mary ellen patton staff nurse leadership award - American Nurses ...

mary ellen patton staff nurse leadership award - American Nurses ...

mary ellen patton staff nurse leadership award - American Nurses ...

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MARY ELLEN PATTONSTAFF NURSE LEADERSHIPAWARDThe Mary Ellen Patton Staff Nurse Leadership Award was established in l995 torecognize an individual <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong> who has made significant contributions to theprofessional advancement of <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>s and improvement of the generalwelfare of <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>s, and who has demonstrated <strong>leadership</strong> in the nursingprofession.The Subcommittee on the Mary Ellen Patton Staff Nurse Leadership Awardreviews all nominations for the <strong>award</strong> and recommends a nominee forendorsement by the Committee on Honorary Awards and approval by the ANABoard of Directors.AWARD CRITERIA1. The nominee must be a registered <strong>nurse</strong> and a C/SNA/ANA orIMD member.2. The nominee must be nominated by a C/SNA, a labor/workforce advocacyaffiliate, or the Congress on Nursing Practice and Economics.3. The nominee must currently be employed as a <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>. A <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong> isdefined as one who is non-supervisory, non-managerial, and includes oneor more of the following:a. who is employed by a health care institution or agency;b. whose pri<strong>mary</strong> role in that <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong> position is a provider ofdirect patient care;c. who is collective bargaining eligible under applicable labor law.4. The nominee must be active and have made significant contributionsthrough demonstrated <strong>leadership</strong> at the local, district, state, and nationallevels.5. The nominee must have made significant contributions to theadvancement of professional <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>s.Page 1 of 2

6. The nominee must demonstrate quality of care and professional behaviorwithin his/her practice at the patient’s side.MARY ELLEN PATTONMary Ellen Patton, RN, has exemplified the qualities of a <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong> leader forover twenty years as a local, district, and state officer and on the ANA Board ofDirectors. As a <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>, Mary Ellen served on the ANA Board of Directors foreight years while also serving as the Ohio <strong>Nurses</strong> Association Treasurer for fourof those years.Mary Ellen has continually served the local unit and district in many capacitiesand continues to serve ANA on various committees. Mary Ellen Patton hasshown <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>s that it is not only important to be involved but it is possible todo it as a <strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>. She has been an inspirational role model and mentor to<strong>staff</strong> <strong>nurse</strong>s all over the country as an often-requested speaker, ANA boardmember, and a founding member of the Institute of Constituent MemberCollective Bargaining Programs.Mary Ellen Patton has won the Mary Ellen Patton Staff Nurse Leadership Award(1996), ANA Shirley Titus Award (1982), the Ohio <strong>Nurses</strong> Association DiamondJubilee Nurse Award (1979), the ONA Elizabeth K. Porter Award (1989), theYMCA Woman of the Year (1990), and the Youngstown Recognition ofLeadership (1988-1989). She has stimulated involvement with communityprojects by her multitude of activities with children and handicap organizationssuch as “Fulfill a Dream of Ohio,” “Year of the Handicapped” park project and“Year of the Child” project.Page 2 of 2

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