19th international symposium on Personal, Indoor and mobile radiocommunications, 15-18 september, Cannes, France, <strong>2008</strong>, pp. 1-5BERTIN Philippe, BONJOUR Servane, BONNIN Jean-Marie, A distributed dynamic mobility managementscheme designed for flat IP architectures. NTMS'08 : second international conference on new technologies,mobility and security, November 5-7, Tangier, Maroc, <strong>2008</strong>BERTRAND Gilles, TEXIER Géraldine, Intégration du routage PCE aux réseaux de prochaine générationavec IMS. . JDIR'08 : 9èmes Journées Doctorales en Informatique <strong>et</strong> Réseaux , 17-18 janvier, Villeneuved'Ascq, France, <strong>2008</strong>BERTRAND Gilles, TEXIER Géraldine, Ad-hoc Recursive PCE Based Inter-domain Path Computation(ARPC) M<strong>et</strong>hods. HET-NETs : Fifth International Working Conference on Performance Modelling andEvaluation of H<strong>et</strong>erogeneous N<strong>et</strong>works, February 18-20, Karlskrona, Sweden, <strong>2008</strong>BONNIN Jean-Marie, BEN HAMOUDA Zied, LASSOUED Imed, BELGHITH Abdelf<strong>et</strong>tah, Middleware formulti-interfaces management through profiles handling. Mobilware'08 : First International Conference onMOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications, February 13-15, Innsbruck, Austria,<strong>2008</strong>BOUTET Antoine, MONTAVONT Nicolas, MONTAVONT Julien, LE TEXIER Benoit, SCHREINERGuillaume, Advantages of Flow Bindings: an embedded mobile n<strong>et</strong>work use case. WEEDEV <strong>2008</strong> : 1stWorkshop on Experimental Evaluation and Deployment Experiences on Vehicular N<strong>et</strong>works in conjonctionwith TRIDENTCOM <strong>2008</strong>, March 18 , Innsbruck, Austria, <strong>2008</strong>BOUZIDA Yacine, MANGIN Christophe, A framework for d<strong>et</strong>ecting anomalies in VoIP n<strong>et</strong>works. ARES<strong>2008</strong> : Third international conference on availability, reliability and security, March 4-7, Barcelona, Spain, <strong>2008</strong>,pp. 204-211COMA-BREBEL Céline, CUPPENS Nora, CUPPENS Frédéric, CAVALLI Ana Rosa, Context Ontology forSecure Interoperability. ARES <strong>2008</strong> : Third international conference on availability, reliability and security,March 4-7, Barcelona, Spain, <strong>2008</strong>COMA-BREBEL Céline, CUPPENS Nora, CUPPENS Frédéric, CAVALLI Ana Rosa, Interoperability UsingO2O Contract. SITIS <strong>2008</strong> : Fourth international conference on signal-image technology & Intern<strong>et</strong>-basedsystems, 30 November-3rd December, Bali, Indonésie, <strong>2008</strong>- 21 -

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