Benti dey shabad - Panth Rattan

Benti dey shabad - Panth Rattan

Benti dey shabad - Panth Rattan


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AMg 411Page 411 siqgur pRswid ]One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:rwgu Awsw mhlw 9 ]Raag Aasaa, Ninth Mehl:ibrQw khau kaun isau mn kI ]Who should I tell the condition of the mind?loiB gRisE ds hU ids Dwvq Awsw lwigE Dn kI ]1] rhwau ]Engrossed in greed, running around in the ten directions, you hold to your hopes of wealth.suK kY hyiq bhuqu duKu pwvq syv krq jn jn kI ]For the sake of pleasure, you suffer such great pain, and you have to serve each and every person.duAwrih duAwir suAwn ijau folq nh suD rwm Bjn kI ]1]You wander from door to door like a dog, unconscious of the Lord's meditation. ||1||mwns jnm AkwrQ Kovq lwj n lok hsn kI ]You lose this human life in vain, and You are not even ashamed when others laugh at you.nwnk hir jsu ikau nhI gwvq kumiq ibnwsY qn kI ]2]1]233]O Nanak, why not sing the Lord's Praises, so that you may be rid of the body's evil disposition?||2||1||233||

AMg 795Page 795 siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred.Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 1 caupdy Gru 1 ]Raag Bilaaval, First Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House:qU sulqwnu khw hau mIAw qyrI kvn vfweI ]You are the Emperor, and I call You a chief - how does this add to Your greatness?jo qU dyih su khw suAwmI mY mUrK khxu n jweI ]1]As You permit me, I praise You, O Lord and Master; I am ignorant, and I cannot chant Your Praises.qyry gux gwvw dyih buJweI ]Please bless me with such understanding, that I may sing Your Glorious Praises.jYsy sc mih rhau rjweI ]1] rhwau ]May I dwell in Truth, according to Your Will. ||1||Pause||jo ikCu hoAw sBu ikCu quJ qy qyrI sB AsnweI ]Whatever has happened, has all come from You. You are All-knowing.qyrw AMqu n jwxw myry swihb mY AMDuly ikAw cqurweI ]2]Your limits cannot be known, O my Lord and Master; I am blind - what wisdom do I have? ||2||ikAw hau kQI kQy kiQ dyKw mY AkQu n kQnw jweI ]What should I say? While talking, I talk of seeing, but I cannot describe the indescribable.jo quDu BwvY soeI AwKw iqlu qyrI vifAweI ]3]As it pleases Your Will, I speak; it is just the tiniest bit of Your greatness. ||3||eyqy kUkr hau bygwnw Baukw iesu qn qweI ]Among so many dogs, I am an outcast; I bark for my body's belly.Bgiq hIxu nwnku jy hoiegw qw KsmY nwau n jweI ]4]1]Without devotional worship, O Nanak, even so, still, my Master's Name does not leave me. ||4||1||

AMg 970Page 970kvn kwj isrjy jg BIqir jnim kvn Plu pwieAw ]For what purpose were you created and brought into the world? What rewards have you received inthis life?Bv iniD qrn qwrn icMqwmin iek inmK n iehu mnu lwieAw ]1]God is the boat to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean; He is the Fulfiller of the mind'sdesires. You have not centered your mind on Him, even for an instant. ||1||goibMd hm AYsy AprwDI ]O Lord of the Universe, I am such a sinner!ijin pRiB jIau ipMfu Qw dIAw iqs kI Bwau Bgiq nhI swDI ]1] rhwau ]God gave me body and soul, but I have not practiced loving devotional worship to Him. ||1||Pause||pr Dn pr qn pr qI inMdw pr Apbwdu n CUtY ]Others' wealth, others' bodies, others' wives, others' slander and others' fights - I have not giventhem up.Awvw gvnu hoqu hY Puin Puin iehu prsMgu n qUtY ]2]For the sake of these, coming and going in reincarnation happens over and over again, and thisstory never ends. ||2||ijh Gir kQw hoq hir sMqn iek inmK n kIn@o mY Pyrw ]That house, in which the Saints speak of the Lord - I have not visited it, even for an instant.lμpt cor dUq mqvwry iqn sMig sdw bsyrw ]3]Drunkards, thieves, and evil-doers - I constantly dwell with them. ||3||kwm k®oD mwieAw md mqsr ey sMpY mo mwhI ]Sexual desire, anger, the wine of Maya, and envy - these are what I collect within myself.dieAw Drmu Aru gur kI syvw ey supnμqir nwhI ]4]Compassion, righteousness, and service to the Guru - these do not visit me, even in my dreams.||4||dIn dieAwl ik®pwl dmodr Bgiq bCl BY hwrI ]He is merciful to the meek, compassionate and benevolent, the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyerof fear.khq kbIr BIr jn rwKhu hir syvw krau qum@wrI ]5]8]Says Kabeer, please protect Your humble servant from disaster; O Lord, I serve only You. ||5||8||

gurmqI Bau aUpjY BweI Bau krxI scu swru ]Under Guru's Instruction, the Fear of God is produced, O Siblings of Destiny; true and excellent arethe deeds done in the Fear of God.pRym pdwrQu pweIAY BweI scu nwmu AwDwru ]6]Then, one is blessed with the treasure of the Lord's Love, O Siblings of Destiny, and the Support ofthe True Name. ||6||jo siqguru syvih Awpxw BweI iqn kY hau lwgau pwie ]I fall at the feet of those who serve their True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny.jnmu svwrI Awpxw BweI kulu BI leI bKswie ]7]I have fulfilled my life, O Siblings of Destiny, and my family has been saved as well. ||7||scu bwxI scu sbdu hY BweI gur ikrpw qy hoie ]The True Word of the Guru's Bani, and the True Word of the Shabad, O Siblings of Destiny, areobtained only by Guru's Grace.nwnk nwmu hir min vsY BweI iqsu ibGnu n lwgY koie ]8]2]O Nanak, with the Name of the Lord abiding in one's mind, no obstacles stand in one's way, OSiblings of Destiny. ||8||2||

AMg 574ang 574Page 574vfhMsu mhlw 4 ]Wadahans, Fourth Mehl:hir ikrpw hir ikrpw kir siqguru myil suKdwqw rwm ]O Lord, show Your Mercy, show Your Mercy, and let me meet the True Guru, the Giver of peace.hm pUCh hm pUCh siqgur pwis hir bwqw rwm ]I go and ask, I go and ask from the True Guru, about the sermon of the Lord.siqgur pwis hir bwq pUCh ijin nwmu pdwrQu pwieAw ]I ask about the sermon of the Lord from the True Guru, who has obtained the treasure of the Naam.pwie lgh inq krh ibnμqI guir siqguir pMQu bqwieAw ]I bow at His Feet constantly, and pray to Him; the Guru, the True Guru, has shown me the Way.soeI Bgqu duKu suKu smqu kir jwxY hir hir nwim hir rwqw ]He alone is a devotee, who looks alike upon pleasure and pain; he is imbued with the Name of theLord, Har, Har.hir ikrpw hir ikrpw kir guru siqguru myil suKdwqw ]1]O Lord, show Your Mercy, show Your Mercy, and let me meet the True Guru, the Giver of peace.suix gurmuiK suix gurmuiK nwim siB ibnsy hMaumY pwpw rwm ]Listen as Gurmukh, listen as Gurmukh, to the Naam, the Name of the Lord; all egotism and sins areeradicated.jip hir hir jip hir hir nwmu liQAVy jig qwpw rwm ]Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the troubles ofthe world vanish.hir hir nwmu ijnI AwrwiDAw iqn ky duK pwp invwry ]Those who contemplate the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are rid of their suffering and sins.siqguir igAwn KVgu hiQ dInw jmkMkr mwir ibdwry ]The True Guru has placed the sword of spiritual wisdom in my hands; I have overcome and slain theMessenger of Death.hir pRiB ik®pw DwrI suKdwqy duK lwQy pwp sMqwpw ]The Lord God, the Giver of peace, has granted His Grace, and I am rid of pain, sin and disease.suix gurmuiK suix gurmuiK nwmu siB ibnsy hMaumY pwpw ]2]Listen as Gurmukh, listen as Gurmukh, to the Naam, the Name of the Lord; all egotism and sins areeradicated. ||2||

jip hir hir jip hir hir nwmu myrY min BwieAw rwm ]Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is so pleasing tomy mind.muiK gurmuiK muiK gurmuiK jip siB rog gvwieAw rwm ]Speaking as Gurmukh, speaking as Gurmukh, chanting the Naam, all disease is eradicated.gurmuiK jip siB rog gvwieAw Arogq Bey srIrw ]As Gurmukh, chanting the Naam, all disease is eradicated, and the body becomes free of disease.Anidnu shj smwiD hir lwgI hir jipAw gihr gMBIrw ]Night and day, one remains absorbed in the Perfect Poise of Samaadhi; meditate on the Name ofthe Lord, the inaccessible and unfathomable Lord.jwiq Ajwiq nwmu ijn iDAwieAw iqn prm pdwrQu pwieAw ]Whether of high or low social status, one who meditates on the Naam obtains the supreme treasure.jip hir hir jip hir hir nwmu myrY min BwieAw ]3]Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is pleasing tomy mind. ||3||hir Dwrhu hir Dwrhu ikrpw kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry rwm ]Grant Your Grace, grant Your Grace, O Lord, and save me.hm pwpI hm pwpI inrgux dIn qum@wry rwm ]I am a sinner, I am a worthless sinner, I am meek, but I am Yours, O Lord.hm pwpI inrgux dIn qum@wry hir dYAwl srxwieAw ]I am a worthless sinner, and I am meek, but I am Yours; I seek Your Sanctuary, O Merciful Lord.qU duK BMjnu srb suKdwqw hm pwQr qry qrwieAw ]You are the Destroyer of pain, the Giver of absolute peace; I am a stone - carry me across and saveme.siqgur Byit rwm rsu pwieAw jn nwnk nwim auDwry ]Meeting the True Guru, servant Nanak has obtained the subtle essence of the Lord; through theNaam, the Name of the Lord, he is saved.hir Dwrhu hir Dwrhu ikrpw kir ikrpw lyhu aubwry rwm ]4]4]Grant Your Grace, grant Your Grace, Lord, and save me. ||4||4||

AMg 636Page 636soriT mhlw 1 pihlw duqukI ]Sorat'h, First Mehl, Du-Tukas:qU guxdwqO inrmlo BweI inrmlu nw mnu hoie ]You are the Giver of virtue, O Immaculate Lord, but my mind is not immaculate, O Siblings ofDestiny.hm AprwDI inrguxy BweI quJ hI qy guxu soie ]1]I am a worthless sinner, O Siblings of Destiny; virtue is obtained from You alone, Lord. ||1||myry pRIqmw qU krqw kir vyKu ]O my Beloved Creator Lord, You create, and You behold.hau pwpI pwKMfIAw BweI min qin nwm ivsyKu ] rhwau ]I am a hypocritical sinner, O Siblings of Destiny. Bless my mind and body with Your Name, O Lord.||Pause||ibKu mwieAw icqu moihAw BweI cqurweI piq Koie ]The poisonous Maya has enticed the consciousness, O Siblings of Destiny; through clever tricks, oneloses his honor.icq mih Twkuru sic vsY BweI jy gur igAwnu smoie ]2]The True Lord and Master abides in the consciousness, O Siblings of Destiny, if the Guru's spiritualwisdom permeates it. ||2||rUVO rUVO AwKIAY BweI rUVO lwl clUlu ]Beautiful, beautiful, the Lord is called, O Siblings of Destiny; beautiful, like the deep crimson colorof the poppy.jy mnu hir isau bYrwgIAY BweI dir Gir swcu ABUlu ]3]If man loves the Lord with detachment, O Siblings of Destiny, he is judged to be true and infalliblein the Lord's court and home. ||3||pwqwlI Awkwis qU BweI Gir Gir qU gux igAwnu ]You are pervading the realms of the underworld and the heavenly skies; Your wisdom and gloriesare in each and every heart.gur imilAY suKu pwieAw BweI cUkw mnhu gumwnu ]4]Meeting with the Guru, one finds peace, O Siblings of Destiny, and pride is dispelled from the mind.jil mil kwieAw mwjIAY BweI BI mYlw qnu hoie ]Scrubbing with water, the body can be cleaned, O Siblings of Destiny, but the body becomes dirtyagain.igAwin mhw ris nweIAY BweI mnu qnu inrmlu hoie ]5]Bathing in the supreme essence of spiritual wisdom, O Siblings of Destiny, the mind and bodybecome pure. ||5||

dyvI dyvw pUjIAY BweI ikAw mwgau ikAw dyih ]Why worship gods and goddesses, O Siblings of Destiny? What can we ask of them? What can theygive us?pwhxu nIir pKwlIAY BweI jl mih bUfih qyih ]6]The stone gods are washed with water, O Siblings of Destiny, but they just sink in the water. ||6||gur ibnu AlKu n lKIAY BweI jgu bUfY piq Koie ]Without the Guru, the unseen Lord cannot be seen, O Siblings of Destiny; the world is drowning,having lost its honor.myry Twkur hwiQ vfweIAw BweI jY BwvY qY dyie ]7]Greatness is in the hands of my Lord and Master, O Siblings of Destiny; as He is pleased, He gives.||7||beIAir bolY mITulI BweI swcu khY ipr Bwie ]That soul-bride, who talks sweetly and speaks the Truth, O Siblings of Destiny, becomes pleasing toher Husband Lord.ibrhY byDI sic vsI BweI AiDk rhI hir nwie ]8]Pierced by His Love, she abides in Truth, O Siblings of Destiny, deeply imbued with the Lord'sName. ||8||sBu ko AwKY Awpxw BweI gur qy buJY sujwnu ]Everyone calls God his own, O Siblings of Destiny, but the all-knowing Lord is known only throughthe Guru.jo bIDy sy aUbry BweI sbdu scw nIswnu ]9]Those who are pierced by His Love are saved, O Siblings of Destiny; they bear the Insignia of theTrue Word of the Shabad. ||9||eIDnu AiDk skylIAY BweI pwvku rMck pwie ]A large pile of firewood, O Siblings of Destiny, will burn if a small fire is applied.iKnu plu nwmu irdY vsY BweI nwnk imlxu suBwie ]10]4]In the same way, if the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells in the heart for a moment, even for aninstant, O Siblings of Destiny, then one meets the Lord with ease, O Nanak. ||10||4||

AMg 809Page 809iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:rwKhu ApnI srix pRB moih ikrpw Dwry ]Keep me under Your Protection, God; shower me with Your Mercy.syvw kCU n jwnaU nIcu mUrKwry ]1]I do not know how to serve You; I am just a low-life fool. ||1||mwnu krau quDu aUpry myry pRIqm ipAwry ]I take pride in You, O my Darling Beloved.hm AprwDI sd BUlqy qum@ bKsnhwry ]1] rhwau ]I am a sinner, continuously making mistakes; You are the Forgiving Lord. ||1||Pause||hm Avgn krh AsMK nIiq qum@ inrgun dwqwry ]I make mistakes each and every day. You are the Great Giver;dwsI sMgiq pRBU iqAwig ey krm hmwry ]2]I am worthless. I associate with Maya, your hand-maiden, and I renounce You, God; such are myactions. ||2||qum@ dyvhu sBu ikCu dieAw Dwir hm AikrqGnwry ]You bless me with everything, showering me with Mercy; And I am such an ungrateful wretch!lwig pry qyry dwn isau nh iciq Ksmwry ]3]I am attached to Your gifts, but I do not even think of You, O my Lord and Master. ||3||quJ qy bwhir ikCu nhI Bv kwtnhwry ]There is none other than You, O Lord, Destroyer of fear.khu nwnk srix dieAwl gur lyhu mugD auDwry ]4]4]34]Says Nanak, I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Merciful Guru; I am so foolish - please, save me!||4||4||34||

AMg 1048Page 1048mwrU mhlw 3 ]Maaroo, Third Mehl:scu swlwhI gihr gMBIrY ]I praise the true, profound and unfathomable Lord.sBu jgu hY iqs hI kY cIrY ]All the world is in His power.siB Gt BogvY sdw idnu rwqI Awpy sUK invwsI hy ]1]He enjoys all hearts forever, day and night; He Himself dwells in peace. ||1||scw swihbu scI nweI ]True is the Lord and Master, and True is His Name.gur prswdI mMin vsweI ]By Guru's Grace, I enshrine Him in my mind.Awpy Awie visAw Gt AMqir qUtI jm kI PwsI hy ]2]He Himself has come to dwell deep within the nucleus of my heart; the noose of death has beensnapped. ||2||iksu syvI qY iksu swlwhI ]Whom should I serve, and whom should I praise?siqguru syvI sbid swlwhI ]I serve the True Guru, and praise the Word of the Shabad.scY sbid sdw miq aUqm AMqir kmlu pRgwsI hy ]3]Through the True Shabad, the intellect is exalted and ennobled forever, and the lotus deep withinblossoms forth. ||3||dyhI kwcI kwgd imkdwrw ]The body is frail and perishable, like paper.bUMd pvY ibnsY Fhq n lwgY bwrw ]When the drop of water falls upon it, it crumbles and dissolves instantaneously.kMcn kwieAw gurmuiK bUJY ijsu AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]4]But the body of the Gurmukh, who understands, is like gold; the Naam, the Name of the Lord,dwells deep within. ||4||scw caukw suriq kI kwrw ]Pure is that kitchen, which is enclosed by spiritual awareness.hir nwmu Bojnu scu AwDwrw ]

The Lord's Name is my food, and Truth is my support.sdw iqRpiq pivqRü hY pwvnu ijqu Git hir nwmu invwsI hy ]5]Forever satisfied, sanctified and pure is that person, within whose heart the Lord's Name abides.||5||hau iqn bilhwrI jo swcY lwgy ]I am a sacrifice to those who are attached to the Truth.hir gux gwvih Anidnu jwgy ]They sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and remain awake and aware night and day.swcw sUKu sdw iqn AMqir rsnw hir ris rwsI hy ]6]True peace fills them forever, and their tongues savor the sublime essence of the Lord. ||6||hir nwmu cyqw Avru n pUjw ]I remember the Lord's Name, and no other at all.eyko syvI Avru n dUjw ]I serve the One Lord, and no other at all.pUrY guir sBu scu idKwieAw scY nwim invwsI hy ]7]The Perfect Guru has revealed the whole Truth to me; I dwell in the True Name. ||7||BRim BRim jonI iPir iPir AwieAw ]Wandering, wandering in reincarnation, again and again, he comes into the world.Awip BUlw jw Ksim BulwieAw ]He is deluded and confused, when the Lord and Master confuses him.hir jIau imlY qw gurmuiK bUJY cInY sbdu AibnwsI hy ]8]He meets with the Dear Lord, when, as Gurmukh, he understands; he remembers the Shabad, theWord of the immortal, eternal Lord God. ||8||kwim k®oiD Bry hm AprwDI ]I am a sinner, overflowing with sexual desire and anger.ikAw muhu lY bolh nw hm gux n syvw swDI ]With what mouth should I speak? I have no virtue, and I have rendered no service.fubdy pwQr myil lYhu qum Awpy swcu nwmu AibnwsI hy ]9]I am a sinking stone; please, Lord, unite me with Yourself. Your Name is eternal and imperishable.||9||nw koeI kry n krxY jogw ]No one does anything; no one is able to do anything.Awpy krih krwvih su hoiegw ]That alone happens, which the Lord Himself does, and causes to be done.

Awpy bKis lYih suKu pwey sd hI nwim invwsI hy ]10]Those whom He Himself forgives, find peace; they dwell forever in the Naam, the Name of the Lord.||10||iehu qnu DrqI sbdu bIij Apwrw ]This body is the earth, and the infinite Shabad is the seed.hir swcy syqI vxju vwpwrw ]Deal and trade with the True Name alone.scu Dnu jMimAw qoit n AwvY AMqir nwmu invwsI hy ]11]The True wealth increases; it is never exhausted, when the Naam dwells deep within. ||11||hir jIau AvgixAwry no guxu kIjY ]O Dear Lord, please bless me, the worthless sinner, with virtue.Awpy bKis lYih nwmu dIjY ]Forgive me, and bless me with Your Name.gurmuiK hovY so piq pwey iekqu nwim invwsI hy ]12]One who becomes Gurmukh, is honored; he dwells in the Name of the One Lord alone. ||12||AMqir hir Dnu smJ n hoeI ]The wealth of the Lord is deep within one's inner being, but he does not realize it.gur prswdI bUJY koeI ]By Guru's Grace, one comes to understand.gurmuiK hovY so Dnu pwey sd hI nwim invwsI hy ]13]One who becomes Gurmukh is blessed with this wealth; he lives forever in the Naam. ||13||Anl vwau Brim BulweI ]Fire and wind lead him into delusions of doubt.mwieAw moih suiD n kweI ]In love and attachment to Maya, he has no understanding at all.mnmuK AMDy ikCU n sUJY gurmiq nwmu pRgwsI hy ]14]The blind, self-willed manmukh sees nothing; through the Guru's Teachings, the Naam is gloriouslyrevealed. ||14||mnmuK haumY mwieAw sUqy ]The manmukhs are asleep in egotism and Maya.Apxw Gru n smwlih AMiq ivgUqy ]They do not watch over their own homes, and are ruined in the end.pr inMdw krih bhu icMqw jwlY duKy duiK invwsI hy ]15]They slander others, and burn in great anxiety; they dwell in pain and suffering. ||15||

AMg 610Page 610soriT mhlw 5 ]Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:qnu sMqn kw Dnu sMqn kw mnu sMqn kw kIAw ]My body belongs to the Saints, my wealth belongs to the Saints, and my mind belongs to theSaints.sMq pRswid hir nwmu iDAwieAw srb kusl qb QIAw ]1]By the Grace of the Saints, I meditate on the Lord's Name, and then, all comforts come to me. ||1||sMqn ibnu Avru n dwqw bIAw ]Without the Saints, there are no other givers.jo jo srix prY swDU kI so pwrgrwmI kIAw ] rhwau ]Whoever takes to the Sanctuary of the Holy Saints, is carried across. ||Pause||koit prwD imtih jn syvw hir kIrqnu ris gweIAY ]Millions of sins are erased by serving the humble Saints, and singing the Glorious Praises of the Lordwith love.eIhw suKu AwgY muK aUjl jn kw sMgu vfBwgI pweIAY ]2]One finds peace in this world, and one's face is radiant in the next world, by associating with thehumble Saints, through great good fortune. ||2||rsnw eyk Anyk gux pUrn jn kI kyqk aupmw khIAY ]I have only one tongue, and the Lord's humble servant is filled with countless virtues; how can Ising his praises?Agm Agocr sd AibnwsI srix sMqn kI lhIAY ]3]The inaccessible, unapproachable and eternally unchanging Lord is obtained in the Sanctuary of theSaints. ||3||inrgun nIc AnwQ AprwDI Et sMqn kI AwhI ]I am worthless, lowly, without friends or support, and full of sins; I long for the Shelter of theSaints.bUfq moh igRh AMD kUp mih nwnk lyhu inbwhI ]4]7]I am drowning in the deep, dark pit of household attachments - please save me, Lord! ||4||7||

AMg 1013Page 1013mwrU mhlw 1 ]Maaroo, First Mehl:mwq ipqw sMjoig aupwey rkqu ibMdu imil ipMfu kry ]Through the union of mother and father, the fetus is formed. The egg and sperm join together tomake the body.AMqir grB auriD ilv lwgI so pRBu swry dwiq kry ]1]Upside-down within the womb, it lovingly dwells on the Lord; God provides for it, and gives itnourishment there. ||1||sMswru Bvjlu ikau qrY ]How can he cross over the terrifying world-ocean?gurmuiK nwmu inrMjnu pweIAY APirE Bwru APwru trY ]1] rhwau ]The Gurmukh obtains the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord; the unbearable load of sins isremoved. ||1||Pause||qy gux ivsir gey AprwDI mY baurw ikAw krau hry ]I have forgotten Your Virtues, Lord; I am insane - what can I do now?qU dwqw dieAwlu sBY isir Aihinis dwiq smwir kry ]2]You are the Merciful Giver, above the heads of all. Day and night, You give gifts, and take care ofall. ||2||cwir pdwrQ lY jig jnimAw isv skqI Gir vwsu Dry ]One is born to achieve the four great objectives of life. The spirit has taken up its home in thematerial world.lwgI BUK mwieAw mgu johY mukiq pdwrQu moih Kry ]3]Driven by hunger, it sees the path of Maya's riches; this emotional attachment takes away thetreasure of liberation. ||3||krx plwv kry nhI pwvY ieq auq FUFq Qwik pry ]Weeping and wailing, he does not receive them; he searches here and there, and grows weary.kwim k®oiD AhMkwir ivAwpy kUV kutMb isau pRIiq kry ]4]Engrossed in sexual desire, anger and egotism, he falls in love with his false relatives. ||4||KwvY BogY suix suix dyKY pihir idKwvY kwl Gry ]He eats and enjoys, listens and watches, and dresses up to show off in this house of death.ibnu gur sbd n Awpu pCwxY ibnu hir nwm n kwlu try ]5]Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he does not undersand himself. Without the Lord's Name,death cannot be avoided. ||5||jyqw mohu haumY kir BUly myrI myrI krqy CIin Kry ]

The more attachment and egotism delude and confuse him, the more he cries out, ""Mine, mine!"",and the more he loses out.qnu Dnu ibnsY shsY shsw iPir pCuqwvY muiK DUir pry ]6]His body and wealth pass away, and he is torn by skepticism and cynicism; in the end, he regretsand repents, when the dust falls on his face. ||6||ibriD BieAw jobnu qnu iKisAw kPu kMTu ibrUDo nYnhu nIru Fry ]He grows old, his body and youth waste away, and his throat is plugged with mucous; water flowsfrom his eyes.crx rhy kr kMpx lwgy swkq rwmu n irdY hry ]7]He feet fail him, and his hands shake and tremble; the faithless cynic does not enshrine the Lord inhis heart. ||7||suriq geI kwlI hU Dauly iksY n BwvY riKE Gry ]His intellect fails him, his black hair turns white, and no one wants to keep him in their home.ibsrq nwm AYsy doK lwgih jmu mwir smwry nrik Kry ]8]Forgetting the Naam, these are the stigmas which stick to him; the Messenger of Death beats him,and drags him to hell. ||8||pUrb jnm ko lyKu n imteI jnim mrY kw kau dosu Dry ]The record of one's past actions cannot be erased; who else is to blame for one's birth and death?ibnu gur bwid jIvxu horu mrxw ibnu gur sbdY jnmu jry ]9]Without the Guru, life and death are pointless; without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, life justburns away. ||9||KusI KuAwr Bey rs Bogx Pokt krm ivkwr kry ]The pleasures enjoyed in happiness bring ruin; acting in corruption is useless indulgence.nwmu ibswir loiB mUlu KoieE isir Drm rwie kw fMfu pry ]10]Forgetting the Naam, and caught by greed, he betrays his own source; the club of the RighteousJudge of Dharma will strike him over the head. ||10||gurmuiK rwm nwm gux gwvih jw kau hir pRBu ndir kry ]The Gurmukhs sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name; the Lord God blesses them with HisGlance of Grace.qy inrml purK AprMpr pUry qy jg mih gur goivMd hry ]11]Those beings are pure, perfect unlimited and infinite; in this world, they are the embodiment of theGuru, the Lord of the Universe. ||11||hir ismrhu gur bcn smwrhu sMgiq hir jn Bwau kry ]Meditate in remembrance on the Lord; meditate and contemplate the Guru's Word, and love toassociate with the humble servants of the Lord.hir jn guru prDwnu duAwrY nwnk iqn jn kI ryxu hry ]12]8]The Lord's humble servants are the embodiment of the Guru; they are supreme and respected inthe Court of the Lord. Nanak seeks the dust of the feet of those humble servants of the Lord.||12||8||

Ang 1142, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Raag BhairaoBhairao, Fifth Mehl:inrvYr purK siqgur pRB dwqy ]The True Guru, the Primal Being, is free of revenge and hate; He is God, the Great Giver.hm AprwDI qum@ bKswqy ]I am a sinner; You are my Forgiver.ijsu pwpI kau imlY n FoeI ]That sinner, who finds no protection anywheresrix AwvY qW inrmlu hoeI ]1]- if he comes seeking Your Sanctuary, then he becomes immaculate and pure. ||1||suKu pwieAw siqgurU mnwie ]Pleasing the True Guru, I have found peace.sB Pl pwey gurU iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]Meditating on the Guru, I have obtained all fruits and rewards. ||1||Pause||pwrbRhm siqgur Awdysu ]I humbly bow to the Supreme Lord God, the True Guru.mnu qnu qyrw sBu qyrw dysu ]My mind and body are Yours; all the world is Yours.cUkw pVdw qW ndrI AwieAw ]When the veil of illusion is removed, then I come to see You.Ksmu qUhY sBnw ky rwieAw ]2]You are my Lord and Master; You are the King of all. ||2||iqsu Bwxw sUky kwst hirAw ]When it pleases Him, even dry wood becomes green.iqsu Bwxw qW Ql isir sirAw ]When it pleases Him, rivers flow across the desert sands.iqsu Bwxw qW siB Pl pwey ]When it pleases Him, all fruits and rewards are obtained.

icMq geI lig siqgur pwey ]3]Grasping hold of the Guru's feet, my anxiety is dispelled. ||3||hrwmKor inrgux kau qUTw ]I am unworthy and ungrateful, but He has been merciful to me.mnu qnu sIqlu min AMimRqu vUTw ]My mind and body have been cooled and soothed; the Ambrosial Nectar rains down in my mind.pwrbRhm gur Bey dieAwlw ]The Supreme Lord God, the Guru, has become kind and compassionate to me.nwnk dws dyiK Bey inhwlw ]4]10]23]Slave Nanak beholds the Lord, enraptured. ||4||10||23||

Ang 345, Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji, Raag Gaureerwgu gauVI rivdws jI ky pdy gauVI guAwryrIRaag Gauree, Padas Of Ravi Daas Jee, Gauree Gwaarayree: siqnwmu krqw purKu gurpRswid ]One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru'sGrace:myrI sMgiq poc soc idnu rwqI ]The company I keep is wretched and low, and I am anxious day and night;myrw krmu kuitlqw jnmu kuBWqI ]1]my actions are crooked, and I am of lowly birth. ||1||rwm guseIAw jIA ky jIvnw ]O Lord, Master of the earth, Life of the soul,moih n ibswrhu mY jnu qyrw ]1] rhwau ]please do not forget me! I am Your humble servant. ||1||Pause||myrI hrhu ibpiq jn krhu suBweI ]Take away my pains, and bless Your humble servant with Your Sublime Love.crx n Cwfau srIr kl jweI ]2]I shall not leave Your Feet, even though my body may perish. ||2||khu rivdws prau qyrI swBw ]Says Ravi Daas, I seek the protection of Your Sanctuary;byig imlhu jn kir n iblWbw ]3]1]please, meet Your humble servant - do not delay! ||3||1||

AMg 457Page 457CMq ]Chhant:imlau sMqn kY sMig moih auDwir lyhu ]Let me join the Society of the Saints - save me, Lord!ibnau krau kr joiV hir hir nwmu dyhu ]With my palms pressed together, I offer my prayer: give me Your Name, O Lord, Har, Har.hir nwmu mwgau crx lwgau mwnu iqAwgau qum@ dieAw ]I beg for the Lord's Name, and fall at His feet; I renounce my self-conceit, by Your kindness.kqhUM n Dwvau srix pwvau kruxw mY pRB kir mieAw ]I shall not wander anywhere else, but take to Your Sanctuary. O God, embodiment of mercy, havemercy on me.smrQ AgQ Apwr inrml suxhu suAwmI ibnau eyhu ]O all-powerful, indescribable, infinite and immaculate Lord Master, listen to this, my prayer.kr joiV nwnk dwnu mwgY jnm mrx invwir lyhu ]1]With palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this blessing: O Lord, let my cycle of birth and deathcome to an end. ||1||AprwDI miqhInu inrgunu AnwQu nIcu ]I am a sinner, devoid of wisdom, worthless, destitute and vile.sT kToru kulhInu ibAwpq moh kIcu ]I am deceitful, hard-hearted, lowly and entangled in the mud of emotional attachment.ml Brm krm AhM mmqw mrxu cIiq n Awvey ]I am stuck in the filth of doubt and egotistical actions, and I try not to think of death.binqw ibnod Anμd mwieAw AigAwnqw lptwvey ]In ignorance, I cling to the pleasures of woman and the joys of Maya.iKsY jobnu bDY jrUAw idn inhwry sMig mIcu ]My youth is wasting away, old age is approaching, and Death, my companion, is counting my days.ibnvMiq nwnk Aws qyrI srix swDU rwKu nIcu ]2]Prays Nanak, my hope is in You, Lord; please preserve me, the lowly one, in the Sanctuary of theHoly. ||2||Brmy jnm Anyk sMkt mhw jon ]I have wandered through countless incarnations, suffering terrible pain in these lives.lpit rihE iqh sMig mITy Bog son ]

I am entangled in sweet pleasures and gold.BRmq Bwr Agnq AwieE bhu pRdysh DwieE ]After wandering around with such great loads of sin, I have come, after wandering through so manyforeign lands.Ab Et DwrI pRB murwrI srb suK hir nwieE ]Now, I have taken the protection of God, and I have found total peace in the Name of the Lord.rwKnhwry pRB ipAwry muJ qy kCU n hoAw hon ]God, my Beloved, is my protector; nothing was done, or will ever be done, by myself alone.sUK shj Awnμd nwnk ik®pw qyrI qrY Baun ]3]I have found peace, poise and bliss, O Nanak; by Your mercy, I swim across the world-ocean. ||3||nwm DwrIk auDwry Bgqh sMsw kaun ]You saved those who only pretended to believe, so what doubts should Your true devotees have?jyn kyn prkwry hir hir jsu sunhu sRvn ]By every means possible, listen to the Praises of the Lord with your ears.suin sRvn bwnI purK igAwnI min inDwnw pwvhy ]Listen with your ears to the Word of the Lord's Bani, the hymns of spiritual wisdom; thus you shallobtain the treasure in your mind.hir rMig rwqy pRB ibDwqy rwm ky gux gwvhy ]Attuned to the Love of the Lord God, the Architect of Destiny, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.bsuD kwgd bnrwj klmw ilKx kau jy hoie pvn ]The earth is the paper, the forest is the pen and the wind is the writer,byAMq AMqu n jwie pwieAw ghI nwnk crx srn ]4]5]8]but still, the end of the endless Lord cannot be found. O Nanak, I have taken to the Sanctuary ofHis lotus feet. ||4||5||8||

AMg 827Page 827iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:qum@ smrQw kwrn krn ]You are the all-powerful Cause of causes.Fwkn Fwik goibd gur myry moih AprwDI srn crn ]1] rhwau ]Please cover my faults, Lord of the Universe, O my Guru; I am a sinner - I seek the Sanctuary ofYour Feet. ||1||Pause||jo jo kIno so qum@ jwinE pyiKE Taur nwhI kCu FIT mukrn ]Whatever we do, You see and know; there is no way anyone can stubbornly deny this.bf prqwpu suinE pRB qum@ro koit AGw qyro nwm hrn ]1]Your glorious radiance is great! So I have heard, O God. Millions of sins are destroyed by YourName. ||1||hmro shwau sdw sd BUln qum@ro ibrdu piqq auDrn ]It is my nature to make mistakes, forever and ever; it is Your Natural Way to save sinners.kruxw mY ikrpwl ik®pw iniD jIvn pd nwnk hir drsn ]2]2]118]You are the embodiment of kindness, and the treasure of compassion, O Merciful Lord; through theBlessed Vision of Your Darshan, Nanak has found the state of redemption in life. ||2||2||118||

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