GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info

GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info

GEETHA VAHINI - Sssbpt.info


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Geetha Vahini 14 Geetha Vahinion the side of the Pandavas, how can this King’s wickedplan succeed?” Then he pictured to himself the ghastlyconsequences of Arjuna jumping into the fray.CHAPTER IIThe first chapter is better named, “ArjunaGeetha,” rather than Krishna Geetha. Overcome by sorrow and delusion, Arjuna turnsfrom war and keeps aside his weapons. He is dejected inhis chariot, halted between the two opposing forces. Heturns this way and that, puzzled and perturbed. He surveysthe faces of his kith and kin. He is overcome by pity. Hisfamous bow slips from his grasp, he is too weak to standor even sit. His mind wanders into the dictates of the PurvaMimaamsa school of thought. He swears he will not engagein fighting. When Sanjaya reported this to the blind King,Dhritharashtra, he was overjoyed, for victory was withingrasp! He had neither foresight nor farsight, much less theDivine Vision; so he felt happy that his dream of anundiminished Empire had come true, without bother.But Sanjaya who had Divine Vision felt, “What is thisinsane joy which is affecting him? When the Lord is HimselfBut Arjuna had teardrops falling down his cheeks.There were whirlpools in his eyes. Even the Lord could notbear the sight. He could not remain silent. He felt the pulsebeat of Arjuna and diagnosed the malady. He knew in atrice that the malady of Moha (the delusion caused by falseevaluation) had penetrated his three bodies: the Gross, theSubtle and the Causal. The pity that enveloped Arjuna wasnot ‘genuine,’ He saw. For genuine pity will be endowedwith Daivi Sampath (Divine elevating impulses and motives);it will not disregard the orders of the Lord. It was reallyegoism, under the veil of pity. So, the Lord decided to curehim of that weakness. “Kripayaavishtam,” the Geetha says:Arjuna was helpless, “overwhelmed by pity,” and that hadto be cured.Just as a spirit entering a person has to be exorcised,Arjuna has to be freed from fear and cowardice. For hewho has the Lord by his side need entertain no fear. Whatcan any ‘bhooth’ (spirit) do to one who is the Lord of allthe Five Bhuthas (elements)? “Vaidyo Narayano Harih.”The Lord is the Supreme Doctor. Narayana was the DoctorArjuna needed and got.How lucky was Arjuna! Even from the depths of grief,joy will swell. Until the 11th sloka of the 2nd chapter, it isthe story of the despondency of Arjuna, the effect of “the

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