Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

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Life for the elderlyActive elderlyElder citizens have numerous opportunities to pursue their<strong>in</strong>terests and lead an active life. The Danish government’sage<strong>in</strong>g policy is founded on the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple that the elderlyshould have as much responsibility and say <strong>in</strong> their ownlives as possible. As an elderly citizen, you therefore reta<strong>in</strong>the right to be a part of the decision-mak<strong>in</strong>g process. Bothon a personal level and <strong>in</strong> relation to decisions affect<strong>in</strong>gyour local area.Municipal authorities have their own elderly councils whosemembers are locally elected elderly citizens who advise theauthority on matters of special importance to the elderly <strong>in</strong>the local community. Ask your municipal authority aboutthe possibilities and meet<strong>in</strong>g places.Work<strong>in</strong>g life and retirementDanish society also needs its elderly citizens to make acontribution if they can. Some people work until theyreach 70. Others retire when they reach 65 and have theright to draw a state pension. Others retire from the jobmarket earlier still, tak<strong>in</strong>g pre-retirement benefit and earlyretirement pension.State pensionMost people have the right to a state pension when theyreach 65. The pr<strong>in</strong>ciple beh<strong>in</strong>d the state pension schemeis that a person earns the right to a pension as a citizen <strong>in</strong>Danish society. If you have lived <strong>in</strong> <strong>Denmark</strong> for 40 years fromthe age of 15 until you retire, you have the right to a full statepsnsion. If you have lived <strong>in</strong> <strong>Denmark</strong> for a shorter time, youhave the right to a smaller pension. It is the municipal pensionoffice that calculates the size of the pension and can <strong>in</strong>formyou of the amount to which you are entitled.Pension sav<strong>in</strong>gsMany people supplement their state pensions with otherk<strong>in</strong>ds of pension. Many employees subscribe to pensionschemes. This means that each month the employer andthe employee pay a fixed amount towards a pension held bya pension provider. You can also make direct payments to aprivate pension sav<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> a bank or a pension provider.If you pay to a private pension provider, the amount is taxdeductible and you will end up pay<strong>in</strong>g less tax.Early retirement benefitEarly retirement benefit enables people to retire or partiallyretire from work, as the scheme allows you to rema<strong>in</strong> asalaried employee while receiv<strong>in</strong>g a reduced early retirementbenefit.The earliest age you can take early retirement benefit is60. You must have been a member of an unemploymentfund for 30 years and have made special early retirementcontributions. Early retirement benefit stops, at the latest,when you reach 65.Early retirementSome people suffer from such major physical or mentalproblems that they are unable to work and must take earlyretirement. A person must fulfil certa<strong>in</strong> conditions <strong>in</strong> order toqualify for early retirement - one of them be<strong>in</strong>g their periodof residence <strong>in</strong> <strong>Denmark</strong>. Ask your municipal authorityFAMILY69

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