MSDS Chopper - Bush Encroachment

MSDS Chopper - Bush Encroachment

MSDS Chopper - Bush Encroachment

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EXPOSURECONTROL/PERSONALDuring formulation of this product please use the following recommendedgood industrial hygiene practices:Wear chemical splash goggles and face shield to prevent contact with eyes.Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.PHYSICAL AND APPEARANCE Dark liquid, free from foreign matterCHEMICALAND ODOUR:PROPERTIES BOILING POINT: Not availableVAPOUR PRESSURE: Not availableDENSITY:1.06 g/ml @ 20º CVAPOUR DENSITY: Not availablepH:6.0 – 7.5 (neat)SOLUBILITY IN WATER: MiscibleVISCOSITY:Not availableFREEZING POINT:Not availableSTABILITY AND STABILITY: Thermally and chemically stableREACTIVITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None knownPOLYMERIZATION:Does not occurCONDITIONS TO AVOID: None knownINCOMPATIBLENone knownMATERIALS:HAZARDOUSNone known.DECOMPOSITIONPRODUCTS:TOXICOLOGICALINFORMATIONACUTE TOXICITY DATA:Acute ToxicityRat oral LD 50 (mg/kg):>5000, based on a similar formulationRat dermal LD 50 ( mg/kg): >2000, based on a similar formulationIrritation:Skin:Eyes:Sensitization:Dermal exposure is not expected to cause significantirritation based on results for a similar formulation.Eye contact is expected to cause significant irritationbased on results from a similar formulation.Not a dermal sensitizer based on formulation componentinformation.Created on 3/25/2002 12:28:00 PM <strong>MSDS</strong> <strong>Chopper</strong>.doc

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