Page 1 of 3 LEA Roles - Traditional Districts 11/1/2012 ... - mdeca

Page 1 of 3 LEA Roles - Traditional Districts 11/1/2012 ... - mdeca Page 1 of 3 LEA Roles - Traditional Districts 11/1/2012 ... - mdeca


Page 1 of 3 LEA Roles - Traditional Districts 11/1/2012District Name Username LEA Reviewer LEA Collector LEA SubmitterAB Brown, Roberta ab1admin X X XAB Huffman, Matt ab_treas* X X XAN Hamilton, Nick an_treas X X XAN Schrader, Deb anDeb.Schrader X X XAN Walters, Mindy anMindy.Walters X X XBD Cron, Dawnna bdbddcron X X XBD Greek, Brad bdbdbgreek XBD Patrick, Jeff bd_supt XBD Ray, Wendy bdhswray XBD Stocksdale, Roxanne bd_emis X X XBD Virgint, John bdeljvirgint XBE Newman, Karen be_treas* X X XBE Rhoades, Gail behsgrhoades X X XBV Haynes, Rhonda bv1admin X X XBV Huffman, Lori bv_treas* X X XCT Buckingham, Bobbie cthsbbuckingham X X XCT Forsythe, Carol ctforsythec X XCT Zimmer, Nadine cthsnzimmer X X XCV Antram, Michelle cv_tech* X XCV Bruner, Linda cv_treas1* X X XCV Burton, Ruth cv_emis* X XCV Morgan, Shannon cv_emis1* X X XDK Augsburger, Emiko dk_treas X X XDK Bundenthal, Tammy dktbundenthal X XDK Fourman, Kelly dkkfourman X X XDK Stocksdale, Roxanne mshsrstocksdale X X XFB Beavers, Eric fb_treas X X XFB Beers, Nancy fbbdnbeers XFB Boney, Teresa fbbdtboney X X XFB Boyd, Susan fbbdsboyd XFB Emberton, Peggy fbbdpemberto XFB Hauberg, Deborah fbhsdhauberg XFB Meadows, Sarah fbbdsmeadows* XFB Oberslake, Terry fbhstoberslake XFB Shillito, Jennifer fbhsjshillito XFB Spain, Betsy fbfdbspain XFB Trippensee, Patsy fbbdptrippen XFB VanWinkle, Carolyn fbbdcvanwink X X XFB Woods, Barbara fb5pbwoods XFM Baker, Angie fmelabaker XFM Moore, Pam fmelpmoore X X XFM VanCulin, Deb fm_treas* X X XGV Riffle, Carol gv_emis* X X XGV Surber, Carla gv_treas* X X XHH Bernardo, Ann hh_treas* X X XHH McNerney, Patricia hhbdpmcnerney X X XHH Miller, Karna nnbdkmiller X X XHH Pierce, Linda hhbdlpierce X X XJF Frame, Chris jf_treas* X X XJF Sweny, Bobbi jfbdbsweny X X XKE Chaffin, Sheryl keadmin* XKE Letteri, Elizabeth kebarnes* XKE Marshall, Nicole ketreas* X XKE Wang, Maggie ke_emis* X X* = non-DASL/USASDW account

<strong>Page</strong> 1 <strong>of</strong> 3 <strong>LEA</strong> <strong>Roles</strong> - <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Districts</strong> <strong>11</strong>/1/<strong>2012</strong>District Name Username <strong>LEA</strong> Reviewer <strong>LEA</strong> Collector <strong>LEA</strong> SubmitterAB Brown, Roberta ab1admin X X XAB Huffman, Matt ab_treas* X X XAN Hamilton, Nick an_treas X X XAN Schrader, Deb anDeb.Schrader X X XAN Walters, Mindy anMindy.Walters X X XBD Cron, Dawnna bdbddcron X X XBD Greek, Brad bdbdbgreek XBD Patrick, Jeff bd_supt XBD Ray, Wendy bdhswray XBD Stocksdale, Roxanne bd_emis X X XBD Virgint, John bdeljvirgint XBE Newman, Karen be_treas* X X XBE Rhoades, Gail behsgrhoades X X XBV Haynes, Rhonda bv1admin X X XBV Huffman, Lori bv_treas* X X XCT Buckingham, Bobbie cthsbbuckingham X X XCT Forsythe, Carol ctforsythec X XCT Zimmer, Nadine cthsnzimmer X X XCV Antram, Michelle cv_tech* X XCV Bruner, Linda cv_treas1* X X XCV Burton, Ruth cv_emis* X XCV Morgan, Shannon cv_emis1* X X XDK Augsburger, Emiko dk_treas X X XDK Bundenthal, Tammy dktbundenthal X XDK Fourman, Kelly dkkfourman X X XDK Stocksdale, Roxanne mshsrstocksdale X X XFB Beavers, Eric fb_treas X X XFB Beers, Nancy fbbdnbeers XFB Boney, Teresa fbbdtboney X X XFB Boyd, Susan fbbdsboyd XFB Emberton, Peggy fbbdpemberto XFB Hauberg, Deborah fbhsdhauberg XFB Meadows, Sarah fbbdsmeadows* XFB Oberslake, Terry fbhstoberslake XFB Shillito, Jennifer fbhsjshillito XFB Spain, Betsy fbfdbspain XFB Trippensee, Patsy fbbdptrippen XFB VanWinkle, Carolyn fbbdcvanwink X X XFB Woods, Barbara fb5pbwoods XFM Baker, Angie fmelabaker XFM Moore, Pam fmelpmoore X X XFM VanCulin, Deb fm_treas* X X XGV Riffle, Carol gv_emis* X X XGV Surber, Carla gv_treas* X X XHH Bernardo, Ann hh_treas* X X XHH McNerney, Patricia hhbdpmcnerney X X XHH Miller, Karna nnbdkmiller X X XHH Pierce, Linda hhbdlpierce X X XJF Frame, Chris jf_treas* X X XJF Sweny, Bobbi jfbdbsweny X X XKE Chaffin, Sheryl keadmin* XKE Letteri, Elizabeth kebarnes* XKE Marshall, Nicole ketreas* X XKE Wang, Maggie ke_emis* X X* = non-DASL/USASDW account

<strong>Page</strong> 2 <strong>of</strong> 3 <strong>LEA</strong> <strong>Roles</strong> - <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Districts</strong> <strong>11</strong>/1/<strong>2012</strong>District Name Username <strong>LEA</strong> Reviewer <strong>LEA</strong> Collector <strong>LEA</strong> SubmitterMA Gold, Cindy macgold X X XMB Comley, Marise mbbdmcomley X X XMB Cooper, Marilyn mbadmin X X XMB Emrick, Tammy mb_treas X X XME Rozell, Luann melrozell X X XME Wilkins, Brenda meadmin* X XMG Riddlebarger, Tearalee mgcotriddlebarger X X XMR Ellender, Jerry mr_treas* X X XMR Moots, Marianne mmoots X X XMS Hamilton, Nick ms_treas* X X XMS Kirksen, Sherry mssdirksen X X XMS Klingshirn, Stephanie mssklingshirn XMS Stocksdale, Roxanne mshsrstocksdale X X XMS Winchester, Jeffrey msjwinchester XMU Klein, Charles mu_treas* X X XMU Minneman, Sue mu_emis* X X XMU Nealeigh, Mick mubdmnealeigh* X X XMU Pace, Lee muadmin1 X X XMV Belt, Teri mvtbelt X X XMV Gossett, Debbie mv_treas* X X XMV Kalimullah, Carmen mvadmin1* X X XNE Brunswick, Crystal neelcbrunswi XNE Davis, Danielle neelddavis XNE Dilbone, Dave nehsddilbone XNE Hamilton, Nick ne_treas X X XNE Kr<strong>of</strong>ft, Brenda neelbkr<strong>of</strong>ft X XNE Lavy, Kelly nehsklavy X XNE McBride, Pat nebdpmcbride XNE Prickett, Mary Jo nehsmpricket XNL Burr, Kevin nl_treas* X X XNL Miller, Jenny nljmiller X X XNL Teater, Debi nlhsdteater X X XNM Brockman, Kathryn nmbdkbrockman X X XNM Harris, Sandy nm_treas* X X XNM Knecht, Brandon nmbdbknecht X X XNM Thacker, Leona nmadmin X XNR Hellyer Chastain, Mary nr_treas X X XNR Hoskins, Maressa nrbdmhoskins X X XOW Brigner, Holly owbrignerh X X XPQ Hill, Jean pqbdjhill X X XPQ Price, Jeff pq_treas X X XTC Carroll, Jonelle tc_emis* X X XTC Chaney, Greg tc_emis1* X X XTC Smith, Joe tc_treas* X X XTR Denlinger, Susan trbdsdenlinger X XTR Elliott, Betty trbdebelliott X X XTR Jones, Craig tr_treas* X XTR Riley, Jim tbdjriley X X XTV Chowning, Kim tv_treas* X X XTV Francis, Shellie tvadmin1 X X XTV Purdy, Cheryl tvhscpurdy X X XTW Allen, Janice tw_treas X XTW Faris, Marni twbdmfaris X X XVB Altenburger, Kay vbbdkaltenbu X X* = non-DASL/USASDW account

<strong>Page</strong> 3 <strong>of</strong> 3 <strong>LEA</strong> <strong>Roles</strong> - <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>Districts</strong> <strong>11</strong>/1/<strong>2012</strong>District Name Username <strong>LEA</strong> Reviewer <strong>LEA</strong> Collector <strong>LEA</strong> SubmitterVB Group, TM vb_tmgroup XVB House, Lita vbbdlhouse* X X XVB Pequignot, Laura vbbdlpegquignot* X XVS Barga, Alan vs_treas* X X XVS Simons, Beth vshsbsimons X X XVV Altenburger, Kay vbbdkaltenbu X XVV Parks, Linda vvlparks X X XWC Groach, Frank wc_emis1 X X X* = non-DASL/USASDW account

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