GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info

GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info

GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info


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Geetha Vahini 71 72 Geetha Vahinideveloped a headful of doubts. He became agitated; notonly he, but all men nowadays are worried by doubts.Moreover, in the complex spiritual field and the field ofknowledge concerning Godhead, there are twointerpretations possible: the outer and the inner. Ordinarymen accept the outer and those who have some experienceof the Lord, seek to know the Inner.As the saying goes, “like the mole in the eye, the stonein the shoe, the thorn in the foot, the faction in the home,” isthis “doubt in the brain.” When such doubts assail Arjuna,who is the representative Man, it means they are Humanity’sown doubts. They can be solved only by Madhava (God),who is beyond and above Humanity. That is why Krishna isready by his side to remove any doubt and plant joy in theheart.Now, what exactly is the doubt? Krishna was born atthe end of the Dwapara Yuga. Surya and Manu are personsof the past. How then could these two meet Krishna? Itcannot be physical relationship, for many generationsseparate Krishna from the other two. Krishna is Arjuna’scontemporary. How did Krishna teach this Yoga to Surya?To sit quietly listening to unbelievable stories is itself a signof poverty of intellect. Every moment, Arjuna’s uneasinessincreased. This was observed by Krishna, who is everywhereand in everything. He said, “What is the cause of therestlessness that I notice in you? Tell Me,” and proddedhim with a smile.Arjuna was glad he got a chance. “Madhava! I do notunderstand your words. They confuse me so much that Iam losing a little of the faith that I have in you. But I pray,excuse me for asking this, please solve my doubt, I cannotstand it anymore.” Arjuna pleaded with folded hands.Gopala (Krishna) was glad and He asked him what thedoubt was. Arjuna then said, “You said that this Yoga wastaught to Surya and to Manu. Of what distant past are thesetwo? And to which age do you belong? Did you teach themwhile in this body? That is unbelievable. For this body isonly four or five years older than mine. You are not moreaged than that. When did You teach them without my beingaware of it? And the Sun? He is greater than You, manytimes greater. He is there from the very beginning, from apast which is beyond our imagination. I cannot believe it;no, not even the most intelligent person can prove it as true.Let it be! You may say, ‘This is not the Body, and this isnot the Yuga; it was while I was in another Body and duringanother Yuga.’ That makes it still more strange. For howcan anyone remember what happened in any previous birth?If you say that it is possible to have the memory, then itmust apply to me also, is it not? The Sastras declare thatonly a few Divine beings keep such things in memory. Themortals cannot hold them in remembrance. Well, I may acceptthat you are Divine. But I have to accept that Surya, the Sunis also Divine. How can two persons equal in Divine statusteach and learn from each other? When You teach and helearns, he becomes Your disciple, is it not? You must then

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