NielseN @PlaN Quick cards

NielseN @PlaN Quick cards

NielseN @PlaN Quick cards

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netratingsclientservices@nielsen.comNielsen @Plan MethodologyNielsen @Plan is Nielsen’s media planning, buying andselling tool. It provides users with a better understandingof where particular audiences surf online, as well as a site’sdemographic and psychographic make-up. Data is releasedon a quarterly basis.Nielsen @Plan data is derived from two sources. The firstsource is an Internet survey distributed to 9,000 adultsquarterly who are at least 18 years old and have been onlinein the past 30 days. These respondents provide in-depthinformation about their demographics, lifestyles, and buyingpreferences. The second source is the age 18+ portion ofthe Nielsen NetView panel, which includes approximately130,000 participants. The data from the Nielsen @Plansurvey is then fused with the Nielsen NetView online panelbaseddata to create a far-reaching and diverse sample of theadult universe.Nielsen @Plan HierarchyNielsen @Plan utilizes the same three-tier hierarchy asNielsen NetView, called Nielsen MarketView. The reportinglevels are as follows:• Parent (P): A consolidation or group of businesses that areowned by a parent company; a parent contains at least onebrand• Brand (B): An operating unit or subsidiary of a parentcompany; a brand may contain channels• Channel (C): A website with editorial content thatfocuses on a specific view of interest, i.e. news, sports, orentertainment• Domain (D) and Subdomain (S): Most granular reportinglevels of websites; they comprise brands and channels• Nielsen @Plan Network (N): Publisher-defined verticalthat can be viewed by all Nielsen @Plan subscribers• Nielsen NetView Custom Roll-Up (R): Publisher-definedvertical from NetView that also shows up in @PlanCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 2

Login and Homepagenetratingsclientservices@nielsen.com1. Go to: https://answers.nielsen.comFirst time users click theForgotten Password? link to retrievepassword1322. Select Nielsen Online tab3. Click @Plan4. Press Create a New Report buttonon the Homepage to begin creatingtargets, lists, and reportsMy Saved Info menu contains folderswith saved targets, lists, and reportsMy Session Info contains folders withtargets and lists that are created andused in the current sessioncan build, revise, or delete scheduledreportsThe Help menu contains the HelpCenter, which provides tips and tricksfor navigating the tool4Group Saved Info contains folders withtargets and lists that are shared byemployees from the same companyAccount Settings gives users theoption to change the data release inthe Profile and Preferences section. Inthe Scheduled Reports section, clientsRecently Run Reports displays the 10most recently run reports in Nielsen@PlanMy @Plan Inbox displays scheduledreports, delivery notifications, andlong-running reports (reports that takemore than a minute to load)Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 3

defiNe targets/lists screeNnetratingsclientservices@nielsen.comSEARCH MODEBROWSE MODEType in desired profilepoints and sites to searchand add to your targetsand listsThe default search setting is All Entities,which includes brands, channels,NetView Custom Roll-ups and @PlanNetworks. All Sites include everythingin All Entities plus parents, domains,subdomains, and applicationsThis mode allows you toperuse through categories andsubcategories of profile points andsites to add to your targets and listsA single click adds aprofile point or siteto the expression canvasCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 4

defiNe targets/lists screeNnetratingsclientservices@nielsen.comCreate a Group allows userto group items as desired,using parentheses aroundAND/OR conditionsClear All deletes alltarget or list items fromthe expression canvaswith a single clickExpand allows userto view items in theexpression canvas thatdo not fit on the screenAudience Validity Meter:Green: Availability of sampledata to generate results isabove 30Yellow: Availability of sampledata to generate results isbetween 10 and 29Red: Availability of sample datato generate results is below 10Add Target (List) toSession adds targetor list to My SessionInfo menu for use incurrent sessionSave Target (List) addstarget or list to My SavedInfo menu for use in futuresessionsAuto Grouping automaticallygroups items by their AND/ORconditions with parenthesesShare Target (List) addsthe target or list to theGroup Saved Info menuPress Continue to Select Report tomove to the Select Report screen oradd a target/list to My Session InfoCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 5

Market Sizing ReportThe Market Sizing report displays the overall size of a target audience or a siteSelect Report Screen1. Select Market Sizing report2. Choose desired target(s) from Select the Targets foryour Report3. Select desired report metrics from Select your ReportMetrics menu; US Population Composition Percentageis not selected by default for this report4. Click Continue to View Your Resultsnetratingsclientservices@nielsen.comThe online adult population is comprised of 1,792,000females living in Houston1.1% of the online adult population is comprised offemales living in Houston12 34Understanding Report Metrics:Composition %: The percentage of the entire online adult populationthat falls into a target audience or visits a particular siteUnique Audience: The total number of people that fall into a targetaudience or visit a particular siteUS Population Composition: The percentage of the US population(online and offline) that falls into a target audience or visits aparticular siteCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 6

optimizing reportThe Optimizing report displays the websites that a given target audience is most likely to visitnetratingsclientservices@nielsen.comSelect Report Screen1. Select Optimizing report2. Choose desired target(s) from Select the Targets foryour Report3. Select All Categories or a particular category/subcategory of sites4. Select desired report metrics from Select your ReportMetrics menu5. Click Continue to View Your Results12 43513.2% of the San Francisco Giantswebsite’s visitors are females, 18-34 who live in San FranciscoUnderstanding Report Metrics:You are 951% more likely to see a female,18-34 from San Francisco on the SanFrancisco Giants website than the onlineaverage69,000 visitors on the San FranciscoGiants website are females, 18-34 wholive in San FranciscoThe San Francisco Giantswebsite reaches 3.3% ofall females, 18-34 wholive in San FranciscoComposition %: The percentage of website visitors that fall into atarget audienceUnique Audience: The total number of people in a target audiencethat visit a particular websiteIndex: The probability that the target audience will visit a particularwebsite when compared to the overall online adult populationCoverage: The percentage of the target audience that the websitereachesCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 7

Profiling ReportThe Profiling report displays the online and offline behaviors of a target audience or website visitorsnetratingsclientservices@nielsen.comSelect Report Screen1. Select Profiling report2. Choose desired target(s) from Select the Targets foryour Report3. Select All Categories or a particular category/subcategory of profile points4. Select desired report metrics from Select your ReportMetrics menu; US Population Composition Percentageand Index metrics are not selected by defaultfor this report5. Click Continue to View Your Results12 43555% of Site 1audience is femaleSite 1 visitors are 2% more likely to befemale than the online averageSite 1reaches80.4% offemalesSite 1 ranks 2nd whencompared to all sitesin the listUnderstanding Report Metrics:Composition %: The percentage of website visitors or target audiencemembers that exhibit a given behaviorUnique Audience: The total number of website visitors or target audiencemembers that exhibit a given behaviorIndex: The probability that website visitors or target audience members willexhibit a given behavior when compared to the overall online adult populationCoverage: The reach percentage of website visitors or target audiencemembers that exhibit a given behaviorRank: Displays site rank for a particular profile point when compared to allsites in a listCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 8

netratingsclientservices@nielsen.comSegment Profiling ReportThe Segment Profiling report provides a comparison of target audiences; it also allows users to cross-tab targets with sitesSelect Report Screen1. Select Segment Profiling report2. Choose desired target(s) for rows and columns fromSelect the Targets for your Report3. Select desired report metrics from Select yourReport Metrics menu4. Click Continue to View Your Results81.3% of females who livein Houston have visited Site 11.1% of Site 1 visitors arefemales who live in HoustonSite 1 visitors are 3% morelikely to be females living inHouston, when compared tothe overall online averageHouston females are 3% morelikely to be Site 1 visitors than theaverage online user1243Understanding Report Metrics:Horizontal Percent: The percentage of the item in the row (i.e. target audience) that also falls inthe item in the column (i.e. website)Vertical Percent: The percentage of the item in the column (i.e. website) that also falls in the itemin the row (i.e. target audience)Unique Audience: The total number of website visitors or target audience membersthat comprise a targetHorizontal Index: The probability that a target audience member will visit a websiteor fall into a targetVertical Index: The probability that a website visitor or target audience member willfall into a targetCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 9

Visualizations, Exportsand Filtering Resultsnetratingsclientservices@nielsen.comClients can select and display search results visuallywith bar, pie or bubble chartsUsers can export results as easy-to-readand editable Microsoft Excel filesClick the drop-down arrowlocated in the bottom lefthandcorner of the headercolumn to filter results:Greater Than, Less Than,or Within RangeUse the arrows locatedin the right-hand side ofeach column to sort searchresults in ascending ordescending orderCopyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 10

SAVE REPORTnetratingsclientservices@nielsen.com1. Click Save Report2. Name your report and save it inthe folder of your choice1233. Receive confirmation that yourreport has been savedSchedule and Retrieve Saved Report1. Click on the Account Settingsmenu and select Schedule Reports2. Select the desired report3. Click Accept14. You can retrieve scheduled reportsin the Inbox on the Homepage witheach quarterly data release5. You can schedule up to ten reports234Copyright © 2011 The Nielsen Company. All rights reserved. Nielsen and the Nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZT/ACN Trademarks, LLC. 11/4219 11

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