MSDS Chopper - Bush Encroachment

MSDS Chopper - Bush Encroachment

MSDS Chopper - Bush Encroachment

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FIRE FIGHTING FLASH POINT: Not applicable (Nonflammable solvent)MEASURESFLAMMABLE LIMITS Not applicable (Nonflammable solvent)(% BY VOL.):FIRE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:This material will not burn or burns with difficulty. Use an extinguishingagent suitable for surrounding fires.FIRE CONTROL TACTICS:Wear self-contained, positive pressure breathing apparatus and full firefighting protective clothing.Keep unnecessary people away. Use as little water as possible. Dike areaof fire to prevent run-off. Use spray or fog – solid stream may causespreading.Do not decontaminate personnel or equipment, or handle broken packagesor containers without protective equipment as specified in the ExposureControl Section. Decontaminate emergency personnel with soap and waterbefore leaving the fire area.Avoid breathing dusts, vapours and fumes from burning materials. Controlrun-off water – if water enters a drainage system, advice the authoritiesdownstream.ACCIDENTAL Wear appropriate protective clothing and personal protective equipment.RELEASE MEASURES (See “Exposure Control”).Keep away from drains, surface and ground water, and soil.Dike spill area to prevent spill from spreading. Absorb the spilled materialwith an inert absorbent such as granular clay or sawdust. Shovel or sweepthe spilled material into covered containers for proper disposal (See “Wastedisposal”).Rinse the spill area and any tools or implements several times with soapywater. Contain and absorb this rinsate with inert absorbents and place intothe same disposal container as the spilled material.Spills to the soil can be shoveled directly into covered containers fordisposal. Depending on local spill reporting requirements and the amountreleased into the environment, it may be necessary to notify the regulatoryauthorities.HANDLINGAND STORAGEDo not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Store insecure, dry, well-ventilated area separate room, building or covered area.Not for use or storage in or around the home.Keep away from sources of ignition and protect from exposure to fire andheat.Segregate from oxidizers and incompatible materials listed in the ReactivityData Section.Created on 3/25/2002 12:28:00 PM <strong>MSDS</strong> <strong>Chopper</strong>.doc

EXPOSURECONTROL/PERSONALDuring formulation of this product please use the following recommendedgood industrial hygiene practices:Wear chemical splash goggles and face shield to prevent contact with eyes.Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.PHYSICAL AND APPEARANCE Dark liquid, free from foreign matterCHEMICALAND ODOUR:PROPERTIES BOILING POINT: Not availableVAPOUR PRESSURE: Not availableDENSITY:1.06 g/ml @ 20º CVAPOUR DENSITY: Not availablepH:6.0 – 7.5 (neat)SOLUBILITY IN WATER: MiscibleVISCOSITY:Not availableFREEZING POINT:Not availableSTABILITY AND STABILITY: Thermally and chemically stableREACTIVITY CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None knownPOLYMERIZATION:Does not occurCONDITIONS TO AVOID: None knownINCOMPATIBLENone knownMATERIALS:HAZARDOUSNone known.DECOMPOSITIONPRODUCTS:TOXICOLOGICALINFORMATIONACUTE TOXICITY DATA:Acute ToxicityRat oral LD 50 (mg/kg):>5000, based on a similar formulationRat dermal LD 50 ( mg/kg): >2000, based on a similar formulationIrritation:Skin:Eyes:Sensitization:Dermal exposure is not expected to cause significantirritation based on results for a similar formulation.Eye contact is expected to cause significant irritationbased on results from a similar formulation.Not a dermal sensitizer based on formulation componentinformation.Created on 3/25/2002 12:28:00 PM <strong>MSDS</strong> <strong>Chopper</strong>.doc

ECOLOGICALINFORMATIONAppraisal: No ecotoxicity data exists for this particular formulation.Based on standard laboratory tests with other formulations containing thesame active ingredient, this formulation will likely be harmless to fish,aquatic invertebrates, honeybees, and harmful to algae.DISPOSALCONSIDERATIONSTo avoid disposal, all attempts should be made to use this productcompletely, inaccordance with its registered use. If this is not possible, handle with careand dispose in a safe manner.Follow all applicable community, national or regional regulations regardingwaste management methods.Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. DO NOT REUSE.Rinse the container or liner as needed for disposal. Render it unusable by crushingor puncturing. Dispose of the container and any rinsate in a safe manner.TRANSPORTINFORMATIONIMO REGULATORY INFORMATIONIMO HAZARDOUS DESCRIPTION- Not regulatedIMO LABEL –IMO UN Package Instructions/Max Net Qty Per PkgCLASS/DIVISION NUMBER GROUP Passenger CargoIATA HAZARDOUS DESCRIPTION – Not RegulatedIATA LABEL –IATA REGULATORY INFORMATIONIATA UN Package Instructions/Max Net Qty Per PkgCLASS/DIVISION NUMBER GROUP Passenger CargoPROPER SHIPPING NAME:Not DangerousCLASS/ITEM:LABEL:PACKING GROUP/EXCEPTIONS:Created on 3/25/2002 12:28:00 PM <strong>MSDS</strong> <strong>Chopper</strong>.doc

REGULATORY Symbol:INFORMATION “Xi” IrritantRisk Phrases:R-36 Irritating to eyes.Safety Phrases:S-02 Keep out of reach of children.S-13 Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs.S-20/21When using do not eat, drink or smoke.S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plentyof water and seek medical advice.OTHER INFORMATION None knownAPPENDIXCHOPPER® IS A TRADEMARK OF BASfThe information and statements herein are believed to be reliable but are not to be construed as awarranty or representation for which we assume legal responsibility. Users should undertake sufficientverification and testing to determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any informationor products referred to herein.NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS MADE.Last Revision Date: 4/20/92SOURCE AND SHEET NO.: IN7027-2DATE INFORMATION DATE: FEB 20, 1997EMERGENCYCONTACTINFORMATIONPLANT:Rue Chas. Leurette BP66Ze La ColombierGravelines 59820 FrancePHONE: 33-3-28-23-52-50 (EEC)BASFTel: (021) 914-0077Fax: (021) 914-0089P.O. Box 2097Ground Floor, Block CDurbanvilleBelvedere Office Park7551 Pasita StreetDurbanville7550Created on 3/25/2002 12:28:00 PM <strong>MSDS</strong> <strong>Chopper</strong>.doc

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