Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

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PRACTICAL INFORMATIONTrade union representativeA trade union representative is electedby and from among work colleaguesfor a two-year period. The trade unionrepresentative must represent the <strong>in</strong>terestsof the employees <strong>in</strong> relation tothe employer. It is also the job of therepresentative to represent the tradeunion <strong>in</strong> the workplace.UN, TheThe UN is an abbreviation for the UnitedNations, the United Nations Organisationof 1945. The organisation's goal isto ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternational peace andsecurity, and to cooperate <strong>in</strong>ternationallyto resolve <strong>in</strong>ternational economic,social, cultural and humanitarian conflictsand promote respect for human rights.The UN has 192 members and six ma<strong>in</strong>organs. These are the General Assembly,the Security Council, the Economic andSocial Council, the Trusteeship Council,the International Court of Justice andthe Secretariat. The UN headquartersare <strong>in</strong> New York.Unemployment benefitUnemployment benefit is f<strong>in</strong>ancialassistance given to unemployed whoare members of an unemploymentfund (a-kasse).Unemployment fundAn unemployment fund or a-kasse isa private association of employees or<strong>in</strong>dependent bus<strong>in</strong>ess owners, and itspurpose is to provide f<strong>in</strong>ancial assistanceto its members if they becomeunemployed. Unemployment fundsare closely associated with trade unionsbut you can become a member of anunemployment fund without be<strong>in</strong>g amember of a trade union.WHOWHO is an abbreviation for World HealthOrganisation, (Verdenssundhedsorganisationen),which is an organisation thatwas founded <strong>in</strong> 1948 under the UN. Itsgoal is to monitor <strong>in</strong>fectious diseases andimplement health programmes.Yellow pages, TheThe yellow pages are pages <strong>in</strong> a telephonedirectory that provide <strong>in</strong>formation onbus<strong>in</strong>esses. The yellow pages can alsobe found at www.degulesider.dk.Youth education counsellorYouth education counsellors (UU) canbe contacted at special centres <strong>in</strong> yourmunicipal authority. Here, people under25 can seek educational advice andcounsell<strong>in</strong>g.164

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