Usulan Kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Elektro ITB 2008

Usulan Kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Elektro ITB 2008 Usulan Kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Elektro ITB 2008


Mapping Objective to OutcomesabcdProgram OutcomesAn ability to apply knowledge of mathematicscience, and engineeringAn ability to design and conduct experimentwell as to analyze and interpret dataAn ability to design a system, component, oprocess to meet desired needs within realisconstraints such as economic, environmentsocial, political, ethical, health and safety,manufacturability, and sustainabilityAn ability to function on multi-disciplinary te1. Technical Knowledge2. Laboratory and Design Skills3. Communications Skills4. Preparation for the Profession5. Preparation for Further Study6. Preparation for national industrial developmentProgram Objective1,2,41,2,41,2,5,65,6

Mapping Objective to OutcomesefghProgram OutcomesAn ability to identify, formulate, and solvengineering problemsAn understanding of professional and eresponsibilityan ability to communicate effectivelyThe broad education necessary to undeimpact of engineering solutions in a gloeconomic, environmental, and societalProgram Objectiv1,2,4,65,631,4,5,61. Technical Knowledge2. Laboratory and Design Skills3. Communications Skills4. Preparation for the Profession5. Preparation for Further Study6. Preparation for national industrial development

Mapping Objective to Outcomesabcd<strong>Program</strong> OutcomesAn ability to apply knowledge of mathematicscience, and engineeringAn ability to design and conduct experimentwell as to analyze and interpret dataAn ability to design a system, component, oprocess to meet desired needs within realisconstraints such as economic, environmentsocial, political, ethical, health and safety,manufacturability, and sustainabilityAn ability to function on multi-disciplinary te1. Technical Knowledge2. Laboratory and Design Skills3. Communications Skills4. Preparation for the Profession5. Preparation for Further Study6. Preparation for national industrial development<strong>Program</strong> Objective1,2,41,2,41,2,5,65,6

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