Can You Risk It? - Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Can You Risk It? - Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Can You Risk It? - Insurance Commission of Western Australia


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4. REPORT – RISKS BY ACTIVITY/EVENTThis button gives you the choice <strong>of</strong> viewing the report by all Activities/Events or a specifi c Activity/Event.If you wish to view the report for a specifi c activity, you must type in a specifi c activity/eventin the Activity Filter box and select Run Report. If you run a report without typing in aspecifi c activity/event the whole report is sorted by Activity/Event in alphabetical order.REPORT SAMPLE – RISKS BY ACTIVITY/EVENTActivity<strong>Risk</strong>RefNo.<strong>Risk</strong>Level<strong>of</strong> <strong>Risk</strong>Action 1 Due Date 1 Action 2Due Date2Action 3Due Date3RevisedLevel <strong>of</strong><strong>Risk</strong>NameDateFinancial 2.1.1Noncompliancewith FAAA6Businessadviser12/20/2007 4 PQR 2/13/2008Facilities andequipmentmanagement3.1.1Inadequatesite securityat facilities12Maintenanceprogram12/15/2007 4 PQR 1/15/2008Facilities andequipmentmanagement3.1.2Inadequateinstruction/guidance onsafe use <strong>of</strong>equipment12Supervisionandmonitoring11/11/2007Refreshercourse1/15/2003 6 MNO 3/20/2008HumanResources4.1.1Noncomplianceto OSH Act,Standards9 Monitoring 1/20/2008 2 XYZ 1/1/2008Budget 5.1.1Grosslyunder/overestimateincome andexpenditure<strong>of</strong> Association12Supervisionandmonitoring1/20/2008 2 XYZ 2/13/2008Budget 1.1.2Loss <strong>of</strong> a keymanagementresource12Businessadviser10/1/2008 Successionplanning1/15/2003 6 MNO 1/15/2008<strong>Can</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>It</strong>? An Introduction to <strong>Risk</strong> Management for Community Organisations 26

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