Justice William Charles Crockett AO - Victorian Bar

Justice William Charles Crockett AO - Victorian Bar

Justice William Charles Crockett AO - Victorian Bar

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Sport/Tennis<strong>Bar</strong> Takes Tennis TrophyHat TrickFOR the first time ever in the 39 yearhistory of the competition betweenthe Bench & <strong>Bar</strong> against the LawInstitute for the O’Driscoll Cup, namedafter the late Judge J.X. O’Driscoll, theBench & <strong>Bar</strong> team has succeeded in winningthe Cup for three consecutive years.In earlier times it was a struggle for the B& B team to just win the occasional match,as testified by the string of LIV successesengraved on the trophy.This new streak of competitivenessquite coincidentally coincides with themigration of Patrick Montgomery fromthe LIV ranks to those of the <strong>Bar</strong>. Whereasthe previous B & B strategy was to choosebunnies to blunt the LIV’s strong “A” sectionattack, and concentrate our forceson the Institute’s rather longish “tail” inthe “B” section, we now can put forwardgenuine firepower to match and blunt theInstitute’s premier shock troops, whilestill maintaining a concentrated attack onits rather longish “tail”.Thus Patrick and his new (in thiscompetition at least) partner, MichaelO’Bryan, won two of their sets againstthe Institute’s stars, lowering their coloursonly to the perennial Institute sharpshooters,Peter Mayberry and Mark da Silva.Even there, our stars managed to breakMayberry’s serve, “the first time this hadbeen done since 1978” as our man confidentlyasserted in his post-match pressconference. As usual, we have includedthe compulsory photograph of our manin action, so he can satisfy his family thathis career at the <strong>Bar</strong> is indeed progressingin stellar fashion. Autographed enlargementsare available from the editors forhis many fans.Michael O’Bryan made a very worthydebut, lending valuable support to Patrick.We hope to see more of Michael in futurematches. Also strong in an even “A” contingentwere John Simpson and JonathonRedwood, while Tom Danos and HowardMason were valiant contributors to the<strong>Bar</strong>’s cause against tough competition.The stars of the day, however, wereTed Fennessey and John Goetz. ThoughTed’s hairs grow a little greyer each year,Chris Thomson accepting the O’Driscoll trophy on behalf of the <strong>Bar</strong>, flanked byPat Montgomery, Peter Boyle (LIV) (both standing), John Simpson, John Goetzand Jake Fronistas.Simon Tisher.his guile and tenacity are not in the leastdiminished. This year he was ably backedup by John Goetz, and the dynamic duowon all four of their sets in “B” sectionwhich led to their selection as the winnersHoward Mason.of the second perpetual trophy awardedat these events, the Flatman–Smith trophyfor the best-performed pair. Thisis the fourth year of this prize, struckto commemorate the passing in close74

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