Concord Funding Co. LLC (Series 2013-1) - Standard and Poor's ...

Concord Funding Co. LLC (Series 2013-1) - Standard and Poor's ...

Concord Funding Co. LLC (Series 2013-1) - Standard and Poor's ...

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March 22, <strong>2013</strong>SEC Rule 17g-7SEC Rule 17g-7 requires anNRSRO, for any reportaccompanying a credit ratingrelating to an asset-backedsecurity as defined in theRule, to include a descriptionof the representations,warranties <strong>and</strong> enforcementmechanisms available toinvestors <strong>and</strong> a description ofhow they differ from therepresentations, warranties<strong>and</strong> enforcementmechanisms in issuances ofsimilar securities.This is <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> &Poor’s Ratings Services’17g-7 Disclosure Reportfor the transactionshown in the titleabove.<strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)Fixed-rate asset-backed secured term notesseries <strong>2013</strong>-1 due Feb. 15, 2015Primary Credit Analyst:Alfredo De Diego Arozamena, New York, (1) 212-438-2414alfredo_dediegoarozamena@st<strong>and</strong>ard<strong>and</strong>poors.comSecondary <strong>Co</strong>ntact:John Lampasona, New York, (1) 212-438-3619john_lampasona@st<strong>and</strong>ard<strong>and</strong>poors.comAnalytical Manager, U.S. Structured Credit New Issuance:Winston Chang, New York, (1) 212-438-8123winston_chang@st<strong>and</strong>ard<strong>and</strong>poors.comAs required by SEC Rule 17g-7, this report includes only those representations, warranties<strong>and</strong> enforcement mechanisms available to investors. This report does not includerepresentations <strong>and</strong> warranties without a corresponding enforcement mechanism orremedy in the transaction documents that may be exercised by investors (or theirrepresentatives).

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>due from any Person that does not have a mailing address inthe United States of America.12 No <strong>Co</strong>nsumer Receivables. None of the Receivables is aconsumer receivable.Not included in the Transaction.13 Not more than #% of the Aggregate Statistical <strong>Co</strong>ntract Valueof the Receivables w ill represent <strong>Co</strong>ntracts for the financingof [type of] equipment.Not included in the Transaction.14 List of <strong>Co</strong>ntracts. The information set forth in the List of<strong>Co</strong>ntracts (as the same may be amended or deemedamended in respect of a conveyance of Substitute <strong>Co</strong>ntractson a Subsequent Transfer Date) is true, complete <strong>and</strong> correctas of the applicable Cutoff Date.Not included in the Transaction.15 Selection Procedures. No selection procedures determined bythe Originator to be materially adverse to the interests of theIssuer or the Noteholders w ere utilized by the Originator inselecting the <strong>Co</strong>ntracts to be sold, assigned, transferred, setover <strong>and</strong> otherw ise conveyed hereunder.Not included in the Transaction.16 All Applicable Law , including, w ithout limitation, usury law s, ifany, in respect of the <strong>Co</strong>ntract have been complied w ith, <strong>and</strong>the <strong>Co</strong>ntract complied at the time it w as originated or made<strong>and</strong> as of the Closing Date or related Cutoff Date w ill complyw ith all Applicable Law s of the jurisdiction in w hich it w asoriginated.Not included in the Transaction.17 The contract is not a Defaulted <strong>Co</strong>ntract. Not included in the Transaction.18 The <strong>Co</strong>ntract is not more than # days past due as of theapplicable Cut-Off Date.Not included in the Transaction.19 The <strong>Co</strong>ntract w as not originated nor w as it subject to thelaw s of any jurisdiction the law s of w hich w ould makeunlaw ful the sale, transfer <strong>and</strong> assignment of such <strong>Co</strong>ntractunder this Agreement.Not included in the Transaction.20 The Obligor of the <strong>Co</strong>ntract is not, as of the applicable CutoffDate, subject to any Insolvency Event.Not included in the Transaction.21 Each contract provides for either monthly, quarterly, annual,semiannual, variable, skip or balloon payments.Not included in the Transaction.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 3

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>Enforcement mechanism(s)22 Repurchase Events. [Originator] hereby covenants <strong>and</strong>agrees w ith [Intermediary] for the benefit of [Intermediary],the Indenture Trustee, the Noteholders, the Trust, the Trustee<strong>and</strong> the Certificateholders that the occurrence of a breach ofany of [Originator] representations <strong>and</strong> w arranties containedin Section # shall constitute events obligating [Originator] torepurchase any Receivable materially <strong>and</strong> adversely affectedby any such breach (“Repurchase Events”) at the PurchaseAmount from [Intermediary] or from the Trust. Except asset forth in Section #, the repurchase obligation of [Originator]shall constitute the sole remedy of [Intermediary], theIndenture Trustee, the Noteholders, the Trust, the Trustee orthe Certificateholders against [Originator] w ith respect to anyRepurchase Event or any other breach pursuant to Section #hereof. Section # <strong>and</strong> Section # of the Sale <strong>and</strong> ServicingAgreement are hereby incorporated by reference as if theyw ere set forth herein, <strong>and</strong> [Originator] agrees to purchase orrepurchase any Receivable w hich these sections require it,or permit the Servicer to cause it, to purchase or repurchase.Not included in the Transaction.Table 2No.BenchmarkRepresentations <strong>and</strong> warrantiesTransaction23 Representations <strong>and</strong> Warranties of Seller [Intermediary].The Seller [Intermediary] makes the follow ingrepresentations <strong>and</strong> w arranties as to the Receivables onw hich the Issuing Entity is deemed to have relied inacquiring the ReceivablesNot included in the Transaction.24 No Receivable has been sold, transferred, assigned orpledged by the Seller [Intermediary] to any Person otherthan the Purchaser.Not included in the Transaction.25 General. The Sale <strong>and</strong> Servicing Agreement creates avalid <strong>and</strong> continuing security interest (as defined in theapplicable UCC) in all of Seller’s [Intermediary’s] right, title<strong>and</strong> interest in, to <strong>and</strong> under (i) the Receivables, (ii) thesecurity interests in the Financed Equipment granted byObligors pursuant to the Receivables (iii) the PurchaseAgreement <strong>and</strong> (iv) the Liquidity Receivables PurchaseAgreement (only w ith respect to Ow ned <strong>Co</strong>ntractsincluded in the Receivables) in favor of the Issuing Entity,w hich, (a) is enforceable upon execution of the Sale <strong>and</strong>Servicing Agreement against creditors of <strong>and</strong> purchasersfrom Seller [Intermediary], as such enforceability may belimited by applicable Debtor Relief Law s, now or hereafterin effect, <strong>and</strong> by general principles of equity (w hetherconsidered in a suit at law or in equity), <strong>and</strong> (b) upon filingof the financing statements described in clause # beloww ill be prior to all other Liens (other than Liens permittedpursuant to clause # below ).Not included in the Transaction.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 4

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>26 Characterization. The Receivables constitute “tangiblechattel paper” w ithin the meaning of UCC Section 9-102.The rights granted under the agreements described inclause # <strong>and</strong> # constitute “general intangibles” w ithin themeaning of UCC Section 9-102. Seller [Intermediary] hastaken all steps necessary to perfect its security interest inthe property securing the Receivables w ithin 10 days ofthe Closing Date.Not included in the Transaction.27 Creation. Immediately prior to the conveyance of theReceivables pursuant to the Sale <strong>and</strong> ServicingAgreement, Seller [Intermediary] ow ns <strong>and</strong> has good <strong>and</strong>marketable title to, or has a valid security interest in, theReceivables free <strong>and</strong> clear of any Lien, claim orencumbrance of any Person.Not included in the Transaction.28 Perfection. Seller [Intermediary] has caused or w ill havecaused, w ithin ten days of the Closing Date, the filing of allappropriate financing statements in the proper filing officein the appropriate jurisdictions under applicable law inorder to perfect the security interest granted to the IssuingEntity under the Sale <strong>and</strong> Servicing Agreement in theReceivables. With respect to the Receivables thatconstitute tangible chattel paper, the Servicer or aSubservicer, as custodian, received possession of suchoriginal tangible chattel paper <strong>and</strong> the Issuing Entity hasreceived a w ritten acknow ledgment (w hich is contained inthe Sale <strong>and</strong> Servicing Agreement) from such custodianthat it is acting solely as agent of the Issuing Entity <strong>and</strong> theIndenture Trustee. All financing statements filed under thisclause # contain a statement that “A purchase of orsecurity interest in any collateral described in thisfinancingstatement w ill violate the rights of the Secured Party”.Not included in the Transaction.29 Priority. Other than the security interests granted to theIssuing Entity pursuant to the Sale <strong>and</strong> ServicingAgreement <strong>and</strong> the security interests granted underdocuments relating to the Liquidity Receivables PurchaseAgreement, w hich have been released, <strong>and</strong> any othersecurity interest w hich has been released or terminated,Seller [Intermediary] has not pledged, assigned, sold,granted a security interest in, or otherw ise conveyed anyof the Receivables. Seller [Intermediary] has not authorizedthe filing of <strong>and</strong> is not aw are of any financing statementsagainst Seller [Intermediary] that include a description ofcollateral covering the Receivables other than anyfinancing statement (i) relating to the security interestsgranted to the Issuing Entity under the Sale <strong>and</strong> ServicingAgreement a the security interests granted in connectionw ith the documents relating to the Liquidity ReceivablesPurchase Agreement <strong>and</strong> the Prior Securitization, each ofw hich have been released, (ii) that has been terminated orhas released the Receivables from such security interest,or (iii) that has been granted pursuant to the terms of theBasic Documents. None of the tangible chattel paper thatconstitutes or evidences the Receivables has any marksor notations indicating that they have pledged, assigned orNot included in the Transaction.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 5

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. LL<strong>Co</strong>therw ise conveyed to any Person other than theIndenture Trustee. Seller [Intermediary] is not aw are of anyjudgment, ERISA or tax lien filings against it.Enforcement mechanism(s)30 Repurchase upon Breach. (a) The Seller [Intermediary], theServicer or the Trustee, as the case may be, shall informthe other parties to this Agreement <strong>and</strong> the IndentureTrustee promptly, in w riting, upon the discovery of anybreach of the Seller’s [Intermediary’s] representations <strong>and</strong>w arranties made pursuant to Section #or Section #, abreach of [Originator]’s representations <strong>and</strong> w arrantiesmade pursuant to Section #of the Liquidity ReceivablesPurchase Agreement, or [Originator]’s representations <strong>and</strong>w arranties made pursuant to Section #of the PurchaseAgreement. Unless a breach pursuant to the sections <strong>and</strong>documents referenced in the preceding sentence shallhave been cured by the last day of the second (or, if theSeller [Intermediary] elects, the first) <strong>Co</strong>llection Period aftersuch breach is discovered by the Servicer or the Trusteeor in w hich the Trustee receives w ritten notice from theSeller [Intermediary] or the Servicer of such breach, theSeller [Intermediary] shall be obligated, <strong>and</strong>, if necessary,the Seller [Intermediary] or the Trustee shall enforce theobligation of [Originator] under the Liquidity ReceivablesPurchase Agreement or the Purchase Agreement, asapplicable, to repurchase any Receivable materially <strong>and</strong>adversely affected by any such breach as of such lastday.31 As consideration for the repurchase of the Receivable, theSeller [Intermediary] shall remit the Purchase Amount in themanner specified in Section #; provided, how ever, that theobligation of the Seller [Intermediary] to repurchase anyReceivable arising solely as a result of a breach of[Originator]’s representations <strong>and</strong> w arranties pursuant toSection #of the Liquidity Receivables Purchase Agreement<strong>and</strong> Section #of the Purchase Agreement is subject to thereceipt by the Seller [Intermediary] of the Purchase Amountfrom [Originator]. Subject to the provisions of Section #,the sole remedy of the Issuing Entity, the Trustee, theIndenture Trustee, the Noteholders or theCertificateholders w ith respect to a breach of therepresentations <strong>and</strong> w arranties pursuant to Section #<strong>and</strong>the agreement contained in this Sectionshall be to requirethe Seller [Intermediary] to repurchase Receivablespursuant to this Section, subject to the conditionscontained herein, <strong>and</strong> to enforce [Originator]’s obligation tothe Seller [Intermediary] to repurchase such Receivablespursuant to the Liquidity Receivables Purchase Agreementor the Purchase Agreement, as applicable.Not included in the Transaction.Not included in the Transaction.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 6

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>Table 3No. Benchmark TransactionRepresentations <strong>and</strong> warranties32 The Issuing Entity further makes all the representations,w arranties <strong>and</strong> covenants set forth in Schedule #.The Issuer hereby represents <strong>and</strong> w arrants to theTrustee, as of the Closing Date for the initial <strong>Series</strong>of Notes issued hereunder <strong>and</strong>, w ith respect to anysubsequent <strong>Series</strong>, as of the Closing Date specifiedin the related Supplement for such <strong>Series</strong>:The Issuer hereby represents <strong>and</strong> w arrants to theTrustee, as of the Closing Date for the initial <strong>Series</strong>of Notes issued hereunder <strong>and</strong>, w ith respect to anysubsequent <strong>Series</strong>, as of the Closing Date specifiedin the related Supplement for such <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>and</strong>,w ith respect to any subsequent transfers ofAdditional Loans, as of the Subsequent PurchaseDate upon w hich such Additional Loans are sold tothe Issuer <strong>and</strong> automatically included in the TrustEstate hereunder):Certain Security Interest Representations. TheIssuer further represents <strong>and</strong> w arrants as follow sw ith respect to the security interest in the Loans<strong>and</strong> Related Interests granted to the Trusteehereunder:33 General. The Indenture creates a valid <strong>and</strong> continuingsecurity interest (as defined in the applicable UCC) in allof the Issuing Entity’s right, title <strong>and</strong> interest in, to <strong>and</strong>under (i) the Receivables, (ii) the security interests inthe Financed Equipment granted by Obligors pursuantto the Receivables, (iii) the Liquidity ReceivablesPurchase Agreement (only w ith respect to Ow ned<strong>Co</strong>ntracts) <strong>and</strong> (iv) the Sale <strong>and</strong> Servicing Agreement(including all rights of the Seller [Intermediary] under theLiquidity Receivables Purchase Agreements <strong>and</strong> thePurchase Agreement assigned to the Issuing Entitypursuant to the Sale <strong>and</strong> Servicing Agreement), in eachcase, in favor of the Indenture Trustee, w hich, (a)security interest is enforceable upon execution of theIndenture against creditors of <strong>and</strong> purchasers from theIssuing Entity as such enforceability may be limited byapplicable Debtor Relief Law s, now or hereafter ineffect, <strong>and</strong> by general principles of equity (w hetherconsidered in a suit at law or in equity), <strong>and</strong> (b) uponfiling of the financing statements described in clause #below w ill be prior to all other Liens.This Agreement constitutes a grant of a securityinterest (as defined in the UCC as in effect in theRelevant UCC State) in, to <strong>and</strong> under the TrustEstate, securing the Secured Obligations (asdefined above), w hich grant is enforceable w ithrespect to the existing Loans <strong>and</strong> any AdditionalLoans <strong>and</strong> the proceeds thereof upon execution<strong>and</strong> delivery of this Agreement, <strong>and</strong> w hich w ill beenforceable w ith respect to such Loans hereafteroriginated <strong>and</strong> the proceeds thereof, upon suchorigination. The Trustee has a first priorityperfected security interest in such property, exceptfor Permitted Liens. Except as contemplated in thisAgreement or any Supplement, neither the Issuernor any Person claiming through or under the Issuershall have any claim to or interest in the <strong>Co</strong>llectionAccount, any Principal <strong>Funding</strong> Account, theEqualization Account, any Required AmountsAccount, or any other <strong>Series</strong> Account except forthe interest of the Issuer in such property as adebtor for purposes of the UCC as in effect in theRelevant UCC State. The Transfer <strong>and</strong> SaleAgreement constitutes a valid transfer, assignment,set-over <strong>and</strong> conveyance to the Issuer of all right,title <strong>and</strong> interest of MCC in <strong>and</strong> to the Loans <strong>and</strong>other related property conveyed <strong>and</strong> assignedthereunder, w hether then existing or thereaftercreated in respect of the applicable DesignatedAccounts <strong>and</strong> the proceeds thereof.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 7

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>This Agreement creates a valid <strong>and</strong> continuingsecurity interest (as defined in the UCC) in theLoans <strong>and</strong> Related Interests transferred hereunderin favor of the Trustee, w hich security interest isprior to all other Liens <strong>and</strong> is enforceable as suchas against creditors of <strong>and</strong> purchasers from theIssuer;34 Characterization. The Receivables constitute “tangiblechattel paper” w ithin the meaning of UCC Section 9-102. The rights granted under the agreementsdescribed in clause # through # constitute “generalintangibles” w ithin the meaning of UCC Section 9-102.The Issuing Entity has taken or w ill take all stepsnecessary to perfect its security interest in theproperty securing the Receivables w ithin 10 days ofthe Closing Date.35 Creation. Immediately prior to the grant to the IndentureTrustee pursuant to the Indenture, the Issuing Entityow ns <strong>and</strong> has good <strong>and</strong> marketable title to, or has avalid security interest in, the Receivables free <strong>and</strong> clearof any Lien, claim or encumbrance of any Person.The Loan Agreements evidencing the Loansgranted hereunder constitute “tangible chattelpaper” w ithin the meaning of the UCC;The Issuer is (or, w ith respect to Loans originatedafter the date hereof, w ill be) the legal <strong>and</strong>beneficial ow ner of all right, title <strong>and</strong> interest in <strong>and</strong>to each Loan <strong>and</strong> all related Trust Estate assets,<strong>and</strong> a Lien in all such Trust Estate assets has beenor w ill be granted to the Trustee free <strong>and</strong> clear ofany Lien other than Permitted Liens.At the time of conveyance hereunder the Issuerow ned <strong>and</strong> had good <strong>and</strong> marketable title to theLoans <strong>and</strong> Related Interests free <strong>and</strong> clear of anyLien, claim or encumbrance of any Person (otherthan Permitted Liens <strong>and</strong> Liens, if any, w hich bytheir terms are released in full upon conveyancehereunder);36 Perfection. The Issuing Entity has caused or w ill havecaused, w ithin ten days of the Closing Date, the filingof all appropriate financing statements in the properfiling office in the appropriate jurisdictions underapplicable law in order to perfect the security interestgranted to the Indenture Trustee under the Indenture inthe Receivables. With respect to the <strong>Co</strong>llateral thatconstitutes tangible chattel paper, the Servicer or aSubservicer, as custodian, received possession ofsuch tangible chattel paper after the Indenture Trusteereceived a w ritten acknow ledgment (w hich iscontained in the Sale <strong>and</strong> Servicing Agreement) fromsuch custodian that it is acting solely as agent of theIndenture Trustee. All financing statements filed underthis clause # contain a statement that “A purchase ofor security interest in any collateral described in thisfinancing statement w ill violate the rights of theSecured Party”.37 Priority. Other than the security interest granted to theIndenture Trustee pursuant to the Indenture, the IssuingNot included in the Transaction.Other than the transfer to the Trustee pursuant tothis Agreement, <strong>and</strong> any Liens or encumbrances<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 8

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>Entity has not pledged, assigned, sold, granted asecurity interest in, or otherw ise conveyed any of the<strong>Co</strong>llateral. The Issuing Entity has not authorized thefiling of <strong>and</strong> is not aw are of any financing statementsagainst the Issuing Entity that include a description ofcollateral covering the <strong>Co</strong>llateral other than anyfinancing statement (i) relating to the security interestgranted to the Indenture Trustee under the Indenture,(ii) that has been terminated or relating to a securityinterest w hich has been released, or (iii) that has beengranted pursuant to the terms of the Basic Documents.None of the tangible chattel paper that constitutes orevidences the <strong>Co</strong>llateral has any marks or notationsindicating that they have pledged, assigned orotherw ise conveyed to any Person other than theIndenture Trustee. The Issuing Entity is not aw are ofany judgment, ERISA or tax lien filings against it.w hich by their terms or otherw ise are released infull upon conveyance hereunder, the Issuer has notpledged, assigned, sold, granted a security interestin, or otherw ise conveyed any of the Loans <strong>and</strong>Related Interests. The Issuer has not authorizedthe filing of <strong>and</strong> is not aw are of any financingstatements against the Issuer that include adescription of collateral covering the Loans <strong>and</strong>Related Interests other than any financingstatement relating to the transfers hereunder or thathas been or is being terminated or that relates to aLien that is or w as released in full upon or prior tothe transfer hereunder. The Issuer is not aw are ofany judgment or tax lien filings against the Issuer;38 Not included in the Benchmark. The Issuer is not insolvent <strong>and</strong> w ill not be renderedinsolvent by the transfers <strong>and</strong> other transactionscontemplated herein39 Not included in the Benchmark. All consents, licenses, approvals or authorizationsof or registrations or declarations w ith anyGovernmental Authority required to be obtained,effected or given by the Issuer in connection w iththe grant <strong>and</strong> assignment of the Trust Estate to theTrustee have been duly obtained, effected or given<strong>and</strong> are in full force <strong>and</strong> effect40 Not included in the Benchmark. The Issuer has clearly <strong>and</strong> unambiguously markedall its computer records regarding the Loans, otherrelated Trust Estate assets <strong>and</strong> Metals Inventory asthe property of the Issuer subject to the Lien of thisMaster Indenture <strong>and</strong> shall maintain such records ina manner such that the Trustee shall have aperfected interest in such Loans <strong>and</strong> otherproperty.41 Not included in the Benchmark. As of the initial Closing Date, Schedule 1 to theTransfer <strong>and</strong> Sale Agreement is <strong>and</strong> w ill be anaccurate <strong>and</strong> complete listing of all DesignatedAccounts <strong>and</strong> related Loans, together w ith all otherRelevant Information appearing thereon, in allmaterial respects as of such day <strong>and</strong> theinformation contained therein is <strong>and</strong> w ill be true <strong>and</strong>correct in all material respects as of such day42 Not included in the Benchmark. Each Loan classified as an “Eligible Loan” in anydocument or report delivered hereunder or underthe Servicing Agreement w ill satisfy therequirements contained in the definition of EligibleLoan as of the time of such document or report.Metals Inventory classified as “Eligible MetalsInventory” in any document or report deliveredhereunder or under the Servicing Agreement w ill<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 9

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>satisfy the requirements contained in the definitionof Eligible Metals Inventory as of the time of suchdocument or report.43 Not included in the Benchmark. All Relevant Information provided to the Trusteepursuant hereto or pursuant to the ServicingAgreement w as true <strong>and</strong> correct in all materialrespects as of, <strong>and</strong> w ill be true <strong>and</strong> correctsubsequent to, the initial Closing Date, or w ithrespect to Additional Loans, as of eachSubsequent Purchase Date44 Not included in the Benchmark. With respect to each Loan then existing, allconsents, licenses, approvals or authorizations ofor registrations or declarations w ith anyGovernmental Authority required to be obtained,effected or given by the Issuer in connection w iththe conveyance of such Loan to the Issuer <strong>and</strong> thegrant of the Lien in such Loan to the Trusteehereunder have been duly obtained, effected orgiven <strong>and</strong> are in full force <strong>and</strong> effect45 Not included in the Benchmark. The representations <strong>and</strong> w arranties of MCC w ithrespect to the Loans <strong>and</strong> Related Interests set forthin the Transfer <strong>and</strong> Sale Agreement w ere true <strong>and</strong>correct as <strong>and</strong> w hen made. The representations<strong>and</strong> w arranties of MDC w ith respect to MetalsInventory w hich w as the subject of an Advanceset forth in the Optional Advance Agreement w eretrue <strong>and</strong> correct as <strong>and</strong> w hen made.46 Not included in the Benchmark. Daily Representations <strong>and</strong> Warranties. On eachday on w hich any Additional Loan is purchased bythe Issuer from MCC, the Issuer shall be deemed tofurther represent <strong>and</strong> w arrant to the Trustee that(A) each Additional Loan purchased by the Issueron such day has been conveyed to the Issuer, <strong>and</strong>a Lien therein has been granted to the Trusteehereunder, in compliance, in all material respects,w ith all Requirements of Law applicable to theIssuer <strong>and</strong> free <strong>and</strong> clear of any Lien of any Personclaiming through or under the Issuer or any of itsAffiliates (other than Permitted Liens), <strong>and</strong> (B) w ithrespect to each such Loan, all consents, licenses,approvals or authorizations of or registrations ordeclarations w ith, any Governmental Authorityrequired to be obtained, effected or given by theIssuer in connection w ith the conveyance of suchLoan to the Issuer <strong>and</strong> the grant of a Lien therein tothe Trustee hereunder have been duly obtained,effected or given <strong>and</strong> are in full force <strong>and</strong> effect.47 Not included in the Benchmark. Notice of Breach. The representations <strong>and</strong>w arranties set forth in this Section 3.03 shallsurvive the transfer <strong>and</strong> assignment of therespective Loans to the Issuer <strong>and</strong> the grant of theLien hereunder to the Trustee. Upon discovery by<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 10

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>the Issuer or a Responsible Officer of the Trusteeof a breach of any of the representations <strong>and</strong>w arranties set forth in this Section 2.04, the partydiscovering such breach shall give prompt w rittennotice to the other parties hereto <strong>and</strong> to theServicer. The Issuer agrees to cooperate w ith theServicer <strong>and</strong> the Trustee in attempting to cure anysuch breach.48 Not included in the Benchmark. Designation of Ineligible Loans. In the event of abreach w ith respect to a Loan of anyrepresentations <strong>and</strong> w arranties set forth in Section3.01(i) or Sections 3.02(a)(iii) through (x) or Section3.02(b), or of the agreement regarding delivery ofpossession of original Loan Agreements describedin Section 3.02(c) of the Transfer <strong>and</strong> SaleAgreement, or in the event that a Loan is not anEligible Loan as a result of the failure to satisfy theconditions set forth in the definition of Eligible Loan,such Loan shall be designated an “Ineligible Loan”<strong>and</strong> shall be assigned an Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Balance ofzero for the purpose of determining the aggregateOutst<strong>and</strong>ing Balance of Eligible Loans on any day;provided, how ever, that if such representations<strong>and</strong> w arranties w ith respect to such Loan shallsubsequently be true <strong>and</strong> correct in all materialrespects as if such Loan had been created onsuch day or such Loan shall subsequently satisfythe conditions set forth in the definition of EligibleLoan, such Loan shall be designated an EligibleLoan, <strong>and</strong> the principal amount of such Loan shallbe included in determining the aggregateOutst<strong>and</strong>ing Balance of Eligible Loans on such day49 Not included in the Benchmark. Organization <strong>and</strong> Good St<strong>and</strong>ing. The Issuer is alimited liability company duly organized, validlyexisting <strong>and</strong> in good st<strong>and</strong>ing under the law s of theState of Delaw are <strong>and</strong> has full pow er, authority<strong>and</strong> legal right to ow n its properties <strong>and</strong> conduct itsbusiness as such properties are presently ow ned<strong>and</strong> such business is presently conducted, <strong>and</strong> toexecute, deliver <strong>and</strong> perform its obligations underthis Master Indenture, any Supplement <strong>and</strong> anyother Program Agreement to w hich it is a party <strong>and</strong>to execute <strong>and</strong> deliver to the Trustee the Notespursuant hereto.50 Not included in the Benchmark. Due Qualification. The Issuer is duly qualified to dobusiness <strong>and</strong> is in good st<strong>and</strong>ing (or is exempt fromsuch requirement) in any state required in order toconduct its business, <strong>and</strong> has obtained allnecessary licenses <strong>and</strong> approvals required toconduct its business under applicable law ;provided, how ever, that no representation orw arranty is made w ith respect to anyqualifications, licenses or approvals w hich theTrustee w ould have to obtain to do business in any<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 11

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>state in w hich the Trustee seeks to enforce anyLoan or Loan Agreement or rights in the relatedMetals <strong>Co</strong>llateral or Metals Inventory51 Not included in the Benchmark. Due Authorization; Enforceability. The execution<strong>and</strong> delivery of this Master Indenture <strong>and</strong> any otherProgram Agreement to w hich it is a party <strong>and</strong> theconsummation of the transactions provided for inthe Program Agreements have been dulyauthorized by the Issuer by all necessary action onits part. This Master Indenture, <strong>and</strong> each otherProgram Agreement to w hich it is a party,constitutes the legal, valid <strong>and</strong> binding obligation ofthe Issuer, enforceable against it in accordancew ith its terms, except as enforceability may belimited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,reorganization, moratorium or other similar law snow or hereinafter in effect, affecting theenforcement of creditors’ rights in general <strong>and</strong>except as such enforceability may be limited bygeneral principles of equity (w hether considered ina proceeding at law or in equity)52 Not included in the Benchmark. No <strong>Co</strong>nflicts. The execution, delivery <strong>and</strong>performance of this Master Indenture <strong>and</strong> any otherProgram Agreement to w hich it is a party, theexecution <strong>and</strong> delivery of the Notes, <strong>and</strong> theperformance of the transactions contemplatedunder the Program Agreements by the Issuer, donot (i) contravene its Certificate of Formation or itsLimited Liability <strong>Co</strong>mpany Agreement or any otheragreements pursuant to w hich it is organized, (ii)violate any provision of, or require any filing(except for the filings under the UCC required bythis Agreement, each of w hich has been duly made<strong>and</strong> is in full force <strong>and</strong> effect), registration, consentor approval under, any law , rule, regulation, order,w rit, judgment, injunction, decree, determination oraw ard presently in effect having applicability to theIssuer, except for such filings, registrations,consents or approvals as have already beenobtained <strong>and</strong> are in full force <strong>and</strong> effect, (iii) resultin a breach of or constitute a default or require anyconsent under any indenture or loan or creditagreement or any other agreement, lease orinstrument to w hich the Issuer is a party or byw hich it or its properties may be bound or affectedexcept those as to w hich a consent or w aiver hasbeen obtained <strong>and</strong> is in full force <strong>and</strong> effect <strong>and</strong> anexecuted copy of w hich has been delivered to theTrustee, or (iv) result in, or require, the creation orimposition of any Lien upon or w ith respect to anyof the properties now ow ned or hereafter acquiredby the Issuer other than as specificallycontemplated by this Agreement53 Not included in the Benchmark. Taxes. The Issuer has filed all tax returns (federal,state <strong>and</strong> local) required to be filed in any<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 12

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>jurisdiction <strong>and</strong> has paid or made adequateprovision for the payment of all taxes, assessments<strong>and</strong> other governmental charges show n to be due<strong>and</strong> payable on such returns from the Issuer or iscontesting any such tax, assessment or othergovernmental charge in good faith throughappropriate proceedings. The Issuer know s of nobasis for any material additional tax assessment forany fiscal year for w hich adequate reserves (inaccordance w ith generally accepted accountingprinciples) have not been established. Thecharges, accruals <strong>and</strong> reserves on the books ofthe Issuer in respect of federal, state <strong>and</strong> othertaxes for all fiscal periods are adequate. Thefederal income tax liabilities of the Issuer have beendetermined <strong>and</strong> paid for all fiscal years.54 Not included in the Benchmark. No Violation. The execution <strong>and</strong> delivery by theIssuer of the Program Agreements to w hich it is aparty, <strong>and</strong> the performance of the transactionscontemplated thereby, w ill not conflict w ith orviolate any Requirements of Law applicable to theIssuer55 Not included in the Benchmark. No Proceedings. There are no proceedings orinvestigations pending or, to the know ledge of theIssuer, threatened against the Issuer before anycourt, regulatory body, administrative agency, orother tribunal or governmental instrumentality (i)asserting the invalidity of any Program Agreementor the Notes, (ii) seeking to prevent the issuance ofthe Notes or the consummation of any of thetransactions contemplated by any ProgramAgreement, (iii) seeking any determination or rulingthat, in the reasonable judgment of the Issuer,w ould materially <strong>and</strong> adversely affect theperformance by the Issuer of its obligations underany Program Agreement, (iv) seeking anydetermination or ruling that w ould materially <strong>and</strong>adversely affect the validity or enforceability of anyProgram Agreement or the Notes, or (v) seeking toaffect adversely the income tax attributes of theNotes56 Not included in the Benchmark. All <strong>Co</strong>nsents Required. All approvals,authorizations, consents, orders or other actions ofany Person or of any governmental body or officialrequired in connection w ith the execution <strong>and</strong>delivery of any Program Agreement <strong>and</strong> the Notes,the performance of the transactions contemplatedthereby, <strong>and</strong> the fulfillment of the terms thereof,have been obtained57 Not included in the Benchmark. Bona Fide Loans. Each Loan is at the time of itsacquisition by the Issuer from MCC an Eligible Loanoriginated by MCC arising out of MCC’s<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 13

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>performance in accordance w ith the terms of aLoan Agreement. The Issuer has no know ledge atthe time of the initial creation of an interest of theTrustee in any Loan hereunder of any fact w hichshould have led it to expect that such Loan w ouldnot be enforceable against the Obligor w hen due58 Not included in the Benchmark. Place of Business. The sole place of business ofthe Issuer is located at 4900 Birch Street, New portBeach, California. Unless <strong>and</strong> except as otherw isespecified in any related Supplement, the Issuer hashad no office location other than this location duringthe four months prior to the Closing Date for any<strong>Series</strong>.59 Not included in the Benchmark. Use of Proceeds. No proceeds of the issuance ofany Note w ill be used by the Issuer to purchase orcarry any margin security w ithin the meaning of, orotherw ise contravene or conflict w ith any of,Regulations T, U or X of the Board of Governors ofthe Federal Reserve System.60 Not included in the Benchmark. Liquidation/Winddown Event. As of the ClosingDate, no Event of Default or Early AmortizationEvent, <strong>and</strong> no condition that w ith the giving ofnotice <strong>and</strong>/or the passage of time w ould constitutean Event of Default or an Early Amortization Event(a “Prospective Event of Default” <strong>and</strong> “ProspectiveEarly Amortization Event”, respectively), hasoccurred or is continuing61 Not included in the Benchmark. Not an Investment <strong>Co</strong>mpany. The Issuer is not an“investment company” or “controlled” by an“investment company” w ithin the meaning of theInvestment <strong>Co</strong>mpany Act, or is exempt from allprovisions of such Act62 Not included in the Benchmark. No Claim or Interest. Neither the Issuer nor anyPerson claiming through or under the Issuer hasany claim or interest in the lock-box accountreferred to in the Lock-Box Agreement (except forthe Issuer’s interest therein subject to the Lien ofthis Master Indenture).63 Not included in the Benchmark. Legal Name. The legal name of the Issuer is as setforth herein, <strong>and</strong> the Issuer operates under noother names including w ithout limitation anytradenames, fictitious names, assumed names or“doing business as” names. Unless <strong>and</strong> except asotherw ise specified in any related Supplement, theIssuer has had no change in its name during thefour months prior to the Closing Date for any <strong>Series</strong>64 Not included in the Benchmark. Sale Treatment. The Issuer is treating itsacquisition of the Loans <strong>and</strong> Related Assets, as<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 14

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>w ell as Metals Inventory from time to time, as anacquisition by it of ow nership thereof, consistentw ith the representations <strong>and</strong> covenants of MCC<strong>and</strong> MDC (as applicable) w ith respect theretocontained in the Transfer <strong>and</strong> Sale Agreement <strong>and</strong>Optional Advance Agreement65 Not included in the Benchmark. Subsidiaries. The Issuer has no subsidiaries66 Not included in the Benchmark. Limited Activities. The Issuer engages in noactivities other than those contemplated in theProgram Agreements or incidental thereto.67 Not included in the Benchmark. The Issuer has taken or caused to be taken allsteps necessary to perfect the security interestagainst the Obligors in the Metals <strong>Co</strong>llateralsecuring the Loans transferred hereunder;68 Not included in the Benchmark. The Issuer has caused the filing of all appropriatefinancing statements in the proper filing office in theappropriate jurisdictions under applicable law inorder to perfect the grant of the Loans <strong>and</strong> RelatedInterests to the Trustee hereunder;69 Not included in the Benchmark. Except as permitted in Section 3.03(h) hereof, theIssuer has no outst<strong>and</strong>ing indebtedness, guarantyor liability. The Issuer is not in default <strong>and</strong> now aiver of default is currently in effect in thepayment of any principal or interest on anyindebtedness of the Issuer, <strong>and</strong> no event orcondition exists w ith respect to any indebtednessof the Issuer that w ould permit (or that w ith notice,lapse of time or both w ould permit) one or morePersons to cause such indebtedness to becomedue <strong>and</strong> payable; <strong>and</strong>70 Not included in the Benchmark. The Issuer has in its possession, or the Servicer orCustodian maintains on behalf of the Issuerpossession of, all original copies of the LoanAgreements evidencing the Loans <strong>and</strong> RelatedInterests transferred hereunder. Such LoanAgreements do not have any marks or notationsindicating that they have been pledged, assigned orotherw ise conveyed to any Person other than theIssuer <strong>and</strong> the Trustee. All financing statementsfiled or to be filed against the Issuer in favor of theTrustee in connection herew ith describing theLoans <strong>and</strong> Related Interests contain or w ill containa statement to the follow ing effect: “A purchase ofor security interest in any collateral described inthis financing statement w ill violate the rights of<strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>mpany, L.L.C. <strong>and</strong>/or itsassignees.”71 Not included in the Benchmark. For the purposes of the representations <strong>and</strong>w arranties contained in this Section 3.01 <strong>and</strong> made<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 15

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>Enforcement mechanism(s)by the Issuer on the initial Closing Date, “Notes”shall mean the Notes issued on such Closing Date.The representations <strong>and</strong> w arranties set forth in thisSection 3.01 shall survive the grant <strong>and</strong> assignmentof the respective Loans, Loan Agreements <strong>and</strong>other Trust Estate assets to the Trustee, <strong>and</strong>termination of the rights <strong>and</strong> obligations of theServicer pursuant to Section 10.01 of the ServicingAgreement. The Issuer hereby represents <strong>and</strong>w arrants to the Trustee, for the benefit of any<strong>Series</strong> of Notes, as of its Closing Date, unlessotherw ise stated in the related Supplement, that therepresentations <strong>and</strong> w arranties of the Issuer setforth in Section 3.01 are true <strong>and</strong> correct as ofsuch date. Upon discovery by the Issuer, theServicer or a Responsible Officer of the Trustee ofa breach of any of the foregoing representations<strong>and</strong> w arranties, the party discovering such breachshall give w ritten notice to the other parties to thisMaster Indenture <strong>and</strong> the Servicing Agreement, <strong>and</strong>to the Noteholders, w ithin tw o (2) Business Daysfollow ing such discovery.72 Acceleration of Maturity; Rescission <strong>and</strong> Annulment. Ifan Event of Default should occur <strong>and</strong> be continuing,then <strong>and</strong> in every such case the Indenture Trustee orthe Holders of Notes representing not less than amajority of the Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Amount may declare all theNotes to be immediately due <strong>and</strong> payable, by a notice inw riting to the Issuing Entity (<strong>and</strong> to the IndentureTrustee if given by Noteholders), <strong>and</strong> upon any suchdeclaration the Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Amount, together w ithaccrued <strong>and</strong> unpaid interest thereon through the dateof acceleration, shall become immediately due <strong>and</strong>payable73 Remedies; Priorities. (a) If the Notes have beendeclared to be due <strong>and</strong> payable under Section#follow ing an Event of Default, the Indenture Trusteemay do one or more of the follow ing (subject toSection#): (i) institute Proceedings in its ow n name <strong>and</strong>as trustee of an express trust for the collection of allamounts then payable on the Notes or under thisIndenture w ith respect thereto, w hether by declarationor otherw ise, enforce any judgment obtained, <strong>and</strong>collect from the Issuing Entity <strong>and</strong> any other obligorupon such Notes monies adjudged due; (ii) instituteProceedings from time to time for the complete or partialforeclosure of this Indenture w ith respect to the TrustEstate; (iii) exercise any remedies of a secured partyIf an Event of Default in clause (iii) of the definitionthereof shall occur, the unpaid principal amount ofthe Notes, together w ith accrued <strong>and</strong> unpaidinterest on the Notes through the date ofacceleration, shall become immediately due <strong>and</strong>payable <strong>and</strong> no notice to such effect from theIssuer, any Noteholder or any other Person to theTrustee shall be required. If any other Event ofDefault described in the definition thereof occurs<strong>and</strong> is continuing, the Majority Noteholders of eachoutst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>Series</strong> may declare the Notes of all<strong>Series</strong> to be immediately due <strong>and</strong> payable by anotice in w riting to the Issuer <strong>and</strong> to the Trustee.Upon any such declaration the unpaid principalamount of the Notes, together w ith accrued <strong>and</strong>unpaid interest on the Notes through the date ofacceleration, shall become immediately due <strong>and</strong>payable.If an Event of Default has occurred <strong>and</strong> iscontinuing <strong>and</strong> the maturity of the Notes has beenaccelerated, the Trustee shall (subject to Section5.06 <strong>and</strong> Article VI hereof, <strong>and</strong> Section 5.04 of theServicing Agreement), do one or more of thefollow ing:(i)institute proceedings in its ow nname <strong>and</strong> as trustee for anexpress trust for the collectionof all amounts then payable onthe Notes or under the MasterIndenture or any Supplement(w hether by declaration or<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 16

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>under the UCC <strong>and</strong> take any other appropriate action toprotect <strong>and</strong> enforce the rights <strong>and</strong> remedies of theIndenture Trustee <strong>and</strong> the Holders of the Notes;(iv) sell the Trust Estate, or any portion thereof or rightsor interest therein, at one or more public or privatesales called <strong>and</strong> conducted in any manner permitted bylaw ; <strong>and</strong> (v) make dem<strong>and</strong> upon the Servicer, byw ritten notice, that the Servicer deliver to the IndentureTrustee all Receivable Files;(ii)(iii)(iv)otherw ise), enforce anyjudgment obtained, <strong>and</strong> collectfrom the Trust Estate securingthe Notes monies adjudged due;only if so instructed in w riting bythe Majority Noteholders of eachoutst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>Series</strong>, sell orliquidate all or a portion of theTrust Estate assets at one ormore public or private salescalled <strong>and</strong> conducted inaccordance w ith Section 5.17 tothe extent permitted by law ;provided, how ever, that if theproceeds of such sale orliquidation distributable to theNoteholders are insufficient todischarge in full all amounts thendue <strong>and</strong> unpaid upon the Notesfor principal <strong>and</strong> interest, theTrustee shall not proceed w ithsuch sale or liquidation unlessthe Holders of 100% of theNotes of each outst<strong>and</strong>ing<strong>Series</strong> (other than any Notesthen held by the Issuer or anyAffiliate thereof) consent inw riting thereto;institute proceedings from time totime for the complete or partialforeclosure of the MasterIndenture w ith respect to theTrust Estate (or the applicableSupplement w ith respect to<strong>Series</strong> <strong>Co</strong>llateral, if any); <strong>and</strong>exercise any remedies of asecured party under the UCC<strong>and</strong> take any other appropriateaction to protect <strong>and</strong> enforce therights <strong>and</strong> remedies of theTrustee or the Noteholders underthe Master Indenture <strong>and</strong> relatedSupplements.For the purpose of determining the sufficiency orinsufficiency in clause (ii) above, the Trustee may,but need not, obtain <strong>and</strong> conclusively rely upon anopinion of an independent investment banking oraccounting firm of national reputation as to thefeasibility of the proposed action <strong>and</strong> as to thesufficiency of the Trust Estate for these purposes.74 provided, however, that the Indenture Trustee may notsell or otherw ise liquidate the Trust Estate follow ing anEvent of Default, other than an Event of DefaultNot included in the Transaction.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 17

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>described in Section # or #, unless: (A) all theNoteholders consent thereto, (B) the proceeds of suchsale or liquidation distributable to the Noteholders aresufficient to discharge in full all amounts then due <strong>and</strong>unpaid upon such Notes for principal <strong>and</strong> interest or (C)the Indenture Trustee determines that the Trust Estatew ill not continue to provide sufficient funds for thepayment of principal of <strong>and</strong> interest on the Notes asthey w ould have become due if the Notes had not beendeclared due <strong>and</strong> payable, <strong>and</strong> the Indenture Trusteeobtains the consent of Holders of 66 2/3% of theOutst<strong>and</strong>ing Amount of the Notes. In determining suchsufficiency or insufficiency w ith respect to clauses (B)<strong>and</strong> (C), the Indenture Trustee may, but need not,obtain <strong>and</strong> rely upon an opinion of an Independentinvestment banking or accounting firm of nationalreputation as to the feasibility of such proposed action<strong>and</strong> as to the sufficiency of the Trust Estate for suchpurpose. The Indenture Trustee shall incur no liability asa result of the sale of the Trust Estate or any partthereof at any sale pursuant to this Section #conductedin a commercially reasonable manner. Each of theIssuing Entity <strong>and</strong> Holders hereby w aives any claimsagainst the Indenture Trustee arising by reason of thefact that the price at w hich the Trust Estate may havebeen sold at such sale w as less than the price thatmight have been obtained, even if the Indenture Trusteeaccepts the first offer received <strong>and</strong> does not offer theTrust Estate to more than one offeree, so long as suchsale is conducted in a commercially reasonablemanner.75 Events of Default. “Event of Default”, w herever usedherein, means any one of the follow ing events(w hatever the reason for such Event of Default <strong>and</strong>w hether it shall be voluntary or involuntary or beeffected by operation of law or pursuant to anyjudgment, decree or order of any court or any order,rule or regulation of any administrative or governmentalbody):76 Default in the observance or performance of anycovenant or agreement of the Issuing Entity made inthis Indenture (other than a covenant or agreement adefault in the observance or performance of w hich iselsew here in this Section specifically dealt w ith), orany representation or w arranty of the Issuing Entitymade in this Indenture or in any certificate or otherw riting delivered pursuant hereto or in connectionherew ith proving to have been incorrect in any materialrespect as of the time w hen the same shall have beenmade, <strong>and</strong> such default shall continue or not be cured,or the circumstance or condition in respect of w hichsuch misrepresentation or w arranty w as incorrectshall not have been eliminated or otherw ise cured, fora period of 30 days after there shall have been given,by registered or certified mail, to the Issuing Entity byAn “Event of Default” w ith respect to any Note ofany outst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>Series</strong> means any one of theevents designated under the definition of Event ofDefault in Annex X hereto (w hatever the reason forsuch Event of Default <strong>and</strong> w hether it shall bevoluntary or involuntary or be effected by operationof law or pursuant to any judgment, decree ororder of any court or any order, rule or regulationof any administrative or governmental body).Not included in the Transaction.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 18

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>the Indenture Trustee or to the Issuing Entity <strong>and</strong> theIndenture Trustee by the Holders of at least 25% of theOutst<strong>and</strong>ing Amount of the Notes, a w ritten noticespecifying such default or incorrect representation orw arranty <strong>and</strong> requiring it to be remedied <strong>and</strong> statingthat such notice is a notice of Default hereunder;Table 4<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 19

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>No. Benchmark TransactionRepresentations <strong>and</strong> w arranties77 Not included in the Benchmark. The Trustee represents, w arrants <strong>and</strong> covenantsthat:i. it is a corporation duly organized <strong>and</strong> validlyexisting under the law s of the state ofIllinois;ii.iii.it has full pow er <strong>and</strong> authority to deliver <strong>and</strong>perform this Master Indenture <strong>and</strong> has takenall necessary action to authorize theexecution, delivery, <strong>and</strong> performance by it ofthis Master Indenture <strong>and</strong> the other ProgramAgreements to w hich it is a party; <strong>and</strong>each of this Master Indenture <strong>and</strong> the otherProgram Agreements to w hich it is a partyhas been duly executed <strong>and</strong> delivered bythe Trustee <strong>and</strong> constitutes its legal, valid<strong>and</strong> binding obligation enforceable inaccordance w ith its terms, except to theextent the enforcement thereof may belimited by bankruptcy, insolvency or similarlaw s affecting the enforcement of creditor’srights generally <strong>and</strong> subject also to theavailability of equitable remedies if equitableremedies are soughtThe language in <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & Poor’s Ratings Services’ 17g-7 Benchmark reflects representations, w arranties <strong>and</strong> enforcementmechanisms available to investors that commonly appear in the transaction documents for a specific type of security. In order tomake the benchmarks generic, w e made the follow ing modifications. Specific article or section numbers have been replaced by anumber symbol (Example: ‘Section 5’ now reads as ‘Section #’). Proper nouns have been replaced w ith the bracketed name of therole the entity plays in the transaction (Example: ‘ABC <strong>Co</strong>rp’ now reads as [Seller]). Numbers or amounts specific to a deal havebeen replaced w ith a number symbol (Example: ‘more than 30%’ now reads as ‘more than #%’). Non-numerical characteristicshave been replaced by a generic description (Example: ‘financing of agricultural <strong>and</strong> construction equipment’ now reads as‘financing of [type of] equipment’).This <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report is not intended to be, <strong>and</strong> may not be relied upon as, legaladvice.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 20

U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS(<strong>Series</strong> <strong>2013</strong>-1)<strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong><strong>Co</strong>ncord</strong> <strong>Funding</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>LLC</strong>Disclaimer<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & Poor’s Financial Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved.No content (including ratings, credit-related analyses <strong>and</strong> data, model, softw are or other application or output therefrom)or any part thereof (<strong>Co</strong>ntent) may be modified, reverse engineered, reproduced or distributed in any form by any means,or stored in a database or retrieval system, w ithout the prior w ritten permission of <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & Poor’s Financial Services<strong>LLC</strong> or its affiliates (collectively, S&P). The <strong>Co</strong>ntent shall not be used for any unlaw ful or unauthorized purposes. S&P<strong>and</strong> any third-party providers, as w ell as their directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents (collectively S&PParties) do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of the <strong>Co</strong>ntent. S&P Parties are notresponsible for any errors or omissions (negligent or otherw ise), regardless of the cause, for the results obtained fromthe use of the <strong>Co</strong>ntent, or for the security or maintenance of any data input by the user. The <strong>Co</strong>ntent is provided on an“as is” basis. S&P PARTIES DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, FREEDOMFROM BUGS, SOFTWARE ERRORS OR DEFECTS, THAT THE CONTENT’S FUNCTIONING WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED ORTHAT THE CONTENT WILL OPERATE WITH ANY SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE CONFIGURATION. In no event shall S&PParties be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special orconsequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including, w ithout limitation, lost income or lost profits<strong>and</strong> opportunity costs or losses caused by negligence) in connection w ith any use of the <strong>Co</strong>ntent even if advised of thepossibility of such damages.Credit-related <strong>and</strong> other analyses, including ratings, <strong>and</strong> statements in the <strong>Co</strong>ntent are statements of opinion as of thedate they are expressed <strong>and</strong> not statements of fact. S&P’s opinions, analyses <strong>and</strong> rating acknow ledgment decisions(described below ) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or to make any investmentdecisions, <strong>and</strong> do not address the suitability of any security. S&P assumes no obligation to update the <strong>Co</strong>ntent follow ingpublication in any form or format. The <strong>Co</strong>ntent should not be relied on <strong>and</strong> is not a substitute for the skill, judgment <strong>and</strong>experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors <strong>and</strong>/or clients w hen making investment <strong>and</strong> otherbusiness decisions. S&P does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except w here registered as such. WhileS&P has obtained information from sources it believes to be reliable, S&P does not perform an audit <strong>and</strong> undertakes noduty of due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives.To the extent that regulatory authorities allow a rating agency to acknow ledge in one jurisdiction a rating issued inanother jurisdiction for certain regulatory purposes, S&P reserves the right to assign, w ithdraw or suspend suchacknow ledgement at any time <strong>and</strong> in its sole discretion. S&P Parties disclaim any duty w hatsoever arising out of theassignment, w ithdraw al or suspension of an acknow ledgment as w ell as any liability for any damage alleged to havebeen suffered on account thereof.S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence <strong>and</strong>objectivity of their respective activities. As a result, certain business units of S&P may have information that is notavailable to other S&P business units. S&P has established policies <strong>and</strong> procedures to maintain the confidentiality ofcertain non-public information received in connection w ith each analytical process.S&P may receive compensation for its ratings <strong>and</strong> certain analyses, normally from issuers or underw riters of securities orfrom obligors. S&P reserves the right to disseminate its opinions <strong>and</strong> analyses. S&P's public ratings <strong>and</strong> analyses aremade available on its Web sites, w w w .st<strong>and</strong>ard<strong>and</strong>poors.com (free of charge), <strong>and</strong> w w w .ratingsdirect.com <strong>and</strong>w w w .globalcreditportal.com (subscription), <strong>and</strong> may be distributed through other means, including via S&P publications<strong>and</strong> third-party redistributors. Additional information about our ratings fees is available atw w w .st<strong>and</strong>ard<strong>and</strong>poors.com/usratingsfees.STANDARD & POOR’S, S&P, GLOBAL CREDIT PORTAL <strong>and</strong> RATINGSDIRECT are registered trademarks of <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> &Poor’s Financial Services <strong>LLC</strong>.<strong>Co</strong>pyright © <strong>2013</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services <strong>LLC</strong>. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’spermission. See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 21

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