Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

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PRACTICAL INFORMATIONNATONATO is an abbreviation for North AtlanticTreaty Organisation, which is a westerndefence organisation formed <strong>in</strong> 1949.NATO is based on the Atlantic Treaty,which was signed by 12 countries. Todaythere are 26 member countries and theorganisation collaborates with Russia.Night schoolNight school is voluntary educationthat takes place <strong>in</strong> a person's leisuretime. Tuition covers a wide range ofsubjects such as languages, history,IT, philosophy, draw<strong>in</strong>g and physicalexercise. The classes do not lead toqualifications and there are no exams.Night school classes are normally runby an educational association*.Non-prescription medic<strong>in</strong>eVarious k<strong>in</strong>ds of medic<strong>in</strong>e can bebought over the counter, i.e. withouta doctor's prescription. Chemists stockboth non-prescription and prescriptionmedic<strong>in</strong>e.OECDOECD is an abbreviation for the Organisationfor Economic Cooperation andDevelopment. This <strong>in</strong>ter-governmentalorganisation numbers 30 membercountries. It was founded <strong>in</strong> 1961. Itsgoal is to ensure a high standard ofliv<strong>in</strong>g and economic growth for itsmember states.Probate Court, TheThe Probate Court is a division of thedistrict court. It deals with estates, bankruptestates and questions regard<strong>in</strong>g thedistribution of spousal assets follow<strong>in</strong>gdivorce.Public prosecutorA public prosecutor represents thestate <strong>in</strong> crim<strong>in</strong>al cases tried by the highcourts.Public servicePublic service is a term for radio and TVchannels whose purpose it is to broadcastprogrammes of <strong>in</strong>terest to the generalpublic. <strong>Danmark</strong>s Radio (DR) and TV2are public service stations. They havea duty to broadcast balanced, culturaland <strong>in</strong>formative programmes.Regional councilsAs of 1 January 2007, <strong>Denmark</strong> is dividedup <strong>in</strong>to five regions, each of whichmanages regional tasks such as hospitaladm<strong>in</strong>istration, public transport andregional development tasks. Regionsare run by regional councils compris<strong>in</strong>g41 members who are elected everyfour years by the citizens liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> theregion.Remanded <strong>in</strong> custodyTo be remanded <strong>in</strong> custody simply meansthat a person who is suspected of hav<strong>in</strong>gcommitted a crime is kept <strong>in</strong> prison.Rent control boardAll municipal authorities must haverent control boards. Many municipalauthorities have a jo<strong>in</strong>t rent controlboard. The rent control board deals162

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