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STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERSThe <strong>TA</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Foundation and <strong>the</strong> Wyoming Department of <strong>Health</strong>, Behavioral <strong>Health</strong> Division gratefullyacknowledge <strong>the</strong> contributions of <strong>the</strong> steering committee.David Birney, Ph.D.David Birney is <strong>the</strong> Executive Director of <strong>the</strong> Peak Wellness <strong>Center</strong> in Cheyenne Wyoming. He is a two-time recipient of <strong>the</strong> RockyMountain Council of Community Mental <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Center</strong>s Distinguished Service Award and a member of <strong>the</strong> Partnership for <strong>the</strong>Resolution of Mental <strong>Health</strong> Issues in Wyoming.Art Merrell, M.D.Art Merrell is certified by <strong>the</strong> American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, <strong>the</strong> American Society of Addiction Medicine, <strong>the</strong> AmericanBoard of Forensic Psychiatry and <strong>the</strong> American Society of Addiction Medicine. He currently serve as <strong>the</strong> Medical Director of <strong>the</strong> PeakWellness <strong>Center</strong> as well as <strong>the</strong> Chief Medical Officer of <strong>the</strong> Wyoming Department of <strong>Health</strong>, Behavioral <strong>Health</strong> Division.Shawn Powell, Ph.D., ABPPShawn Powell is a licensed psychologist. He is board certified in school psychology by <strong>the</strong> American Board of Professional Psychology.Shawn is <strong>the</strong> President-Elect of <strong>the</strong> American Academy of School Psychologists. He is a psychology faculty member at Casper Collegeand is an adjunct faculty member of <strong>the</strong> University of Wyoming and <strong>the</strong> University of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Colorado.Bert Toews. M.D.Bert Toews is a full time addiction physician and founder of <strong>the</strong> Wyoming Recovery Program and medical director of <strong>the</strong> WyomingProfessional Assistance Program. Dr. Toews is certified by <strong>the</strong> American Board of Addiction Medicine and by <strong>the</strong> American Board ofFamily Medicine. Dr. Toews has taken a leading role in addressing Wyoming’s substance use issues.The Prescription Drug Abuse Stakeholder’s TaskforceAs representatives of <strong>the</strong> health care community, law enforcement, government, and community members, <strong>the</strong> Prescription DrugAbuse Stakeholders Taskforce devotes its efforts to eliminating <strong>the</strong> increasing abuse of prescription medications while ensuring that<strong>the</strong>y remain available for patients in need. The Rx Stakeholder’s Taskforce seeks to help doctors, nurses, pharmacists, o<strong>the</strong>r healthcareprofessionals, law enforcement, and <strong>the</strong> general public become more aware of both <strong>the</strong> use and abuse of prescription medication. Weseek to improve <strong>the</strong> regulatory framework to ensure that prescription medications are available to <strong>the</strong> patients who need <strong>the</strong>m whilepreventing <strong>the</strong>se drugs from becoming a source of harm or abuse.

Wyoming is facing a veryserious epidemic ofuncontrolled substanceuse. What may seemlike a practical drugthat can relive painand stress also has a dangerous side that isnot always realized. Patients do not have to beaddicted in order to have <strong>the</strong>ir health impactedby a substance. The <strong>Center</strong> for Disease Controlreported that from 2001 to 2005, alcoholwas involved in thirty four percent of deathsfrom falling in <strong>the</strong> state of Wyoming. Fromemergency rooms to general practices orobstetric offices, less than addictive substanceuse creates major complications.The Wyoming Department of <strong>Health</strong>, <strong>the</strong>Behavioral <strong>Health</strong> Division and <strong>the</strong> <strong>TA</strong> <strong>Health</strong><strong>Education</strong> Foundation are determined to givepractitioners tools designed to assist dedicatedhealthcare professionals. All sessions havebeen constructed specifically for Wyominghealthcare providers with guidance from apanel of Wyoming treatment professionals.This training addresses current challengesand developing issues that <strong>the</strong>se expertsbelieve will plague Wyoming in <strong>the</strong> future. Thevaried sessions are targeted to providers withdifferent roles and responsibilities. Because<strong>the</strong> training is free and live via 2-way broadcastor web broadcast; multiple staff members canattend with minimal interruption to business.Our hope is that this training will provideattendees new and effective ideas in combating<strong>the</strong>se problems throughout Wyoming.1

2ABOUT THE TRAININGAttend <strong>the</strong> sessions that impact you, and interact in real-time with <strong>the</strong>speaker, your peers, and o<strong>the</strong>r experts. You don’t need to attend everysession; we’ve designed <strong>the</strong> training so that every mental healthcareconstituent can find specific presentations to help meet Wyoming’smental health and substance abuse needs. This training is free andyou can get one contact hour for each session you attend.LocationThis program will take place February 21 – 22, 2012 live at <strong>the</strong> <strong>TA</strong>GuestRanch in Buffalo. It will also be broadcast live, in a 2-wayinteractiveformat via <strong>the</strong> Wyoming Telehealth Network (see pg.10 for braodcast locations). Participants can join <strong>the</strong> training atparticipating Hospitals throughout Wyoming, or on <strong>the</strong>ir personalcomputer through live web streaming.This conference is specificallydesigned for professionals :• Psychiatrists• Psychologists• Social Workers• General Practitioners• ER Physicians• Pediatricians• Mental <strong>Health</strong> and Substance AbuseCounselors• Physician’s Assistants• Nurses• Pharmacists• Dentists• Preventionists

OVERVIEWTuesday, February 21Time Session Credits Offered8:00 – 9:30 am Medication Assisted TherapiesArt Merrell, M.D. and Bert Toews, M.D., FASAM9:45 – 11:45 am Collaborative Practice to Promote Pain Management and Reduce Substance AbuseDavid Brushwood, R.Ph., J.D.1:00 – 2:00 pm Substance Use Sensitive PrescribingBert Toews, M.D., FASAM2:15 – 3:45 pm Less Than Addictive Substance Use: The Case for InterventionLarry Gentilello M.D., F.A.C.S.4:00 – 5:00 pm The Treatment of Mental <strong>Health</strong> and Substance Abuse: A Cross Disciplinary DiscussionDavid Brushwood, R.Ph, J.D., Dr. Gary Fisher, Ph.D., Larry Gentilello M.D., F.A.C.S.,David R Hadlock, D.O., F.A.C.O.O.G., D.A.B.A.M., C.M.R.O., C.C.H.P., S.A.P., M.A.C., and Bert Toews, M.D., FASAM3Wednesday, February 22Time Session Credits Offered8:00 – 9:00 am Issues in Ethics for Mental <strong>Health</strong> and Substance Abuse Treatment ProvidersGary Fisher, Ph.D.9:15 am – 12:15 pm Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisordersDavid R Hadlock, D.O., F.A.C.O.O.G., D.A.B.A.M., C.M.R.O., C.C.H.P., S.A.P., M.A.C.1:45 – 3:15 pm Treating <strong>the</strong> Unique Needs of Wyoming VeteransMark Mann, M.D.

TUESDAY48:00-9:30Medication Assisted TherapiesArt Merrell, M.D.Bert Toews, M.D., FASAMNumerous studies have demonstrated a significant decline inrecidivism rates when behavioral <strong>the</strong>rapy is accompanied bymedications targeted at substance use. This approach is o<strong>the</strong>rwiseknown as medication assisted <strong>the</strong>rapy. In this presentation, joinDrs. Art Merrell and Berton Toews as <strong>the</strong>y discuss <strong>the</strong> neurobiologyof addiction, including a discussion of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ory that sluggishdopamine reward systems predispose individuals to addiction.Follow as substance abuse is defined and <strong>the</strong> differences betweenaddiction and dependence and tolerance are discussed. Theywill explain <strong>the</strong> neurobiology of detoxification and explore <strong>the</strong>evidence regarding <strong>the</strong> efficacy of medications used to assist with<strong>the</strong> symptoms of withdrawal. Discover <strong>the</strong> medication available toassist in treating substance use such as Naltrexone, Buprenorphine,Tegretol, Chantix, Zyban, and more. Examine <strong>the</strong> evidenceregarding recidivism and <strong>the</strong> use of <strong>the</strong>se medications. Join <strong>the</strong>discussion regarding <strong>the</strong> role medications play with abstinence orspirituality based recovery programs such as <strong>the</strong> twelve step model.Art Merrell, M.D.: Dr. Merrell attended <strong>the</strong> University of ColoradoMedical School, and completed a residency in psychiatry at <strong>the</strong>University of Colorado Psychiatric Hospital. Dr. Merrell is certifiedby <strong>the</strong> American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology with addedqualification in addiction psychiatry. He is also certified throughexamination by <strong>the</strong> American Society of Addiction Medicine, <strong>the</strong>American Board of Forensic Psychiatry, and <strong>the</strong> American Boardof Addiction Medicine. Dr. Merrell currently serves as <strong>the</strong> MedicalDirector of <strong>the</strong> Peak Wellness <strong>Center</strong>, <strong>the</strong> Chief Medical Officer of <strong>the</strong>Wyoming Department of <strong>Health</strong>, Behavioral <strong>Health</strong> Division. He alsomaintains a part time private practice in Cheyenne, Wyoming.Berton Toews, M.D., FASAM: Berton Toews was born near Calgary,Alberta, grew up in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, and attended Universityof Idaho and University of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Colorado. He received hismedical degree from <strong>the</strong> University of Cincinnati, and later movedto Casper, Wyoming in 1976. There he became <strong>the</strong> first graduatefrom <strong>the</strong> University of Wyoming family practice residency program.He is certified by <strong>the</strong> American Board of Addiction Medicine andby <strong>the</strong> American Board of Family Medicine, and is Wyoming’sonly full-time addiction physician. In 1996, Dr. Toews openedWyoming Recovery Program, which is a multi-level addictiontreatment center in Casper that plays a leading role in tackling<strong>the</strong> state’s substance problems. He has also been active in helpinghealth professionals impaired by addictions for more than twentyyears and is medical director of Wyoming Professional AssistanceProgram. He is active on <strong>the</strong> admitting staff of Wyoming Medical<strong>Center</strong> and as faculty at <strong>the</strong> University of Wyoming family practiceresidency program. He is also a Senior Aviation Medical Examiner.9:45-11:45Collaborative Practice to Promote PainManagement and Reduce Substance AbuseDavid Brushwood, R.Ph., J.D.Less than two decades ago, emergency rooms saw some 40,000patients in one year who misused prescription pain killers. In 2008,over 300,000 were admitted for this wildly growing problem. Oneexpert reported that about 5.2 of <strong>the</strong> estimated 7 million Americanswho abuse prescription dugs were improperly using pain relievers.It’s no wonder that prescribers hesitate to write prescriptions forpain medications. Some have resorted to refusing patients painmanagement drugs in fear of promoting or permitting <strong>the</strong> abuseof <strong>the</strong>se drugs, but does this best serve patients in real pain? JoinDr. David Brushwood as he focuses on reducing substance abusewhile still managing patient’s pain. Dr. Brushwood describes how

TUESDAYcollaboration between prescribers, patients and pharmacists canmeet <strong>the</strong> needs of chronic pain patients without “knowingly” fillinginappropriate prescriptions by following VIGIL (Verification,Identification, Generalization, Interpretation and Legalization).This presentation will clarify <strong>the</strong> challenging problem ofdistinguishing pain behaviors from suspect behaviors as well asclearly identifying addiction with <strong>the</strong> FSMB regulatory approach.Dr. Brushwood will demonstrate how to avoid prescription fraudwith <strong>the</strong> help of information from <strong>the</strong> DEA Pharmacist Manual.A knowledgeable and trusted expert in <strong>the</strong> crucial education ofpharmacist professional responsibility and pain management policy,Dr. David B. Brushwood, R.Ph., J.D. will be sure to deliver essentialeducation on <strong>the</strong>se increasingly important issues.David B. Brushwood, R.Ph., J.D.:David Brushwood is Professorof Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy at <strong>the</strong> University ofFlorida College of Pharmacy in Gainesville. His primary teachingresponsibilities are in <strong>the</strong> areas of pharmacist professionalresponsibility and pain management policy. Professor Brushwoodhas received grant funding from agencies such as <strong>the</strong> CommunityPharmacy Foundation, <strong>the</strong> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and<strong>the</strong> National Institutes of <strong>Health</strong>. He currently directs an onlineMaster of Science in Pharmacy program that he founded in 2006.The program has over 200 students actively pursuing graduatestudies. Professor Brushwood is a frequent contributor to pharmacyjournals and to law journals.1:00–2:00Substance Use Sensitive PrescribingBert Toews, M.D., FASAMIf a patient broke his leg in a car accident caused by substance use,should this information change how <strong>the</strong> prescriber treats <strong>the</strong> painof <strong>the</strong> broken leg? Americans are showing a decreasing tolerancefor pain. In fact, prescriptions for pain relievers in 2003 were anastounding 16 times higher than in 1994. Unfortunately, <strong>the</strong>sepowerful tools for relieving pain carry <strong>the</strong> perilous potential ofaddiction. According to NIDA, a many as 7% of patients prescribednarcotic or opioids analgesics will become addicted. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore,<strong>the</strong> Drug Enforcement Agency’s Office of Diversion and Controlreports that 74% of American abusing prescription drugs areabusing pain relievers. Americans are abusing prescription drugsmore than cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants and heroin combined,but shockingly, 40 percent of physicians do not know <strong>the</strong>ir patient’ssubstance use background when prescribing <strong>the</strong>se potentiallyaddictive substances. In this session, addiction specialist BertToews will outline crucial steps prescribers can take to treat <strong>the</strong>irpatients while being sensitive to potential addiction. Dr. Toews willexplain <strong>the</strong> vital importance of knowing a patient’s substance usehistory before prescribing. Drawing on his extensive experience intreating addiction, Dr. Toews will explain <strong>the</strong> use and effectivenessof pain contracts. Inspired by real life clinical situations, thissession promises to deliver practical solutions for prescribers inevery day practice.Berton Toews, M.D., FASAM: Berton Toews was born near Calgary,Alberta, grew up in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, and attended Universityof Idaho and University of Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Colorado. He received hismedical degree from University of Cincinnati, and moved to Casper,Wyoming in 1976. There he became <strong>the</strong> first graduate from <strong>the</strong>University of Wyoming family practice residency program. Heis certified by <strong>the</strong> American Board of Addiction Medicine and by<strong>the</strong> American Board of Family Medicine, and is Wyoming’s onlyfull-time addiction physician. In 1996, Dr. Toews opened WyomingRecovery Program, a multi-level addiction treatment center inCasper that plays a leading role in tackling <strong>the</strong> state’s substanceproblems. HE has also been active in helping health professions5

TUESDAY1:45-3:15Treating <strong>the</strong> Unique Needs of Wyoming VeteransMark Mann, M.D.As our veterans return home, <strong>the</strong>y need our help now more thanever according to many recent studies. A Rand Corporation reportin 2009 found that as many as 20 percent of Iraq and Afghanistanveterans exhibited symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) or depression. The VA estimates that in 2005, <strong>the</strong> suiciderate per 100,000 veterans among men ages 18-29 was 44.99 butjumped to an astonishing 56.77 in just two years. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore,while prescription drug abuse doubled among U.S. militarypersonnel from 2002-2005 it almost tripled during 2005-2008.In consistent defense against <strong>the</strong>se devastating problems is <strong>the</strong>Veterans Administration. In this increasingly relevant session,join <strong>the</strong> impressively qualified Dr. Mark Mann as he highlights <strong>the</strong>unique mental health and substance abuse challenges that faceour returning veterans today. He will explain <strong>the</strong> leading role takenby <strong>the</strong> Veterans Administration in identifying and treating thisheroic population. Dr. Mann will discuss approaches utilized by <strong>the</strong>Veterans Administration like Acceptance Commitment Therapy(ACT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in <strong>the</strong> treatmentof mood disorders as well as additional evidence based <strong>the</strong>rapiessuch as Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and ProlongedExposure Therapy (PE) in <strong>the</strong> treatment of PTSD. The SeekingSafety approach to treating comorbid substance abuse and PTSDwill be reviewed as well as <strong>the</strong> use of safety contracts in treatingsuicide in <strong>the</strong> veteran population. Dr. Mann will demonstrate howevery treatment professional can take advantage of <strong>the</strong>se lifesavingservices for <strong>the</strong> veterans <strong>the</strong>y serve by accessing VA servicesthrough <strong>the</strong> VA’s extensive telehealth network. This session is vitalto providing up-to-date and life changing and saving information tohelp all treatment professionals care for those who have valiantlyserved our country.Mark Mann, M.D.: Dr. Mark Mann is currently <strong>the</strong> Associate Chiefof Staff for Mental <strong>Health</strong> at <strong>the</strong> Sheridan VA Medical <strong>Center</strong>. TheSheridan VAMC Mental <strong>Health</strong> Department is responsible for 135inpatient beds that range from a locked Acute Psychiatric Unit toResidential Substance Dependence and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder Treatment. He obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical CommunityPsychology from <strong>the</strong> University of Maryland. He has over 10 yearsexperience teaching psychology at <strong>the</strong> University level and haspublished multiple peer review journals articles and book chapters.He completed five years of neuropsychological assessment at <strong>the</strong>National Institute of <strong>Health</strong> and has worked on research projectswith <strong>the</strong> National Institute of Justice, <strong>the</strong> Maryland Department ofCorrections, <strong>the</strong> University of Maryland, and <strong>the</strong> Baltimore VAMC.He was a consultant for <strong>the</strong> Clinical Trials Unit of <strong>the</strong> NationalInstitute of Drug Abuse and <strong>the</strong> University of Maryland CollegePark. Dr. Mann is considered an expert in <strong>the</strong> study and treatmentof both Substance Abuse Disorders and Post-Traumatic StressDisorder.9

BROADCAST LOCATIONSAftonStar Valley Medical <strong>Center</strong>EvanstonWyoming State HospitalSheridanSheridan Memorial Hospital10BuffaloJohnson County <strong>Health</strong>care<strong>Center</strong>CasperWyoming Medical <strong>Center</strong>Behavioral <strong>Health</strong> ServicesCheyenneCheyenne Regional Medical<strong>Center</strong>Cheyenne VeteransAdministrationCodyCody LibraryDouglasMemorial Hospital of ConverseCountyGilletteCampbell County MemorialHospitalJacksonSt. John’s Medical <strong>Center</strong>LanderLander Regional HospitalLaramieIvinson Memorial HospitalLovellNorth Big Horn HospitalRawlinsMemorial Hospital of CarbonCountyRock SpringsSouthwest Counseling <strong>Center</strong>Sheridan VeteransAdministrationNor<strong>the</strong>rn Wyoming Mental<strong>Health</strong> <strong>Center</strong>SundanceCrook County Medical ServicesDistrictThermopolisHot Springs County MemorialHospitalWheatlandPlatte County Memorial HospitalCan’t make it to a broadcastlocation? Log-on from yourdesktop computer!

REGISTRATION FORMTo register for <strong>the</strong> Mental <strong>Health</strong> and Substance Abuse Training, visit www.tahealth.org, mail this form to <strong>the</strong> <strong>TA</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Education</strong>Foundation, 28623 Old Hwy 87, Buffalo, WY 82834, or fax it to 307.684.8779. For information, call 307.684.5833. Please note: <strong>the</strong> trainingand CME, CEU, and POST credits are free.Name of AttendeeAffiliation/Organization11Mailing AddressPhoneEmail (note: it is our policy not to sell our email list)Facility where you will be attending <strong>the</strong> training (list of videoconferencing locations below)Number of continuing education credits you will apply for

<strong>TA</strong> <strong>Health</strong><strong>Education</strong>Foundation28623 Old Hwy 87Buffalo, WY 82834www.tahealth.org

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