2013 Winter - Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada

2013 Winter - Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada

2013 Winter - Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada


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InBrıef<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2013</strong>PDAC President visits Mexico, Peru<strong>and</strong> Guatemala with Governor GeneralThe Governor General <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> in the Main Courtyard <strong>of</strong> the GovernmentPalace in Lima, Peru.to discuss the challenges <strong>and</strong> opportunities the industry currentlyfaces at home <strong>and</strong> abroad. “I spent considerable time discussing theimportance <strong>of</strong> mineral exploration <strong>and</strong> mining to the GovernorGeneral, the MPs <strong>and</strong> Diane Ablonczy (Minister <strong>of</strong> State <strong>of</strong> ForeignAffairs),” says Glenn, “<strong>and</strong> during our conversations I highlighted thePDAC’s leadership <strong>and</strong> work in creating awareness <strong>of</strong> best practicesin environmental sustainability, social engagement, <strong>and</strong> the health<strong>and</strong> safety <strong>of</strong> the workers in the industry.”As for Glenn’s impressions <strong>of</strong> the Governor General? “He’s anunbelievably kind <strong>and</strong> thoughtful person, <strong>and</strong> someone who is hardto keep up with! He <strong>and</strong> his wife were on the move all day <strong>and</strong> nevershied away from meeting others <strong>and</strong> sharing their experiences. I feltvery proud to join them in representing <strong>Canada</strong>.” UCALL IT AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME for PDAC President GlennNolan. From November 30 to December 7, Glenn travelled with HisExcellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General <strong>of</strong><strong>Canada</strong>, to Mexico, Peru <strong>and</strong> Guatemala on a series <strong>of</strong> diplomatic visitsto share expertise <strong>and</strong> discuss issues surrounding trade, security,education <strong>and</strong> innovation.Glenn, who was part <strong>of</strong> a delegation that included the GovernorGeneral’s wife, Mrs. Sharon Johnston, along with Canadian leadersfrom the fields <strong>of</strong> business, politics, education, social justice <strong>and</strong>development, said the trip provided him with an opportunity to “seefirst-h<strong>and</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> the role <strong>of</strong> Governor General on theinternational stage, <strong>and</strong> the importance that the Canadian miningindustry plays in the economic development <strong>and</strong> social advancement<strong>of</strong> these particular countries.”Highlights for Glenn included participating in a tour <strong>of</strong> theBombardier Aerospace facility in the state <strong>of</strong> Querétaro in Mexico,taking part in a panel discussion on education, innovation <strong>and</strong> trade,as well as participating in a roundtable with Canadian businessleaders working in Guatemala.The trip also provided Glenn with a chance to learn more about thepositive impacts that <strong>Canada</strong>’s mineral exploration <strong>and</strong> miningindustry is having on each <strong>of</strong> the countries’ national economies, <strong>and</strong>Glenn speaking at Rafael L<strong>and</strong>ivar University in Guatemala City.Glenn receiving thanks from the Governor General in Peru for taken part inthe delegation.The newsletter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Prospectors</strong> & <strong>Developers</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>Ce bulletin est également disponible en version française. Voir www.pdac.ca pour une copie.

Nations people in <strong>Canada</strong>’s exploration <strong>and</strong>mining industry, <strong>and</strong> cooperation on publicpolicy issues <strong>of</strong> mutual interest.As <strong>of</strong> February 2012, more than 180agreements have been signed betweenmining companies <strong>and</strong> Aboriginal commun -ities or governments in <strong>Canada</strong>, according toNatural Resources <strong>Canada</strong>. Projects rangefrom grassroots exploration plays toproducing mines across the country.Another significant milestone was thePDAC’s establishment <strong>of</strong> the Skookum JimAward. First presented in March 2008, theaward recognizes exceptional achievement<strong>and</strong>/or service from an Aboriginal-runbusiness, or an individual who has made asignificant contribution to the industry. The<strong>2013</strong> winner is Windigo Catering LimitedPartnership, a catering company in north -western Ontario that specializes in a variety<strong>of</strong> on-site management <strong>and</strong> light mainten -ance services.“Having the board recognize theimportance <strong>of</strong> Aboriginal entrepreneurs <strong>and</strong>Skookum Jim medal with ribbon.Photo Credit - Gill Gracie, Opportunity North magazinemovers <strong>and</strong> shakers that have exemplified astrong commitment to the industry wassignificant,” says Nolan.Since the Aboriginal Program wasGlenn Nolan, PDAC President; Phil Fontaine, former National Chief <strong>of</strong> the Assembly <strong>of</strong> First Nations in<strong>Canada</strong>; Jon Baird, past PDAC President, at AFN Assembly July 2008.launched at the PDAC Convention in 2006,it has grown exponentially in quality <strong>and</strong>quantity. With two days <strong>of</strong> sessions (increasedfrom one half-day session at its inception)devoted to Aboriginal programming, theconvention is a unique opportunity forcompanies <strong>and</strong> communities to network,create partnerships, <strong>and</strong> share knowledge.Aboriginal participation at the conventionis expected to continue to grow in <strong>2013</strong>, saysLesley Williams, the PDAC’s Program Managerfor Advocacy <strong>and</strong> Issues Manage ment.Programming in four separate sessions willfocus on building capacity, promotingexcellence in engagement, <strong>and</strong> addressingsubjects such as consultation <strong>and</strong>community-company agreements. Mean -while, throughout the rest <strong>of</strong> the year thePDAC will continue to develop tools to buildawareness around the mineral developmentsequence <strong>and</strong> opportunities that exist, <strong>and</strong>encourage increased <strong>and</strong> meaningfulAboriginal participation in the industry, addsWilliams.Apart from the Aboriginal Program at theconvention, PDAC Aboriginal Affairsundertakes initiatives <strong>and</strong> activities topromote greater underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> cooperationbetween Aboriginal communities<strong>and</strong> the mineral industry in <strong>Canada</strong>. Whileadvocating for policy, such as governmentresource revenue sharing <strong>and</strong> the resolution<strong>of</strong> l<strong>and</strong> claims, the PDAC participates inconferences <strong>and</strong> meetings central toAboriginal issues in <strong>Canada</strong>. Thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> research <strong>and</strong> tools such asthe Exploration <strong>and</strong> Mining Guide forAboriginal Communities is also an integralelement <strong>of</strong> the department.The opportunity for constructiveengagement <strong>and</strong> Aboriginal participation inthe sector is not lost on governmentrepresentatives at the provincial <strong>and</strong> federallevel. “We talk a lot in public policy about jobswithout people <strong>and</strong> people without jobs <strong>and</strong> Ithink that is the key to this obvious marriage<strong>of</strong> Aboriginal people, particularly their youth,<strong>and</strong> the mining industry,” says Liberal MPCarolyn Bennett, who attended PDAC 2102<strong>and</strong> is Vice-Chair <strong>of</strong> the Aboriginal Affairs <strong>and</strong>Northern Development committee at thefederal level.Nolan agrees with such a sentiment <strong>and</strong>envisions a future in which communities takeownership <strong>of</strong> exploration programs, hire theirown people, <strong>and</strong> secure licences to developprojects. When such a vision becomes areality, the PDAC Aboriginal Affairscommittee will have fulfilled its m<strong>and</strong>ate.Until then, there is more work to be done. UBy Virginia Heffernan3

PDAC <strong>2013</strong> AwardsDaniel G. Wood is the recipient <strong>of</strong> this year’sThayer Lindsley Award for his leadership <strong>of</strong>exploration teams responsible for numerousdiscoveries <strong>of</strong> mineral deposits in a variety<strong>of</strong> geologic settings with an aggregate grossvalue in excess <strong>of</strong> $100 billion.Mr. Wood retired from mineral explora -tion in late 2008 after 24 years with BHP <strong>and</strong>almost 18 years with Newcrest MiningLimited, leading teams exploring for a range<strong>of</strong> mineral resources in Australia, SEAsia/SW Pacific <strong>and</strong> the Americas. Duringhis career, the teams he led produced coal,Thayer Lindsley AwardThis award, honouring the memory <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>’s greatest mine finders, recognizes anindividual or a team <strong>of</strong> explorationists credited with a recent significant mineral discoveryanywhere in the world.Pretivm Resources is the recipient <strong>of</strong> thisyear’s Bill Dennis Award for advancing theBrucejack Property’s Valley <strong>of</strong> the Kings intoa world-class, high-grade gold deposit.Pretivm’s Brucejack property innorthwestern British Columbia is a highgradegold project, <strong>and</strong> the Valley <strong>of</strong> theKings portion <strong>of</strong> Brucejack property is aworld-class gold discovery. High-grade goldresources in the Valley <strong>of</strong> the Kings (5.0 g/tgold-equivalent cut-<strong>of</strong>f ) now total 8.5million ounces <strong>of</strong> gold in the IndicatedResource category (16.1 million tonnesgrading 16.4 grams <strong>of</strong> gold per tonne).Bill Dennis Awardgold, gold-copper <strong>and</strong> copper-molybdenumdiscoveries in Australia, Indonesia <strong>and</strong>Peru. The list <strong>of</strong> discoveries by these teamsis extraordinary in its variety <strong>of</strong> geologicsettings, in the number <strong>of</strong> commodities <strong>and</strong>in the aggregate gross value <strong>of</strong> thedeposits—in excess <strong>of</strong> $100 billion.Mr. Wood joined Newcrest Mining duringits formation in 1990, <strong>and</strong> from the mid-1990s, as Executive General ManagerExploration, he led its highly successfulexploration team that was judged by theMetals Economics Group <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> to havebeen the world’s most successful goldexplorer from 1992-2005.Mr. Wood is an Advisory Board member<strong>of</strong> the WH Bryan Mining <strong>and</strong> GeologyResearch Centre at the University <strong>of</strong>Queensl<strong>and</strong> where he is an AdjunctPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>and</strong> strong advocate for enhancedgeological input into mass mining research.He was jointly awarded the Joe Harms Medalby the Geological Society <strong>of</strong> Australia fordiscovering the Cadia gold-copper depositsin NSW, <strong>and</strong> is the <strong>2013</strong> recipient <strong>of</strong> theSME's Robert M. Dreyer Award. Mr. Wood isa Fellow <strong>of</strong> the Society <strong>of</strong> Economic Geolo -gists in the U.S.This award, named for a former president <strong>of</strong> the association, honours individuals who haveaccomplished one or both <strong>of</strong> the following: made a significant mineral discovery; made animportant contribution to the prospecting <strong>and</strong>/or exploration industry. The award may also beused to recognize an important mineral discovery in <strong>Canada</strong>.Recognizing the potential <strong>of</strong> the Valley <strong>of</strong>the Kings, which was first discovered in2009, Pretivm’s CEO Robert Quartermainbought the Brucejack Property when hestarted the company in 2010. Althoughprospecting had been carried out on theproperty for several decades, it was thePretivm team under Mr. Quartermain’sleadership that turned the deposit from aninteresting but remote exploration projectinto a world-class gold discovery with theadvance <strong>of</strong> the Valley <strong>of</strong> the Kings. Since2011, Pretivm’s successful explorationprogram saw the resource base for theValley <strong>of</strong> the Kings increase to the current8.5 million ounces <strong>of</strong> Indicated gold.Viola R. MacMillan AwardThis award is named in honour <strong>of</strong> the PDAC’slongest serving president <strong>and</strong> is given to aperson or company demon strating leader ship inmanagement <strong>and</strong> financing for the exploration<strong>and</strong> development <strong>of</strong> mineral resources.New Gold Inc. is the recipient <strong>of</strong> this year’sViola R. MacMillan Award for demonstratingleadership in management <strong>and</strong> excellence inbest practices in bringing the New Afton mineto production. New Gold’s New Afton coppergoldmine, located in Kamloops, is a largeunder ground copper-gold deposit that isexpected to produce, on average, 85,000ounces <strong>of</strong> gold <strong>and</strong> 75 million pounds <strong>of</strong>copper per year over a 12-year mine life. Thedeposit has 1.0 million ounces <strong>of</strong> proven <strong>and</strong>probable gold reserves <strong>and</strong> 1.0 billion pounds<strong>of</strong> proven <strong>and</strong> probable copper reserves.New Gold recognized early on that a strongrelationship with local First Nations was thekey to a successful project. In 2008, a groundbreakingagreement was formed betweenNew Gold <strong>and</strong> local First Nations. The NewAfton Participation Agreement, which coversfour areas—environment, employment <strong>and</strong>training for b<strong>and</strong> members, business oppor -tun ities, <strong>and</strong> socio-economic contribution—isconsidered a best practice in <strong>Canada</strong>.Mary-Claire WardGeoscience AwardDanielle Thomson hasbeen chosen as thisyear’s Mary-Claire WardGeo science Award recip -ient for her researchproject “Sedi men tology,sequence stratigraphy,<strong>and</strong> stable isotope strat -igraphy <strong>of</strong> the Tonian-Cryogenian ShalerSuper group, Victoria Isl<strong>and</strong>, NorthwestTerritories.” Danielle is a PhD student atCarleton University.The award, comprising $5,000 <strong>and</strong> acertificate, is given annually to a graduatestudent in <strong>Canada</strong> to honour the memory <strong>of</strong>Mary-Claire Ward who died in 2004 <strong>and</strong> wasa passionate advocate for geosciences. Atthe time <strong>of</strong> her death, Mrs. Ward was thechair <strong>of</strong> the PDAC’s Geoscience committee,chairman <strong>of</strong> Watts Griffis McOuat Ltd., <strong>and</strong> apast president <strong>of</strong> the Geological <strong>Association</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>.4

PDAC <strong>2013</strong> AwardsDistinguished ServiceAwardThis award recognizes an individual whohas achieved one or more <strong>of</strong> the following:made a substantial contribution to mineralexploration <strong>and</strong> mining development over anumber <strong>of</strong> years; given considerable time<strong>and</strong> effort to the PDAC; made outst<strong>and</strong>ingcontributions to the mineral industry in thefield <strong>of</strong> finance, geology, geophysics,geochemistry research, or a related activity.Ronald P. Gagel is the recipient <strong>of</strong> this year’sDistinguished Service Award for hisoutst<strong>and</strong>ing contribution to the mineralindustry in the field <strong>of</strong> finance, <strong>and</strong> for hiscontributions to the PDAC.Mr. Gagel, a chartered accountant withmore than 30 years <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalexperience, predominantly in the miningsector, has been an active PDAC committeemember since 1991 <strong>and</strong> a board membersince 1997. Ron’s background in miningfinance, accounting <strong>and</strong> taxation hasprovided outst<strong>and</strong>ing support to thefinancial activities <strong>and</strong> affairs <strong>of</strong> the PDAC,particularly through his work on the Finance<strong>and</strong> Taxation committee.Ron was part <strong>of</strong> the team that successfullylobbied the federal government to implementthe Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (METC)—afederal tax credit program that has helped<strong>Canada</strong> capture <strong>and</strong> maintain its position asthe number one country in the world formineral exploration spending. In 2011, when<strong>Canada</strong> moved to International FinancialReporting St<strong>and</strong>ards (IFRS), which createdunique challenges for junior mining com -panies, the PDAC <strong>and</strong> the Canadian Institute<strong>of</strong> Chartered Accountants created the MiningIndustry Task Force on IFRSs. Under Ron’sleadership as Chair, the task force haspublished a series <strong>of</strong> nine papers on applyingIFRSs in the mining industry.Environmental & Social Responsibility AwardThis award honours an individual or organization demonstrating outst<strong>and</strong>ing initiative,leadership <strong>and</strong> accomplishment in protecting <strong>and</strong> preserving the natural environment <strong>and</strong>/or inestablishing good community relations during an exploration program or operation <strong>of</strong> a mine.Cameco Corporation is the recipient <strong>of</strong> thisyear’s Environmental <strong>and</strong> Social Responsi bilityAward for its outst<strong>and</strong>ing accomplish ments inestablishing good community relations in itsexploration <strong>and</strong> mining operations.Cameco has a five-pillar Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) model designed toensure local community support <strong>and</strong>proactive environmental stewardship. Thefive pillars are: Community Engagement—Cameco engages communities throughoutproject development phases to ensure localpeople are aware <strong>of</strong> <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> thecompany’s activities <strong>and</strong> have opportunitiesWindigo Catering Limited Partnership is therecipient <strong>of</strong> this year’s Skookum Jim Awardfor its achievement as a CanadianAboriginal-run business <strong>and</strong> its service tothe Canadian mining industry.Windigo Catering, located in north -western Ontario, is solely owned bythe Windigo First Nations <strong>of</strong> BearskinLake, Cat Lake, North Caribou Lake, SachigoLake <strong>and</strong> New Slate Falls. Boasting an 83%First Nations employment rate, thecompany employs 60 people, all <strong>of</strong> whomare hired from the area. Pr<strong>of</strong>its from theSkookum Jim Awardto provide input; Environmental Steward -ship—Cameco creates proactive planswherever it operates to minimize its impacton the environment; Workforce Develop -ment—Cameco focuses on training,education <strong>and</strong> recruitment in northerncommunities <strong>and</strong> seeks to employ as manynorthern people as it can for itsSaskatchewan mining operations; BusinessDevelopment—Cameco prefers northernownedbusinesses in procuring goods <strong>and</strong>services for its Saskatchewan operations aspart <strong>of</strong> a strategy to build sustainable, localenterprises that will continue to generateopportunity for local people after miningends; <strong>and</strong> Community Investment—Camecoinvests in key areas that will assistcommunity development, education <strong>and</strong>literacy, youth <strong>and</strong> health <strong>and</strong> wellnessinitiatives.Cameco has been recognized as anindus try leader in CSR by Aboriginal associa -tions <strong>and</strong> industry rankings.Recipients <strong>of</strong> this award will have demonstrated exceptional achievement <strong>and</strong>/or service in anAboriginal-run service business for the Canadian mining industry or a Canadian Aboriginalexploration or mining company, or have made a significant individual contribution to themining industry.business go back to the membercommunities.Windigo specializes in providing cateringservices to industry, including remotecamps. In addition to catering, Windigo<strong>of</strong>fers laundry, camp management,janitorial, light house keeping <strong>and</strong> heavydutyjanitorial services. Windigo currentlyprovides these services to Goldcorp’sMusselwhite Mine at their remote fly-incamp on Opapimiskan Lake.Now that Windigo has successfullymanaged its contract with Musselwhite, it islooking at exp<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> recently com -pleted a five-year plan. The company hasdeveloped a website <strong>and</strong> other marketingmaterials with plans to pursue additionalaccounts. Windigo, currently based in SiouxLookout, is planning on opening an <strong>of</strong>fice inThunder Bay to access the potentialopportunities associated with mineralexploration in the area.5

PDAC <strong>2013</strong> INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION PDAC <strong>2013</strong> INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONTechnical Program showcases silver, iron ore <strong>and</strong> Arctic diamondsThe Technical Program at PDAC <strong>2013</strong> opens on Sunday, March 3, withfour sessions: Commodities <strong>and</strong> Market Outlook, L<strong>and</strong> AccessChallenges <strong>and</strong> Solutions, Maximizing the Value <strong>of</strong> Your Company<strong>and</strong> New Mines in the Central <strong>and</strong> Southern Andes.On Monday morning, March 4, sessions taking place include theKeynote Session: Risk <strong>and</strong> Reward in Mining Exploration <strong>and</strong>Development, Development Issues Pertaining to Mines <strong>and</strong> MineralDeposits: Capex <strong>and</strong> Low Grades, <strong>and</strong> Building Aboriginal Capacity forEconomic Independence. A session on <strong>Canada</strong> in <strong>2013</strong>, <strong>and</strong> another onDiamonds in the Arctic, will be held in the afternoon following theMineral Outlook Luncheon where Tom Butler <strong>of</strong> the World Bank willdiscuss Trends in Emerging Markets—A World Bank Perspective.Short Courses at PDAC <strong>2013</strong>At PDAC <strong>2013</strong> there will be a record number 15 Short Courses tochoose from, which all attendees have the chance to sign up forprior to the start <strong>of</strong> PDAC <strong>2013</strong>.Pre-convention Short Courses given on Friday through Sundaymorning (March 1, 2 <strong>and</strong> 3) cover such topics as Health <strong>and</strong>Safety in Mineral Exploration, New Mines in the Old World:The Untapped Mineral Potential <strong>of</strong> Europe, A Practical Guideto L<strong>and</strong> Management in <strong>Canada</strong> <strong>and</strong> High Impact Communications.The always popular Investment Fundamentals full-day seminar,now in its eighth year, will also be available on the Saturday <strong>and</strong>includes presenters from mining companies, consulting firms <strong>and</strong>the brokerage community.Once the convention is up running, there are three Short Coursesto choose from on the Wednesday. A day-long Geophysics forEveryone short course will be given by KEGS in the morning, whilethe always popular DMEC Workshop series will take place in theafternoon <strong>and</strong> features a discussion on the undercover exploration<strong>of</strong> the northern copper belt <strong>of</strong> Chile.To purchase tickets to any <strong>of</strong> the 15 Shorts Courses, visit:www.pdac.ca/pdac/conv/<strong>2013</strong>/presentations-shortcourses.aspxTechnical sessions on Tuesday morning, March 5, include Financing ina Volatile Market, Iron Ore in <strong>Canada</strong>, <strong>and</strong> Large Igneous Provinces<strong>and</strong> Metallogeny, while sessions on Australian Au <strong>and</strong> Cu Deposits,Geophysics, <strong>and</strong> the Emerging Metalloctects <strong>of</strong> Northern <strong>Canada</strong> willbe held in the afternoon following the International Panel Luncheon.Closing out the Technical Program on the Wednesday morning will bethe The Silver Session, Specialty Metals <strong>and</strong> Minerals, Ontario’s Ring<strong>of</strong> Fire, <strong>and</strong> the ever popular New Discoveries <strong>and</strong> Developments.For more information on the 21 sessions that are part <strong>of</strong>Technical Program at PDAC <strong>2013</strong>, visit:www.pdac.ca/pdac/conv/<strong>2013</strong>/presentations-tech-sessions.aspxMobile Convention Guide (Mobi)Exp<strong>and</strong>ed FREE Wi-Fi service for <strong>2013</strong>:• Registration area <strong>and</strong> Wi-Fi Café,Level 600• Wi-Fi Lounge, mezzanine leveldirectly above the south entrance• Hallways outside <strong>of</strong> the exhibit halls<strong>and</strong> meeting rooms, Level 700 & 800Search for exhibitors, technicalsessions or speakers, <strong>and</strong> findattendees in real-time through theuse <strong>of</strong> integrated social media linksthat allow you to plan onsitemeetings <strong>and</strong> build your schedule onyour smartphone.Mobi runs smoothly on the iPhone,iPad, Blackberry, Palm, WindowsMobile, Nokia Symbian <strong>and</strong> AndroidGoogle phones. Scan this QR code toget started. If you need assistanceusing Mobi, just look for the MobiMasters in the red shirts.Register <strong>and</strong>/or buy tickets for SHORT COURSES, LUNCHEONSAND EVENING EVENTS (subject to availability) atwww.pdac.ca (click on PDAC <strong>2013</strong> Convention)6

PDAC <strong>2013</strong> INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION PDAC <strong>2013</strong> INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONMineral Outlook LuncheonMonday, March 4Room 718, 12 noon to 2:00 pmTom ButlerPDAC welcomesTom Butler, GlobalHead <strong>of</strong> Mining at theInterna tional FinanceCorpora tion (IFC), amember <strong>of</strong> the WorldBank Group. Butler willdiscuss Trends inemerging markets –A World Bank perspective.PDAC is proud topartner with the IFC.TO PURCHASE TICKETSTO THELUNCHEONS(subject to availability)PLEASE VISIT US ONLINE ATwww.pdac.ca(Click on PDAC <strong>2013</strong>)Tickets are $70 eachLuncheons—MTCC, South BuildingInternational Panel LuncheonTuesday, March 5Room 718, 12 noon to 2:00 pmJoin us for a sit-down lunch <strong>and</strong> glass <strong>of</strong>wine as Strategies to revive the juniors ispresented. This animated panel discussionwill cover, among other things, the value <strong>of</strong>financing, mergers, joint ventures <strong>and</strong> royaltiesin terms <strong>of</strong> how best to benefit fromthem, as well as the inherent risks <strong>and</strong>obstacles. The make-up <strong>of</strong> the equity market<strong>and</strong> how new vehicles such as ETFs areaffecting equity pricing will also beexplored.ModeratorRaymond Goldie, Senior Mining Analyst,Salman Partners Inc.Guest PanelistsEric Sprott, CEO, Chief Investment Officer,Sprott Asset Management LPNed Goodman, President <strong>and</strong> CEO,Dundee CorporationJohn Kaiser, Editor, Kaiser Research OnlineInnovation LuncheonWednesday, March 6Room 718, 12 noon to 2:00 pm<strong>Canada</strong>’s global successin mining can betraced to the emergence<strong>of</strong> smart policies<strong>and</strong> innovativeprivate institutionstailored to the uniqueattributes <strong>of</strong> theThe HonourablePerrin Beattymining industry.Luncheon guestspeaker, theHonourable Perrin Beatty, President <strong>and</strong>CEO <strong>of</strong> the Canadian Chamber <strong>of</strong>Commerce, will present How <strong>Canada</strong> hastransformed its resource endowment into aglobal competitive advantage. This presentationis sure to attract community <strong>and</strong>industry leaders, investors, PDAC members<strong>and</strong> convention delegates.7

DiamondTeck Resources LimitedPlatinumGoldcorp Inc.Barrick Gold CorporationIBK Capital Corp.PatronErnst & YoungPwCRenvest Global Resource FundTMX GroupVale <strong>Canada</strong> LimitedPremierOsisko Mining CorporationDeloitte & Touche LLPAnglo American Exploration(<strong>Canada</strong>) Ltd.Canaccord GenuityFranco-Nevada CorporationKPMGSilver WheatonProud Convention SponsorsGold PlusKinross Gold CorporationWaterton Global ResourceManagementAgnico-Eagle Mines LimitedCelerant Consulting, Inc.CIBC World Markets Inc.IAMGOLD CorporationKGHM International Ltd.National PostRio TintoSNC-Lavalin Inc.Xstrata PlcGold1984 Enterprises Inc.AECOMAeconAurizon Mines Ltd.DRA GROUPFreeport-McMoRan Copper <strong>and</strong>Gold Inc.GE <strong>Canada</strong>Global Mining FinanceGowling Lafleur Henderson LLPGrant Thornton LLPHudBay Minerals Inc.Inmet Mining CorporationNewmont Mining CorporationPan American Silver Corp.Primero Mining Corp.Royal Gold, Inc.Tourism TorontoVotorantim Metals <strong>Canada</strong> Inc.BronzeBaker & McKenzie LLPHallmark InsuranceMNP LLPRaymond James Ltd.RBC Capital MarketsScotiabankShamrock Enterprises Inc.Silvercorp Metals Inc.St<strong>and</strong>ard CharteredConventionAccentureAvanti Management &Consulting LimitedPeter BojtosCHF Investor RelationsClean HarborsLoewen, Ondaatje, McCutcheonLimitedNewsfile Corp.S&P Capital IQFront cover photo credits: Rideau Hall ©Her Majesty The Queen in Right <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> represented by the Office <strong>of</strong> the Secretary to the Governor General (2012) <strong>and</strong> Sgt. Ronald Duchesne, Rideau HallCe bulletin est également disponible en version française. Voir www.pdac.ca pour une copie.<strong>Prospectors</strong> & <strong>Developers</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> Publication Agreement #40042453135 King Street EastToronto, Ontario, <strong>Canada</strong> M5C 1G6

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