Usulan Kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Elektro ITB 2008

Usulan Kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Elektro ITB 2008 Usulan Kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Elektro ITB 2008


Korelasi Kurikulum ITB -ABETITB ABET w/o minor ABET w/ minorTPB (36) Math and Basic Sciences (22) Math and Basic Sciences (22)General Education (10) General Education (10)EE Core (4) EE Core (4)Wajib Prodi (44) Math and Basic Sciences (12) Math and Basic Sciences (12)EE Core (32) EE Core (32)Wajib ITB (10) General Education (10) General Education (10)Pilihan (54) Math and Basic Sciences (3) Math and Basic Sciences (3)Breadth (19) Breadth (20)Technical Electives (23) Technical Electives (18)Non EE Electives (9) Minor (15)

Peta Outcomes (1)

Korelasi <strong>Kurikulum</strong> <strong>ITB</strong> -ABET<strong>ITB</strong> ABET w/o minor ABET w/ minorTPB (36) Math and Basic Sciences (22) Math and Basic Sciences (22)General Education (10) General Education (10)EE Core (4) EE Core (4)Wajib Prodi (44) Math and Basic Sciences (12) Math and Basic Sciences (12)EE Core (32) EE Core (32)Wajib <strong>ITB</strong> (10) General Education (10) General Education (10)Pilihan (54) Math and Basic Sciences (3) Math and Basic Sciences (3)Breadth (19) Breadth (20)Technical Electives (23) Technical Electives (18)Non EE Electives (9) Minor (15)

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