Asperger's Syndrome - Amaze

Asperger's Syndrome - Amaze

Asperger's Syndrome - Amaze

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Information SheetSuggested Reading List – Asperger’s<strong>Syndrome</strong>Updated January 2010The books mentioned here are all availablefrom the Autism Library at our offices inCarlton.The Autism Library is available to individualmembers and the staff of professionalmembers, at no charge.You may borrow up to 4 items at a time forup to 4 weeks.The library is open from 9am to 5pmMonday to Friday, or you can phone or emailyour request through and we can post it outto you. You can return items either in person(there is a drop box for outside office hours)or by post.General Reference BooksATTWOOD, T., The Complete Guide toAsperger’s <strong>Syndrome</strong>, Jessica Kingsley, UK,2006This book covers Asperger’s <strong>Syndrome</strong>across the lifespan. Includes chapters onbullying, theory of mind, life after school andlong‐term relationships, in addition tochapters addressing each of the coredifferences for a person with Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>. ITEM NO. 2763ATTWOOD, T., Asperger’s <strong>Syndrome</strong> ‐ AGuide for Parents & Professionals, JessicaKingsley, UK, 1998This book is essential reading for those livingor working with a child or adult withAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. It is written in a clearand concise manner, with plenty ofexamples, practical suggestions and resourcelists. Highly recommended. ITEM NO. 1560ATTWOOD, T., GRANDIN, T,. ET. ALAsperger’s and Girls, Future Horizons, 2006.Although the majority of individualsdiagnosed with ASD are male, girls with thiscondition can have very different needs andthis book addresses common issues as theyspecifically apply to females. Includesinformation about diagnosis, puberty, peerand romantic relationships, and schoolissues. ITEM NO. 2811BARNHILL, G. Right Address….WrongPlanet: Children With Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>Becoming Adults. Autism AspergerPublishing Company, 2002Written by an autism consultant, who has anadult son with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, this bookcovers a much needed area – that ofadolescence and adulthood. Ms. Barnhilloffers both her family perspective andpractical advice for those living with/caringfor an adult with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. ighlyrecommended. ITEM NO. 2112BARON‐COHEN, S. & BOLTON, P., Autismand Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>: The Facts, OxfordUniversity Press, 2008This easy to read book is highlyrecommended as a “first book to read aboutautism”. Suitable for parents andprofessionals. ITEM NO. 3090Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 1

BASHE, P.R. & KIRBY, B.L. The OASIS Guideto Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. Crown Publishers,2002Written by two parents, this book deals withthe social, emotional and cognitivechallenges faced by those with Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>, and their parents. It alsoprovides an overview of treatment strategiesand options. Highly recommended. ITEMNO. 2139HOWLIN, P., Children with Autism andAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, John Wiley & Sons,1998Pat Howlin is one of the most highlyregarded clinicians in the field of autism.This is an important book for the late 1990's.It describes the full range of presentationsalong the autistic spectrum, and explainswhat we know about causes, assessmentand treatment. Pat deals in an unbiased waywith the vast range of treatments andtherapies for autistic disorders. This is adetailed but essential reference forpractitioners and carers. ITEM No. 1711NEWPORT, J. & M. Autism‐Aspergers andSexuality. Future Horizons, 2002This book is written by a married couple,both of whom have Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. It isa valuable insight into the social and sexualchallenges faced by those with an autismspectrum disorder, and provides advice forthese individuals and their parents.* ITEM NUMBER 2119RITVO, E.R., Understanding the Nature ofAutism and Asperger’s <strong>Syndrome</strong>, JessicaKingsley, 2006Edward Ritvo combines 40 years of hisknowledge collected whilst working withpeople with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Hesummarises research in the field, and coverscase studies of different people to illustratestrengths and difficulties of people with ASD.ITEM No. 2659WING, L., The Autistic Spectrum ‐ A Guidefor Parents and Professionals, Constable,London, 1996On its publication in 1971, Lorna Wing’sbook “Autistic Children” was acclaimed asthe definitive guide on autism. In this newbook “The Autistic Spectrum”, Lornadescribes what autism is, how to help thosewith the condition, and the service types ofvalue. This guide is easy to read andinvaluable for parents and anyone workingwith people with an Autism SpectrumDisorder. ITEM No. 1028Training Programs andApproachesBURROWS, E. & WAGNER, S UnderstandingAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> ‐ A Guide for Teachers,Future Horizons, 2004This booklet’s easy to read layout makes it aquick reference for teachers or parents. Itprovides tips on how to recognise Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong> and offers suggestions on how tocreate a successful learning environment. Itaddresses bullying, behaviour modification,teaching strategies and much more. ITEMNo. 2929GRAY, C., The Original Social StoryBook/New Social Story Book IllustratedEdition, Future Horizons,Social stories provide individuals with autismwith accurate information regardingsituations they encounter. For somestudents with autism, this type of writteninformation appears to have a positiveimpact on their responses to socialsituations. Social stories have also beenused successfully to teach academic skills.These books are a large collection of samplesocial stories. ITEM No. 1389MCAFFEE, J. Navigating The Social World,Future Horizons, 2002This manual provides a thorough curriculumfor teaching social skills to individuals withAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> and high functioningautism. The program includes forms,exercises and guides for the student, andeducational guidance to teachers andparents. ITEM No. 2115Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 1Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 2

SMITH MYLES, B & ADREON, D. Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong> and Adolescence: Practicalsolutions for school success. AutismAsperger Publishing Co. 2002An excellent overview of the challengesfaced by teenagers with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>at school. The book provides teachers andparents with practical solutions to assist inthe transition to, and survival in, secondaryschool. ITEM No. 2137WILLEY, L.H Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> inAdolescence: Living With the Ups, Downsand Things in Between. Jessica Kingsley,2003A wonderful book that tackles issuespertinent to all teenagers with Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>, including friendship, depressionand sexuality. Each chapter is written by adifferent author, including Tony Attwood,Liane Holliday Willey and Rebecca Moyes.ITEM No. 2280WINTER, M. Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>: WhatTeachers Need to Know. Jessica Kingsley,2003Written by a teacher, this book is very easyto read and full of strategies that will assistteachers, both in understanding Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong> and also in providing a positiveclassroom experience for students. ITEM No.2323Parents & FamiliesASTON, M.C. The Other Half of Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>, National Autistic Society, 2001Written by a relationship counsellor who hasa partner with AS, this book offers anexcellent guide for anyone who is in arelationship with a person with AS. Whilst itis aimed at couples, some of the informationwould be relevant to parents, siblings etc.ITEM No. 2111NOTBOHM, E.The Autism Trail Guide:Postcards From The Road Less TravelledFuture Horizons, 2007This book will help parents of children withautism take on everyday challenges whilecelebrating what their children bring to theirworld. The author offers advice on concreteissues such as maths homework, videogames, and trick behaviour, and also tacklesthe more abstract concepts of parenting:trusting parental instincts, when to takerisks, how to hang on, and when to let go.ITEM No. 3121STANTON, M. Learning to Live With HighFunctioning Autism: A Parent's Guide forProfessionals. Jessica Kingsley, 2000.This book specifically examines thefrustrations of parents living with a childwith autism, and seeks to provideprofessionals, families and friends withaccessible and relevant information. Theauthor is a parent and a professional in theUK. He styles himself as 'a parent and ateacher and learning all the time'. ITEM No.1846Children’s BooksHOOPMAN, K. Blue Bottle Mystery; AnAsperger Adventure, Jessica Kingsley.2001Adventure stories with a central characterwho has Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, these booksare a delightful read for siblings, peers andyoung people with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>.Suitable for children aged eight yearsonwards. ITEM No. 2013FAHERTY, C. What Does It Mean To Be Me?A workbook and guide. Future Horizons,2000Aimed at the child from aged 8 onwards, thisbook is designed to assist in theunderstanding of autism spectrum disorder.Each chapter contains workpages for thechild to complete and guidelines for theparent or teacher. Highly recommended.ITEM No. 1892SCHNURR, R, G.. <strong>Asperger's</strong> Huh? ‐ A Child'sPerspective, Anisor Publishing, 1999An excellent book on Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> forchildren, peers, teachers or parents. Writtenfrom the point of view of a 10yo child withAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, it gives a good overviewof the common difficulties faced by peoplewith Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. ITEM No. 2103Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 3

MURRELL, D. Tobin Learns to Make Friends.Future Horizons, 2001A lovely story about a train carriage that hascharacteristics of Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> andhas difficulty making friends. Highlyrecommended for siblings, peers andchildren with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, ages 6 –14. ITEM No. 2104IVES, M. What is Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> andhow will it affect me?. NAS, 1999This is a useful guide specifically for theteenager and young adult seekingexplanations about themselves. It containssimple coping strategies and answers tosome frequently asked questions. ITEM No.1947AutobiographiesHALL, K. Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, the Universeand Everything. Jessica Kingsley, 2002A wonderful book written by an 11 year oldboy with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. This bookgives a fantastic insight into his world, andprovides an understanding of life withAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. Highly recommendedfor siblings, parents, teachers and youngpeople with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. ITEM No.2153JACKSON, L. Freaks, Geeks and Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>. Jessica Kingsley, 2002Written by a 13 year old boy with Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>, this book is a must read forparents, teachers, and young adults withAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>. It is funny, sad,insightful and full of great tips for parentsand teachers. Highly recommended. ITEMNo. 2252LAWSON, W. Life Behind Glass (1998);Understanding and Working with theSpectrum of Autism (2001); Build Your OwnLife (2003) Jessica Kingsley.For 25 years Wendy was incorrectlydiagnosed with schizophrenia. When herson was diagnosed with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>she realised that this explained her owndifficulties. With this unique insight, ‘LifeBehind Glass’ is a readable and very movingpersonal account. Her more recent booksprovide practical day‐day strategies for livingwith an autism spectrum disorder. ITEM Nos.1643, 1998, 2326.GRANDIN, T., Thinking in Pictures, VintageBooks, 1995Since writing her first book Temple Grandinhas toured and lectured extensively, and inso doing gained an even greater perspectiveof the experience of autism. Her commentsand insight are invaluable for all readers.ITEM No. 1337FLEISHER, M. Making Sense of theUnfeasible, Jessica Kingsley, 2003Diagnosed with Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> when hewas 11 years old, Marc has gone on tocomplete degrees in mathematics. Thisbook is an enjoyable account of his life andhis strategies for success, complete withappendices on astronomy, parallel universesand the mathematics of unfeasibly largenumbers! ITEM No. 2325DVDsATTWOOD, T. Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>: a Guidefor Parents and Professionals, FutureHorizons 2004A 3 hour presentation by Tony Attwood, thisvideo covers the major characteristics ofAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, the diagnostic processand is a fantastic introduction for anyoneinterested in learning about Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>. TEM No. 3081COULTER VIDEO Understanding Brothersand Sisters on the Autism Spectrum, CoulterVideo, 2007Each DVD contains four programs; three forsiblings of different ages and developmentallevels, and one for their parents. Designed toshow siblings that other kids are facing thesame challenges they face, and explores arange of ways the kids interviewed havelearned to enjoy their brothers and sisters.Will help siblings to have a betterunderstanding of their brothers and sisters,and helps to improve tolerance, caring andrespect. DVD run time 109 minutes. ITEMNo. 3077Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 4

EISENMAJER, R. Imagine Having Asperger’s<strong>Syndrome</strong>‐ A first Consultation (DVD), Dr.Richard Eisenmajer 2006Covers the main features and presentationsof ASD, along with case studies of individualsto highlight how they perceive the world.ITEM No. 2757PRIOR, M. et al, Understanding Asperger<strong>Syndrome</strong>, Royal Children’s Hospital, 200028 minute video explaining the nature ofAsperger <strong>Syndrome</strong>, how it impacts on theaffected child and their families, andpractical advice for teachers. Copies areavailable for loan or can be purchased fromAutism Victoria. ITEM No. 1814GRANDIN, T. Sensory Challenges andAnswers; Visual Thinking of a Person withAutism, Future Horizons, 2002These videos provide a useful insight into thesensory challenges faced by people withautism spectrum disorder, and the processof ‘thinking in pictures’ and strategies toovercome these. Each video isapproximately 30mins long. ITEM No. 2135Other ItemsAutism Victoria has issues of the followingperiodicals available for loan – The Advocate(Autism Society of America),Autism/Asperger <strong>Syndrome</strong> Digest (FutureHorizons), NoticeBoard (Association forChildren with a Disability), Autism ResearchReview International (USA) andCommunication (National Autistic Society ‐UK).Other languagesWe also have an article Assessment,Treatment and Management by WendyHoffmann translated into the followinglanguages ‐ Spanish, Italian, Greek,Cambodian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Turkishand Arabic_________________________________©2011 Autism Victoria trading as <strong>Amaze</strong>.Permission is granted for the content of thisinformation sheet to be reproduced in itsentirety, provided Autism Victoria isacknowledged as the source and the websiteaddress is given.Autism Victoria Trading as <strong>Amaze</strong> T: 1300 308 699 W: www.amaze.org.au 5

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