Shodhana- a spetiality of Ayurveda - Techno Ayurveda

Shodhana- a spetiality of Ayurveda - Techno Ayurveda

Shodhana- a spetiality of Ayurveda - Techno Ayurveda

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<strong>Shodhana</strong> process a spatiality <strong>of</strong><strong>Ayurveda</strong>.ByDr. V. A. Dole. M. D.Joint Director, Post graduate wing,Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Pune 411011.

• Rasashastra-Definition as per meaning.• Most <strong>of</strong> the raw materials were in use.• Inclusion <strong>of</strong> metals & minerals in Rasashastra.• <strong>Shodhana</strong> was one <strong>of</strong> the steps for convertingraw substance in to dosage form

• Dictionary meaning.• Various examples <strong>of</strong> <strong>Shodhana</strong> processes.• Metals.• Minerals.• Marine products.• Plant products.

• Chemical & Physical properties are changed.• Extraneous matter is added in to originalmatter.• Can it be called as <strong>Shodhana</strong> i.e. Purification?• Need <strong>of</strong> modification.

• Processes by which these outcomes areachieved.• Invented with trial & error methods.• Over a period <strong>of</strong> hundreds <strong>of</strong> years.• Over a vast Geographical area.• Many methods for one substance, one methodfor many substances.• Examples.

• Present trend in teaching.• No textual reference to these terms.• No textual reference for subjecting Metals toboth before Marana.

• No textual reference.• Sheet form is lost during Samanya <strong>Shodhana</strong>.• ‘Svarnadi Lohapatra’ means Gold, Silver,Copper & Iron. Inclusion <strong>of</strong> Tin, Lead & Zincappears incorrect.• Separate processes are mentioned atappropriate places.

• ‘Dhalana’ process is not possible if Puti lohametal are tried for Samanya <strong>Shodhana</strong>.• Converted to respective oxide which does notmelt.• For Marana the ‘Jarana’ <strong>of</strong> molten metal isadvised. It is not possible in such cases.

• So called ‘Samanya’ <strong>Shodhana</strong>, is for Gold,Silver, Copper & Iron. Not for Tin, Lead, &Zinc.• Preference to be given to so called ‘Vishesha’ Ifnot possible then opt for ‘Samanya’.• ‘Puti loha’ need not be subjected to ‘Samanya’

• <strong>Shodhana</strong> is a complex process to achievedefinite objectives.• Based on requirements and availability <strong>of</strong>materials, many methods for one substance &one method for many substances’• Change in process based on its indications infuture.• Based on personal experiences <strong>of</strong> many.

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