herrenknecht AG | utility tunnelling | TRAFFIC TUNNELLING DIRECT PIPE ®www.herrenknecht.comDIRECT PIPE ® AREAS OF APPLICATION*Pipeline length 500m (Ø 42“)600m (Ø 48“)800m (Ø 56“)Pipeline materialPipeline diameterPipeline coatingWater pressure(drilling depth)Min. overburdenGeologysteel42“–56“ (1,067mm – 1,422mm)None, PE, PP, GRP**, FBE***0 < 3bar* Values refer to examples and can deviate from project to project.** Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic*** Fusion Bonded Epoxy4mclay, silt, sand, gravel, stones, rock 100MPaDo not hesitate to contact us directly for your special requirementsor request our “Direct Pipe®” animation on CD-ROM.utility@herrenknecht.com | www.herrenknecht.comHerrenknecht AG is a technology and market leaderin mechanized tunnelling. As the only provider of afull range of services worldwide, Herrenknecht delivershigh-tech tunnel boring machines for all groundconditions and with all diameters – ranging from 0.10to 19.0 meters.Herrenknecht’s tailor-made machines createpipeline systems for water and sewage, for gas andoil (Utility Tunnelling) as well as tunnelling systemsfor car, metro and railway traffic (Traffic Tunnelling)around the world. Our tunnel boring machines areforging ahead with the world’s longest railway tunneland the largest metro lines. They help to cross underwater with supreme accuracy and to lay pipelinesthroughout continents.Herrenknecht sees itself as a partner in teamworktunnelling throughout the entire project. Comprehensiveservices for all aspects of tunnel boringactivities complement our range.The Herrenknecht Group employs more than3,000 people and includes 61 subsidiaries and associatedcompanies working in related fields, e.g. inlogistic solutions or deep drilling systemsHerrenknecht AGD-77963 SchwanauPhone +49 7824 302-3783Fax +49 7824 302-364utility@herrenknecht.comHERRENKNECHT DIRECT PIPE ® :ONE-PASS PIPELINE INSTALLATION IN ALL GEOLOGIES.Sophisticated interaction between the HerrenknechtPipe Thruster and Microtunnelling equipment.One-pass work phase of operation for excavation and pipeline installation.The Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster pushes the Direct Pipe®machine and the pipe string forward underground.Permanent borehole support by the Direct Pipe® machine and the pipeline.Inclines and gradients as well as curved drillingprofiles can be negotiated precisely

herrenknecht AG | utility tunnelling | TRAFFIC TUNNELLING <strong>DIRECT</strong> PIPE ®www.herrenknecht.com<strong>DIRECT</strong> PIPE ® AREAS OF APPLICATION*Pipeline length 500m (Ø 42“)600m (Ø 48“)800m (Ø 56“)Pipeline materialPipeline diameterPipeline coatingWater pressure(drilling depth)Min. overburdenGeologysteel42“–56“ (1,067mm – 1,422mm)None, PE, PP, GRP**, FBE***0 < 3bar* Values refer to examples and can deviate from project to project.** Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic*** Fusion Bonded Epoxy4mclay, silt, sand, gravel, stones, rock 100MPaDo not hesitate to contact us directly for your special requirementsor request our “Direct Pipe®” animation on CD-ROM.utility@herrenknecht.com | www.herrenknecht.comHerrenknecht AG is a technology and market leaderin mechanized tunnelling. As the only provider of afull range of services worldwide, Herrenknecht delivershigh-tech tunnel boring machines for all groundconditions and with all diameters – ranging from 0.10to 19.0 meters.Herrenknecht’s tailor-made machines createpipeline systems for water and sewage, for gas andoil (Utility Tunnelling) as well as tunnelling systemsfor car, metro and railway traffic (Traffic Tunnelling)around the world. Our tunnel boring machines areforging ahead with the world’s longest railway tunneland the largest metro lines. They help to cross underwater with supreme accuracy and to lay pipelinesthroughout continents.Herrenknecht sees itself as a partner in teamworktunnelling throughout the entire project. Comprehensiveservices for all aspects of tunnel boringactivities complement our range.The Herrenknecht Group employs more than3,000 people and includes 61 subsidiaries and associatedcompanies working in related fields, e.g. inlogistic solutions or deep drilling systemsHerrenknecht AGD-77963 SchwanauPhone +49 7824 302-3783Fax +49 7824 302-364utility@herrenknecht.com<strong>HERRENKNECHT</strong> <strong>DIRECT</strong> PIPE ® :<strong>ONE</strong>-<strong>PASS</strong> <strong>PIPELINE</strong> INSTALLATION IN ALL GEOLOGIES.Sophisticated interaction between the HerrenknechtPipe Thruster and Microtunnelling equipment.One-pass work phase of operation for excavation and pipeline installation.The Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster pushes the Direct Pipe®machine and the pipe string forward underground.Permanent borehole support by the Direct Pipe® machine and the pipeline.Inclines and gradients as well as curved drillingprofiles can be negotiated precisely

Construction siteinstallation and launch pitof the Pipe Thruster.October 11, 2007: breakthroughin Worms, Germanyafter 5 days (net) of tunnelling.The Pipe Thruster gripsthe prefabricated pipeline andpushes it through the soil.REACHING THE TARGET IN <strong>ONE</strong> STEP.REQUIREMENT<strong>PIPELINE</strong> CONSTRUCTI<strong>ONE</strong>limination of pipe and drill-rod coupling times.Installation of pre-welded and tested pipelinesor pipeline sections.Equipment only required on one side of thecrossing.Rapid installation of product pipes and pipelineswithout deep launch and target pits.Suitable for use in densely populated urban areas.The selection of the optimum construction method is based on time and costparameters as well as geological ground conditions. Key specifications includeappropriate construction site installation and the ability to drill through soilformations where HDD is not applicable or too risky. Crossing sensitive areassafely aboveground is a matter of course for us. Underground, Direct Pipe® opensup new application potentials by combining the advantages of Microtunnellingand the Pipe Thruster technology. A prefabricated pipeline is installed almostcontinuously in one step, concurrently with the excavation. A cutterhead adjustedto the geology requirements and a cone crusher remove possible obstacles.Launch pit with construction site equipment. ➊ The horizontal and verticalforces, depending on the entrance angle of the pipeline, are transferred into thesoil by a suitable anchorage. The Pipe Thruster can be anchored in the shallowlaunch pit on the surface.One-pass work phase of operation for tunnelling and pipeline installation.➋ The Direct Pipe® machine loosens the soil and removes it through the slurryline inside the pipeline to the separation plant on the surface. The Pipe Thrusterpushes the pipeline from the start to the target point underground, while providingthe necessary pressure on the cutterhead for the drilling process. The UniversalNavigation System (U.N.S.) developed by Herrenknecht makes it possible to masterand monitor curved drilling profiles accurately by using a gyro compass and ahydraulic water leveling system.FAST AND UNCOMPLICATED <strong>PIPELINE</strong> INSTALLATION.SOLUTION<strong>DIRECT</strong> PIPE®Pioneering technology: One-pass work phase ofoperation for tunnelling and pipeline installation.PIPE THRUSTER HK500PT:Pipeline diameter: 24”–48”Max. thrust and pulling force: 500t (5,000kN)PIPE THRUSTER HK750PT:Pipeline diameter: 40”–60”Max. thrust and pulling force: 750t (7,500kN)AVN800 Direct Pipe®:Excavation diameter: approx. 1,140mmMax. torque: 55kNmIn a similar way to the pipe jacking processe, Herrenknecht Direct Pipe® machinesexcavate the borehole. The excavated material is transported via a slurrycircuit which runs in the laid pipeline to the separation plant aboveground. ThePipe Thruster takes over the function of the main jacking station and pushes thepipeline with the coupled Direct Pipe® machine forward. The required force istransmitted to the the pipeline and the cutterhead via the clamping unit of thePipe Thruster.The German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technologypromoted the development of the method and the implementation of the pilotproject in Worms, Germany.SPONSORED BY THE:Protection for the pipeline coating. ➌ Herrenknecht and independent partnershave successfully tested various coating materials and proved that the clampingunit does not damage the coating. The coated pipeline only comes into contactwith the inner surface of the clamping inserts of the Pipe Thruster which is largeenough to keep the load along the coating at a tolerable margin. The clampinginserts are lined with a special rubber which compensates for any unevenness onthe pipe and its coating. The integrity of the coating can also be checked beforeentering the borehole.Target pit ready for connection. ➍ There are very low space requirements forthe target pit thus projects can be realized even in densely populated urban areas.When the Direct Pipe® machine has reached its target the entire pipeline has beeninstalled. The machine can now be recovered from a simple target pit in partialsections of approx. 3 meters. In a final working step, the supply and disposal linesinside the pipeline are dismantled and the pipeline is ready for operation.AVN1000 Direct Pipe®:Excavation diameter: approx. 1,325mmMax. torque: 151kNmAVN1200 Direct Pipe®:Excavation diameter: approx. 1,541mmMax. torque: 260kNmNominated for the2008 Hermes Award.

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