Scandlight DJ LED Gepard User's Manual - Ljudia

Scandlight DJ LED Gepard User's Manual - Ljudia

Scandlight DJ LED Gepard User's Manual - Ljudia

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3 rd light2 nd light1 st lightDMXcontrol(receive)Set to slavemachine10 为 off,[1---9] is based light address code settings (8421 binary code format),are all OFF, the address is 001.All DIP dial to“OFF”Ⅵ、 Appendix1、 Usage of the Signal Cable、 ConnectorThe connection between the output and input, it’s available to use the 3 pinsXLR cable which provided by the manufacturer. Signal cable from the DMXoutput of the controller to the input of the first master light, an d connect to theDMX input of second slave light from the DMX output of the first master light,analogously, till connected all the slave lights, and insert the last connector tothe output of the final light.If you want to prolong the connection of signal cable, the connection of the pinsbetween male connector and female connector should be:1 to 1; 2 to 2; 3 to 3,orit will cause communication interruption.( Notice:the diameter of core of everycable should be 0.5mm at least, double core shelter cable should be used) .Thesignal connecting must use the attached 3 pins XLR cable. Notice, all theinternal lead wire of the 3 pins XLR cable should not touch to each other orconnect to the connector.The light is available to receive the DMX512 signal, connect t he signal plug tothe panel which marked with “IN”, and connect it to the next light. then, connectto the “IN” of next light from the “OUT”. The DMX signal terminal organ isrecommended when the lighting signal is connecting. It will avoid to damage thesignal which caused by the noise, DMX terminal organ is a XLR connector,connect with a 120Ω resistor between the pin 2 and pin 3 of the XLR connector, and connectit to the last OUTPUT socket of the final light. Follow picture:IN OUT IN OUT IN OUTResistor120R 1W9

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