8th Grade Course Offerings 2011-2012.pub - Jenks Public Schools

8th Grade Course Offerings 2011-2012.pub - Jenks Public Schools

8th Grade Course Offerings 2011-2012.pub - Jenks Public Schools

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<strong>Jenks</strong> Middle School1

<strong>Jenks</strong> Middle SchoolEIGHTH GRADE—INTERDISCIPLINARY CORE TEAMStudents will be assigned to an interdisciplinaryteam consisting of languagearts, science, and social studies.Mathematics classes are assigned “offteam,”meaning that students on thesame team may have different math teachers basedon other placement criteria. Consultants will be usedfor students with special needs.The eighth grade language arts classes will focus onskills to enable students to become critical thinkersand readers. To demonstrate their abilities to analyzevarious forms of literature and related literary terms,the students will learn to express and support theirown ideas in written and oral communication. A researchcomponent will provide the opportunity forstudents to utilize various information sources. Novelunits will be taught in class. Written communication,which may include narrative, descriptive, expository,and persuasive writing, will apply the proper use ofcapitalization, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary.The grammar component will be designed to developproficient knowledge of the eight parts of speech.Algebra I is the eighth grade component of the middleschool math program for the majority of students.Algebra I is a high school level course and studentswho earn a C or better will move to Geometry in ninthgrade. Students will also take the State End-of-Instruction (EOI) test for Algebra in the spring. Studentswill still need to complete at least three additionalcredits of math once in high school. Algebra Iwill focus on developing an understanding of patterns,relations, and functions. Students will be expected toidentify functions as linear or nonlinear and contrasttheir properties from tables, graphs, or equations. Studentswill also study linear equations, inequalities,system of equations, polynomials, and radicals. Inaddition, students will use data analysis and statisticsto formulate and justify predictions from a set of data.Graphing calculators will be used to assist students indeveloping an understanding of the above topics.The criteria for automatic placement into Algebra Iwill be earning a B or better in both semesters of Pre-Algebra, scoring in the upper three quartiles of the Pre-Algebra posttest, and earning a 70% or above on the7th grade mathematics OCCT.Students who do not meet all of these requirements willbe enrolled in Middle School Algebra, a two-year curriculumthat culminates with HS Algebra I in the ninthgrade.Students who score below satisfactory on the 7th grademathematics OCCT may also be placed in a secondperiod of math skills to assist in remediating their gapsand helping them prepare for high school math coursework.This course will take the place of one of the student’snormally scheduled elective courses.Students who have successfully completed Algebra inseventh grade (B or better both semesters) will be enrolledin Geometry during their eighth grade year.Advanced Algebra II will also be offered at the middleschool next year for those students who satisfactorilycompleted Geometry in seventh grade.Science is a comprehensive study of our planet and theuniverse. Students will investigate plate tectonics,volcanoes, earthquakes, astronomy and the structure,atmosphere and hydrosphere of the earth. The Earthwill be examined through environmental effects, mappinginternal forces, rocks and soil. This course alsoincorporates elements of basic chemistry and physicalscience through their connections to the study ofphysical geology and astronomy. Hands-on laboratoryexperiences will play an important part in this curriculum.Students enrolled in high school Geometry orAlgebra II may also be enrolled in a high school levelearth science course. This course will earn a highschool elective credit and requires a 7th grade scienceteacher’s recommendation.Social Studies will focus on United States Historyfrom exploration through the Civil War and will explorethe theories and concepts upon which our democraticrepublic is based. Students will study importanthistorical documents as primary sources and historicalfigures that played key rolesin the development of our country.For those students enrolled in giftedsocial studies, participation in NationalHistory Day and documentbasedquestion essay writing is required.2

<strong>Jenks</strong> Middle SchoolEIGHTH GRADE—ELECTIVESIt is developmentally appropriate for middle schoolstudents to explore a variety of elective subjects.Eighth graders will have two elective classes daily.There are some courses which will require studentsto pay for supplies, instruments, and/or uniforms. Itis not the intent of <strong>Jenks</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> to limitstudent choices due to cost; therefore, any studentwho desires to enroll in one of these courses and isunable to cover the cost, should contact a counselor.Teachers may be contacted for additional informationconcerning the exact costs that are involved.YEARLONG COURSESFrench IThis class is designed to allow <strong>8th</strong> gradestudents to complete their first year of highschool study. Students will communicate inFrench in more than one tense, engage inconversations, provide and obtain information,express feelings, and express opinions.They will be able to understand and interpretwritten and spoken language on a variety of topics.Students must earn a C or better in both semestersto receive high school credit for foreign language. Prerequisite:Intro to French (0217) with a grade of Bor better and teacher approval.Spanish IThis class is designed to allow <strong>8th</strong> grade students tocomplete their first year of high school study. Studentswill communicate in Spanish in more than one tense,engage inconversations, provideand obtain information,expressfeelings, and expressopin-ions. They will beable to understand andinterpretwritten and spokenlanguageon a variety oftopics. Students must earn a C or better in both semestersto receive high school credit for foreign language.Prerequisite: Intro to Spanish (0237) with a gradeof B or better and teacher approval.Latin IThis class is designed to allow 8 th grade students tocomplete their first year of high school study. Latin Iemphasizes basic grammar, translation, vocabulary,word derivation, and Roman culture. Mythological studiesinclude the Olympian gods, heroes, and people frequentlyportrayed in literature and art. Historical studiesbegin with the Trojan War and conclude with theFlavian emperors. (The student must have strong languagearts skills and approval from his/her 7 th gradelanguage arts teacher to enroll. Students must earn a Cor better in both semesters to receive high school creditfor foreign language.) A fee of $6 will be assessed for amythology book.Chinese IThis class is designed to allow <strong>8th</strong> grade students tocomplete their first year of high school study. Chinese Iis an introductory course with a focus on conversationalChinese, basic vocabulary, use of simple characters, andsentence structure. Pin-Yin is the main system used inthe classroom. Vocabularies related to more complexcontents will also be studied. Topics about contemporaryChina will be discussed, as well as discussions onChinese history, culture, and arts. This course is requiredfor students selected for participation in the studentexchange program. Prerequisite: Intro to ChineseLanguage and Culture (0257) with a grade of B orbetter and teacher approval.Chinese II will be available to those students whoearned a B or better in Chinese I during their seventhgrade year. To enroll, students should have earned aB or better in Chinese I and obtain teacher approval.3

<strong>Jenks</strong> Middle SchoolEIGHTH GRADE—ELECTIVESBand - 0638Band will be available to any student who has completedtwo years of band instruction.This course is intended to continue thedevelopment of technical improvementand to expose the student tovarious styles of band literature. Thestudent will have the opportunity torepresent JPS in various honor bands, solo and ensemblecontests, and school performances. In most cases,the student will need to provide his/her own instrument.A uniform will be required for performances at areasonable cost to the student.Strings - 0658Strings will be available to any student who has completedtwo years of string instruction. Participation instrings will allow for improvement through bothmethod book study and music selectedfrom standard orchestra literature whichshould challenge each student. Studentswill have the opportunity to representJPS in honor orchestras, solo and ensemblecontests, orchestra contest, and publicconcerts. In most cases, students playing violin andviola are expected to provide their own instruments.Students who elect to play the cello or bass will beprovided a school instrument. Parents and students willbe required to complete a form accepting responsibilityfor this instrument along with a $25 maintenancefee per semester. A uniform will be required for performancesthat will be reasonable in cost to obtain.Vocal Music - 0518The eighth grade vocal music student will explore anadvanced study in techniques and choral literatureranging in styles from classic to pop. Competition atdistrict and area vocal contests will be strongly encouragedat the eighth-grade level. This group willparticipate in special school and civic functions andwill also produce a full-scale musical. Vocal musicstudents also have the opportunity to work in thepiano lab on a regular basis. Expenses will include auniform, costume, and a minimal contest entry fee.TV Production - 0150This year-long course familiarizes students with essentialvideo production skills. Students in this classwill be responsible for writing and producing themorning announcements. News coverage, script writing,camera operation, movie making, editing, andbroadcasting skills are taught. Students will also beinvolved in producing videosand multimedia for variousclubs and organizations. Studentswill be selected throughan application and interviewprocess in the spring.SEMESTER COURSESArt I - 0329Class will cover the elements of art and the principlesof design with related 2D and 3D assignments. Studentswill have experiences with drawing, painting,clay and printmaking. A fee of $15will be assessed to cover supply costs.Art II - 0338This class will involve extended workand exploration under teacher direction in painting,sculpture, drawing or clay. A fee of $15 will be assessedto cover supply costs. Prerequisite: Art ISpeech/Debate - 0428Students will participate in a variety of activitieswhich will provide an overall view of public speaking,oral presentations, and group decisions. In addition,students will be introduced to the fundamentalsof debate and argumentation where they will learn toresearch for and organize a debate. Building selfesteem,increasing self-awareness, and learning towork in cooperative learning situations will be emphasized.Intro to Theatre - 0418Students are introduced to the concept of acting, theater,and their importance in society. Students willparticipate in a variety of activities to develop skillsin acting and performance including improvisation,pantomime, working from a script, memorization,stage movement, and theater technology. Buildingself-esteem, increasing self-awareness, and learningto work with others in cooperative learning situationswill be emphasized. A fee of $8 will be assessed tocover supply costs.4

<strong>Jenks</strong> Middle SchoolEIGHTH GRADE—ELECTIVESEnglish Language Learners (ELL) ProgramThe ELL Program exists to assist students toachieve their full potential. English is taught onthree levels of proficiency. United States History isdesigned for non- & limited English proficient andfluent English speaking students. Assessment ofstudents prior to placement is required. Parentalconsent must be obtained.Special ServicesJPS recognizes that each student learns in a uniquemanner. Despite individual differences, most studentslearn through traditional methods. However,these methods will not always be adequate to meetthe needs of some students. The Special ServicesDepartment exists to help the individual to achievehis/her full educational potential. Each <strong>Jenks</strong> campushas a multi-disciplinary team that serves thestudent who qualifies for placement. Certified specialistswill staff these classes and programs. SpecialServices include programs to meet the needs ofthe student in the following areas: hearing-impaired,orthopedically handicapped, mentally handicapped,speech/language impaired, emotionally disturbed,other health-impaired, learning disabled, visuallyimpaired,multi-handicapped, homebound services,autism, deaf-blindness, and traumatic brain injury.From the Counseling OfficeThe counseling office at JMS provides a comprehensiveprogram to help the middle school experiencebe successful for all students. All members ofthe school staff will be working together in an effortto build the confidence and self-esteem of all students.Certified counselors are available to facilitateindividual and group sessions, which will addressthe cognitive, physical and affective needs of thestudent. Counselors are assigned based on students’last names and are available to assist students,teachers, and parents throughout the school year.What is Oklahoma's Promise?Oklahoma's Promise is a need-based college scholarshipprogram funded by the Oklahoma Legislature.If your family meets the need requirement (atotal family income of $50,000 or less) at the timeof application, Oklahoma's Promise can be a way topay for your child’s college tuition.What Do I Need to Know About Oklahoma'sPromise Now?Parents must enroll their child in Oklahoma's Promisein <strong>8th</strong>, 9th or 10th <strong>Grade</strong>. Also students must plan tomeet the scholarship requirements in high school. Formore information on the program go towww.okhighered.org/okpromiseOklahoma Core Curriculum TestingMiddle school counselors coordinate a variety ofstandardized testing for both 7th and <strong>8th</strong> grade students.The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCT)are given each spring to students. These tests aregrouped into “standards” and the students’ scores arereported in terms of four performance levels – unsatisfactory,limited knowledge, satisfactory and advanced.A Parent/Student Guide will be provided inthe spring to provide you and your child with moreinformation. Eighth grade students will take OCCT’sin Writing, U.S. History, Science, Reading, andMath.Proficiency Based PromotionThese tests give advanced students an opportunity todemonstrate proficiency in a course. By passing acredit exam (with a 90 percent), students can then“skip” or “test-out” of that course and move on to thenext level. These exams are offered twice yearly – atthe beginning and the conclusion of each school year.Pre-registration is required. Contact the counselingoffice for more information.<strong>Jenks</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> prohibits discrimination in the educationalprograms and activities, admission programs ofstudents, recruitment, selection, and/or employment onthe basis of race, religion, gender, age, national origin,veteran status, or disability.6

<strong>Jenks</strong> Middle SchoolINSTRUCTIONS FOR ENROLLING USINGPARENT PORTAL—Please return card to HBteacher or counseling office by 3/10/11STEP 1: Log on parent portal with user name andpassword.STEP 4: From green enrollment card, type in coursenumber of first elective request. For example, if youwish to enroll in band, type ‘0638’ in the <strong>Course</strong> IDblock, then hit ‘find.’For primary requests, leave type as ‘primary’ andchange priority to ‘elective.’ Click on ‘add’ button.STEP 2: Click on course request tab.STEP 5: Your course request should now show on themain page. Click on add course and repeat processfor remaining elective courses. Remember, youshould choose option 1, 2, or 3 as defined on the enrollmentcard. Enter all of your primary requests first.STEP 6: Select two alternate courses. Enter thesethe same way as the primary electives, yet change thetype to ‘alternate’ and the priority to ‘elective.’STEP 3: Click on ‘add course.’STEP 7: Review your choices to make sure you haveentered everything accurately and completely. Theschool will enter core classes (LA, Math, Science, andSocial Studies) for all students. The selections will bebased on current placement and individual schedulingneeds (gifted, special services, etc.)Please contact the counseling office if you need assistancewith on-line enrollment. You may contactErin Janzen at ext. 5315, Connie Dicus at ext. 5483,Kathy Johnston at ext. 5481, or Patti Johnson at ext.5489. The main counseling office ext. is 5314 if youcannot reach your counselor.7

<strong>Jenks</strong> Middle School<strong>2011</strong>-2012 School Student EnrollmentQuestions? Comments?8

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