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DISTRICT ANALYSIS REPORTSr. No.1School NameJawahar NavodayavidyalayaThemescovered Biodiversity Waste Management Energy Conservation Water51)Plantation of 600saplings-"Each one plantone"2)Planting outside thecampus-80 saplings3)Identification ofmedicinal plants in thecampus1)Drive againstplastic wastesa)Plastic free schoolb)Collecting plasticwaste and send it forrecycling1)Reduce the wastage ofelectricity-Assigned thestudents to check up everyhostel,classes and blocks werethe lights or fans areunnecessarily running and they2)Replaced all the bulbs withCFL3)During rainy months they areusing the 5 HP motor from theharvester instead of pumpingwith the 25 HP pump from themain water source .Thisresullted in the drastic reductionin the electricity bill.Conservation1)6 rainwaterharvesting structuresin the school ,eachhaving a storingcapacity of 40000litres2)Channelising theused water to theirrigation3)block all theleakages anddropping from all thetaps.Culture and Heritage1)Visit to Thalasseryfort,St.Angelosfort,Arakkal museum etc.2)Conducted variousdancecompetitions,different folkdances and arts,tribaldances,to make theOther activities1)Celebrated a)Worldenvironment dayb)World anti-drug dayc)World population day4)Workshop onBiodiversity conservationc)Paper bag makingand distributing tothe nearby shops2)Disaster managementactivities-seminar onprinciples and philosophyof earth quake resistantdesigns to the students,andpublic5)Vegitable garden-Details given (vegetablesprocured and sold)6)Cocunut plantationd)Awarenesscampaign andantiplastic rally intheir neighbouringtown to create2)Railway stationcleaning andbeutification ofRailway park3)World mosquitoeradication day-Conducteda programmeNattarivu;traditionalanecdotes to escape from4)Study tour to Snake parkparassinikadavu -understanding theimportance of Biodiversity5)Celebrated Gandhijayanthi-Sramadhaan wasconducted inside andoutside the campus.

6)World space weekcelebration-Interaction withthe scientist from ISRO7)Painting exhibition onBIOSPHERE AND MAN8)World AIDS day-Seminar,posterexhibition,quiz competitionon the topic AIDS9)Public campaign on roadsafety10)NGC volunteers incancer awareness campaign-Students became thevolunteers for the one daytraining about cancerawareness to the peoplesfrom their panchayath11)Students did a project onBad effects of cooking inaluminium vessels and tosuggest the people to go fortraditional earthern pots andawareness campaign in theneighbouring villages.2Narayana vilasamAUP School51)Plantation in the near bysacred groove2)Paddy cultivation3)Vegetable garden1)Dumping ofbiodegradable andnonbiodegradable toseparate waste bins1)Energy audit2)reducing the wastage ofelectricity3)Awareness class,Rally onenergy conservation1)Wetlandconservation-Adetailed study on theponds in their area andconducted a seminaron these as part of theawareness programme2)River conservation-Awarenessrally,students formed achain around the riveras a part of theawarenessPlantation in the naerbysacred groove1)Celebrated a)Hiroshima dayb)ozone dayc)Farmers day

2)Built a aerumadam at theschool -the abode built on thebranches of the tree3 GHSS Eringallor 21)Plantation inside thecampus2)Identification of the treesspecies inside the campus3)Medicinal plant garden1)Cleaning of thecampus,2)Awareness rally1)Celebrateda)World environment dayb)environment quiz4)Butterfly park5)Making of bird nest as apart of World animal welfareday6)Banana cultivation2)Study tour to butterflypark,Teak museum innilambur,kadalundi communitybiosphere reserve3)A Project on mosquitoeradication-did survey,awareness in the houses intheir panchayath ward4)A class on Health5)Poster making competitionon OZONE DAY6)Distribution of foodfrom thestudent houses to around 200poor patients in the medicalcollege as a part of the worldfood day7)Awareness rally on anti-war4Govt Boys HigherSecondarySchool,Manjeri4 1)Butterfly park 1)Campus cleaning 1)Electricity consumption- 1)Sprinkler system 1)Celebrated2)Biodiversity conservationthrough ecosystem-Madeponds in the schoolcompound2)Compost pit andwaste bin3)Awarenesscampaign4)Antiplastic postermaking competition2)Waste waterchannelised to somebanana plants.a)Environment dayb)Reading dayc)Hiroshima day & NagasakiDay

Ramakrishna Higher5secondary School51)Medicinal forest -Around202 medicinal trees2)Plantation in school-Detailsgiven,species name,presentcondition3)Plantation in the houses ofstudents-Details given4)2 Medicinal plant gardenaround200 plants5)Garden6)Placing placards coveyingenvironment messages anduses of the medicinal plantainside the school campus1)Environmentfriendly square(EFS)‐making the ward inwhich school lies intoa square on certaincriteria to make anawareness onenvironment pollutionto the people‐Surveyon the number ofhouses,shops,familymembers,electricappliances,wastedisposal,survey on thespecies in thearea,wells,healthaspects.planting amedicinal plant ineach house,qualityanalysis of water inhouses in the area itsawareness.Based onthese data they havedrawn a map .Basedon these they can geta idea of which araethey want to focus forthe awareness2)Making of cloth bagsand distributingtoshops and houses3)Cleaning of publicplaces and drainagewith the help of theresidential araes4)Cleaning of thecoastal araes of thecalicut beach5)Cleaning of classrooms-throughcompetition6)Paper bag makingand distributing to thehouses1)Environment friendly square2)Making of LED BULBS andmake use of these bulbs inmembers houses.Now they areplanning to maka an awareness onthese LED bulbs to the houses inthe environment friendly project1)Environment friendlysquareDid a project on the history ofthe ponds in their area2)Onam celebration1)Nature camp to kuruvaisland2)Conducted an exhibition onenvironment awareness forthe students and for the public3)Celebrateda)Environment day-awarenessclass onbiodiversity,cleanliness by themembers to the studentsb)Ozone day-seminar4)Conducted a workshop forthe students from differentdistricts-main themeenvironment awareness

7)Did a project on the historyof the ponds in their area,ecosystem in the pond,its 7)Cloth bag makingpresent condition and thereason for the change5) one day camp in malabarwild life sanctuary8)Paddy cultivation in theschool compound8)Placing placards inthe school campusCelebrated environment daysand other special days byconductingseminars,plantation,cyclerally,cleaning of the publicplaces,posterexhibition,various competitionsetc-Details given9)Banana plantation10) AN exhibition on birdsand animals9)Collecting plasticfrom EFS area andgiving to thecoorperation10)6K.K Kidav memorialup school'cheliya5 1)Plantation-given details1)Cleaning of thepublic place-on gandhijayanthi1)Practice general methods onreducing the wastage of electricity1)Water qualityanalysis survey in 200housesConducted a workshop onfolk arts ,to know the cultureand heritage of their locality1)Colash exhibition on ozoneday2)Medicinal plant garden2)Goodbye plasticprogramme focusingschool and the village-2)Monitoring and reducind the4 stages :Awarenesswastage of electricity in studentto the people,plastichouses and neighbouring housecarryingout this project in eachwastedisposal,distribution ofhouses in their locality-Energyof paper bags toaudit surveyshops,cloth bags to allthe houses around1000 in their area.2)Awareness classand documentary2)Published a environmentmagazine3)Vegetable garden3)Awareness notice tothe houses during anycelebrations to reducethe usage of plastic3)Rain water harvester3)Awareness notice againstthe Plague to all the houses4)Banana plantation4)Plastic usage surveyin each houses of theirlocality4)Recharge pits4)Awareness class onepidemic fever5)Plantation in dispensory5)Awareness class forthe students about theneed of cleaning thesurroundings5)Channelisation ofwaste water to thevegetable garden5)Field trip6)Plantation in the studenthouses and to theneighbouring 10 houses6)Rally6)Soil quality test-as a part ofhelping farmers

7)Shade for house ,shadefor the place-Plantation ofmango tree saplings inschool compound andhouses of the students7Vidya prakash publicschool5 1)Roof top vegetable garden 1)Compost pit1)Reducing electricity consumption-1)Leaking tapsReplacing withyCFL Bulbs1)Visit to the craftvillage,iringal1)Ozone day celebration2)Medicinal plantation2)Zero wastemanagementprogramme-makingorganic manure for thevegetable garden fromthe kitchen waste2)Rain water harvester2)Visit to kunjali maraikarmemorial2)New yaer celebration bymaking eco friendly cards3)Plantion inside the campus3)Water sanitationmethods-Demonstration of H2Sstrip test,SODISmethod8Govt HighSchool,Nallalam31)Plantation in schoolcompound1)Workshop on paperbag making1)water surveyquantifiedthe usage ofwater in the studenthouses by themselfesfor a week.Made ananalysis and given aclass on the waterconservation .1)Awareness class2)Prepared a biodiversityalbum2)Cleaning of the classrooms and schoolcompound regularly2)Poster exhibition onwater conservation2)Drawing competition on thetopic forest3)Medicinal plant garden3)Placing placards inclassrooms for conveyingenvironment messages4)Rally on environmentawareness5)Celebrated world antidrugday-making posters,messages against the drugusage,placards,And rally6)World population day-Quiz,colash exhibition7)World antiwar day-CDShow,exhibition,placards,Rally8)Mosquito eradication dayseminars,dryday9)Ozone day-essaycompetition,awareness class

10)Celebrated gandhi jayanthiquiz,havea Gandhi minimuseum in school11)Celebrated world animalwelfare day-awarenessclass,prepared a biodiversityalbum9 PTCMHS Kunduthode 2 1)Vegetable garden 1)Plastic free school2)Medicinal plant garden3)Garden4)Plantation in schoolcompound and in the housesof students5)made a list of endangeredspecies2)Compost pit1)Celebrated worldenvironment day-wallnewspaper exhibition2)World antidrug day-Awareness class and CDSHOW3)World populatin daypreparedwallnews paper4)World antiwar day-Postermaking competition5)Ozone day-presentation6) Ecofriendly classroom10 GUPS KODAL 51)cleaning of class1)Plantation in the schoolrooms and schoolcompound and placing namecompounds,dailyboards-Around 535 saplingsmonitoring2)Vegetable garden3)Medicinal plant garden andplacing name boards2)Cleaning of publicplaces3)plastic recyclingprepareda model onhose pipe from wasteplastic1)Biogas plant -using the wastefrom both the school and nearbyareas from the school2)Energy awareness programmein schools and exhibition ofposters and awareness in thehouses of their locality3)Replacement of normal bulbswitrh CFL bulbs1)Water qualityanalysis in the housesof their locality2)1)Street play conveyingenvironment messages2)Conducted a survey on thetraditional healing practices3)Made a list of folk songsused in their area2)Rally on Antidrugday,seminar3)Awareness class to theparents on epidemic diseases4)cocunut plantation 4)Biogasplant 4)Health survey5)Paddy cultivation5)Paper bag makingand distributed to theshops6)A CD show on mangrovesand snakes of kerala7)Season watch8)Exhibition on flowers intheir locality6)Cloth bag makingand distributed to 18houses7)Plastic free school8)Love plasticprogramme ofmathrubhumi SEEDcollectingPlasticcovers,milk coverpackets,plasticcomponents of the pengiven for recyclingboth from schools andnearby shops5)Seminar on noise pollution6)conducted free eye check upcamp for the people in theirarae7)Conducted a debate inschool on topic pesticides8)Distribution of environmentcalender to each class

11 GUPS Thrikkuttissery 59)Exhibition on medicinalplants10)Wetland coservation1)Plantation around 825saplings2)Medicinal plant gardenaround175 saplings3)Biodiversity register4)Making of organicpesticide5)Cocunut plantation9)Awareness notice tothe houses during anycelebrations to reducethe usage of plastic1)Compost pit 1)Replacing with CFL Bulbs 1)Leaking taps2)Vermicompost3)Clean green villageplantingtrees,collecting plasticwaste from the housesthey selected anggiving these plasticwaste for disposal(1000 Houses)4)Dry day in a week 4)5)Awareness class onplastic disposal inhouses scientifically6)anti plastic group inthe school7)Paper bag makingand distributing toshops2)Energy audit survey in houses3)Conducted the activity carbonemmission in transport2)storing water in largebuckets to reduce thewsatage of waterduring handwash frompipes3)1)Given a brief report of theculture and heritage of theirlocality2)Sacred groovesconservation3)Collected details on localtraditional knowledge9)Distribution of books relatedto environment to each classon ozone day10)Published environmentmagazine11)Rally on mullaperiyar damissue12)New yaer celebration bymaking ecofriendly greetindcard conveying environmentmessages13)Complaint letter to thehealth inspector regarding thefood complaints on shops intheir area14)conducted a workshop onfrom forest to sea15)National Environmentawareness campaign16)Awareness on theepidemic diseases17)Published environmentnewsletter-Spandhanam1)Soil quality test-as a part ofhelping farmers2)Awareness class onepidemic fever and healthsurvey in 1020 house3)Conducted a workshoponenvironment awareness4)A study on the localenvironment problem5)discussion on the climatechange6)Documentary7)Field trip

12 Narippatta up school 2 1)Plantation2)Plantation on the roadsides-Way side shade3)Medicinal plant garden4)Vegetable garden5)Biodiversity conservationhavearound 300 trees in theschool compound;wellmaintained6)Seminar on biodiversityconservation8)Cloth bag makingand distributing toshops1)Distribution of clothbags to the students8)New yaer celebration bymaking eco friendly greetingcards convey environmentmessages9)Health survey10) a short film onenvironment1)Celebrated worldenvironment day-class onbiodiversity2)Green magic show in theschool3)World mosquito eradicationday-Awareness,dry day4)Ozone day celebrationpostermakingcompetition,colash exhibition5)Naturecamp6)Environment friendly class inschool compound13St.Mary's HighSchool,Koodathai41)Setting up of plants of thezodiac garden1)Distribution ofpamphlets,stickersconveying messageson wastemanagement to thestudents2)Set up a medicinal gardenin the ayurveda hospital near 2)Plastic free schoolthe school1)Distribution ofAwareness stickerconveying themessages on waterconservation tostudents2)Made recharge pitsin the houses ofstudents1)class on the culture andheritage of their locality1)Placing placards and postersin public places coveyingenvironment messages2)Nature camp3)Plantation outside theschool-veterinary hospital3)Awarenessrally,Awareness class3)Awareness rally3)Celebrated environmentdays4)Medicinal plant garden inthe school compoundaround150 medicinal plants4)seminar on solidwaste management4)Performed a plot on theeffects of endosulphan5)Butterfly park6)Garden7)Exhibition on rare flowers8)Vegetable garden9)Distribution of notices to allhouses in their village as apart of planting medicinalplants in all houses

Kendriya vidyalaya No14151)Plantation-given the detailsof saplings planted,presentstatus,average height in cm1)Vermicompost tanks1)All class rooms are providedtube lights & street lights areprovided with CFLs1)Repaired leakagetaps1) A study has beenconducted on Homeremedies1)Celebrated environmentdays2)100 banan plants arebrought ant planted by thechildren in last two years andyield is getting2)Biopedestralbiodegradablewastedisposal method formaking manur byusing anerobicbacteria-this method isused in school and inthe student housesand in the schoolquarters2)Energy audit in their houses andthe units saved were found out-This is done by finding out thenumber of electrical gadgets usedin their houses and how much thetime they are used , and theenergy consumed per day arecalculated .2)Waste awterchannelisation toplants2)27 plants for 27 atars arefound out , the plants arecollected and planted in thetemple ground atNirakaithakotta , kadalundy3)Love plasticcampaign-In thisprogramme they havegiven 4 different bagsto collect plastics ofdifferent microns andhand over to them .3)Season watch-selecting aThey have promisedtree by the student andRs. 2 / per kg of plasticobserving the tree once in awaste . This is takenweek and recording theup as yearly project ofobservation -help them tothe school . everystudy the changes occurringweek the volunteers go 3)in the tree observed by themand collect the plasticand understand awaste from everyonecomparative difference in thewho have brought fromgrowth of the tree and thethe houses andanimals associated with thesegregate into fourtreecategories .In this waywe have handed over48 kg of plastic wasteto them and nownearly 60 kg of wasteare collected and keptfor handing over3)HarvestingRainwater

4)Butterfly garden-5)Conducted a survey studyon mangroves of Malabarcoast6) Study of endangeredmedicinal plants -A studyhas been conducted visitingMalabar botanical gardenand collected the species a.they are planted in theschool garden4)Awarenessprogramme-Theyvisited the nearby slumcolony Santinagar andmade an interview withthe local people whoare residing in thecolony and brought outthe sufferings of thecolony people in theform of adocumentaryandbrought to the notice ofDistrict collectorDr.Salim . As a followup of that also as apart , the corporationtook up theresponsibility ofcleaning theirsurroundings .5)Awarenessprogramme-Anothergroup of children wentaround the city andmedical college andtook photos of plasticdumping places andsubmitted to collectoras part of his MAPprogramme in Calicutdistrict6) Stop bringingtoffees on birthdayswith plastic cover4)Water quality studyof Canoli,canal5)Water qualityanalysis ofKunduparambu river6) Water qualityanalysis of well waterof different well water7) A study has beenconducted in the type of soiland Biodiversity of differentplaces s uch as Kadalundi ,Nirakaithakotta , Wynad ,Calicut , Thamarassery ,Muthanga , & Munnar andmadea comparative study .and found out the reason ofrich biodiversity in wynad7) Stopped the usageof Plastic water bottlesand started usingmetal water bottles7) Water analysis ofdifferent well water foeE.coli and othermicroorganisms

8) A study has beenconducted by visitingMadhuvanam , medicinalgarden at kakkor made adetailed study onDashpushpam , it’smedicinal effects8) Motivated the wholeschool to purchaseEarthern pots in theirclassrooms to fill waterto drink . This helpedto certain extend toprevent the use ofplastic bottles8) The study of utility ofwater in the school andwastage occurred andthe methods to avoid it9) A detailed experimentalstudy has been conducted toimprove the quality ofBrahmi by growing them inseven different soil samplesand observing the foliagegrowth and bacoside contentalso .This project has beensubmitted to Insire Awardand got selected at regionallevel and going to present atNational level10)Being the Internationalyear of Bat , a study hasbeen conducted on thedistribution of bats and theuse of it’s iguana as fertilizer. This is done by differentgroups of children and theresults are attached asreports11)A survey study has beenconducted on the distributionof pepper plant in India andthe different speciescultivated . Planted 10varieites in the schoolcampus9) Prepared paperbags and distributed inthe school to the staffmembers .10)Requested all themembers of the schoolto avoid using plasticcarry bags and usecloth bags11)Participated for allRallys conducted in thedistrict in connectionwith no plastic MAPprogrammes organizedby Dist . collector12)Another study has beenconducted on the speciesGarcinia In India and it’seconomic importance12)displayed postersmade in tin sheetagainst the misuse ofplastics in and aroundthe school and also inthe near by junctions ofthe school13)A field visit has beenconducted to differentcoconut plantations andvisited the factory producingVirgin coconut oil .Recorded the methods usedto produce the is oil and it’smedicinal uses13)

14)A survey study has beenconducted on Turmericcultivation , the medicinalimportance of turmeric , themethods of extraction of oilfrom turmeric , theimportance of patency15) A group of studentsconducted a study on thearrangements of leaf on theirstem16) A study of Zodiac plantsconducted. All 27 plants for27 atars are found out , theplants are collected andplanted in the school

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