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04 • ENVIRONMENTAL MESSAGEGetting greener and greener together.Our first efforts at environmental stewardshipwere simple ideas, based on common sense,but they set the stage for nearly seven decadesof forward thinking. Today we’re doing more thanever to make Wenger Corporation more environmentally sound andsustainable. We also actively support our customers’ efforts toachieve their own green goals:LEED certification processAs a member of the LEED Construction Initiative, Wenger hasthe insights and experience to make the process easier for ourcustomers to understand and attain. We’ll also help you completeLEED documentation requirements, including identifying andimplementing practical and measurable green building design,construction, operations, and maintenance solutions.USGBC adherenceA member of the U.S. Green Building Council, Wenger isdedicated to fulfilling the green-building principles behindthe USGBC and its LEED Initiative. Once you start downthe road to LEED certification, you will be meaningfully supportedevery step of the way. www.usgbc.orgFSC CoC certificationAs a Forest Stewardship Council Chain-of-Custody(CoC) operation, Wenger certified products are built withmaterials tracked by FSC ® throughout our productionprocess, from the forest to end use and including processing,transformation, manufacturing, and distribution. Look for the FSClabel for proof of environmental accountability. www.fsc.orgGREENGUARD certificationWith the first stage of Wenger products nowGREENGUARD certified, we are committed toworking with The GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI) tocontinue to improve our emissions and air-quality performance. Wealso look forward to certifying more products as we progress.www.greenguard.orgThe perfect plan for youYour own environmental plans may be advanced or just seeds ofideas. Whatever your situation, Wenger has the comprehensiveexperience and expertise you need to achieve your own greeninitiatives. Please call today and let’s get started.USGBC and related logo is a trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and is used by permission.At Wenger, we’remaking environmentalstrides in all phases ofour business.Products:• GREENGUARD certificationfor Chairs and Stands,Instrument, Garment, andSpecialty Storage Cabinets,including UltraStor andnew Edge, and GearBossStorage Carts• Optional environmentallysensitive core material inInstrument Storage Cabinets• High-efficiency electronicballasts in Sound-IsolatingPractice Rooms• Wax coating on StudentChair Tablet Arm Deskseliminates emissions vsthree-step solvent process• Powder paint finishingreduces waste by 65% vsplating/solvent processesManufacturing:• Precise raw material orderingeliminates waste• Computer-optimized cuttingprocesses improve yield• ISO quality-improvementtools reduce scrap• Multiple use of manufacturingcooling/rinse water beforedischarge• Residual material in aerosolcans is contained anddisposed of properly• Super-insulated drying andcuring ovens minimize heatloss and reduce consumption• Green cleaning agents anda non-metallic conversioncoating vs caustic finish pretreatments• Instant foam packaging —free of CFCs and HCFCs —used where possible• Stretch-wrapping eliminatescorrugated waste• Pallets are reused or remanufactured• Clean-burning dieselemission-control in Wengerdelivery trucks• Post-installation packagingis returned and reused orrecycledOperations:• Use recycled paper, recycleall paper• Regular facility-wide recyclingcollection• Recycling drop-off foremployees• Routine collection of steeland aluminum dropoff• Routine collection of oils usedin manufacturing• Electronic informationdelivery• Advanced low-consumptionplant lighting• Smart HVAC central controlsystem• Sawdust is collected andgiven away for animalbeddingLook for this symbol throughout our catalog toindicate products that are environmentally friendly.The paper in this catalog is FSCcertified. The Forest StewardshipCouncil (FSC) is your GUARANTEEthat the paper and wood productsyou purchase come from heatlhyforests and strong communities .This catalog is printed with environmentally friendly ink. Enviro/Techinks have a renewable resource content (including vegetable oils andpine resin) of 27.3%, which is much higher than the published 7% minimumsoy content required for soy inks. Enviro/Tech inks include cottonseed,vernonia, sunflower, tung, linseed and canola oils in addition to soy.This catalog is also 100% recyclable.800.4WENGER (800.493.6437) •

NEW CONSTRUCTION • 05Expertise you should leverage early and often.The success of your new facility depends on your plan. CallWenger before you start and we’ll help you design your idealenvironment, perfectly balancing budget, needs, space, andtraffic like no other resource. For nearly seven decades we’vehelped thousands of educators and administrators get the mostout of every dollar for new construction, renovations, additions,and improvements. In fact, no other company in the world hasspent more time with music educators or studied more types ofmusic facilities.The planning process for these types of facilities can vary fromproject to project. Fortunately every process follows a timeline ofsimilar steps that we can help you prepare for. From the passingof a school bond to design, bidding and construction, Wengercan help you be ready every step of the way. We can share ourexpertise and experience in this process to help you make yoursa success.Your Wenger representative is in tune with music performanceand education and will help you make smart, cost-effective decisionson everything from product selection to space allocationto stretching a tight budget. You’ll also benefit from our closeworking relationship with architects, ensuring your satisfactionby providing them with a trusted resource for the complexities ofrehearsal-space and performance-space design.Please keep in mind we can also collaborate with yourcommittee and give you the support and resources you needto persuasively present your plan. It’s also important to knowthat from concept to completion, putting Wenger experience andexpertise to work doesn’t cost you a dime.“Wenger’s Planning Guide gave me some realpractical ideas which we used in two junior highmusic facilities – they turned out very well. I’mamazed that some architects don’t take advantageof the materials Wenger has available. ThePlanning Guide is easy to read and offers excellentinformation.”– Edward K. Skahan, Vice President, Director ofDesign, Kluber, Skahan & Associates, Inc.,Batavia, Illinois“The Planning Guide was absolutely my bibleduring this project. It gave me a standard toreference and included some things I never wouldhave thought about, related to room size, spaceusage and acoustics.”– Marc Riegel, Band DirectorChapman Middle School, Chapman, KansasPlanning is Easier with our Free Planning Guides:Call 1.800.4WENGER (493-6437)for our free literature today.Wenger Planning GuidesEverything you need to understand the new construction processand what you can do to most effectively organize your objectivesto make sure your new music facility is the best it can be.Wenger Athletic Space Planning GuideThis is an ideal resource to help athletic directors, schooladministrators, coaches, equipment plannersand architects plan newfacilities or improve thespace usage withinexisting ones.1800.4WENGER (800.493.6437) •

NEW CONSTRUCTION • 05Expertise you should leverage early and often.The success of your new facility depends on your plan. Call<strong>Wenger</strong> before you start and we’ll help you design your idealenvironment, perfectly balancing budget, needs, space, andtraffic like no other resource. For nearly seven decades we’vehelped thousands of educators and administrators get the mostout of every dollar for new construction, renovations, additions,and improvements. In fact, no other company in the world hasspent more time with music educators or studied more types ofmusic facilities.The planning process for these types of facilities can vary fromproject to project. Fortunately every process follows a timeline ofsimilar steps that we can help you prepare for. From the passingof a school bond to design, bidding and construction, <strong>Wenger</strong>can help you be ready every step of the way. We can share ourexpertise and experience in this process to help you make yoursa success.Your <strong>Wenger</strong> representative is in tune with music performanceand education and will help you make smart, cost-effective decisionson everything from product selection to space allocationto stretching a tight budget. You’ll also benefit from our closeworking relationship with architects, ensuring your satisfactionby providing them with a trusted resource for the complexities ofrehearsal-space and performance-space design.Please keep in mind we can also collaborate with yourcommittee and give you the support and resources you needto persuasively present your plan. It’s also important to knowthat from concept to completion, putting <strong>Wenger</strong> experience andexpertise to work doesn’t cost you a dime.“<strong>Wenger</strong>’s Planning Guide gave me some realpractical ideas which we used in two junior highmusic facilities – they turned out very well. I’mamazed that some architects don’t take advantageof the materials <strong>Wenger</strong> has available. ThePlanning Guide is easy to read and offers excellentinformation.”– Edward K. Skahan, Vice President, Director ofDesign, Kluber, Skahan & Associates, Inc.,Batavia, Illinois“The Planning Guide was absolutely my bibleduring this project. It gave me a standard toreference and included some things I never wouldhave thought about, related to room size, spaceusage and acoustics.”– Marc Riegel, Band DirectorChapman Middle School, Chapman, KansasPlanning is Easier with our Free Planning Guides:Call 1.800.4WENGER (493-6437)for our free literature today.<strong>Wenger</strong> Planning GuidesEverything you need to understand the new construction processand what you can do to most effectively organize your objectivesto make sure your new music facility is the best it can be.<strong>Wenger</strong> Athletic Space Planning GuideThis is an ideal resource to help athletic directors, schooladministrators, coaches, equipment plannersand architects plan newfacilities or improve thespace usage withinexisting ones.1800.4WENGER (800.493.6437) •

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