User's Manual - Exemys

User's Manual - Exemys

User's Manual - Exemys


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SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong><strong>Exemys</strong> Products are in constant evolution to satisfy our customer’s needs.For that reason, the specifications and capabilities are subject to change without prior notice.Updated information can be found at www.exemys.comCopyright © <strong>Exemys</strong>, 2006 All Rights Reserved.Rev. 4www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Pageii

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION 51.1 Purpose of the manual ________________________________________________51.2 Conventions, terms and acronyms ________________________________________51.3 Product Description___________________________________________________________________________________6INSTALLATION 72.1 Power Connection ___________________________________________________72.2 Serial Ports Connection ________________________________________________72.3 Indicator Leds_______________________________________________________________________________________8CONFIGURATION 93.1 Command Console ___________________________________________________93.2 Serial Ports Configuration _____________________________________________103.3 Pin de control RTS___________________________________________________________________________________113.4 Master / Slave port configuration________________________________________________________________________113.5 Serial slave port configuration __________________________________________143.6 Slave´s range configuration ____________________________________________153.7 Master´s configuration _______________________________________________153.8 Other configuration parameters_________________________________________________________________________16TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 16TablesMOUNTING 17RS485 PORT CONNECTION 18Table 1 - Acronyms__________________________________________________________________________ 5Table 2 - Conventions________________________________________________________________________ 5Table 3 - Serial Ports Configuration_____________________________________________________________ 10Table 4 - Serial slave port configuration _________________________________________________________ 15Table 5 - Slave´s range configuration ___________________________________________________________ 15Table 6 - Master´s configuration _______________________________________________________________ 15www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Pageiii

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>1.3 Product DescriptionSGW1-IA2-MMP is a serial Modbus communications multiplexer. It allows you to connect up to 3Modbus ASCII/RTU masters to one or more slaves.SGW1-IA2-MMP buffers the master’s polls giving them priorities, depending which of them camefirst., and then sends them to the slaves.There are several models of SGW1-IA2-MMP with different serial ports. Available models are:SGW1-310-00-IA2-MMP3 RS232 ports1 RS485 portSGW1-400-00-IA2-MMP4 RS232 portsSGW1-130-00-IA2-MMP1 RS232 port3 RS485 portsFigure 1 - ModelsEach serial port can be configured with a different baud rate, parity and Modbus protocol (ASCIIor RTU). So it is also possible to use SGW1-IA2-MMP as a converter.www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page6

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>2 ChapterInstallation2.1 Power ConnectionSGW1-IA2-MMP accepts an input voltage range of 10 to 30 Vdc.ABPowerVdcCOMCDSGW1Figure 2 - Power Connection2.2 Serial Ports ConnectionSGW1-IA2-MMP supplies 4 serial ports, named COM A, COM B, COM C y COM D, to which youcan connect Modbus devices. These can be etheir Slaves or MastersBy default, the COM B is used to connect the slave and COMs A, C and D are used to connect themasters.www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page7

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>SGW1-400-00-IA2-MMPSGW1-310-00-IA2-MMPSGW1-130-00-IA2-MMP1 2 3 4TD RD RTS GND5 6 7 8TD RD RTS GNDCOM A RS232 DTECOM B RS232 DTE1 2 3 4TD RD RTS GND5 6 7 8TD RD RTS GNDCOM A RS232 DTECOM B RS232 DTE1 2 3 4TD RD RTS GND5 6 7 8TR- TR+ GND GNDCOM A RS232 DTECOM B RS485ABPowerVdcCOMABPowerVdcCOMABPowerVdcCOMCCCDDDTD RD RTS GND9 10 11 12TD RD RTS GND13 14 15 16COM C RS232 DTECOM D RS232 DTETD RD RTS GND9 10 11 12TR- TR+ GND GND13 14 15 16COM C RS232 DTECOM D RS485TR- TR+ GND GND9 10 11 12TR- TR+ GND GND13 14 15 16COM C RS485COM D RS485Figure 3 - Serial Ports Connection2.3 Indicator LedsSGW1-IA2-MMP features two indicator LEDs: green and yellow.If the yellow LED blinks it means the SGW1-IA2-MMP is sending data to the slaves.If the green LED blinks it means the SGW1-IA2-MMP is receiving data from the slaves.Figure 4 - Indicator Ledswww.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page8

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>3 ChapterConfiguration3.1 Command ConsoleThe device can be configure trough a serial command console over serial port COM A. You haveto connect SGW1-IA2-MMP to a RS-232 port of a PC. To such effect, you must have a serialterminal program (Windows HyperTerminal or the like).GND 52T x D 3 3211 2 3 4R x D 2 1 TDPC55AB6 7 8PowerC4VdcCOMD2RD4 GND9 10 111213 14 15 16SGW1-IA2-MMPThe communications program must be set as follows:Baud rate:9600 bpsParity:NoneData bits: 8Stop bits: 1Flow control:None (9600,N,8,1).You can enter the configuration mode through the serial port: Connect SGW1-IA2-MMP to a PC and configure the terminal emulation program to9600,N,8,1. Turn on SGW1-IA2-MMP .During the first 7 seconds SGW1-IA2-MMP will wait for theCFG command.www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page9

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>PROTOCOLx:(R|A|8)Selects between Modbus/ASCII and Modbus/RTU in COM XR = Modbus/RTUA = Modbus/ASCII8 = Modbus/ASCII 8 bitsPKTTOUTx:(3..50) Modbus/RTU Packet Timeout in COM X (4)3.3 Pin de control RTSThe SGW1-IA2-MMP can andel the RTS pin to activate external devices, for example, a radiomodem.The RTS pin can have a fixed value or it can be timed. When timed, the RTS pin will be activatedfor some time before sending data and will deactivate some time after sending data. This optionapplies to all RS232 ports.Table 1 - Pin de control RTSComandoRTSMODE: (0|1)DescripciónOperating mode. 0 =Fixed 1 = TimedRTSDON: (0…1000) Delay befote sending data (5050)RTSDOFF: (0…1000) Delay alter sending data (5050)RTSLOGIC: (0|1)RTS polarity. 0 = Inverted 1 = normal3.4 Master / Slave port configurationMaster/Slave COM:This command specifies wether you will conect a Master or a Slave device to each port.CommandMSCOM:(m|s)(m|s)(m|s)(m|s)DescriptionConfigures if a Master or a Slave will be connected to the COMm = a Master will be connected to this COMs = a Slave will be connected to this COMWhen this command is applied, the slave’s range configuration will reset. Ranges varydepending on the number of COMs configured as Slaves.www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page11

ABCDSGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>2. Connect Master to COM C, and Slaves to COMs A, B & DModbus MasterCOM CCOM ACOM DCOM BModbus Slave Modbus Slave Modbus Slave>MSCOM:ssmsOK, Device connected is: (COM A) SlaveOK, Device connected is: (COM B) SlaveOK, Device connected is: (COM C) MasterOK, Device connected is: (COM D) SlaveOK, Ranges DeletedMaster First Last SlaveC 1 85 AC 86 170 BC 171 247 Dwww.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page13

ABCDSGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>3. Connect Masters to COMs B, C y D, and Slave/s to COM AModbus Master Modbus Master Modbus MasterCOM BCOM CCOM DCOM AModbus Slave>MSCOM:smmmOK, Device connected is: (COM A) SlaveOK, Device connected is: (COM B) MasterOK, Device connected is: (COM C) MasterOK, Device connected is: (COM D) MasterOK, Ranges DeletedMaster First Last SlaveB 1 247 AC 1 247 AD 1 247 A3.5 Serial slave port configurationSlave´s time out:Each time SGW1-IA2-MMP sends a message to a slave it waits for an answer. If the slavetakes longer than this time it will go ahead with the next master.www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page14

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>Table 4 - Serial slave port configurationCommandDescriptionChanges slave´s answer time out (all COMs).SLVTOUT:(50..1000)Expressed in milliseconds. (50)Changes slave´s answer time out. (COMx)SLVTOUTx:(50..1000)Expressed in milliseconds. (50)3.6 Slave´s range configurationIt´s posible to limit which slaves each master can poll. If a master tries to poll an invalid slavethe poll is ignored. It´s posible to configure up to 32 slaves ranges.Table 5 - Slave´s range configurationCommandSRANGEADD:(A|B|C|D),(1..247),(1..247),(A|B|C|D)SRANGEDEL:(A|B|C|D),(1..247),(1..247),(A|B|C|D)SRANGELISTDescriptionAdds a slave´s range to the master.(A|B|C|D ): the port to which the Master is connected(1... 247) : range’s lower limit(1... 247) : range’s upper limit(A|B|C|D) : the port to which the Slave is connectedDeletes a slave´s range to the master.Lists a the slave´s ranges.ExampleAllow master A to talk to slaves 1 to 20, that are connected to port B, and to slaves 35 to 39,that are connected in port C.SRANGEADD:A,1,20,BSRANGEADD:A,35,39,C3.7 Master´s configurationPriority:Each master can have a different priority level. 0 is the highest priority. The device is going towait 10 extras milliseconds to answer to the master per priority step.Table 6 - Master´s configurationCommandDescriptionPRIORITYx:(0..100) Master X ´s priority level. (0)www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page15

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>3.8 Other configuration parametersTable 7 - Other configuration parametersComandoDescripciónHELPLists all available commands with their syntax and a descriptive text.LISTFACTRESETENDShows SGW1-IA2-MMP configurationResets to default configurationEnds configuratio mode and switches to RUN mode.Technical Specifications• Serial Protocols:• Serial Interface:Modbus RTU / ASCII / ASCII 8 bits.4 serial ports on 4 terminal block connectors .• Devices Supported:• Baud Rates:• Modbus Masters:• Modbus Slaves:• Management:• Indicators:• Dimension / Weight:• Power Supply:• Enviromental:• Optional Accessories:• Warranty / Support:Any Modbus RS232/RS485 serial port device.1200, 2400, 4800. 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400,57600, 115200Up to 3.Up to 3.RS232 serial console.Data to slave.Data from slave.4.49 x 3.94 x 0.89 in. (HxWxL).(114 x 100 x 22.5 mm).0.31 Lbs (0.140 Kg).10 a 30 Volts DC.200mA max.Operating temperature: 23 to 149 ºF (-5 to 65 ºC).Storage temperature: -40 to 167 ºF (-40 to 75 ºC).Programming cable.1-year limited warranty. Technical Support included.www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page16

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>MountingEl SGW1-A2-MMP can be mounted on a DIN rail.To mount the device to the DIN rail (as shown in figure 5), tip the upper part of the devicetowards the rail and place the slot on the edge of the rail (A). Press firmly the device towards therail until it is fixed. You’ll hear it click when it is does(B).(A)Rail DINRail DINClick !(B)Figure 5 – DIN rail MountingTo detach the device off the DIN rail (figure 6), pull downwards the device’s metallic clip (C) andthen remove from rail.Rail DIN(C)kdFigura 6 – Detaching the devicewww.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page17

SGW1-IA2-MMP Modbus Multiplexer User’s <strong>Manual</strong><strong>Exemys</strong>www.exemys.com Rev. 4 Page18

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