GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info

GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info

GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info


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Geetha Vahini 34 Geetha Vahini(intellect) somehow manages to keep some points in its hold.But it too is destroyed when death comes to the body. Atone stroke, all is forgotten. Memory is the function of theintellect, not the Atma.CHAPTER IVArjuna was still doubt-ridden. “O Lord,” hebegan, “You said that the bodily changes arelike the stages of wakefulness, dream andsleep. But we do not forget our experiences when we awakefrom deep sleep. The experiences of previous births aredestroyed in memory by the incident called ‘death.’” Krishnareplied that it was not possible to recall to memory allexperiences, but it was possible to recall some. For theAtma persisted, though the vehicle changed.Arjuna then shifted to another point, a point whichpesters many besides Arjuna. That is why Krishna says,“Dheerasthathra na muhyathi,” “the Dheera (wise man) isnot deluded by this.” He does not say Arjuna should not bedeluded by this. He intends to teach all wavering minds.Krishna solves every doubt as soon as it arises. He said,“Arjuna, while passing through the three stages, Buddhi“Now consider this: You cannot now tell exactly whereyou were on a definite day, ten years ago, can you? But youexisted that day, ten years ago. About that there is no doubt.You dare not deny your existence then. The same is thecase of the life before this which you lived, though youhave no recollection how and where. The wise man is notdeluded by such doubts nor agitated by them.“The Atma does not die. The body does not stay. Doyou think that your grief at their possible death will makethe Atma of your opponents happy? That is an insanethought. The Atma does not derive joy or grief, whateverhappens or does not happen. Let the senses keep to theirplaces. There is no reason to fear. It is only when they startcontacts with objects, that the twin distractions, joy andgrief, get produced. When you hear someone defaming you,you feel anger and grief, but no such agitation can takeplace if the words do not fall on your ears. The object-wardmovement of the senses is the cause of grief and its twin,joy.“It is like heat and cold. When it is the cold season,you crave for warmth and in the hot season you crave forcoolness. The sense-object contact is exactly like this. Solong as the world is there, objective contact cannot be

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