Asperger's Syndrome - Amaze

Asperger's Syndrome - Amaze

Asperger's Syndrome - Amaze

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BASHE, P.R. & KIRBY, B.L. The OASIS Guideto Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. Crown Publishers,2002Written by two parents, this book deals withthe social, emotional and cognitivechallenges faced by those with Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>, and their parents. It alsoprovides an overview of treatment strategiesand options. Highly recommended. ITEMNO. 2139HOWLIN, P., Children with Autism andAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, John Wiley & Sons,1998Pat Howlin is one of the most highlyregarded clinicians in the field of autism.This is an important book for the late 1990's.It describes the full range of presentationsalong the autistic spectrum, and explainswhat we know about causes, assessmentand treatment. Pat deals in an unbiased waywith the vast range of treatments andtherapies for autistic disorders. This is adetailed but essential reference forpractitioners and carers. ITEM No. 1711NEWPORT, J. & M. Autism‐Aspergers andSexuality. Future Horizons, 2002This book is written by a married couple,both of whom have Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. It isa valuable insight into the social and sexualchallenges faced by those with an autismspectrum disorder, and provides advice forthese individuals and their parents.* ITEM NUMBER 2119RITVO, E.R., Understanding the Nature ofAutism and Asperger’s <strong>Syndrome</strong>, JessicaKingsley, 2006Edward Ritvo combines 40 years of hisknowledge collected whilst working withpeople with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Hesummarises research in the field, and coverscase studies of different people to illustratestrengths and difficulties of people with ASD.ITEM No. 2659WING, L., The Autistic Spectrum ‐ A Guidefor Parents and Professionals, Constable,London, 1996On its publication in 1971, Lorna Wing’sbook “Autistic Children” was acclaimed asthe definitive guide on autism. In this newbook “The Autistic Spectrum”, Lornadescribes what autism is, how to help thosewith the condition, and the service types ofvalue. This guide is easy to read andinvaluable for parents and anyone workingwith people with an Autism SpectrumDisorder. ITEM No. 1028Training Programs andApproachesBURROWS, E. & WAGNER, S UnderstandingAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> ‐ A Guide for Teachers,Future Horizons, 2004This booklet’s easy to read layout makes it aquick reference for teachers or parents. Itprovides tips on how to recognise Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong> and offers suggestions on how tocreate a successful learning environment. Itaddresses bullying, behaviour modification,teaching strategies and much more. ITEMNo. 2929GRAY, C., The Original Social StoryBook/New Social Story Book IllustratedEdition, Future Horizons,Social stories provide individuals with autismwith accurate information regardingsituations they encounter. For somestudents with autism, this type of writteninformation appears to have a positiveimpact on their responses to socialsituations. Social stories have also beenused successfully to teach academic skills.These books are a large collection of samplesocial stories. ITEM No. 1389MCAFFEE, J. Navigating The Social World,Future Horizons, 2002This manual provides a thorough curriculumfor teaching social skills to individuals withAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> and high functioningautism. The program includes forms,exercises and guides for the student, andeducational guidance to teachers andparents. ITEM No. 2115Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 1Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 2

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