Atlas Catalogue 2009_A4 - Edison House Kft.

Atlas Catalogue 2009_A4 - Edison House Kft.

Atlas Catalogue 2009_A4 - Edison House Kft.

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atlascatalogue <strong>2009</strong>/10<strong>Atlas</strong> simply does it all1

What is <strong>Atlas</strong>?atlasautomatedsynthesis systemThe Best Value Process Chemistry Reactor Ever!<strong>Atlas</strong> is a high performance, low cost synthesis system that is flexibleand truly easy to use. The intelligent base can be configured to controlone or many reactions up to 5 litres in vials, flasks or jacketed reactors.Easy stirrer sealChemically resistant,auto aligning stirrer sealand guidePC control<strong>Atlas</strong> and third partyhardware can becontrolled using the<strong>Atlas</strong> softwareQuick stirrer set upThe stirrer post clicksinto the base insecondsWide range of sensorsThermocouples, pHsensors, turbidityprobes etc. withlocalised calibrationPowerful stirringCompact, autoaligning stirrer upto 800RPMQuick clampNo tools required tochange jacketed vesselsin secondsWide range of stirrersDifferent styles andlengths availableQuick connectionsThermo fluidconnections madein secondsQuick clampVessel necks areclamped and alignedwith one turnRound bottom flasks50ml, 100ml, 250ml,500ml and 1 litreHotplate/coldplateHotplate (RT to 280°C) orcoldplate (-40 to 160°C)USB downloadDownload data to USB stickParallel chemistry 2Many bases can beconnected togetherin master/slavemodeOil drain unitPress button to drainthermo fluidJacketed vessels100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1litre, 2 litre and customprofiles. 5 litre withRemote MountParallel chemistry 1Dry baths are availablefor 3 round bottomflasks, 6 vials, 12 vials orcustom arrangementsMultiple sensorsMultiple sensors can beused with the triplesocketMagnetic stirringUp to 1200RPMSimple controlTwist & click knob tochange temperature/stirrer speed or editand run automatedexperiments<strong>Atlas</strong> benefitsEasy to use: Twist & click knob, large displayand intuitive.Automated reactions without PC control: Setpoints, ramps or sophisticated profiles are allpossible for reaction temperature and stirrerspeed.Automatic data capture: Data such astemperatures and stirrer speed are logged in a.csv file and can be downloaded to a USB stick.Easy to upgrade to perform: Calorimetry, pHcontrol, gravimetric or volumetric reagentaddition, crystallisations, parallel reactions, etc.High performance stirring: 1200RPM magneticor 800RPM powerful overhead stirrer.Quick: Everything clicks together quickly andeasily without tools. Change vessels in under aminute.Small footprint: 23cm (9”) square easily fits infume cupboards.<strong>Atlas</strong> simply does it all

contentsWhatis<strong>Atlas</strong>? 2Systems 5 <strong>Atlas</strong> Lithium 6 <strong>Atlas</strong> Sodium 7 Orbit Systems 8 <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium 9 <strong>Atlas</strong> Volumetric Dosing 10 <strong>Atlas</strong> Gravimetric Dosing 10 <strong>Atlas</strong> Turbidity 10 <strong>Atlas</strong> pH Monitoring and Control 11 <strong>Atlas</strong> Remote Mount 11 <strong>Atlas</strong> Reaction Monitoring 12 <strong>Atlas</strong> SonoLab 12 <strong>Atlas</strong> FT-IR Spectrometer 12 <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter 13 Software and Ports 14 <strong>Atlas</strong> Parallel Systems 15 Reactor Master Basic System 16 Reactor Master Pro System 16 Modules 17 Circulators 24 Software 28 3

Orbit and Dry Baths 32 Dry Baths 33 Dry Bath Consumables 35 Orbit Systems and Parts 36 Orbit Consumables 38 Accessories and Consumables 40 Glassware 41 Stirrers 45 Probes 46 Accessories 47 Consumables 49 <strong>Atlas</strong> Accessories Compatibility Chart52What are Custom Reactor Systems?54Flow Chemistry554 4

systems<strong>Atlas</strong> can be configured into a wide range of different systems. To makechoosing a system easier, there are three standard <strong>Atlas</strong> systems namedLithium and Sodium for round bottom flasks (magnetically and overheadstirred respectively) and Potassium for jacketed vessels. Other <strong>Atlas</strong>systems, designed for specific applications, are also available.5

Systems<strong>Atlas</strong> Lithium<strong>Atlas</strong> Lithium automates reactions in round bottom flasks or vials. The <strong>Atlas</strong>Hotplate (max 280°C) and Stacking Dry Bath can heat round bottom flasksfrom 50ml to 1 litre giving excellent thermal transfer to the reaction yet theexterior surface remains safe to touch.The Clamp holds a range of different vessel sizes securely and automaticallyaligns flasks to the Dry Bath.Turning the control knob changes the Hotplate temperature and the MagneticStirrer speed (up to 1200RPM). <strong>Atlas</strong> Lithium also allows users to edit and runprofiles automatically from the Base Unit to control heating, cooling, stirringand reagent addition.OptionsThe Stacking Dry Bath can be substituted for any of the other Dry Baths orOrbit Systems (see Dry Bath section, page 33) and the <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate for a Hotand Cold Plate (2200047).The Hot and Cold Plate module is an easy and accurate way of heating andcooling reactions in flasks and vials. Connected to the Base Unit via a bayonetfitting and to a circulator, the Hot and Cold Plate can be heated up to +160°Cand down to -40°C. The circulator is controlled by the Base Unit.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Lithium can also include the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072) forvolumetric dosing. Controlled by the intuitive Base Unit, the versatile <strong>Atlas</strong>Syringe Pump can be configured into two refilling flows, or one continuous flow.A choice of dosing modes allows simple additions or intelligent active controlparameters including pH and temperature.A standard <strong>Atlas</strong> Lithium System contains:Optional <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump and Hot and Cold PlateDescriptionPart NumberBase Unit 2101000Hotplate 2101001Magnetic Stirrer 2101002Stacking Dry Bath 2101041Clamp 2101040Support Rods (Pack of 2) 2101009Temperature Node 2101021RTD Probe - PTFE Coated 300mm x 8mm 21015836

Systems<strong>Atlas</strong> Sodium<strong>Atlas</strong> Sodium automates reactions in round bottom flasks. It is equipped with aMagnetic Stirrer (up to 1200RPM) and a Scorpion Overhead Stirrer (up to800RPM) for viscous reactions or reactions containing large quantities of solids.The Stacking Dry Bath enables heating or cooling of round bottom flasks from50ml to 1 litre (to 280°C). Accurate reaction temperature control is providedusing an in-reaction Temperature Node and RTD Probe. The Clamp holds arange of different vessel sizes securely and automatically aligns flasks to theDry Bath.Turning the control knob changes the Hotplate temperature and the Magneticor Scorpion Overhead Stirrer speed. <strong>Atlas</strong> Sodium also allows users to edit andrun profiles automatically from the Base Unit to control heating, cooling, stirringand reagent addition.OptionsThe Stacking Dry Bath can be substituted for any of the other Dry Baths, orOrbit Systems (see Dry Bath section, page 33) and the <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate for a Hotand Cold Plate (2200047).The Hot and Cold Plate module is an easy and accurate way of heating andcooling reactions in flasks and vials. Connected to the Base Unit via a bayonetfitting and to a circulator, the Hot and Cold Plate can be heated up to +160°Cand down to -40°C. The circulator is controlled by the Base Unit.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Sodium can also include the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072) forvolumetric dosing. Controlled by the intuitive Base Unit, the versatile <strong>Atlas</strong>Syringe Pump can be configured into two refilling flows, or one continuous flow.A choice of dosing modes allows simple additions or intelligent active controlparameters including pH and temperature.A standard <strong>Atlas</strong> Sodium System contains:DescriptionPart NumberOptional <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump and Hot and Cold PlateBase Unit 2101000Hotplate 2101001Magnetic Stirrer 2101002Scorpion Overhead Stirrer 2101004Scorpion Overhead Stirrer Support (Sodium) 2101690Temperature Node 2101021Stirrer Seal and Guide 2101011Clamp 2101040Stacking Dry Bath 21010418mm Dia RTD Probe Holder 2101547Support Rods (Pack of 2) 2101009Stirrer - PTFE 2 Blade Centrifugal 300mm 1802059RTD Probe - PTFE Coated 300mm x 8mm 21015837

SystemsOrbit SystemsThe Orbit Parallel Reaction Stations are high performance, low cost parallelsynthesis systems for research and development chemistry. They fitconveniently on an <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate (up to 280°C), Hot and Cold Plate (-40°C to+160°C) or regular hotplate/stirrers (135mm diameter). 6 (24mm diameter,46ml) or 12 (13mm diameter, 10ml) reaction tubes can be magnetically stirred inan inert atmosphere and be heated with reflux or cooled. It is possible to addreagents under an inert atmosphere via the septa.The Orbit 6 (2200033) or Orbit 12 (2200032) modules lift in and out of theOrbit Reflux Unit (2200031), allowing the tubes to be freely transported as onewhilst the water and gas tubes remain connected to the Orbit Reflux Unit.The Orbit 6 and Orbit 12 modules have twist and click lids which supply an inertatmosphere to all the tubes when in place. When the lid is removed, the tubesare automatically re-sealed and are free to be transported individually.The Orbit Reflux Unit requires an inert gas supply (if inert conditions arerequired) and running cold water or recirculated coolant. Note that the gasconnection between the Orbit Reflux Unit and Orbit 6 or Orbit 12 isautomatically made and broken as the module is taken in and out. Syrrisrecommends the Orbit Reflux Circulator (Julabo F200) (see page 38) if runningwater is not available or not tolerated.An Orbit 6 System contains:DescriptionPart NumberOrbit 6 (24mm dia, 46ml tubes) 2200033Orbit Reflux Unit 2200031Orbit 6 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 6) 2200036Orbit 6 Tube Caps (Pack of 6) 2200037Orbit 6 Septa (Pack of 6) 2200038Orbit 6 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 6) 2200040Orbit Septa Opener (Pack of 6) 2200041Orbit Gas Septa Ring (Pack of 5) 2200042Optional Hot and Cold PlateAn Orbit 12 System contains:DescriptionPart NumberOrbit 12 (13mm dia, 10ml tubes) 2200032Orbit Reflux Unit 2200031Orbit 12 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 12) 2200034Orbit 12 Tube Caps with Septa (Pack of 12) 2200035Orbit 12 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 12) 2200039(2 packs) Orbit Septa Opener (Pack of 6) 2200041Orbit Gas Septa Ring (Pack of 5) 2200042Orbit 6 and Orbit 12 SystemThe Orbit 6 and 12 System combines the benefits of the Orbit 12 and Orbit 6Systems and so allows parallel reactions using 6 x 46ml tubes or 12 x 10mltubes. The Orbit Reflux Unit can be used with both Orbit 6 and Orbit 12 (seepage 37 for more details).8

Systems<strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium<strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium is designed for chemists who perform reactions in jacketedreactors. With an easy to use vessel clamping system and integral oil drain unit,<strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium vessels can be changed in under a minute. Integratedtemperature and circulator control from the Base Unit make reactions easierthan ever before. <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium can be supplied with a range of vesselsincluding 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 litre and 2 litre (see Remote MountSystem for up to 5 litres, page 11). Turning the control knob changes circulatortemperature and overhead stirrer speed. <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium also allows users toedit and run profiles from the Base Unit to automatically controlheating/cooling from a circulator, stirring speed and reagent addition (seeVolumetric Addition System).Adding PC software allows complex recipe control, real time data plotting andcontrol of third party hardware.OptionsThe <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium can also include the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072) forvolumetric dosing. Controlled by the intuitive Base Unit, the versatile <strong>Atlas</strong>Syringe Pump can be configured into two refilling flows, or one continuous flow.A choice of dosing modes allows simple additions or intelligent active controlparameters including pH and temperature.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium forms the basis of most of the <strong>Atlas</strong> systems (see later inthis “Systems” section).A standard <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium System contains:DescriptionPart NumberBase Unit 2101000Scorpion Overhead Stirrer 2101004Temperature Node 2101021Node Extension 2101023Optional SoftwareTriple Node Socket 2101024Stirrer Seal and Guide 2101011Jacketed Vessel Clamp 2101012Oil Drain Unit 2101013Jacketed Vessel (see page 41)Jacketed Vessel Lid (UK, EU or US) 2101030/21015948mm Dia RTD Probe Holder 2101547Oil Pipes from Reactor to Oil Drain Unit (Pack of 2) 2101014Reaction Vessel Drip Tray 2101039Support Rods (Pack of 2) 2101009Stirrer (see page 45)RTD Probe (see page 46)Base to Circulator Serial Cable (RJ11 to DB9 Male) 2400214Reaction Vessel Seal (FFKM) 21015439

Systems<strong>Atlas</strong> Volumetric DosingBased on an <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium, the <strong>Atlas</strong> Volumetric Dosing System includes an<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072). The <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump is a versatilevolumetric dosing system that consists of two syringes with valves and can beconfigured into 2 independent dosing pumps or 1 continuous pump. Whenconnected together, via a USB cable, the Base Unit and <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pumpallow automated dosing without a PC. Profiles of temperature, stirring speedand volume of reagent to be added can be run automatically. The <strong>Atlas</strong> SyringePump automatically pauses if the temperature exceeds a defined maximum.An <strong>Atlas</strong> Volumetric Dosing System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 2200072<strong>Atlas</strong> Gravimetric DosingBased on an <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium, the <strong>Atlas</strong> Gravimetric Dosing System allows adefined mass of reagent to be pumped from a balance to the reactor by acontrolled peristaltic pump. The mass flow rate can be defined, monitored andadjusted by using the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1.An <strong>Atlas</strong> Gravimetric Dosing System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium<strong>Atlas</strong> Ports (2) 2101020<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 2300102Denver Summit Balance SI-4002 2200043Watson Marlow Peristaltic Pump 323/DU/D 1802045New <strong>Atlas</strong> TurbidityThe <strong>Atlas</strong> Turbidity System is designed for crystallization control and analysis. Itallows turbidity to be examined and modified by controlling temperature and/oradditions to the vessel. Data is displayed using the Base Unit and can be plottedand monitored using the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1. The Software will take actionsdependent on the turbidity value.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Turbidity Probe (2200156) can be used with any <strong>Atlas</strong> reactor.Volumetric dosing can be performed using the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072).See also the Sonocrystallization system (page 12).An <strong>Atlas</strong> Turbidity System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> PotassiumTurbidity Probe - 400mm 2200156Turbidity Node 2200157Options<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 2300102<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 220007210

Systems<strong>Atlas</strong> pH Monitoring and ControlThe <strong>Atlas</strong> pH Monitoring and Control Systems are designed for people whoperform pH sensitive reactions.The <strong>Atlas</strong> pH Monitoring System is based on the <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium. It includes acombined pH and Temperature Node (2200071) to allow <strong>Atlas</strong> to monitor bothreaction temperature and pH (note that this is included instead of the standardTemperature Node). This system can be operated from the Base Unit or via the<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1.The <strong>Atlas</strong> pH Control System also includes an <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072)and can therefore be configured to control the pH of a reaction by adding eitheracid and/or base as necessary to maintain a set pH value. This functionality ispossible with or without the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1.An <strong>Atlas</strong> pH Monitoring System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium (minus the Temperature Node)pH and Temperature Node 2200071pH Probe - 400mm with Swivel Adaptor 2200029An <strong>Atlas</strong> pH Control System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium pH Control (minus the Temperature Node)<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 2200072pH and Temperature Node 2200071pH Probe - 400mm with Swivel Adaptor 2200029<strong>Atlas</strong> Remote MountBased on an <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium System, the <strong>Atlas</strong> Remote Mount System enables ajacketed reactor to be mounted on to laboratory scaffolding and be remotefrom the Base Unit (see Remote Mount flyer for further explanation). TheRemote Mount is connected to the Base Unit using an umbilical which providescommunications to devices such as the Temperature Node (2101021) andScorpion Overhead Stirrer (2101004).When the Jacketed Vessel Clamp (2101012) is used with the Remote Mount, it iscompatible with vessels of up to 5 litres.An <strong>Atlas</strong> Remote Mount System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> PotassiumRemote Mount for Jacketed Vessel Clamp210157611

Systems<strong>Atlas</strong> Reaction MonitoringBased on an <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium, the <strong>Atlas</strong> Reaction Monitoring System includes anadditional temperature node and RTD probe to monitor the jacket temperature.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Reaction Monitoring System can use a combination of reactiontemperature and jacket temperature to accurately monitor both exothermic andendothermic reaction processes either using the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 or through theBase Unit (also see <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter, page 13).An <strong>Atlas</strong> Reaction Monitoring System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> PotassiumTemperature Node 2101021Node Extension 2101023RTD Probe - Stainless Steel 100mm x 3mm 2101593New <strong>Atlas</strong> SonoLabThe <strong>Atlas</strong> SonoLab is a high performance, automated ultrasound system forsonocrystallization and sonomilling. The proprietary ultrasound technology allowsreproducible control of crystallizations, enabling selectivity of parameters such asparticle size, shape, crystallinity and polymorphism.The <strong>Atlas</strong> SonoLab System is based on Syrris’ <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium System for jacketedvessels with the addition of the Prosonix proprietary ultrasonic flow cell generatorand pump. The powerful <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 allows full control of all the importantparameters required for sonocrystallization and sonomilling applications.An <strong>Atlas</strong> SonoLab System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> PotassiumProsonix SonoLab SL10 SonocrystallizerSonocrystallizer Accessories PackRD2200250RD2200251New <strong>Atlas</strong> FT-IR SpectrometerBased on an <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium, the <strong>Atlas</strong> FT-IR Spectrometer System includes aBruker Matrix-MF for online, real time IR analysis. IR data can be plotted by the<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 as with other sensors. A diamond tipped, gold coated probeand industry leading optics allow for the widest possible wave number range,accuracy and speed of analysis.An <strong>Atlas</strong> FT-IR Spectrometer System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> PotassiumBruker FTIR Spectrophotometer Matrix-MFBruker <strong>Atlas</strong> Software DriversRD2200249RD260000512

SystemsNew <strong>Atlas</strong> CalorimeterThe <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter is a high performance system that can generate powerand enthalpy graphs quickly and easily. This, combined with the simpleconfiguration of reaction temperatures, dosing quantities and alarms provideschemistry laboratories with an easy, safe and accurate calorimetry system.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter can be used for Heat Flow Calorimetry (HFC) or PowerCompensation Calorimetry (PCC). Based on the standard <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium, the<strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter also includes a power supply and the intelligent <strong>Atlas</strong>Software that can create graphs within seconds.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Software offers truly easy calorimetry operation. Configuration ofparameters such as reaction temperature, dosing quantities, expected powerlevel (e.g. moderate endotherm; strong exotherm) and alarms (with subsequentactions) are defined in an easy to use wizard.Reaction temperatures, reagent addition and pre/post run calibration, are allcontrolled automatically, eliminating the need for user intervention.Furthermore, the software automatically controls the operation of allexperimental parameters, providing highly accurate and efficient performancewith user friendly operation. Analysis is made easy by the ‘single click’ plottingof power and enthalpy in real time.OptionsThe <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter can include many options including the <strong>Atlas</strong> SyringePump (2200072) for volumetric dosing, or a balance (2200043) and peristalticpump (1802045) for gravimetric dosing.General Calorimetry Specification for HFC and PCCVessel options: 250ml, 500ml, 1 litre and 2 litre vacuum jacketed reactors.Temperature range: -40°C to 150°C recommended for calorimetry (up to200°C possible).Reaction power: 100W/litre maximum (50W for PCC).Sensitivity and accuracy: Typically better than 0.1W per kg and 1 to 5%respectively (dependent on settling time and external conditions).Options include: Gravimetric dosing, pH, IR monitoring, turbidity, etc.An <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium (minus regular RTD Probe)<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 2300102<strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimetry Software Upgrade 2600003<strong>Atlas</strong> Reporting Software 2600002TTI Power Supply for Calorimetry (230V) / (115V) 2200141 / 2200151Heater Rod (see page 47)Temperature Node 2101021Quick Response RTD Probe (see page 46)RTD - Stainless Steel 100mm x 3mm for Dry Baths 2101593Vacuum Jacketed Vessel (see page 42)Velcro Oil Connector Insulator (Pack of 2) 2200008Option<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 220007213

SystemsSoftware and Ports<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 is an easy to use PC based application for control and analysis ofexperiments. Whole systems including stirrers, circulators, RTDs, pumps, balancesetc. can be configured using virtually any manufacturer’s apparatus. The “drag anddrop” interface means recipes can be created, changed and saved quickly andeasily.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102) can not only control the <strong>Atlas</strong> hardware but alsodevices from other manufacturers. Most RS232 devices can be connected tothe software via a Port (2101020) which plugs in to the computer’s USBconnection. The <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 assigns each Port a number which is shown onthe Port’s LCD display to make multiple connections easy (see <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1,page 29).Running reactions from the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 allows responses to becontinuously monitored and graphed with easy to use alarms and emergencycontrol. Experiments can be modified “on-the-fly” and all reaction data iscontinuously logged to .csv data files making analysis easy.An <strong>Atlas</strong> Software and Ports System contains:DescriptionPart Number<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 2300102<strong>Atlas</strong> Reporting Software 2600002<strong>Atlas</strong> Port(s) 2101020The Software can interface with analogue devices by also using a convertor.The Software can be configured by the user to control devices (or by Syrris fora fee, see page 30).A sub-section of the current list of pre-configured devices is below:BalancesDenver PinnacleMettler PG 5001 and PM SeriesOxford Top PanSartoriusCirculatorsHuber Ministat, Nuevo, Unistat, etcHaakeJulabo F seriesLauda Proline seriesPumps<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe PumpProMinent gamma/l (diaphragm)*Cole Palmer Masterflex (peristaltic)IKA (peristaltic)Watson Marlow 323Du (peristaltic)Watson Marlow 520Du (peristaltic)Overhead stirrersIKA EurostarFTIRBruker Matrix MFFlow metersAalborg GFM series (mass flow)*Sierra 820 series (mass flow)*pH meters<strong>Atlas</strong> pH and TemperatureNodeDenver 215E and 215Knick Portamess 913Mettler Toledo MPH 125 pHTurbidity<strong>Atlas</strong> Turbidity ProbeMettler Toledo Trb8300*Vacuum controllerVacuubrand CVC2000Temperature sensorsCole Palmer DigisenseSonocrystallizationProsonix SonoLab SL10*With RS232 to analogue converter14

SystemsNew Reactor Master Basic SystemThe Reactor Master Basic System automates jacketed reactor systems fromother manufacturers and logs data without the need for PC software.Circulators, (e.g. Julabo, Huber, Haake, Lauda etc.) stirrers, (e.g. Heidolph, IKA,Chemglass etc.), thermocouples and RTDs from virtually any manufacturer canbe controlled by the twist and click knob. Data can be viewed in real time anddownloaded to a USB memory stick as a .csv file.By connecting the circulator, overhead stirrer and thermocouple to the ReactorMaster Basic, circulator temperature and stirrer speed can be set by the twistand click knob and displayed on the LCD screen. It is also possible to set stirringand profiles to run in a totally automated fashion.A Reactor Master Basic System contains:DescriptionReactor Master BasicPart NumberRD2200247Circulator Cable (see page 48)Stirrer Cable (see page 48)New Reactor Master Pro SystemA Reactor Master Pro System retains all the benefits of the a Reactor Master BasicSystem but also has the following additional benefits:Reaction temperature controlAbility to use <strong>Atlas</strong> RTD sensorsAbility to use <strong>Atlas</strong> Turbidity sensorsAbility to use <strong>Atlas</strong> pH sensorsAbility to upgrade to PC software (to control other manufacturer’s apparatus)A better reaction temperature is achieved by “closed loop” (PID) control of thereactor temperature sensor and the set point of the circulator (rather than simply“open loop” setting of a circulator bath temperature).Connection of <strong>Atlas</strong> RTDs, pH and turbidity probes is possible via a node extension.Reactor Master Software is an easy to use PC based application for control andanalysis of experiments. The “drag and drop” interface means recipes can becreated, changed and saved quickly and easily. The software can not only controlcirculators and stirrers, but almost any RS232 controlled device can be connectedto the software via a Port (2101020) which plugs in to the computer’s USBconnection. Running reactions from the software allows responses to becontinuously monitored and graphed with easy to use alarms and emergencycontrol. Experiments can be modified “on-the-fly” and all reaction data iscontinuously logged to .csv data files making analysis easy.A Reactor Master Pro System contains:AnDescription<strong>Atlas</strong> Reaction Monitoring System contains:Reactor Master ProPart NumberRD2200248Circulator Cable (see page 48)Stirrer Cable (see page 48)Reactor Master SoftwareRD260000416

modules<strong>Atlas</strong> is a low cost modular synthesis system, that is simple to use and quickto set up. Using a fully modular approach, the Base Unit can be configuredinto a wide range of systems using a selection of modules and accessories.17

ModulesBase unit 2101000The Base Unit is the centre of any <strong>Atlas</strong> system. The Base Unit can beconfigured into a variety of different systems for different applications such asdiscovery or process chemistry. In every case, the hardware clicks into place inseconds without the need for tools and can be controlled in three ways:1) Turn the control knob to change hotplate or circulator fluid temperature andmagnetic or overhead stirrer speed.2) Edit and run profiles automatically from the Base Unit to control heating,cooling, stirring and reagent addition.Without PC control, the intelligent Base Unit can control circulator or reactiontemperature, overhead stirrer speed and reagent addition from a pump. Datafrom sensors such as thermocouples, pH sensors, turbidity probes and stirrersare recorded by the Base Unit and can be downloaded to a USB stick.3) Use full PC software for complex recipe control, real time data plotting andcontrol of third party hardware. Connect many Base Units for parallelchemistry.The Base Unit has physical and electronic connections for other parts such asthe Scorpion Overhead Stirrer (2101004), Magnetic Stirrer (2101002), Hotplate(2101001), Reaction Vessel Drip Tray (2101039), Temperature Node (2101021) (orTriple Node Socket, 2101024) and Support Rods (2101009) for mounting furtherapparatus.Supply voltage: 100 – 240VAC 50-60HzComms ports: 2 x USB A, 1 x USB B, 1 x RS232 RJ11Construction: Cast aluminium housing, epoxy powder coated (for highchemical resistance)Dimensions: 23cm (9”) squareConnection for Scorpion Overhead StirrerConnection for Nodes (e.g. Temperature, pH, Turbidity)Connection for <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate or Hot and Cold PlateConnection for Magnetic StirrerHotplate (230V) 2101001NewHotplate (120V) 2101005The <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate for the Base Unit connects via a bayonet fitting and isautomatically detected. The <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate includes a heater and an embeddedRTD for feedback of plate temperature and a thermal cut-out for safe operation.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate can be controlled directly from the Base Unit front panel toheat either to a set-point or a controlled profile. For use with Dry Baths andOrbit Systems.Maximum temperature: 280°CCut-out temperature: 400°CDiameter: 135mm18

ModulesNew Heidolph RZR 2051 Control Overhead Stirrer (230V / UK) 2200254NewHeidolph RZR 2052 Control Overhead Stirrer (230V / UK) 2200255NewHeidolph RZR 2051 Control Overhead Stirrer (230V / EU) 2200267NewHeidolph RZR 2052 Control Overhead Stirrer (230V / EU) 2200268NewHeidolph RZR 2051 Control Overhead Stirrer (110V / US) 2200269NewHeidolph RZR 2052 Control Overhead Stirrer (110V / US) 2200270The Heidolph RZR Control Overhead Stirrer, when used in conjunction with aHeidolph Stirrer High Torque Stirrer Adaptor (see page 19) offers a high torque(with torque measurement) alternative to the Scorpion Overhead Stirrer(2101004).The Heidolph 2051 has a maximum speed of 2000 RPM and maximum torque of40 Ncm (peak overload) / 20 Ncm (continuous) with feedback. The Heidolph2052 has a maximum speed of 1000 RPM and maximum torque of 180 Ncm(peak overload) / 90 Ncm (continuous) with feedback. Control is possible viathe front panel of the stirrer or by the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102) and <strong>Atlas</strong> Port(2101020). Note that control is not possible from the Base Unit.Stirrer Seal and Guide 2101011The Stirrer Seal and Guide holds a standard 8mm PTFE, or glass stirrer shaftand gives a chemically resistant, vacuum tight seal onto a standard roundbottom flask or jacketed vessel lid. An auto-aligning, quick release mechanismallows stirrers to be rapidly changed or adjusted for height as required.The Stirrer Seal and Guide requires a Scorpion Overhead Stirrer (2101004), orHigh Torque Stirrer (see above).New Stirrer Seal and Guide Release for Flasks (Sodium) 2200271When using the Stirrer Seal and Guide (2101011) with round bottom flasks, it ispossible to use this device to make the separation of the flask and the StirrerSeal and Guide easier. The two parts screw apart to assist in releasing the PTFEMale B24 joint of the Stirrer Seal Guide from the ground glass female B24 jointof the round bottom flask.20

Modules<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 2200072The <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump is a versatile volumetric dosing system that consists oftwo syringes and can be configured into 2 independent dosing pumps or 1continuous pump. The <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump can operate in standalone mode byuse of the intuitive twist and click knob and large display or can be controlledby the Base Unit, or can be operated by the PC software.There are 5 main modes of operation (standalone modes shown by *):1: Dual Dosing* (dose a volume, pump at a flow rate, dose one reagent toreactors or sophisticated profiles)2: pH control* (dose an acid and/or base to keep pH within a defined range)3: Continuous* (2 syringe pumps work together to produce 1 continuous flow,i.e. one is refilling while the other is dispensing)4: <strong>Atlas</strong> Base Control Mode (<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump can be controlled from theBase Unit as part of an automated temperature and stirrer speed profile)5: PC Control Mode (PC software can control Dual Dosing and pH Control inthe same way as the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump in standalone mode)A choice of dosing modes allows simple additions or intelligent active control ofparameters using <strong>Atlas</strong> pH and temperature sensors. Furthermore, a maximumtemperature can be set to pause the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump in the case of anexotherm. Each syringe has a corresponding valve which can access up to 6ports. Each of the ports on each valve can be configured to be an input oroutput, therefore, it is possible to pump from up to 5 sources to one reactor,etc. per syringe.2 syringes (2.5ml are supplied by default). See page 51 for other sizes.2 valves (4 ports per valve are supplied by default which can be configuredas inputs or outputs). See page 50 for other sizes.Flow rates: 0.5ul/min to 20ml/minChemically resistant: PTFE, PCTFE and glass wetted partsNew <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - without Valves or Syringes 2200100The <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072) is supplied with 4 ports and 2.5ml syringesby default. The <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump without valves or syringes allows valves andsyringes to be purchased separately. It is possible to specify 2, 3, 4, or 6 portvalves and syringe volumes of 50ul, 100ul, 250ul, 500ul, 1ml, 2.5ml and 5ml. Seepages 50-51 for these and more accessories.NewAutosampler Module (for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump) 2200196The Autosampler Module is designed for use with the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump(2200072) and Autosampler Probe (2200197) to aspirate up to 6 samples from areactor at user defined intervals. The Autosampler Module, which can be mountedon the extra pair of Support Rods provided, holds 6 x 2ml HPLC vials and is located,in a fluidic sense, between the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump and the Autosampler Probe.The <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe pump can sequentially aspirate samples from the reactor into thevials (which can contain a chemical quench if required).NewAutosampler Probe (for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump) 2200197The Autosampler Probe is designed for use with the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072)and Autosampler Module (2200196) to aspirate up to 6 samples from a reactor intoHPLC vials at user defined intervals. The Autosampler Probe consists of 6 PTFEpipes held in a chemically resistant (PTFE and glass) sheath, which can be locatedin a Jacketed Reactor Lid port (see page 43). Each of the PTFE pipes is connectedto the Autosampler Module.21

ModulesTemperature Node 2101021The Temperature Node allows RTD Probes to connect to the Base Unit. Thetemperature measured by the RTD Probe is displayed on the front panel of theBase Unit. Up to 6 nodes can be connected to a single Base Unit which caneach be named to prevent confusion.The Temperature Node can be used with a Node Extension (2101023), TripleNode Socket (2101024) and Six Way Node Socket (2200259) and requires anRTD Probe (see page 46 for options).pH and Temperature Node 2200071This module consists of a pH Node and a Temperature Node and can be used tomeasure either pH or temperature, or both. When used together, the pH isautomatically temperature compensated. The functionality of the TemperatureNode is exactly the same as the independent Temperature Node (2101021). ThepH Node can measure pH values from 0-14, has a 2 point user calibration andcan read to better than 0.1 pH accuracy, dependant upon calibration. The pHreading can be viewed on the Base Unit (2101000) and also the full pH valuehistory can be downloaded to a USB memory stick in .csv format.The pH and Temperature Node can be clipped onto the Support Rods (2101009)and plugs into the Triple Node Socket (2101024). The pH Probes (see page 46)plug into the pH Node and RTDs plug into the Temperature Node (see page 46).New Turbidity Node 2200157The Turbidity Node allows the Turbidity Probe (2200156) to connect to theBase Unit (2101000). The turbidity measured is displayed on the front panel ofthe Base Unit. Up to 6 nodes can be connected to a single Base Unit which caneach be named to prevent confusion.The Turbidity Node can be used with a Node Extension (2101023) and TripleNode Socket (2101024) or Six Way Node Socket (2200259) and requires aTurbidity Probe (2200156).Node Extension 2101023The Node Extension allows nodes to be connected away from the main BaseUnit (2101000). The Node Extension includes a clip to connect it to the SupportRods (2101009).The Node Extension must be connected to a Triple Node Socket (2101024), aSix Way Node Socket (2200259) or the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072) andworks with all nodes.Triple Node Socket 2101024The Triple Node Socket connects to the node port at the rear right of the BaseUnit (2101000) and can be used to connect up to three Nodes (e.g. temperature,pH and temperature, or turbidity) to the base via Node Extensions (2101023).New Six Way Node Socket 2200259The Six Way Node Socket connects to the node port at the rear right of theBase Unit (2101000) and can be used to connect up to six Nodes (e.g.temperature, pH and temperature, or turbidity) to the base via Node Extensions(2101023).22

ModulesJacketed Vessel Clamp 2101012The Jacketed Vessel Clamp is a quick-release clamping mechanism for <strong>Atlas</strong>jacketed reactors.Designed to make changing reactors both quick and easy, the vessel clamp hasa simple control to clamp and release the reactor and lid simultaneously. Thereactor clamp fits onto the Support Rods (2101009) and features supports for aNode Extension (2101023) and a further pair of Support Rods.Remote Mount for Jacketed Vessel Clamp 2101576The Remote Mount allows a vessel assembly (including Jacketed Vessel,Jacketed Vessel Clamp and Oil Drain Unit) to be located away from the BaseUnit (2101000). The Remote Mount can attach to standard laboratoryscaffolding and is connected to the <strong>Atlas</strong> system using an umbilical whichprovides communications to devices such as the Temperature Node (2101021)and the Scorpion Overhead Stirrer (2101004).When the Jacketed Vessel Clamp is used with the Remote Mount, it iscompatible with vessels of up to 5 litres.Clamp 2101040The <strong>Atlas</strong> Clamp is a quick-release clamping mechanism for reaction flasks andother devices.Flasks can be pushed into the spring loaded jaws where they can be locked witha simple twist action. The Clamp is mounted on Support Rods (2101009) on therear of the Base Unit (2101000) and can be quickly released or its heightchanged. The round bottomed flask always remains aligned to the centre of theBase Unit and Stacking Dry Bath (2101041), if used.Scorpion Overhead Stirrer Support (Sodium) 2101690When overhead stirring round bottomed flasks, this module should be used tosupport the Stirrer Seal and Guide (2101011) for use with the Scorpion OverheadStirrer (2101004) and round bottom flasks (see page 43) . It connects to theSupport Rods (2101009) and rests on top of the Clamp (2101040) to allow theflask, stirrer and Stirrer Seal and Guide (2101011) to be safely removed as onefrom the Stacking Dry Bath (2101041).Triple Clamp 2101043The Triple Clamp is a three position clamping mechanism designed to be usedwith the Triple Dry Bath (2101042) and can hold up to three flasks which can bedifferent sizes. The Triple Clamp has a mechanism which holds a range ofdifferent neck sizes in spring loaded jaws which can be locked into position.The Triple Clamp is locked into position on the Support Rods (2101009) whichholds it aligned with the three positions of the Triple Dry Bath.Oil Drain Unit 2101013The Oil Drain Unit provides the ability to drain oil from a Jacketed ReactorVessel back into a recirculator without exposure to the oil. It is connected to arecirculator using Oil Pipes (2101015) with two M16 fittings and to a reactionvessel with Oil Pipes (2101014) using quick release fittings.The Oil Drain Unit fits over the Support Rods (2101009).23

ModulesPort 2101020<strong>Atlas</strong> Ports are an interface between RS232 devices and the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1(2300102). Up to 6 <strong>Atlas</strong> Ports can be connected to a PC via USB. Portsfeature an LCD display which displays the number of the port to makeconnections easy. RS232 devices such as pumps, balances, sensors, etc. can beadded to the <strong>Atlas</strong> system. Each RS232 device connected to the PC requires aseparate Port (see the Software and Ports System, page 14).CirculatorsJulabo CirculatorsSyrris can offer a wide range of Julabo circulators for heating and/or cooling,jacketed reactors or the Hot and Cold Plate (2200047). All these systems canbe fully integrated with <strong>Atlas</strong> giving direct control from the Base Unit (2101000)or through the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102) making Julabo systems suitable for awide range of applications.NewStacking Platinum Dry Circulator Bath (Julabo LH85) 230V / 50Hz 2200215 2101041NewTriple Platinum Dry Circulator Bath (Julabo LH85) 230V / 60Hz 2200216 2101042Heating capacity: 1800WCooling capacity: 200 20 -20 -40 -60 -80 °C1500 1000 900 700 500 100 WFlow rate: 33 l/minTemperature range: -80 to +250°CDimensions (W x L x H): 50 x 59 x 64cmNewTriple Gold Hot Dry Circulator Bath (Julabo LH40) 230V / 50Hz 2200217 2101042New Orbit Gold Hot 6 System Circulator (Julabo LH40) 230V / 60Hz 2200076 2200218Heating capacity: 2600WCooling capacity: 200 20 -20 -40 °C1500 1000 400 50 WFlow rate: 33 l/minTemperature range: -40 to +250°CDimensions (W x L x H): 30 x 49 x 64cmOrbit Gold Cold 12 System Circulator (Julabo FP51-SL) 230V / 60Hz / 3Phase 2200003 2200075Orbit Gold Cold 12 System Circulator (Julabo FP51-SL) 400V / 50Hz / 3Phase 22000752200013Heating capacity: 3000WCooling capacity: 20 0 -20 -40 °C2000 1500 1000 260 WFlow rate: 22-26 l/minTemperature range: -51 to +200°CDimensions (W x L x H): 46 x 55 x 89cm24

ModulesOrbit Silver 12 Circulator System (Julabo FP50-MC) 230V / 50Hz 2200075 2200012Silver Orbit 12 Circulator System (Julabo FP50-MC) 230V / 60Hz 2200002 2200075Heating capacity: 2000WCooling capacity: 20 0 -20 -40900 800 500 160°CWFlow rate: 11-16 l/minTemperature range: -50 to +200°CDimensions (W x L x H): 42 x 49 x 70cmNewOrbit Bronze 12 Circulator System (Julabo CF41) 230V / 50Hz2200075 2200223NewOrbit Bronze 12 Circulator System (Julabo CF41) 115V / 60Hz 2200075 2200222Heating capacity: 2000WCooling capacity: 20 0 -20470 400 280Flow rate: 22-26 l/minTemperature range: -40 to +200°CDimensions (W x L x H): 28 x 46 x 46cm-30120°CWOrbit Circulator 12 System (Julabo CF40) 115V / 60Hz 2200075 2200001Orbit Circulator 12 System (Julabo CF40) 230V / 50Hz 2200075 2200011NewOrbit Circulator 12 System (Julabo CF40) 100V / 60Hz 2200075 2200191Heating capacity: 2000WCooling capacity: 20 0 -20 -30470 400 280 120°CWFlow rate: 15 l/minTemperature range: -40 to +150°CDimensions (W x L x H): 28 x 46 x 46cmNewCopper Orbit 12 Circulator System (Julabo CF30) 230V / 50Hz2200075 2200226NewOrbit Copper 12 Circulator System (Julabo CF30) 115V / 60Hz 2200075 2200225NewOrbit Copper 12 Circulator System (Julabo CF30) 100V / 60Hz 2200075 2200224Heating capacity: 2000WCooling capacity: 20 0 -20320 250 150°CWFlow rate: 15 l/minTemperature range: -30 to +150°CDimensions (W x L x H): 24 x 46 x 40cm25

ModulesOrbit Circulator 12 System (Julabo F200) 240V / 50Hz 2200059 2200075NewOrbit Circulator 12 System (Julabo F200) 115V / 60Hz 2200075 2200183NewOrbit Circulator 12 System (Julabo F200) 100V / 60Hz2200075 2200220The Julabo F200 offers an environmentally friendly way of providing cooledwater for reflux systems (such as Orbit). The F200 is a low power coolingrecirculator (it does not offer any heating capacity) providing up to 200W ofcooling over a temperature range of 5 to 40°C. The small footprint makes thisideal for bench-top operation whilst the maximum flow rate of 8 litres perminute provides excellent cooling for a range of chemistry applications.Watson Marlow Peristaltic Pump 323/DU/D 1802045The Watson Marlow Peristaltic Pump 323/DU/D can be connected to an <strong>Atlas</strong>system to provide pumping of a wide range of liquids into any type of vessel.The pump can provide pumping rates from 1ml/min up to 2 litres per minutedepending on the tubing used. An extension module (1802046) can be used topump multiple liquids simultaneously (see page 50 for tubing).Denver Summit Balance SI-4002 2200043The Denver Summit Balance can be connected to the PC via a Port (2101020)for control using the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102). It can be combined with theWatson Marlow Peristaltic Pump 323/DU/D (see above) to enable gravimetricdosing of a reagent.Weighing capacity: 4000gReadability: 0.01gNewTTI Power Supply for Calorimetry (230V) 2200141NewTTI Power Supply for Calorimetry (115V) 2200151The TTI Power Supply is a key part of the <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter, enabling Heat FlowCalorimetry (HFC) and Power Compensation Calorimetry (PCC).The TTI Power Supply is used with the Heater Rod (see page 47). The PowerSupply, controlled entirely by the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102) delivers a knownpower for calibrating HFC experiments or controls the temperature of thereaction during PCC experiments.26

ModulesNewProsonix Sonolab SL10 SonocrystallizerRD2200250NewSonocrystallizer Accessories PackRD2200251The Prosonix Sonolab System is a high performance system allowing fullcontrol of crystallization processes. Using proprietary, ultrasound technology,the Sonolab allows complete control of particle size, shape, crystallinity andpolymorphism in a completely automated and easy to use platform.The Sonolab can be integrated with the <strong>Atlas</strong> Potassium system for jacketedvessels with the addition of proprietary ultrasound flow cell, generator andpump. The powerful <strong>Atlas</strong> Software (2300102) allows full control of all theimportant parameters required for sonocrystallization, sonomilling andsonochemistry applications.NewBruker FTIR Spectrophotometer Matrix-MFRD2200249NewBruker <strong>Atlas</strong> Software DriversRD2600005The <strong>Atlas</strong> FT-IR Spectrometer System includes a Bruker Matrix-MF for on-line,real time IR analysis. IR data can be plotted by the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102)as with other sensors. A diamond tipped, gold ATR coated probe and industryleading optics allow for the widest possible wave number, accuracy and speedof analysis.Source: MID IRSpectal range: 3,500 - 560cm -1Beam splitter: KBrMCT detector: Liquid N 2 cooled (optional closed cycle MCT)Probe: Diamond ATR probeTemperature: -100°C to +180°CProbe head length: 290mm ±20mmProbe head diameter: 6mmNewReactor Master BasicRD2200247NewReactor Master ProRD2200248NewReactor Master SoftwareRD2600004The Syrris Reactor Master automates jacketed reactor systems (e.g.CHEMGLASS, DIEHM, IKA, etc.) and logs data without the need for PC software.Circulators, stirrers, thermocouples and RTDs from virtually any manufacturercan be controlled by the twist and click knob. Data can be viewed in real timeand downloaded to a USB memory stick as a .csv file.By connecting the circulator, overhead stirrer and thermocouple to the ReactorMaster, temperature and stirrer speed can be set by the twist and click knoband displayed on the LCD screen. It is also possible to set stirring and profiles torun in a totally automated fashion.Reactor Master Pro, also allows the following benefits:Reaction temperature is controlled by PID rather than simply settingcirculator bath temperature.Connection of <strong>Atlas</strong> RTDs, pH and turbidity nodes and probes is possiblevia a node extension.Upgrade to full Reactor Master PC Software control (similar functionality to<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1, 2300102).27

softwareModules<strong>Atlas</strong> Software is an easy to use PC based application for control andanalysis of experiments. Whole systems including stirrers, circulators,RTDs, pumps, balances, etc. can be configured using virtually anymanufacturer’s apparatus. The “drag and drop” interface means recipescan be created, changed and saved with a click of a mouse.28

Software<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 2300102Although the Base Unit (2101000) can control reaction profiles and log data,<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 provides whole system control, configuration and analysis. Theintuitive PC-based application enables multiple systems such as stirrers,circulators, pumps and balances to be intelligently combined using virtually anymanufacturers apparatus (see below).The <strong>Atlas</strong> Software not only controls the <strong>Atlas</strong> hardware, but nearly all RS232controlled apparatus and analogue sensors can be connected to the softwarevia a simple Port (2101020) which plugs into the computer’s USB connection.This allows automation of any compatible laboratory apparatus with full recipecontrol.Running reactions from the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 allows all responses such astemperature, stirrer speed, pH and mass flow to be continuously monitored andgraphically displayed in real time. Apparatus is configured using a simple “dragand drop” interface and recipes can be created, changed and saved with a clickof a mouse.Running reactions from the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 allows responses to becontinuously monitored and graphed with easy to use alarms and emergencycontrol. Experiments can be modified “on-the-fly” and all reaction data iscontinuously logged to .csv data files making analysis easy.Virtually any RS232-enabled device with ASCII communications can beconfigured, The current list of pre-configured devices is below:BalancesFlow metersDenver PinnacleAalborg GFM series (mass flow)*Mettler PG 5001 and PM SeriesSierra 820 series (mass flow)*Oxford Top PanpH metersSartorius<strong>Atlas</strong> pH and TemperatureCirculatorsNodeHuber Ministat, Nuevo, Unistat, etc Denver 215E and 215HaakeKnick Portamess 913Julabo F seriesMettler Toledo MPH 125 pHLauda Proline seriesTurbidityPumps<strong>Atlas</strong> Turbidity Probe<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe PumpMettler Toledo Trb8300* ProMinent gamma/l (diaphragm)* Vacuum controllerCole Palmer Masterflex (peristaltic) Vacuubrand CVC2000IKA (peristaltic)Temperature sensorsWatson Marlow 323Du (peristaltic) Cole Palmer DigisenseWatson Marlow 520Du (peristaltic) SonocrystallizationOverhead stirrers Prosonix SonoLab SL10IKA EurostarFTIR*With RS232 to analogue converterBruker Matrix MF29

SoftwareNew <strong>Atlas</strong> Profile Editor Software 2600010<strong>Atlas</strong> profiles are a series setpoints and ramps of reaction temperature, stirringspeed and volume of reagent added (from the <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump). Theseprofiles can be created, saved, edited and run using just the Base Unit (withoutPC control), however, the <strong>Atlas</strong> Profile Editor Software allows profiles to becreated, saved and edited in graphic or tabular form using PC software. Theycan be transferred from the PC to the Base Unit via a USB stick or USB lead, tobe run on the Base Unit.Alternatively the profile can be run directly from the PC. This has the benefit ofbeing able to monitor the progress of the reaction graphically within graphsrather than showing single point values on the Base Unit LCD. All the resultdata is stored and can be loaded to see historical data. If control of othermanufacturer's apparatus is required or sophisticated recipe control is required,use <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (see page 29).New <strong>Atlas</strong> Parallel Software 1 (2 Bases) - Requires 2300102 2600006New <strong>Atlas</strong> Parallel Software 1 (3 Bases) - Requires 2300102 2600007New <strong>Atlas</strong> Parallel Software 1 (4 Bases) - Requires 2300102 2600008The <strong>Atlas</strong> Parallel Software 1 allows many systems (up to 4) to be connected to onePC and controlled in parallel. <strong>Atlas</strong> Parallel Software 1 opens multiple instances of<strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102) and defines the system to which each piece ofapparatus is assigned (such as <strong>Atlas</strong> Base Units or other manufacturer’s apparatusconnected by an <strong>Atlas</strong> Port). Data from all systems can be viewed in the Run Viewof any instance of <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 and all can be saved to one common .csv file.New RS232 Device Supplied for Integration with PC s/wRD2600010New RS232 Device not Supplied for Integration with PC s/wRD2600009The <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102) can control apparatus from other manufacturersthat have ACSII RS232 communications. Syrris has already configured a widerange of different apparatus types from a large number of manufacturers. It ispossible to configure virtually any RS232 controlled apparatus (not alreadyconfigured) using the software. However, due to the relatively complex natureof this task, it is possible for Syrris to offer a configuration service. If theapparatus is loaned to Syrris to assist with the integration testing, please usepart number RD2600010. If the apparatus is not available to be loaned to Syrrisfor integration testing, please use part number RD2600009.New<strong>Atlas</strong> Reporting Software 2600002The <strong>Atlas</strong> Reporting Software allows easy graphical analysis of log filesgenerated by either the Base Unit (2101000), <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102), or<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072). Log files (in .csv format) are imported by thiswizard style software for the easiest possible graphing. Graphs are easilycustomisable and can be exported as an image, PDF or .csv format. When acalorimetry log file, generated by the <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimetry Software Upgrade(2600003) is imported, many other features are unlocked (see the <strong>Atlas</strong>Calorimetry Software Upgrade description, page 31).30

SoftwareNew<strong>Atlas</strong> COM Port Software 2600001<strong>Atlas</strong> COM Port Software 1 has the same functionality as <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1(2300102) with the exception that it uses RS232 connection directly to the PCrather than via an <strong>Atlas</strong> Port (2101020). The <strong>Atlas</strong> COM Port Software 1 is notrecommended for the majority of customers. It is only recommended for thosefamiliar with RS232 COM ports.New <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimetry Software Upgrade 2600003The <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimetry Software Upgrade allows the <strong>Atlas</strong> Software 1 (2300102) toperform automated Heat Flow Calorimetry (HFC) or Power CompensationCalorimetry (PCC). See the <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimetry System (page 13) for the associated,required hardware. Calorimetry experiments can be created in seconds by wizardstyle actions for PCC or HFC. User inputs such as reaction temperature, expectedheat flux, volume and flow rate of automated reagent addition allow theexperiment to be performed automatically.Alarms and safety shutdown thresholds enable the system to shutdown safely inthe case of an unexpected event. When running, approximate power and enthalpydata can be plotted in real time. For full data analysis, the <strong>Atlas</strong> CalorimetrySoftware Upgrade also unlocks functionality in the <strong>Atlas</strong> Reporting Software(2600002) that can generate calibrated power and enthalpy graphs and correctfor sensible heat of addition.31

orbit and dry bathsSyrris offer a range of products which fit on an <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate, Hot and ColdPlate and other hotplates, e.g. IKA. These are capable of heating or coolingone or many round bottom flasks, vials or reaction tubes.32

Orbit and Dry BathsDry BathsStacking Dry Bath 2101041The Stacking Dry Bath is an advanced way of heating round bottom flaskswithout the issues associated with oil baths. The Stacking Dry Bath has a seriesof concentric cups to hold round bottom flasks from 50ml to 1 litre. The cupsprovide excellent thermal transfer to optimise heating times. The exterior ofthe Dry Bath is safe to touch even when the Dry Bath is hot.The Stacking Dry Baths can safely operate with plate temperatures up to 280°Cand down to -80°C. The Stacking Dry Baths are light in comparison to other DryBaths, reducing the mass of the block to be heated, improving heat-up and cooldown times. The innovative design also means that the Stacking Dry Bath canbe used with 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000ml round bottom flasks.Use the Dry Bath with a Clamp (2101040) for quick alignment of flasks to thecorrect position. The Stacking Dry Bath is compatible with most third partystirrer hotplates (including IKA).Triple Dry Bath 2101042The Triple Dry Bath is a three position version of the Stacking Dry Bath. Thethree positions each have inserts from 50ml to 250ml (not shown) and eachposition can hold a different volume. Use the Triple Dry Bath with the TripleClamp (2101043) to hold up to three flasks in the correct position.The Triple Dry Bath is also compatible with other stirrer hotplates (includingIKA).Large Vial Bath (6 x 28mm dia) 2200080The Large Vial Bath is a safe, clean and quick way of heating or cooling up to 6vials or reaction tubes of 28mm diameter. Each well is 30mm deep equating toa directly heated volume of approximately 16ml. The Large Vial Bath is made upof two parts (the Dry Bath Base and Large Vial Bath Insert) which allows theinsert to be changed to accept other vial sizes or round bottom flasks. The vialbath contains a thermowell to accept an RTD Probe (2101593) and a has aninsulated surround.Medium Vial Bath (8 x 20mm dia) 2200079The Medium Vial Bath will heat and cool up to 8 vials or reaction tubes of 20mmdiameter. The Medium Vial Bath is designed to fit Wheaton “V” vials (see page35). The Medium Vial Bath is made up of two parts (the Dry Bath Base andMedium Vial Bath Insert) which allows the insert to be changed to accept othervial sizes or round bottom flasks. The vial bath contains a thermowell to acceptan RTD Probe (2101593) and a has an insulated surround.Small Vial Bath (12 x 17mm dia) 2200078The Small Vial Bath will heat and cool up to 12 vials or reaction tubes of 17mmdiameter. Each well is 30mm deep equating to a directly heated volume ofapproximately 5.5ml. The Small Vial Bath is made up of two parts (the Dry BathBase and Small Vial Bath Insert) which allows the insert to be changed toaccept other vial sizes or round bottom flasks. The vial bath contains athermowell to accept an RTD Probe (2101593) and a has an insulated surround.33

Orbit and Dry BathsCustom Vial Bath 2200081The Custom Vial Bath allows the needs of every vial size to be met. Simplystate the size of the vial or reaction tube to be heated or cooled and ourengineers will create a custom vial bath to fit.Dry Bath Base 2200060The Dry Bath Base is used to heat or cool 1 litre round bottom flasks and alsoaccepts all the dry bath inserts for round bottom flasks (2200061 - 2200064)and vials (2101607 - 2101609 and 2200053). The exterior of the Dry Bath isinsulated for safety and the unique design creates a natural convection currentto enable rapid cooling after switching off the hotplate.The Dry Bath Base fits on the <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate (2101001), Hot and Cold Plate(2200047) and most third party stirrer hotplates (with 135mm diameter). Notethat to use a flask insert, all the larger flask inserts must also be present.Individual Dry Bath InsertsThe Dry Bath inserts fit into the Dry Bath Base (2200060) and can acceptround bottom flasks or vials. As the round bottom flask inserts are concentric,to use a particular size, all the larger sizes must also be present. The vial bathinserts all fit directly into the Dry Bath Base. All the inserts have a thermowellto accept an RTD Probe (2101593).Dry Bath Insert 500ml 2200064Dry Bath Insert 250ml 2200063Dry Bath Insert 100ml 2200062Dry Bath Insert 50ml 2200061Large Vial Bath Insert (6 x 28mm dia) 2101609Medium Vial Bath Insert (8 x 20mm dia) 2101608Small Vial Bath Insert (12 x 17mm dia) 2101607Vial Bath Insert - Custom 220005334

Orbit and Dry BathsDry Bath ConsumablesVials for Vial BathsSyrris has identified a number of vials to work with the different size Vial Bathsavailable. Pack sizes are shown in brackets below. The large and small Vials areeach packed with caps and PTFE faced silicone septa. The Medium Vials areWheaton “V” Vials and are capable of withstanding overpressure. These Vialshave a V shaped base for better recovery of material and are not equipped witha septa.Large Vials (28mm dia, 20ml) With Caps and Septa (100) 2200069Large Vials (28mm dia, 40ml) With Caps and Septa (100) 2200070Pressurisable Medium Vials (20mm dia, 2ml) With Caps (12) 2200065Pressurisable Medium Vials (20mm dia, 3ml) With Caps (12) 2200067Pressurisable Medium Vials (20mm dia, 5ml) With Caps (12) 2200068Small Vials (17mm dia, 8ml) With Caps and Septa (200) 2200066PTFE Magnetic Stirrer BarsSyrris recommend these PTFE coated magnetic stirrer bars for use with <strong>Atlas</strong> inthe above vials.Cross (10 x 5mm) for large 28mm Vials (Pack of 10) 2200051Oval (15 x 6mm) for large 28mm Vials (Pack of 10) 2200052Wheaton V Spin Vane for medium 20mm Vials (Pack of 12) 2200083Round (15 x 4.5mm) for large 28mm Vials (Pack of 10) 2200050Round (12 x 3mm) for small 17mm Vials (Pack of 10) 220004935

Orbit and Dry BathsOrbit - Systems and PartsOrbit SystemsThe Orbit Parallel Reaction Stations are high performance, low cost parallelsynthesis systems for research and development chemistry. They fitconveniently on the <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate (2101001), Hot and Cold Plate (2200047) orregular hotplate (135mm diameter). 6 (24mm diameter, 46ml) or 12 (13mmdiameter, 10ml) reaction tubes can be magnetically stirred in an inertatmosphere and be heated to 280°C with reflux or cooled to –40°C. It ispossible to add reagents under an inert atmosphere via the septa.The Orbit 6 (2200033) or Orbit 12 (2200032) modules lift in and out of theOrbit Reflux Unit (2200031), allowing the tubes to be freely transported as onewhilst the water and gas tubes remain connected to the Orbit Reflux Unit. TheOrbit 6 and Orbit 12 modules have twist and click lids which supply an inertatmosphere to all the tubes when in place. When the lid is removed, the tubesare automatically re-sealed and are free to be transported individually.The Orbit Reflux Unit requires an inert gas supply (if inert conditions arerequired) and running cold water or re-circulated coolant. Note that the gasconnection between the Orbit Reflux Unit and Orbit 6 or Orbit 12 isautomatically made and broken as the module is taken in and out. Syrrisrecommends the Orbit Reflux Circulator (Julabo F200, page 38) if runningwater is not available or tolerated.Orbit 6 System 2200076The Orbit 6 System is a convenient combination of parts, accessories andconsumables to allow up to 6 parallel reactions to be stirred and heated/cooledunder an inert atmosphere. The Orbit 6 System fits on the <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate(2101001), Hot and Cold Plate (2200047) and most third party stirrer hotplates.The Orbit 6 System contains the following parts and consumables.DescriptionPart NumberOrbit 6 (24mm dia, 46ml tubes) 2200033Orbit Reflux Unit 2200031Orbit 6 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 6) 2200036Orbit 6 Tube Caps (Pack of 6) 2200037Orbit 6 Septa (Pack of 6) 2200038Orbit 6 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 6) 2200040Orbit Septa Opener (Pack of 6) 2200041Orbit Gas Septa Ring (Pack of 5) 220004236

Orbit and Dry BathsOrbit 12 System 2200075The Orbit 12 System is a convenient combination of parts, accessories andconsumables to allow up to 12 parallel reactions to be stirred andheated/cooled under an inert atmosphere. The Orbit 12 System fits on the <strong>Atlas</strong>Hotplate (2101001), Hot and Cold Plate (2200047) and most third party stirrerhotplates. The Orbit 12 System contains the following parts and consumables.DescriptionPart NumberOrbit 12 (13mm dia, 10ml tubes) 2200032Orbit Reflux Unit 2200031Orbit 12 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 12) 2200034Orbit 12 Tube Caps with Septa (Pack of 12) 2200035Orbit 12 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 12) 2200039Orbit Septa Opener (Pack of 6) 2200041Orbit Gas Septa Ring (Pack of 5) 2200042Orbit 6 and Orbit 12 System2200077The Orbit 6 and Orbit 12 System combines the benefits of the Orbit 12 and Orbit6 Systems (above) and so allows parallel reactions using 6 x 46ml tubes or 12 x10ml tubes. The Orbit Reflux Unit can be used with both the Orbit 6 and Orbit12.DescriptionPart NumberOrbit 6 (24mm dia, 46ml tubes) 2200033Orbit 12 (13mm dia, 10ml tubes) 2200032Orbit Reflux Unit 2200031Orbit 6 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 6) 2200036Orbit 6 Tube Caps (Pack of 6) 2200037Orbit 6 Septa (Pack of 6) 2200038Orbit 6 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 6) 2200040Orbit 12 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 12) 2200034Orbit 12 Tube Caps with Septa (Pack of 12) 2200035Orbit 12 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 12) 2200039Orbit Septa Opener (Pack of 6) 2200041Orbit Gas Septa Ring (Pack of 5) 220004237

Orbit and Dry BathsOrbit 6 (24mm dia, 46ml tubes) 2200033The Orbit 6 unit holds 6 reaction tubes (46ml, 24mm diameter) allowing thebottom of the tube to be heated while the top is cooled to as a refluxcondenser.The Orbit 6 module lifts in and out of the Orbit Reflux Unit (2200031), allowingthe tubes to be freely transported as one whilst the water and gas tubes remainconnected to the Orbit Reflux Unit. The Orbit 6 module has a twist and click lidwhich supplies an inert atmosphere to all the tubes when in place. When the lidis removed, the tubes are automatically re-sealed and are free to be transportedindividually.Orbit 12 (13mm dia, 10ml tubes) 2200032The Orbit 12 unit holds 12 reaction tubes (10ml, 13mm diameter) allowing thebottom of the tube to be heated while the top is cooled to as a refluxcondenser.The Orbit 12 module lifts in and out of the Orbit Reflux Unit (2200031), allowingthe tubes to be freely transported as one whilst the water and gas tubes remainconnected to the Orbit Reflux Unit. The Orbit 12 module has a twist and click lidwhich supplies an inert atmosphere to all the tubes when in place. When the lidis removed, the tubes are automatically re-sealed and are free to be transportedindividually.Orbit Reflux Unit 2200031The Orbit Reflux Unit locates on to the <strong>Atlas</strong> Hotplate (2101001), Hot and ColdPlate (2200047) and most third party stirrer hotplates. The Orbit 6 (2200033)and Orbit 12 (2200032) fit into the Orbit Reflux Unit. The Orbit Reflux Unitrequires running cold water (or circulated coolant) to cool the condenserefficiently and a nitrogen or argon supply to create the inert atmosphere for thereaction tubes. As the Orbit 6 or Orbit 12 is lowered into the Orbit Reflux Unit,the nitrogen/argon connection is automatically made and the condenser sectionof the Orbit 6 or Orbit 12 is cooled.Orbit Circulator (Julabo F200) 240V / 50Hz 2200059NewOrbit Circulator (Julabo F200) 115V / 60Hz 2200183NewOrbit Circulator (Julabo F200) 100V / 60Hz 2200220The Julabo F200 is a re-circulating cooler for environmentally friendly coolingof the Orbit Reflux Unit (2200031). With a temperature range of 5 to 40°C,flow rate of up to 8 l/min and compact footprint of 19 x 35 x 41 cm, it is ideallysuited for reflux condenser applications. For details on other Julabo circulatorsplease see page 24.Orbit ConsumablesOrbit 6 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 6) 2200036Pack of 6 reaction tubes for Orbit 6 (without caps or septa).38

Orbit and Dry BathsOrbit 6 Reaction Tube Caps (Pack of 6) 2200037Pack of 6 caps (without septa) for Orbit 6 reaction tubes.Orbit 6 Septa (Pack of 6) 2200038Pack of 6 PTFE faced silicone septa to fit Orbit 6 Reaction Tube Caps.Orbit 6 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 6) 2200040Pack of 6 PTFE coated magnetic stirrer bars for Orbit 6 reaction tubes.Orbit 12 Reaction Tubes (Pack of 12) 2200034Pack of 12 reaction tubes for Orbit 12 (without caps or septa).Orbit 12 Tube Caps with Septa (Pack of 12) 2200035Pack of 12 Caps for Orbit 12 reaction tubes with PTFE faced silicone septa.Orbit 12 Stirrer Bars (Pack of 12) 2200039Pack of 12 PTFE coated magnetic stirrer bars for Orbit 12 reaction tubes.Orbit Septa Opener (Pack of 6) 2200041When the lid to the Orbit 6 or 12 is clicked into place, the Orbit Septa Openerspush open the split septa in the caps of the reaction tubes. This allows the inertgas supply to flow into the reaction tube.Orbit Gas Septa Ring (Pack of 5) 2200042The Orbit Gas Septa Ring fits both the Orbit 6 (2200033) and Orbit 12(2200032) and is a replaceable seal that allows reagent addition to or sampleremoval from the reaction tubes via a hypodermic needle. The Orbit Gas SeptaRing can be reused and rotationally repositioned to access previouslyun-pierced sections.39

accessories & consumablesSyrris offer a wide range of accessories and consumables for <strong>Atlas</strong>including stirrers, probes and glassware. A compatibility chart, showingwhich temperature probes and stirrers fit which reactors, is included forreference.40

Accessories and ConsumablesGlasswareJacketed Vessels<strong>Atlas</strong> Jacketed Vessels have been designed with a number of features toimprove productivity and safety.Easy to use quick release oil connections.Chemically resistant zero dead volume bottom outlet.Easy to fit into the Clamp, using lift and lock mechanism.Sprung bottom outlet valve offers leak free operation.The jacket height extends to cover the stated reactor volume.O-ring sealing groove for vacuum operations.Torispherical, dished, conical and round bottom profiles available.Other designs such as split jacket and custom vessel profiles are available onrequest.Jacketed Vessels - Round BottomRound bottom vessels are traditionally used in most process developmentlaboratories and give excellent mixing when used with most stirrers.100ml - Round Bottom 2101525250ml - Round Bottom 2101528500ml - Round Bottom 21015301 litre - Round Bottom 21015322 litre - Round Bottom 2101534New3 litre - Round Bottom (Remote Mount Only) 2200261New5 litre - Round Bottom (Remote Mount Only) 2200253Jacketed Vessels - Conical BottomConical bottom vessels allow low fill volumes to be used with good stirring.250ml - Conical Bottom 2200019500ml - Conical Bottom 22000201 litre - Conical Bottom 220002141

Accessories and ConsumablesJacketed Vessels - Torispherical BottomTorispherical bottom vessels provide a good mimic to many pilot scale reactors.New50ml - Torispherical Bottom 2200184New100ml - Torispherical Bottom 2200185New250ml - Torispherical Bottom 2200186New500ml - Torispherical Bottom 2200187New1 litre - Torispherical Bottom 2200188New2 litre - Torispherical Bottom 2200189Jacketed Vessels - Vacuum Jacket<strong>Atlas</strong> Vacuum Jacketed Vessels feature dish bottoms for mechanical strengthwhilst the vacuum jacket provides insulation and prevents both fogging andicing of the outer surface at low temperatures.100ml - Vacuum Jacket - Dish Bottom 2200023250ml - Vacuum Jacket - Dish Bottom 2200024500ml - Vacuum Jacket - Dish Bottom 22000251 litre - Vacuum Jacket - Dish Bottom 22000262 litre - Vacuum Jacket - Dish Bottom 2200027Jacketed Vessel 5 Litre Dished Bottom (Remote Mount Only) 2200074Note that the 5 litre vessel can only be used with the Remote Mount forJacketed Vessel Clamp (2101576).Jacketed Filtration Vessel - 3 litre (Remote Mount Only) 2200048The <strong>Atlas</strong> Jacketed Filtration Vessel has a removable bottom with a glasssupport to allow materials to be filtered through a filter paper, glass sinter orsolid bed. The vessel is plastic coated. Other sizes are available on request.42

Accessories and ConsumablesJacketed Vessel Lid (UK & EU) 2101030Jacketed Vessel Lid (US) 2101594The <strong>Atlas</strong> Vessel Lids fit all <strong>Atlas</strong> Jacketed Vessels and locate within theJacketed Vessel Clamp (2101012). They seal against the top of the JacketedVessels using a Reaction Vessel Seal in FEP (2101016) or FFKM (2101543). Theyhave 7 ports in total:1 x vertical A24 centre port for the Stirrer Seal and Guide3 x A19 ports designed for probes, sensors and condensers and are set atan angle of 15° with a compound angle of 5° to avoid clashing with itemsin other ports or the stirrer1 x A29 port for larger probes, condensers or manual additions2 x vertical GL18 ports designed to accept <strong>Atlas</strong> Jacketed Reactor Bafflesor other devices with suitable adaptorsThe US version has longer cones to fit longer US ground glass joints.Custom Lid for Jacketed Vessel 2200006Custom lids, designed to individual specifications can be manufactured tomatch the requirements of users. Contact Syrris for further details.50ml Round Bottom Flask 2101538100ml Round Bottom Flask - Centre and 2 Angled Neck 2101539250ml Round Bottom Flask - Centre and 2 Angled Neck 2101540500ml Round Bottom Flask - Centre and 2 Angled Neck 21015411 Litre Round Bottom Flask - Centre and 2 Angled Neck 2101542Syrris produce a range of glassware specially designed for use with <strong>Atlas</strong>Systems. A range of 3 neck flasks designed to be compatible with the StackingDry Bath (2101041) is available in volumes from 100ml to 1 litre. The centre portis a B24, compatible with the Stirrer Seal and Guide (2101011) and the side portsare B19 compatible with the small and medium Jacketed Coil Condensers. The50ml flask has just one central joint.Condenser - Small Jacketed Coil B19 2101591Jacketed coil condensers offer very good surface area for condensation. Thesmall condenser has a B19 connector, is 10cm long and has a surface area of1.1x10 -2 m 2 . Suitable for vessels up to 250ml.Condenser - Medium Jacketed Coil B192101590Jacketed coil condensers offer very good surface area for condensation. Themedium condenser has a B19 connector, is 16cm long and has a surface area of4x10 -2 m 2 . Suitable for vessels up to 1 litre.43

Accessories and ConsumablesCondenser - Large Jacketed Coil B29 2101589The <strong>Atlas</strong> large jacketed coil condenser offers very good surface area forcondensation of 7x10 -2 m 2 . It has a B29 connector and features a bottomtake-off which can be rotated in to the solvent path for distillation or out of thesolvent path for reflux. Suitable for for vessels up to 2 litres.6mm Dia RTD Probe Holder 21015468mm Dia RTD Probe Holder 21015479mm Dia RTD Probe Holder 2200132The <strong>Atlas</strong> Probe Holder is fitted with an O-Ring to securely hold RTD probes inplace whilst providing a liquid and gas tight seal.Oil Pipes from Circulator to Oil Drain Unit (Pack of 2) 2101015These <strong>Atlas</strong> Oil Pipes are insulated hoses and have M16 connections at each end.They are designed to fit between a circulator and the Oil Drain Unit (2101013).2m length.Oil Pipes from Reactor to Oil Drain Unit (Pack of 2) 2101014These <strong>Atlas</strong> Oil Pipes are insulated hoses and have M16 connections at one endand a Connector - Oil Pipe to Jacketed Vessel (2200018) at the other. They aredesigned to be used with a jacketed reactor and the Oil Drain Unit (2101013).0.5m length.Connector - Oil Pipe to Jacketed Vessel (Pack of 2) 2200018This part allows the quick connection and disconnection of Oil Pipes to <strong>Atlas</strong>Jacketed Vessels. It also contains a thermowell enabling easy and accuratemeasurement of the circulator fluid temperature at the input and/or output ofthe jacketed reactor.This connector screws onto an Oil Pipe using a regular M16 thread thenconnects to an <strong>Atlas</strong> Jacketed Reactor without the need for tools. Thethermowell accepts the RTD Probe - Stainless Steel 100mm x 3mm (2101593).Note that the M16 fitting and thermowell positions are interchangeable toenable straight or 90° connection between the Jacketed Vessel and Oil Pipe.This part is included in Oil Pipes from Reactor to Oil Drain Unit (2101014).NewConnector - Oil Pipe to Hot and Cold Plate (Pack of 2) 2200181Velcro Oil Connector Insulator (Pack of 2) 2200008The flexible Velcro Oil Connector Insulators can be used to reducecondensation or ice build-up at connections. Each insulator can be wrappedaround a connector and secured using the Velcro fastener. Two or moreinsulators can be "daisy chained" together to surround larger diameter objectssuch as reactors.44

Accessories and ConsumablesReaction Vessel Drip Tray 2101039This 2 litre Reaction Vessel Drip Tray can be fitted into the central cavity of theBase Unit (2101000) to catch any spills from a jacketed reactor.NewNode Clip 2200200The Node Clip allows the Node Extension (2101023) sockets to be clipped to theSupport Rods (2101009). This is useful when using more than one node.Support Rods (Pack of 2) 2101009A pair of Support Rods fit in the rear of the Base Unit (2101000). The Oil DrainUnit (2101013), Clamp (2101040), Jacketed Vessel Clamp (2101012), etc. are allheld by the Support Rods. It is also possible to fit a further pair of Support Rodsto the top of the Jacketed Vessel Clamp to hold other apparatus.Stirrers Stirrer - PTFE 2 Blade Centrifugal 300mm 1802059Stirrer - PTFE 4 Blade Propeller 300mm x 40mm dia 1802014Stirrer - PTFE 4 Blade Propeller 400mm x 40mm dia 1802015Stirrer - PTFE 4 Blade Propellor 500mm x 40mm dia 1802016Stirrer - PTFE Anchor 300mm x 80mm dia 1802056Stirrer - PTFE Anchor 400mm x 80mm dia 1802057Stirrer - PTFE Anchor 500mm x 80mm dia 2200087Stirrer - PTFE 3 Blade Retreat Impeller 400mm x 75mm dia 2101585Stirrer - PTFE 3 Blade Retreat Impeller 500mm x 75mm dia 2200124New Stirrer - PTFE 3 Blade Retreat Impeller 650mm x 75 dia 2200176NewStirrer - Glass 4 Blade Propellor 300mm x 27mm 2200285NewStirrer - Glass Anchor 300m x 36mm2200286Stirrer - Glass 3 Blade Retreat Impeller Cut Length x 45mm dia 2101523Stirrer - Glass 3 Blade Retreat Impeller Cut Length x 75mm dia 2200085<strong>Atlas</strong> PTFE stirrers have steel shafts for strength and a thick PTFE coating forchemical resistance. The <strong>Atlas</strong> glass stirrers are cut to length by Syrris beforeshipment (please specify reaction vessel and desired stirring height from thebottom of the vessel when placing an order). Glass stirrers are required forwork under vacuum. All <strong>Atlas</strong> Stirrers are compatible with the Stirrer Seal andGuide (2101011). Custom profile stirrers are available on request.45

Accessories and ConsumablesProbesRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 100mm x 6mm 2101586RTD Probe - PTFE Coated 200mm x 6mm 2101582RTD Probe - PTFE Coated 300mm x 8mm 2101583RTD Probe - PTFE Coated 400mm x 8mm 2101584RTD Probe - PTFE Coated 500mm x 9mm 2200122NewRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 600mm x 9mm 2200262A range of different size PTFE coated RTD Probes is available. These are fittedwith a specialist connector for connection to a Temperature Node (2101021).Note that the RTDs have various diameters and should be used with thecorresponding probe holder. The 100mm probe (2101586) is ideal for use withincondensers or for headspace temperature measurement. See the compatibilitychart at the back of this catalogue to match reaction vessel with probe length.RTD Probe - Stainless Steel 100mm x 3mm for Dry Baths 2101593The 100 x 3mm stainless steel RTD probe can be used with the Stacking DryBath (2101041), Triple Dry Bath (2101042) and Orbit Systems for accuratetemperature control. It can also be used with the Connector - Oil Pipe toJacketed Vessel (2200018) to monitor the temperature of coolant fluid as itenters the reactor jacket. This is used in Heat Flow Calorimetry (HFC).NewRTD Probe - FEP Coated SS Quick Response 300mm 2200144NewRTD Probe - FEP Coated SS Quick Response 400mm 2200145NewRTD Probe - FEP Coated SS Quick Response 500mm 2200146The quick response RTDs connect to a Temperature Node (2101021) in the sameway as a regular RTD. The quick response RTDs have a thinner, chemicallyresistant coating and are designed for use with the <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter (see page13). These RTDs come with a probe holder.pH Probe - 400mm with Swivel Adaptor 2200029pH Probe - 200mm x 8mm with B19 Holder 2200054 2200029These pH Probes connect to the pH and Temperature Node (2200071). Theswivel adaptor allows its angle to be adjusted within a jacketed reactor. Thesecombination probes have a AgCl reference, temperature range of 0-100°C anda pH range of 0-14.New Turbidity Probe - 400mm 2200156The Turbidity Probe can be used as a simple crystallization point detector, or inmore complex studies of metastable crystallization zones, secondary nucleationand polymorphism issues. It requires a Turbidity Node (2200157) and has a twopoint calibration.46

Accessories and ConsumablesNewHeater Rod for Calorimetry - 25W, 300mm FEP Coated 2200142NewHeater pH Probe Rod - 200mm for Calorimetry x 8mm with - 50W, B19 500mm Holder FEP Coated 2200029 2200143AccessoriesThese heater rods are designed for the <strong>Atlas</strong> Calorimeter. They are used forPower Compensation Calorimetry (PCC) and for calibration in Heat FlowCalorimetry (HFC).Oil Pipe Tidy 2200046The Oil Pipe Tidy fits on the Jacketed Vessel Clamp (2101012) and is used toseal the spare end of the Oil Pipes from Reactor to Oil Drain Unit (2101014)when changing reactor, tidying them to an elevated position. This avoidsresidual oil in the pipes dripping onto the fume cupboard floor and acts as asafety feature should the circulator be switched on accidentally. There is also alocation to store the Scorpion Overhead Stirrer (2101004) when not in use.NewBaffles for 0.5 litre Torispherical Jacketed Vessel (Pack of 2)2200171NewBaffles for 1 litre Torispherical Jacketed Vessel (Pack of 2)2200170Baffles for 2 litre Round Bottom Jacketed Vessel (Pack of 2) 2101580These baffles locate in the standard Jacketed Vessel Lids (2101030 and2101594) and are designed to increase stirring efficiency within a large reactorand mimic conditions found within pilot scale vessels.Custom sizes and formats are available on request.Isolation Ball Valve for Circulator Pipe M16x1 1802039An isolation valve for closing off oil pipes with M16 fittings.New Jacketed Vessel Earth Strap 2200201This strap fits around Vacuum Jacketed Vessels to avoid static build up.Sintered Dip Tube - Glass 450mm x 8mm No. 3 Sinter 2200202Designed for bubbling gas into a jacketed reactor.NewLiquid Feed Adaptor - B19 to Glass Tube 8mm x 200mm 2200158NewGL14 Plastic Screw Cap with Aperture 2101517NewGL14 PTFE Faced Silicone 6mm Sealing Ring 1802022NewGL18 Plastic Screw Cap with Aperture 2101516NewGL18 PTFE Faced Silicone 6mm Sealing Ring 1802023NewGL18 PTFE Faced Silicone 8mm Sealing Ring 180202447

Accessories and ConsumablesNewGL18 to Male B19 Adapter2101519NewGL14 to Male B19 Adapter2101518NewGL14 to B19 Joint - Glass Adapter2200177NewB29 Glass Stopper1802066NewB19 Glass Stopper1802067Base to Circulator Serial Cable (RJ11 to DB9 Male)2400214A 9 pin D-type to RJ11 cable for connecting Circulators to the Base Unit. Thecorresponding RS232 or null modem cable required to connect from this cableto a module will be supplied with the module if purchased from Syrris.NewComms Cable - IKA Eurostar Overhead Stirrer2200125NewComms Cable - IKA Werke Peristaltic Pump2200126NewComms Cable - Watson Marlow Peristaltic Pump 520Du2200127NewComms Cable - Mettler SevenEasy pH Meter2200128NewComms Cable - Julabo Circulator2200129NewComms Cable - Huber Nuevo Circulator2200130NewComms Cable - Watson Marlow Peristaltic Pump 323Du2200133NewComms Cable - Haake DC50 Circulator2200134NewComms Cable - Lauda Proline Circulator2200135NewComms Cable - IKA / Chemglass Overhead Stirrer2200167NewComms Cable - TTI Power Supply for Calorimetry2200152NewComms Cable - Heidolph Overhead Stirrer2200256NewComms Cable - Huber Ministat CC230/CC2402200155A range of comms cables are available for connecting RS232 controlled devicesto the PC software via <strong>Atlas</strong> Ports. Other cables are available on request.NewRS232 Extension Cable - 5m2200168NewRS232 Null-Modem Cable - 5m220016948

Accessories and ConsumablesConsumablesNewSet of Seals for Stirrer Seal and Guide2101017This part includes a full set of consumables and wearing parts for the StirrerSeal and Guide (2101011), including:1 x PTFE Sprung Stirrer Shaft Seal1 x Carbon filled PTFE Stirrer Shaft Seal Holder1 x PEEK Static Seal1 x Viton O-ring for Static Seal1 x Seal Spring2 x FFKM Stirrer Guide O-ringNew Stirrer Guide Replacement Seals (Pack of 5) 2200161A set of five replacement FFKM O-rings for use at the base of the Stirrer Sealand Guide (2101011).New Jacketed Vessel to Oil Pipe Seals (Pack of 2 Pairs) 2200107Two pairs of replacement seals that fit inside the Connector - Oil Pipe toJacketed Vessel (2200018).Reaction Vessel Seal (FEP Coated Silicone)2101016A replacement FEP coated silicone O-ring for use with the Jacketed Reactorand Lid (2101030 / 2101594).Reaction Vessel Seal (FFKM) 2101543A replacement FFKM o-ring for use with the Jacketed Reactor and Lid(2101030 / 2101594). FFKM is the sealing material that offers the highestchemical resistance.Bottom Outlet Valve - Unsprung 9mm 2200030NewBottom Outlet Valve - Sprung 9mm (Jacketed Vessels) 2200150NewBottom Outlet Valve - Sprung 9mm (Vacuum Jacketed) 2200193Replacement PTFE Reaction Vessel Bottom Outlet Valves for use with JacketedReactors. This valve comes complete with FFKM O-rings. The sprung versionsaccount for thermal expansion and contraction, minimising leaks.Bottom Outlet Valve Bottom Seal (FFKM)1802152Replacement FFKM O-ring for the lower seal of a jacketed vessel bottom outletvalve. FFKM is the sealing material that offers the highest chemical resistance.Bottom Outlet Valve Top Seal (FFKM)1802042Replacement FFKM O-ring for the upper seal of a jacketed vessel bottom outletvalve. FFKM is the sealing material that offers the highest chemical resistance.49

Accessories and ConsumablesCirculator Fluid (-40 to +204°C) - 5 Gallons18020365 Gallons (18.92ltrs) of circulator fluid recommended by Syrris and approved bymost major recirculator manufacturers. This fluid is suitable for operation in therange -40 to +204°C (flash point >+40°C).New 2200163Circulator Fluid (+20 to +250°C) - 10 litres10 litres of circulator fluid recommended by Syrris and approved by most majorrecirculator manufacturers. This fluid is suitable for operation in the range +20to +250°C (flash point >+270°C).New Circulator Fluid (-50 to +105°C) - 10 litres 220016410 litres of circulator fluid recommended by Syrris and approved by most majorrecirculator manufacturers. This fluid is suitable for operation in the range -50to +105°C (flash point >+110°C).New Circulator Fluid (-20 to +180°C) - 10 litres 220016510 litres of circulator fluid recommended by Syrris and approved by most majorrecirculator manufacturers. This fluid is suitable for operation in the range -20to +180°C (flash point >+175°C).3 Roller Extension Head for Watson Marlow 323/DU/D 1802046Extension pump head for multi-channel pumping.Fluorinated Tubing 1.6mm bore (5m) 1802047Fluorinated Tubing 3.2mm bore (5m) 1802048Fluorinated Tubing 4.8mm bore (5m) 1802049Syrris provides a range of tubing suitable for use in peristaltic pumps. Thischemically resistant tubing (contact Syrris for compatibility details) is availablein a range of sizes for different pumping requirements. This tubing is ideal foruse with Watson Marlow Pumps (1802045).New2 Port Valve (PTFE/PCTFE) for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 2200089New3 Port Valve (PTFE/PCTFE) for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 2200090New4 Port Valve (PTFE/PCTFE) for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 2200091New6 Port Valve (PTFE/PCTFE) for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump 2200092Various valve types depending on number of inputs and outputs required for<strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072).50

Accessories and ConsumablesNewSyringe for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - 50µl2200093NewSyringe for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - 100µl2200094NewSyringe for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - 250µl2200095NewSyringe for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - 500µl2200096NewSyringe for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - 1ml2200097NewSyringe for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - 2.5ml2200098NewSyringe for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - 5ml2200099Various sized syringes for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump (2200072). Syringes are madefrom glass with PTFE plungers for excellent chemical resistance.New Pipe End Fittings for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - Tefzel 1.6mm2200198A pack of 10 pairs of flangeless ferrules and 1/4-28 fittings for 1.6mm pipe.NewPipe End Fittings for <strong>Atlas</strong> Syringe Pump - Tefzel 3.2mm2200199A pack of 10 pairs of flangeless ferrules and 1/4-28 fittings for 3.2mm pipe.51

<strong>Atlas</strong> Accessories Compatibility ChartKeyStirrersIdeally SuitedSuitedNot SuitedRequires Remote Mount*ReactorsStirrersPart number1802059 PTFE 2 Blade Centrifugal 300mm1802014 PTFE 4 Blade Propeller 300mm x 40mm dia1802015 PTFE 4 Blade Propeller 400mm x 40mm dia1802016 PTFE 4 Blade Propeller 500mm x 40mm dia1802056 PTFE Anchor 300mm x 80mm dia1802057 PTFE Anchor 400mm x 80mm dia2200087 PTFE Anchor 500mm x 80mm dia2101585 PTFE 3 Blade Retreat Impeller 400mm x 75mm dia2200124 PTFE 3 Blade Retreat Impeller 500mm x 75mm dia2200176 PTFE 3 Blade Retreat Impeller 650mm x 75mm dia2200285 Glass 4 Blade Propeller 300m x 27mm2200286 Glass Anchor 300mm x 36mm2101523 Glass 3 Blade Retreat Impeller Cut Length x 45mm dia2200085 Glass 3 Blade Retreat Impeller Cut Length x 75mm diaJacketed Vessel 100ml Round Bottom2101525Jacketed Vessel 250ml Round Bottom2101528Jacketed Vessel 500ml Round Bottom2101530Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Round Bottom2101532Jacketed Vessel 2 litre Round Bottom2101534Jacketed Vessel 3 litre Round Bottom*2200261Jacketed Vessel 5 litre Round Bottom*2200253Jacketed Vessel 50ml Torispherical Bottom2200184Jacketed Vessel 100ml Torispherical Bottom2200185Jacketed Vessel 250ml Torispherical Bottom2200186Jacketed Vessel 500ml Torispherical Bottom2200187Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Torispherical Bottom2200188Jacketed Vessel 2 litre Torispherical Bottom2200189Jacketed Vessel 5 litre Dished Bottom*2200074Jacketed Vessel 250ml Conical Bottom2200019Jacketed Vessel 500ml Conical Bottom2200020Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Conical Bottom2200021Jacketed Vessel 100ml Vacuum Jacket2200023Jacketed Vessel 250ml Vacuum Jacket2200024Jacketed Vessel 500ml Vacuum Jacket2200025Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Vacuum Jacket2200026Jacketed Vessel 2 litre Vacuum Jacket2200027Jacketed Filtration Vessel 3 litre*220004850ml Round Bottom Flask2101538100ml Round Bottom Flask2101539250ml Round Bottom Flask2101540500ml Round Bottom Flask21015411 litre Round Bottom Flask 210154252

<strong>Atlas</strong> Accessories Compatibility ChartProbes and Heater RodsKeyIdeally SuitedSuitedNot SuitedRequires Remote Mount*Probes and Heater RodsRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 100mm x 6mmRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 200mm x 6mmRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 300mm x 8mmRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 400mm x 8mmRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 500mm x 9mmRTD Probe - PTFE Coated 600mm x 9mmRTD Probe - Stainless Steel 100mm x 3mm - Dry BathsRTD Probe - FEP Coated SS Quick Response 300mmRTD Probe - FEP Coated SS Quick Response 400mmRTD Probe - FEP Coated SS Quick Response 500mmpH Probe - 400mm with Swivel AdaptorpH Probe - 200mm x 8mm with B19 HolderTurbidity Probe - 400mmHeater Rod for Calorimetry - 25W, 300mm FEP CoatedHeater Rod for Calorimetry - 50W, 500mm FEP CoatedReactorsPart number210158621015822101583210158422001222200262210159322001442200145220014622000292200054220015622001422200143Jacketed Vessel 100ml Round Bottom2101525Jacketed Vessel 250ml Round Bottom2101528Jacketed Vessel 500ml Round Bottom2101530Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Round Bottom2101532Jacketed Vessel 2 litre Round Bottom2101534Jacketed Vessel 3 litre Round Bottom*2200261Jacketed Vessel 5 litre Round Bottom*2200253Jacketed Vessel 50ml Torispherical Bottom2200184Jacketed Vessel 100ml Torispherical Bottom2200185Jacketed Vessel 250ml Torispherical Bottom2200186Jacketed Vessel 500ml Torispherical Bottom2200187Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Torispherical Bottom2200188Jacketed Vessel 2 litre Torispherical Bottom2200189Jacketed Vessel 5 litre Dished Bottom*2200074Jacketed Vessel 250ml Conical Bottom2200019Jacketed Vessel 500ml Conical Bottom2200020Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Conical Bottom2200021Jacketed Vessel 100ml Vacuum Jacket2200023Jacketed Vessel 250ml Vacuum Jacket2200024Jacketed Vessel 500ml Vacuum Jacket2200025Jacketed Vessel 1 litre Vacuum Jacket2200026Jacketed Vessel 2 litre Vacuum Jacket2200027Jacketed Filtration Vessel 3 litre*220004850ml Round Bottom Flask2101538100ml Round Bottom Flask2101539250ml Round Bottom Flask2101540500ml Round Bottom Flask21015411 litre Round Bottom Flask 2101542Headspace / distillation53

customlaboratory reactorsystemsWhat are Custom Reactor Systems?Syrris offer a wide range of Custom Reactor Systems for increased user specificity. The range of customreactor systems are available from 10ml to 250 litres. They are designed and built to your specifications.Complete systems including reactors, pressure reactors, stirrers, circulators, RTDs, pumps, sensors, etc.can be configured using virtually any manufacturer’s apparatus. Choose from either manual control ortotal automation using <strong>Atlas</strong> PC Software.Custom Reactor System benefitsWide volume range: Reactors from 100ml to 250 litres in glass,stainless steel or Hastelloy.Wide temperature and pressure range: Reactions can be heatedto 380°C and pressurised up to 100 bar.Safe: Warning alarms and emergency cut-off values or actionscan be defined.Control: High torque stirring including torque measurement.Measured: Dosing of gas, liquid or powder, with fully automatedor manual control.Pressurized: Reactions such as fully controlled hydrogenationsand carbonylations can be performed.Integrated: Can provide integrated pH and liquid control.Flexible Control: Manual or fully automated for unattendedoperation.Easy to use software: Drag and drop icons allow recipes to becreated, edited and run intuitively.Empowering: Virtually any manufacturer’s apparatus can beconfigured into a system using the software.Powerful: Apparatus such as pumps and balances can becombined in an intelligent fashion (e.g. enabling gravimetricdosing or dosing to maintain a pH).Automatic data logging: All responses such as temperature,stirrer speed, pH, mass flow, etc. can be graphically displayed inreal time and are continually saved to one .csv file.Custom Reactor SystemsWith over 200 man years of combined experience, Syrrischemists and engineers manufacture the highest qualitycustomized systems. They are assembled to your specificationand rigorously tested at our facility before installation at yourlaboratory.Case StudiesCase Study 1: 20 litre automated synthesis system for a worldleading pharmaceutical company. This included high torquestirring, volumetric liquid addition and temperature monitoring.Case Study 2: Two interchangeable reactors (5 and 10 litres)with speed and torque monitoring. Temperature dependantgravimetric dosing with full data-logging.Pre-configured ApparatusVirtually any RS232 device with ASCII communications can beconfigured. The current list of pre-configured devices include:BalancesFlow MetersOverhead StirrerspH MetersFBRMFTIRCirculatorsTemperature SensorsTurbidityPumpsVacuum ControllersLeft: The <strong>Atlas</strong> Software’sintuitive displayAbove: High pressure reactorRight: 10 litre Custom ReactorSystem with software controlCustomized products - flexible solutionswww.syrris.com/custom-reactor-systems.aspx54

Flow ChemistryFlow chemistry (sometimes referred to as pluglow, microchemistry, or continuous flowchemistry) offers exciting opportunities to integrate traditionally separate processesand increase the pace of discovery and development.Flow chemistry has emerged as a new and productive technology for Research andDevelopment Chemists. Syrris offer a range of flow chemistry products from entry levelsystems (FRX) to fully automated microreactor reactor systems (Africa).Syrris Flow Chemistry Productsfrxflow chemistrytoolkitThe FRX system from Syrris makes flow chemistry costeffective, easy to use, understandable and affordable.FRX is made up of a number of modules that can beconnected together to form simple yet powerful flowchemistry systems.africaautomatedflow chemistryAfrica is the most sophisticated and flexiblemicroreactor system available. Reaction optimization,library synthesis or preparative synthesis can beperformed with work-up and analysis in an entirelyautomated fashion.www.syrris.com/FRX.aspxwww.syrris.com/AFRICA.aspxWhat are the benefits of using flow chemistry?Faster reactions: Increase reaction rates over 100fold by superheating reactions significantly abovereflux e.g. dichloromethane to 100°C, acetonitile to150°C and water to 170°CCleaner reactions: Reduced impurities via excellent,reproducible reaction control and optional use ofsolid phase reagents/catalysts/ scavengers.Inline aqueous work-up: The Flow Liquid LiquidExtraction Module (FLLEX) enables two immisciblephases to be mixed and separated in flow,immediately following the reaction.Reactions not possible with batch synthesis:Extremely quick reaction times, reagent additions,temperature changes and quenches are possible.Safer reactions: Only small amounts of material react at any time, minimising exotherms and the quantity of any hazardous intermediates.Rapid development: Reaction time, temperature and equivalents can be rapidly varied using only mg ofsubstrate.Scale-up: Production rates up to kg overnight.Wide temperature range: Heat reactions up to 300°C or cool down to -20°C.Chemically resistant: Glass and PTFE reactors allow a wide range of chemistry.Compact size: Systems fit easily into standard fume cupboards.55

Syrris Ltd.Unit 1, Anglian Business Park, Orchard RoadRoyston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5TW, United KingdomT: +44 (0)1763 242555F: +44 (0)1763 246125E: info@syrris.comW: www.syrris.comSyrris Inc. (North America)29 Albion PlaceCharlestown, MA 02129T: 617 848 2997F: 617 532 1033E: info-usa@syrris.comW: www.syrris.comSyrris Japan, Inc.2-5-1-220, Oakashi-choHyogo, Japan 673-0891T: 078 919 5909F: 078 977 8242E: info@syrris.co.jpW: www.syrris.co.jp56Syrris India.420 / 421, Corporate Avenue,Sonawala Road, Goregaon,East Mumbai 400 063T: +91 22 2686 4410E: info@syrris.comW: www.syrris.comVersion 1.0

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