IdfC Asset management Company Limited - IDFC Mutual Fund

IdfC Asset management Company Limited - IDFC Mutual Fund IdfC Asset management Company Limited - IDFC Mutual Fund


P R O F I T A N D L O S S A C C O U N T FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2011``ScheduleApril 1, 2010 toMarch 31, 2011April 1, 2009 toMarch 31, 2010IncomeOperating and Other Income 10 949,796,120 1,058,850,803ExpenditureInterest & Other Charges 11 705,548 1,174,816Staff Expenses 12 374,876,015 427,457,377Establishment Expenses 13 150,316,045 123,942,231Other Expenses 14 423,406,186 456,901,933Depreciation & Amortisation 3 33,057,494 27,826,751982,361,288 1,037,303,108Profit before Taxation (32,565,168) 21,547,695Less: Provision for TaxationCurrent Tax 3,200,000 9,000,000Previous Year Tax 2,000,000 –Less: Deferred Tax 9,651,000 4,519,346(4,451,000) 4,480,654Profit after Taxation (28,114,168) 17,067,041Add: Prior Period Income – 10,864,005Add: Balance as per last Balance Sheet 310,794,927 282,863,881Available for Appropriation 282,680,759 310,794,927Appropriations:Capital Redemption Reserve 197,925,000 –Balance carried forward 84,755,759 310,794,927282,680,759 310,794,927Earnings per share (Face Value ` 10) (Basic) (10.67) 10.70Notes to the Accounts 15Schedules 1 to 15 form an integral part of the AccountsIn terms of our report of even datefor m. p. chitale & co.Chartered AccountantsFirm Reg. No. 101851Wfor and on behalf of the board of directorsv idya v . barje Baku l pATEL pRAdip madhavjiPartner Director Director(Membership No. 104994)Mumbai | April 27, 2011uTTARA DekaCompany Secretary174IDFCAnnual Repo rt 10–11

P R O F I T A N D L O S S A C C O U N T FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2011``ScheduleApril 1, 2010 toMarch 31, 2011April 1, 2009 toMarch 31, 2010IncomeOperating and Other Income 10 949,796,120 1,058,850,803ExpenditureInterest & Other Charges 11 705,548 1,174,816Staff Expenses 12 374,876,015 427,457,377Establishment Expenses 13 150,316,045 123,942,231Other Expenses 14 423,406,186 456,901,933Depreciation & Amortisation 3 33,057,494 27,826,751982,361,288 1,037,303,108Profit before Taxation (32,565,168) 21,547,695Less: Provision for TaxationCurrent Tax 3,200,000 9,000,000Previous Year Tax 2,000,000 –Less: Deferred Tax 9,651,000 4,519,346(4,451,000) 4,480,654Profit after Taxation (28,114,168) 17,067,041Add: Prior Period Income – 10,864,005Add: Balance as per last Balance Sheet 310,794,927 282,863,881Available for Appropriation 282,680,759 310,794,927Appropriations:Capital Redemption Reserve 197,925,000 –Balance carried forward 84,755,759 310,794,927282,680,759 310,794,927Earnings per share (Face Value ` 10) (Basic) (10.67) 10.70Notes to the Accounts 15Schedules 1 to 15 form an integral part of the AccountsIn terms of our report of even datefor m. p. chitale & co.Chartered AccountantsFirm Reg. No. 101851Wfor and on behalf of the board of directorsv idya v . barje Baku l pATEL pRAdip madhavjiPartner Director Director(Membership No. 104994)Mumbai | April 27, 2011uTTARA Deka<strong>Company</strong> Secretary174<strong>IDFC</strong>Annual Repo rt 10–11

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