investor update for quarter ended 31st december 2006 key ... - KPIT

investor update for quarter ended 31st december 2006 key ... - KPIT

investor update for quarter ended 31st december 2006 key ... - KPIT


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<strong>KPIT</strong> Cummins Infosystems LimitedFINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTSREVENUE ANALYSIS Consolidated revenues <strong>for</strong> Q3FY07 grew to Rs. 1171.07 Million, recording a growthof 45.64% y-o-y and a sequential growth of 2.70%. In $ terms, consolidated revenues have grown by 4.02% over the previous <strong>quarter</strong>and by 42.67% over the corresponding <strong>quarter</strong> in the previous year. Averageexchange rate <strong>for</strong> the <strong>quarter</strong> was Rs 45.07/$. Revenues by Customer segments:o Star customers have shown an aggregate growth of 41.96% on a y-o-y basisand 8.08% sequentially. Revenues from non-Star customers grew by 64.79%y-o-y.o Revenue from Cummins, the leading Star customer, was Rs. 468.37 Million<strong>for</strong> the <strong>quarter</strong>, a growth of 17.37% on a y-o-y basis. As compared to theprevious <strong>quarter</strong>, revenue from Cummins declined by 2.24% as someprojects were completed. Share of revenue from Cummins declined to40.00% of the total revenues as compared to 42.02% in the previous <strong>quarter</strong>and 49.63% in the corresponding <strong>quarter</strong> of the previous fiscal.o During the <strong>quarter</strong>, the Company upgraded two of its customers to the Starcustomer category, thus taking the total number of Star customers to 15. .One of the world’s leading players in the semiconductor industry and acustomer of the Semiconductor Solutions LoB is one of the new Starcustomers. The other new Star customer is a leading manufacturingcompany based in Europe.o Revenue growth from the 14 non-Cummins Star customers was stronger –growing by 77.60% y-o-y and 20.23% q-o-q. On a like to like basis(considering previous <strong>quarter</strong> revenues from the new Star customers addedduring the <strong>quarter</strong>), growth in non-Cummins Star customers has been77.60% y-o-y and 11.23% sequentially. Share of revenue from non-CumminsStar customer increased from 35.69% in the previous <strong>quarter</strong> to 41.78% inQ3FY07.o Non-Cummins customers have shown a stronger growth during the <strong>quarter</strong>.Aggregate revenue from Non-Cummins customers has grown by 73.50% on ay-o-y basis and by 6.28% sequentially.Revenue Growth Q-o-Q Y-o-YTotal Revenue 2.70% 45.64%From Star Customers 8.08% 41.96%Revenue from Cummins -2.24% 17.37%Non-Cummins Star 20.23% 77.60%Q3 FY07 Investor Update Page 2 of 12

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