September 16 2009 - IITA

September 16 2009 - IITA

September 16 2009 - IITA


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THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL of <strong>IITA</strong>, PMB 5320, Ibadan, NigeriaTel. (234 2) 241 2626 Ext. 2593. Email: iitaschool@cgiar.org Fax (234 2) 241 2221web site: www.iita.org/schoolNo. 2 Wednesday <strong>16</strong> Sept, <strong>2009</strong>Carole Inniss-PalmerHead TeacherWELCOME TO THE SCHOOLCLUBS AND AFTERNOON ACTIVITIESPlease join me as I welcome all our newcomers andtheir families:Nursery: Oyin Ahmadu, Deji Osho, Joshua Oladapo,Zulficar Davis-Mussagy Jr. Kindergarten: AdrianWeinstein, Raphael Haudebourg Grade 3: GabrielWeinstein and Alexandre Haudebourg.I wish them all many successful years of learning atour school.STUDENT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVESThe new Student Council met for the first time lastweek.Afternoon Clubs commenced on Monday of this weekwith the majority of children involved in a variety ofactivities. Whether they are learning table tennisor how to bake a cake, we are sure they are going toenjoy themselves.I extend a warm thank you to those parents who aregoing to be giving their time to the children thisterm.Attached to this Newsletter is a confirmed clubs’list for your child.COMMUNITY DAYWe will be holding Community Day on Saturday, 26 th<strong>September</strong> starting at 10.00 am.The purpose of Community Day is for parents tomeet with class teachers and to hear about theyear’s learning programme. It is also a goodopportunity for us to get together as a Schoolcommunity, to meet all the new families and childrenand to celebrate the beginning of the school year.FRENCH TRIPCongratulations to the following elected classrepresentatives:Grade 2 – Chiamaka OkikeGrade 3 – Cornelie SartieGrade 4 – Shreya MarcusGrade 5 – Samuel SartieGrade 6 – Yuval HaskiWe are planning, in conjunction with the BritishInternational School of Lagos, to take a group ofchildren from Grades 5 & 6 on a French LanguageField Trip to Normandy, France. The trip is due totake place from 27 March to 4 April 2010.If you are interested and would like your child tojoin the group, please see me to discuss the detailsfurther.

SCHOOL TEAMSAll new children have been allocated to one of thethree teams – Dragons, Dinosaurs or Unicorns. Weare asking all the children to wear their team T-shirt for Community Day on 26 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2009</strong>. T-shirts are available to buy in the school office.GAMES KITPlease could your child(ren) wear shorts, t-shirts andtrainers for games, usually on Mondays and Fridays.Could an extra t-shirt be brought to school too?Eid-ul-AdhaFriday, 27 November*Dec. Production Thurs/Fri., 10 & 11 DecemberEnd of Term Friday, 18 December* To be confirmedTEAM POINTSDRAGONS UNICORNS DINOSAURS32 40 46Yours sincerely,*Please read your child’s forecast to see whengames lessons are timetabled.Carole Inniss-PalmerHead TeacherSWIMMING LESSONSSwimming lessons commenced this week.Return SlipFamily Name: _____________COMMUNITY DAYTuesdaysWednesdaysKG, G1, G4/5/6Nursery, PKg, G2, G3* We will/will not be able to attend onSaturday, 26 <strong>September</strong>.If your child is unable to attend a swimming lesson,please let the teacher know by writing a message inthe child’s homework diary or by phoning the schooloffice.YEAR BOOK <strong>2009</strong>* Would you like to participate in the teamgames?Mum will take part in the games _________Dad will take part in the games _________The school year books are on sale in the schooloffice at the cost of N700 a copy. Visit theoffice to buy copies for your family and friends.BIRTHDAYSDuring the course of the year all the children will becelebrating their birthdays. We will happily sharesome cake on this special day but would kindlyrequest that goody bags, fizzy drinks etc. be keptfor home parties.DATES TO REMEMBEREid-ul-FitrCommunity DayIndependence DayUN DayMid TermPTCMonday, 21 <strong>September</strong>*Saturday, 26 <strong>September</strong>Thursday, 1 OctoberFriday, 23 OctoberMon/Tue., 26 & 27 OctoberMonday, 2 November

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