Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

Citizen in Denmark - Ny i Danmark

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Explanation of wordsPRACTICAL INFORMATIONAccess to recordsIn accordance with the Public Records Act,everyone has access to records held bythe state and municipal authorities.Authorities can deny access to safeguardthe privacy of others, state security orthe f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>in</strong>terests of the state.If you party to a case, you have expandedright of access to case records.ActivationIf you are claim<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>troductory benefit,cash benefit or unemployment benefit,you must have help and guidance tobeg<strong>in</strong> an education or f<strong>in</strong>d employment.This is called activation and may take theform of courses or on-the-job tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g.It is both a right and a duty to participate<strong>in</strong> activation as well as a precondition forreceiv<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ancial assistance.Build<strong>in</strong>g management officeThe owner of a build<strong>in</strong>g hires staff tomanage the build<strong>in</strong>g. They handle rentalcontracts, collect rent, hire caretakersand ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> contact with tenants.<strong>Citizen</strong>s' listA citizens' list is a list of non-party candidatesat a municipal election. <strong>Citizen</strong>s'lists represent special local <strong>in</strong>terests.Consumer Compla<strong>in</strong>ts Board, TheThe Consumer Compla<strong>in</strong>ts Board is astate <strong>in</strong>stitution that deals with consumercompla<strong>in</strong>ts relat<strong>in</strong>g to goods and services.The National Consumer Agency of<strong>Denmark</strong> is secretariat to the ConsumerCompla<strong>in</strong>ts Board.CustodyCustody is the parents' duty to care fortheir child and make personal decisionson the child's behalf that serve the best<strong>in</strong>terests of the child. Parents who aremarried have jo<strong>in</strong>t custody of theirchildren. If the parents are unmarried, themother will be awarded custody unless theparents decide otherwise. If the parentsare separated or get divorced, they arenormally awarded jo<strong>in</strong>t custody.Council of Europe, TheThe Council of Europe is an <strong>in</strong>ter-governmentalpolitical organisation founded<strong>in</strong> 1949. The Council has 47 memberstates that work together to promotedemocracy and human rights. It is theCouncil of Europe that is responsible fordraw<strong>in</strong>g up the European Conventionon Human Rights of 1950.Danish Parliament, TheFolket<strong>in</strong>get is the Danish National Parliament.Folket<strong>in</strong>get has 179 members, twoof whom are from Greenland and theFaroe Islands.Members are elected to serve for afour-year term. The prime m<strong>in</strong>ister cancall for a general election before theend of the four-year term. Elections areheld us<strong>in</strong>g proportional representation.This means that the parties runn<strong>in</strong>gfor election are given a number ofmandates <strong>in</strong> the Danish parliamentcorrespond<strong>in</strong>g to the number of votesthey received.Danish Work<strong>in</strong>g EnvironmentAuthority, TheThe Danish Work<strong>in</strong>g Environment Authorityis a public body whose task is tocreate a safe, healthy and progressivework environment <strong>in</strong> the workplace. Toachieve these goals, the authority carriesout regular <strong>in</strong>spection of companies,draws up rules and regulations and158

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