Dating the Book of Job (PDF) - Ancient Hebrew Research Center

Dating the Book of Job (PDF) - Ancient Hebrew Research Center

Dating the Book of Job (PDF) - Ancient Hebrew Research Center


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<strong>Dating</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Job</strong> 35<br />

to <strong>the</strong>ir Lord, <strong>the</strong> King, “You are Lord <strong>of</strong> lords, God <strong>of</strong> gods, King <strong>of</strong> kings. The throne <strong>of</strong> your glory is for ever<br />

and ever, and for ever and ever is your name sanctified and glorified. You are blessed and glorified. You have<br />

made all things; you possess power over all things; and all things are open and manifest before you. You behold<br />

all things, and nothing can be concealed from you. You have seen what Azazyel has done, how he has taught<br />

every species <strong>of</strong> iniquity upon earth, and has disclosed to <strong>the</strong> world all <strong>the</strong> secret things which are done in <strong>the</strong><br />

heavens. Samyaza also has taught sorcery, to whom you have given authority over those who are associated<br />

with him. They have gone toge<strong>the</strong>r to <strong>the</strong> daughters <strong>of</strong> men; have lain with <strong>the</strong>m; have become polluted; And<br />

have discovered crimes to <strong>the</strong>m. The women likewise have brought forth giants. Thus has <strong>the</strong> whole earth been<br />

filled with blood and with iniquity. And now behold <strong>the</strong> souls <strong>of</strong> those who are dead, cry out. And complain<br />

even to <strong>the</strong> gate <strong>of</strong> heaven. Their groaning ascends; nor can <strong>the</strong>y escape from <strong>the</strong> unrighteousness which is<br />

committed on earth. You know all things, before <strong>the</strong>y exist. You know <strong>the</strong>se things, and what has been done<br />

by <strong>the</strong>m; yet you do not speak to us. What on account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se things ought we to do to <strong>the</strong>m?” (I Enoch 9)<br />

There is a great deal going on in I Enoch that requires a great deal <strong>of</strong> explanation. It is a bit too<br />

much to go into at this point in this article however. To summarize, <strong>the</strong> miracles that are detailed<br />

in <strong>the</strong> canonical Bible and <strong>the</strong> things <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> third heaven that are described in I Enoch both suggest<br />

our reality is but a limited dimension <strong>of</strong> a much greater reality. At this point in time, I am planning<br />

on writing ano<strong>the</strong>r article titled “Miracles that Matter” which will list and explain, in light <strong>of</strong> what<br />

is known in modern quantum physics, <strong>the</strong> many miracles that are detailed throughout <strong>the</strong> canonical<br />

Bible and <strong>the</strong> things that Enoch was shown when he visited <strong>the</strong> third heaven. Both <strong>the</strong> miracles<br />

that are described in <strong>the</strong> Bible and <strong>the</strong> great things that Enoch saw in <strong>the</strong> third heaven are possible.<br />

To its credit, I Enoch appears to distinguish between <strong>the</strong> first (88:86-87) and second (89:26-33)<br />

advents <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />

– But <strong>the</strong>se <strong>the</strong> sheep began to kill. And when one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m was saved from slaughter he leaped, and cried out<br />

against those who were desirous <strong>of</strong> killing him. But <strong>the</strong> Lord <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sheep delivered him from <strong>the</strong>ir hands, and<br />

made him ascend to him, and remain with him. (I Enoch 88:86-87)<br />

– I saw also that <strong>the</strong> Lord <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sheep came to <strong>the</strong>m, and taking in his hand <strong>the</strong> sceptre <strong>of</strong> his wrath seized <strong>the</strong><br />

earth, which became rent asunder; while all <strong>the</strong> beasts and birds <strong>of</strong> heaven fell from <strong>the</strong> sheep, and sunk into<br />

<strong>the</strong> earth, which closed over <strong>the</strong>m. I saw, too, that a large sword was given to <strong>the</strong> sheep, who went forth against<br />

all <strong>the</strong> beasts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> field to slay <strong>the</strong>m. But all <strong>the</strong> beasts and birds <strong>of</strong> heaven fled away from before <strong>the</strong>ir face.<br />

And I saw a throne erected in a delectable land; Upon this sat <strong>the</strong> Lord <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sheep, who received all <strong>the</strong> sealed<br />

books; Which were open before him. Then <strong>the</strong> Lord called <strong>the</strong> first seven white ones, and commanded <strong>the</strong>m<br />

to bring before him <strong>the</strong> first <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> first stars, which preceded <strong>the</strong> stars whose form partly resembled that <strong>of</strong><br />

horses; <strong>the</strong> first star, which fell down first; and <strong>the</strong>y brought <strong>the</strong>m all before him. And he spoke to <strong>the</strong> man who<br />

wrote in his presence, who was one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> seven white ones, saying, “Take those seventy shepherds, to whom I<br />

delivered up <strong>the</strong> sheep, and who receiving <strong>the</strong>m killed more <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m than I commanded”. Behold, I saw <strong>the</strong>m<br />

all bound, and standing before him. First came on <strong>the</strong> trial <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> stars, which, being judged, and found guilty,<br />

went to <strong>the</strong> place <strong>of</strong> punishment. They thrust <strong>the</strong>m into a place, deep, and full <strong>of</strong> flaming fire, and full <strong>of</strong> pillars<br />

<strong>of</strong> fire. Then <strong>the</strong> seventy shepherds were judged, and being found guilty, were thrust into <strong>the</strong> flaming abyss.<br />

(I Enoch 89:26-33)<br />

It is evident that <strong>the</strong> latter reference in <strong>the</strong> above excerpts is to <strong>the</strong> second advent <strong>of</strong> Christ. The<br />

earlier, however, is sometimes confused with <strong>the</strong> story <strong>of</strong> Elijah. The earlier reference appears to be<br />

to <strong>the</strong> first advent <strong>of</strong> Christ because things change so drastically after <strong>the</strong> event. It is after this earlier<br />

event that “shepherds” begin to be appointed over <strong>the</strong> sheep. According to <strong>the</strong> prophecy, <strong>the</strong>re are<br />

seventy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se shepherds who rule over <strong>the</strong> “sheep” between <strong>the</strong> first and second advents <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />

The prophecy that is detailed between <strong>the</strong> two references given above is a bit vague and perhaps a<br />

bit counter-intuitive in <strong>the</strong> sense that it portrays םיהלֹ ִ א ֱ “rejoicing that [<strong>the</strong> sheep] were devoured”.<br />

םיהלֹ ִ אֱ rejoicing that <strong>the</strong> saints are willing even to lay down <strong>the</strong>ir lives in trust/faith that He will

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